117 research outputs found

    Parahidroxifenilsalicilamida e natamicina no controle de fungos na superfície de salames tipo milano

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência dos Alimentos, Florianópolis, 2009O estudo objetivou o controle da proliferação de fungos nas câmaras de maturação de salames tipo Milano através de dois métodos: Imersão dos envoltórios com natamicina e aplicando parahidroxifenilsalicilamida (PHPS) no ambiente, por fumigação, isoladamente e de forma combinada. A natamicina mostrou visualmente maior eficiência e rapidez na redução no número de colônias na superfície dos produtos. Usando a PHPS foi possível controlar melhor os fungos de ação altamente deletéria para os envoltórios. A PHPS demonstrou ação mais lenta, porém progressiva, potencializando seu efeito com a continuidade das aplicações. Isto pode ser devido ao modo de aplicação, que por ser fumigação, alcança todos os pontos da sala, já que as mesmas não possuem uniformidade em umidade relativa e temperatura. Com PHPS, as colônias formadas eram mais superficiais, de fácil remoção, o que tornou possível dispensar a operação de lavagem em 20% das peças testadas e quando foi combinado uso com a natamicina esse valor subiu para 44,66% das peças. Usando a natamicina, 53,28% das peças dispensaram a lavagem, porém as colônias causaram danos aos envoltórios.The study has its purpose the control of proliferation of fungi in the maturation chambers of Milano type salami using two methods: Immersion in the wrap with application of natamicyn and using parahidroxyfenilsalicylamid (PHPS) in the environment by fumigation, alone and in combination. The natamicyn showed visually greater efficiency and speed in reducing the number of colonies on the surface of the products. Using the PHPS it could better control the highly deleterious action for the wraps of the fungi. The PHPS showed slower but gradually action, increasing its effect with the continuity of applications. This may be due to the mode of application that can be spraying, reaches all points of the room, as they do not ave iniformity in relative humidity and temperature. With PHPS, the colonies were formed more superficial, easily removed, which made it possible to dispense the washing operation in 20% of the tested pieces and when was combined with natamicyn, this value raised up to 44.66% of the pieces. Using natamicyn, 53.28% of the pieces have dispensed the washing; however the remaining colonies caused damage to the wraps

    L’émergence d'une agriculture durable au Québec, un enjeu communicationnel

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    L’objectif général de cet essai est de développer un argumentaire autour de la démarche de communication et de participation publique qui devrait être établi auprès des diverses parties prenantes du domaine agricole québécois afin de favoriser une transition concertée vers une agriculture durable et socialement acceptable. Cet objectif est louable en ce sens qu’il participe à un plus vaste dessein : rendre plus harmonieuse notre relation avec la terre qui nous nourrit et avec la nature qui nous entoure. Pour parvenir à changer le paradigme dans lequel l’agriculture québécoise s’est tranquillement glissée, le secteur agricole se doit de revoir ses pratiques pour les rendre plus durables. Des solutions existent. Plusieurs pratiques et techniques agricoles permettent de minimiser les impacts négatifs de l’agriculture intensive afin de la rendre plus pérenne, mais leur application nécessite une meilleure compréhension des avantages et des bénéfices environnementaux, sociaux et économiques que peuvent en tirer les acteurs du monde agricole. L’analyse sous-jacente à l’objectif de l’essai a permis de constater que l’application d’une démarche de communication, par l’établissement d’un dialogue et par l’engagement durable des parties prenantes, pourrait aider à solutionner de nombreux problèmes environnementaux, sociaux et économiques causés par les pratiques agricoles intensives de type agroindustriel observées au Québec. Les conclusions de cet essai démontrent que toute démarche de communication qui est inscrite dans une optique de participation publique nécessite de dresser un portrait fidèle des diverses parties prenantes en cause. Cette étape a pu être remplie et le degré d’engagement de chacune des parties prenantes a également pu être établi. L’utilisation d’activités et d’outils de communication efficaces en vertu du type de public auquel on s’adresse dans une démarche de participation publique ont été identifiés comme étant les bases de la nécessaire concertation des parties prenantes directement touchées par la transition vers une agriculture durable. Parmi les principales recommandations émises à la fin de cet essai, il est suggéré de mettre en place une nouvelle politique agricole au Québec qui serait axée sur le développement durable et d’utiliser une stratégie de communication qui vise la concertation, le partenariat et l’engagement des parties prenantes du domaine agricole québécois pour sa conception intégrée


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    Tiré de: Prospectives, vol. 8, no 3, mai 1972Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 24 janv. 2013


