171 research outputs found

    100 Gbit/s serial transmission using a silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) modulator and a duobinary driver IC

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    100 Gbit/s three-level (50 Gbit/s 00K) signals are generated using a silicon-organic hybrid modulator and a BiCMOS duobinary driver IC at a BER of 8.5x10(-5)(<10(-12)). We demonstrate dispersion-compensated transmission over 5 km

    Neuregulin1/ErbB system: importance in the control of cardiovascular function

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    The family of Neuregulins (NRG), growth factors like epidermal growth factor, is known to induce growth and differentiation of epithelial, glial, neuronal, and skeletal muscle cells. This family comprises four members, being NRG1 the most largely studied, particularly at the cardiovascular level. The biological effects of NRG1 in the adult heart are mediated by the tyrosine kinase receptors ErbB. In the adult heart, NRG1 is expressed by cells of the endocardial endothelium and the cardiac microvascular endothelium, and the receptors ErbB2/ErbB4 are expressed by ventricular cardiomyocytes and are located in T-tubule system and intercalated disks in close proximity to the system components of excitation-contraction coupling. The importance of the NRG/ErbB signaling axis at the cardiovascular level became evident after discovering that patients treated with trastuzumab (inhibitory antibody against ErbB2, used in the treatment of breast cancer) can develop ventricular dysfunction and have higher risk of cardiomyopathy when co-administered with anthracyclines. Subsequent studies in vitro and in vivo have clarified the effects and the respective signaling pathways associated with the NRG/ErbB system in the adult heart. Some cardiovascular functions of the NRG1/ErbB system have been described at the vascular (stimulation of angiogenesis and ateroprotector effect) and myocardium level (negative inotropic effect) as well as effect on the survival, cell growth and organization of the cardiomyocytes (myofibrillar organization and cell-to-cell contact between cardiomyocytes). Furthermore, the interaction of this system with other neurohumoral mediators has been studied. Thus, there seems to be a physiological role in modulating the sympathovagal balance and an interaction with endothelin-1 signaling. All these effects result from the activation of different intracellular signaling cascades, as a consequence of the binding of NRG1 to ErbB receptors. Some cardiac signaling pathways identified until now include molecules such as MEK / Erk 1/2, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/ Akt, focal adhesion kinase, Gab (Grb-2-associated binder) family, vascular endothelial growth factor and NO production by endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Thus, the aim of this paper was to make an up-to-date review of existing information on NRG1/ErbB signaling axis, with particular focus on its cardiovascular effects

    Treatments targeting inotropy

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    Acute heart failure (HF) and in particular, cardiogenic shock are associated with high morbidity and mortality. A therapeutic dilemma is that the use of positive inotropic agents, such as catecholamines or phosphodiesterase-inhibitors, is associated with increased mortality. Newer drugs, such as levosimendan or omecamtiv mecarbil, target sarcomeres to improve systolic function putatively without elevating intracellular Ca2+. Although meta-analyses of smaller trials suggested that levosimendan is associated with a better outcome than dobutamine, larger comparative trials failed to confirm this observation. For omecamtiv mecarbil, Phase II clinical trials suggest a favourable haemodynamic profile in patients with acute and chronic HF, and a Phase III morbidity/mortality trial in patients with chronic HF has recently begun. Here, we review the pathophysiological basis of systolic dysfunction in patients with HF and the mechanisms through which different inotropic agents improve cardiac function. Since adenosine triphosphate and reactive oxygen species production in mitochondria are intimately linked to the processes of excitation-contraction coupling, we also discuss the impact of inotropic agents on mitochondrial bioenergetics and redox regulation. Therefore, this position paper should help identify novel targets for treatments that could not only safely improve systolic and diastolic function acutely, but potentially also myocardial structure and function over a longer-term

    Treatments targeting inotropy

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    Acute heart failure (HF) and in particular, cardiogenic shock are associated with high morbidity and mortality. A therapeutic dilemma is that the use of positive inotropic agents, such as catecholamines or phosphodiesterase-inhibitors, is associated with increased mortality. Newer drugs, such as levosimendan or omecamtiv mecarbil, target sarcomeres to improve systolic function putatively without elevating intracellular Ca2+. Although meta-analyses of smaller trials suggested that levosimendan is associated with a better outcome than dobutamine, larger comparative trials failed to confirm this observation. For omecamtiv mecarbil, Phase II clinical trials suggest a favourable haemodynamic profile in patients with acute and chronic HF, and a Phase III morbidity/mortality trial in patients with chronic HF has recently begun. Here, we review the pathophysiological basis of systolic dysfunction in patients with HF and the mechanisms through which different inotropic agents improve cardiac function. Since adenosine triphosphate and reactive oxygen species production in mitochondria are intimately linked to the processes of excitation-contraction coupling, we also discuss the impact of inotropic agents on mitochondrial bioenergetics and redox regulation. Therefore, this position paper should help identify novel targets for treatments that could not only safely improve systolic and diastolic function acutely, but potentially also myocardial structure and function over a longer-term.Peer reviewe

