19 research outputs found

    Exploring the seismic expression of fault zones in 3D seismic volumes

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    Acknowledgments The seismic interpretation and image processing has been run in the SeisLab facilty at the University of Aberdeen (sponsored by BG, BP and Chevron) Seismic imaging analysis was performed in GeoTeric (ffA), and Mathematica (Wolfram research). Interpretation of seismic amplitudes was performed Petrel 2014 (Schlumberger). We thank Gaynor Paton (Geoteric) for in depth discussion on the facies analysis methodology and significant suggestions to improve the current paper. We thank the New Zealand government (Petroleum and Minerals ministry) and CGG for sharing the seismic dataset utilized in this research paper. Seismic images used here are available through the Virtual Seismic Atlas (www.seismicatlas.org). Nestor Cardozo and an anonymous reviewer are thanked for their constructive comments and suggestions that strongly improved the quality and organization of this paper.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Rare earth element and neodymium isotope tracing of sedimentary rock weathering

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    © 2020 Elsevier B.V. Chemical weathering plays an important role in sequestering atmospheric CO2, but its potential influence on global climate over geological timescales remains debated. To some extent, this uncertainty arises from the difficulty in separating the respective contribution of sedimentary and crystalline silicate rocks to past weathering rates in the geological record; two types of rocks having presumably different impact on the long-term carbon cycle. In this study, we investigate the use of rare earth element (REE) and neodymium isotopes (εNd) in leached iron oxide fractions of river sediments for tracing the origin of weathered rocks on continents. A new index, called ‘concavity index’ (CI), is defined for measuring the degree of mid-REE enrichment in geological samples, which enables the determination of the source of iron oxides in sediments, such as seawater-derived Fe-oxyhydroxide phases, ancient marine Fe oxides derived from the erosion of sedimentary rocks, and recent secondary oxides formed in soils via alteration of crystalline silicate rocks or pyrite oxidation. Using this index, we demonstrate that the εNd difference between paired Fe-oxide and detrital fractions in river sediments (defined here as ∆εNd Feox-Det) directly reflects the relative contribution of sedimentary versus crystalline silicate rocks during weathering. While rivers draining old cratons and volcanic provinces display near-zero ∆εNd Feox-Det values indicative of dominant silicate weathering (0.5 ± 1.1; n = 30), multi-lithological catchments hosting sedimentary formations yield systematically higher values (2.7 ± 1.2; n = 44), showing that sedimentary rock weathering can be traced by the occurrence of riverine Fe oxides having more radiogenic Nd isotope signatures compared to detrital fractions. This assumption is reinforced by the evidence that calculated ∆εNd Feox-Det values agree well with previous estimates for carbonate and silicate weathering rates in large river basins. Examining the influence of climate and tectonics on measured Nd isotopic compositions, we find that ∆εNd Feox-Det is strongly dependent on temperature in lowlands, following an Arrhenius-like relationship that reflects enhanced alteration of silicate rocks and formation of secondary Fe oxides in warmer climates. In contrast, in high-elevation catchments, ∆εNd Feox-Det defines striking correlation with maximum basin elevation, which we also interpret as reflecting the intensification of silicate weathering and associated Fe oxide formation as elevation decreases, due to the combined effects of thicker soils and warmer temperature. Overall, our new findings are consistent with previous assertions that the alteration of sedimentary rocks prevails in high-elevation environments, while silicate weathering dominates in floodplains. This novel approach combining REE and Nd isotopes opens new perspectives for disentangling the weathering signals of sedimentary and crystalline silicate rocks in the geologic record, which could be used in future studies to reassess the causal relationships between mountain uplift, erosion and climate throughout Earth's history.NER

    Energy transfer between Eu3+ and Nd3+ in near-infrared emitting β-triketonate coordination polymers

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    © The Royal Society of Chemistry. Isomorphous ß-triketonate-based lanthanoid polymers containing tris(4-methylbenzoyl)methanide (mtbm) and Rb+ with formula {[Ln(Rb)(mtbm)4]2}n (Ln = Eu3+ and Nd3+) have been synthesised and structurally characterised. The photophysical properties for the Nd3+ complex presented relatively long lifetimes and high quantum yields in comparison with analogous ß-diketonate complexes. Mixed lanthanoid complexes were also formed and their luminescence properties studied, with effective sensitisation of the 4F3/2 of Nd3+via the 5D0 of Eu3+, which is to the best of our knowledge the first example of Eu3+ to Nd3+ sensitisation in a structurally defined coordination complex or polymer

    Strain alleviation in an isomorphous series of lanthanide 2-nitroterephthalates [Ln2(TPNO2)3(H2O)2]·2H2O (Ln = Pr – Lu, except Pm)

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    An extended series of trivalent lanthanide 2-nitroterephthalates, [Ln2(TPNO2)3(H2O)2]·2H2O, (Ln = Pr through Lu, except Pm) were synthesized hydrothermally from Ln2O3 and 2-nitroterephthalic acid (H2TPNO2) at 170 °C in Teflon lined Parr steel autoclaves, and were characterized via single crystal X-ray diffraction, powder X-ray diffraction, FT-IR spectroscopy, elemental analyses, and thermogravimetric analyses. All [Ln2(TPNO2)3(H2O)2]·2H2O coordination polymers are isomorphous, crystallizing in the monoclinic crystal system with space group C2/c. The metal centers in all networks possess the coordination number 8, while forming a three-dimensional extended lattice. Two metal centers form Ln2O14 entities, comprising crystallographically identical LnO8 polyhedra, connected via edge-sharing, utilizing two carboxylate O-atoms. These Ln2O14 units are separated along the a- and b-axes by individual 2-nitroterephthalate linkers, while being closely connected along the c-axis via two carboxylate groups on each side. Compared to small inorganic anions, the rather flexible 2-nitroterephthalate seems to allow for the unobstructed decrease in size of the LnO8 polyhedra as Ln3+ ionic radii decrease towards the heavier Ln elements. Hence, the structural parameters of the crystal lattice adjust gradually without noticeable strain buildup along the series resulting in isomorphous arrangements for all networks. The thermogravimetric and FT-IR measurements seem to confirm the structural features