    Improved canine exome designs, featuring ncRNAs and increased coverage of protein coding genes OPEN

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    By limiting sequencing to those sequences transcribed as mRNA, whole exome sequencing is a costefficient technique often used in disease-association studies. We developed two target enrichment designs based on the recently released annotation of the canine genome: the exome-plus design and the exome-CDS design. The exome-plus design combines the exons of the CanFam 3.1 Ensembl annotation, more recently discovered protein-coding exons and a variety of non-coding RNA regions (microRNAs, long non-coding RNAs and antisense transcripts), leading to a total size of ≈152 Mb. The exome-CDS was designed as a subset of the exome-plus by omitting all 3&apos; and 5&apos; untranslated regions. This reduced the size of the exome-CDS to ≈71 Mb. To test the capturing performance, four exome-plus captures were sequenced on a NextSeq 500 with each capture containing four precapture pooled, barcoded samples. At an average sequencing depth of 68.3x, 80% of the regions and well over 90% of the targeted base pairs were completely covered at least 5 times with high reproducibility. Based on the performance of the exome-plus, we estimated the performance of the exome-CDS. Overall, these designs provide flexible solutions for a variety of research questions and are likely to be reliable tools in disease studies. In 2014, the first report detailing the design and performance of a whole exome sequencing (WES) enrichment assay for the dog was published by our group 1 . Aiming to selectively sequence all the regions that are transcribed to mRNA, WES is a reliable tool used to identify disease-causing or predisposing mutations at a fraction of the price of whole genome sequencing (WGS) studies. A limitation of WES is that it is based on our current knowledge of the annotation of the genome and that many disease causing mutations are likely to fall outside protein-coding regions. With new information becoming available, updates and extensions are required. Recently, an improved annotation for the dog genome has been published and new data on non-protein coding genes has been obtained 2 . Based on this data, two new target enrichment designs for dogs, called the exome-plus and the exome-CDS, were developed. The exome-plus offers the most comprehensive design. The exome-CDS is a subset of the exome-plus, focusing on the coding DNA sequences (CDS) by excluding the 3′ and 5′ untranslated regions (UTRs). Thes

    Activation of EGFR/ERBB2 via Pathways Involving ERK1/2, P38 MAPK, AKT and FOXO Enhances Recovery of Diabetic Hearts from Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury

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    This study characterized the effects of diabetes and/or ischemia on epidermal growth factor receptor, EGFR, and/or erbB2 signaling pathways on cardiac function. Isolated heart perfusion model of global ischemia was used to study the effect of chronic inhibition or acute activation of EGFR/erbB2 signaling on cardiac function in a rat model of type-1 diabetes. Induction of diabetes with streptozotocin impaired recovery of cardiac function (cardiac contractility and hemodynamics) following 40 minutes of global ischemia in isolated hearts. Chronic treatment with AG825 or AG1478, selective inhibitors of erbB2 and EGFR respectively, did not affect hyperglycemia but led to an exacerbation whereas acute administration of the EGFR ligand, epidermal growth factor (EGF), led to an improvement in cardiac recovery in diabetic hearts. Diabetes led to attenuated dimerization and phosphorylation of cardiac erbB2 and EGFR receptors that was associated with reduced signaling via extracellular-signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2), p38 mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinase and AKT (protein kinase B). Ischemia was also associated with reduced cardiac signaling via these molecules whereas EGF-treatment opposed diabetes and/or ischemia induced changes in ERK1/2, p38 MAP kinase, and AKT-FOXO signaling. Losartan treatment improved cardiac function in diabetes but also impaired EGFR phosphorylation in diabetic heart. Co-administration of EGF rescued Losartan-mediated reduction in EGFR phosphorylation and significantly improved cardiac recovery more than with either agent alone. EGFR/erbB2 signaling is an important cardiac survival pathway whose activation, particularly in diabetes, ischemia or following treatment with drugs that inhibit this cascade, significantly improves cardiac function. These findings may have clinical relevance particularly in the treatment of diabetes-induced cardiac dysfunction