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    A Indústria de louças sanitárias durante todo ciclo produtivo consome um volume considerável deágua, em geral de 60-180 litros/peças produzidas. O efluente líquido gerado nas etapas doprocessamento apresenta uma elevada concentração em sólidos suspensos. O lançamento diretodessa corrente in natura em corpos receptores ocasiona o assoreamento dos rios, tornando o meioaeróbico. Após tratamento na ETE, o lodo na forma de torta passa a perfazer um montante a serdescartado. Neste trabalho foram realizados estudos preliminares com a finalidade de verificar suaempregabilidade na produção de concreto. Para avaliar a influência da substituição de parte docimento Portland pelo resíduo, foram realizados ensaios de absorção e de resistência à compressãoem argamassas com 5%, 10%, 15% e 50% de resíduo em substituição ao cimento. Os resultadosobtidos indicam que o emprego desse material é viável na produção de concretos e argamassas

    OncoPulmónWeb, una herramienta para el aprendizaje del cáncer de pulmón

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    Introducción: el cáncer de pulmón es uno de los más comunes, constituyendo la primera causa de muerte en Cuba.Objetivo: confeccionar un portal “OncoPulmónWeb”, que recopile información que haga referencia al cáncer de pulmón. Método: se realizó un trabajo de desarrollo tecnológico, en el período entre septiembre de 2016 y marzo de 2017 en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Las Tunas. Se seleccionaron las herramientas a usar para la implementación de la aplicación Web y se emplearon técnicas de recopilación de información y gestores bibliográficos para organizar la información recopilada. Para el diagnóstico de necesidades de aprendizaje se tuvo una población de 170 estudiantes. Para la evaluación de la multimedia se tuvo en cuenta el criterio de 10 especialistas y 50 usuarios, se midió el nivel del conocimiento sobre la temática por la aplicación de una encuesta antes y después de utilizar el producto con 50 estudiantes.Resultados: inicialmente existían muchas dificultades en cuanto a los conocimientos de los estudiantes sobre el cáncer de pulmón. Los especialistas y usuarios presentaron valoraciones favorables acerca del producto. Luego de la aplicación del producto hubo mejorías en cuanto a los conocimientos sobre este cáncer. Conclusiones: se implementó un portal educativo que contiene información relacionada con el cáncer de pulmón, que desde los requerimientos didácticos constituye un instrumento de estudio.

    The Augustan temple and forum of the colony of Barcino: a 90 degree turn

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    The Augustan Roman temple at Barcino has been a key element during the last 60 years in the research of the colony's urban development. Its peculiar elongated and narrow plan, first proposed in 1835, and its location at the highest point of the ancient city have dictated our understanding of the urban layout of Barcino by conditioning the shape of the city's forum and affecting the interpretation of the archaeological excavations carried out in the area since then. This paper proposes an alternative plan of the temple, based on data drawn from recent archaeological excavations, topographical analysis, typological comparisons, and the study of written sources. Our alternative hypothesis for the temple permits an in-depth reinterpretation of the plan of the forum and the evolution of the urban plan

    Estimating rates of carriage acquisition and clearance and competitive ability for pneumococcal serotypes in Kenya with a Markov transition model.

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    BACKGROUND: There are more than 90 serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae, with varying biologic and epidemiologic properties. Animal studies suggest that carriage induces an acquired immune response that reduces duration of colonization in a nonserotype-specific fashion. METHODS: We studied pneumococcal nasopharyngeal carriage longitudinally in Kenyan children 3-59 months of age, following up positive swabs at days 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 and then monthly thereafter until 2 swabs were negative for the original serotype. As previously reported, 1868/2840 (66%) of children swabbed at baseline were positive. We estimated acquisition, clearance, and competition parameters for 27 serotypes using a Markov transition model. RESULTS: Point estimates of type-specific acquisition rates ranged from 0.00025/d (type 1) to 0.0031/d (type 19F). Point estimates of time to clearance (inverse of type-specific immune clearance rate) ranged from 28 days (type 20) to 124 days (type 6A). For the serotype most resistant to competition (type 19F), acquisition of other serotypes was 52% less likely (95% confidence interval = 37%-63%) than in an uncolonized host. Fitness components (carriage duration, acquisition rate, lack of susceptibility to competition) were positively correlated with each other and with baseline prevalence, and were associated with biologic properties previously shown to associate with serotype. Duration of carriage declined with age for most serotypes. CONCLUSIONS: Common S. pneumoniae serotypes appear superior in many dimensions of fitness. Differences in rate of immune clearance are attenuated as children age and become capable of more rapid clearance of the longest-lived serotypes. These findings provide information for comparison after introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine

    Comparative epidemiologic characteristics of pertussis in 10 Central and Eastern European countries, 2000-2013

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2016 Heininger et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.We undertook an epidemiological survey of the annual incidence of pertussis reported from 2000 to 2013 in ten Central and Eastern European countries to ascertain whether increased pertussis reports in some countries share common underlying drivers or whether there are specific features in each country. The annual incidence of pertussis in the participating countries was obtained from relevant government institutions and/or national surveillance systems. We reviewed the changes in the pertussis incidence rates in each country to explore differences and/or similarities between countries in relation to pertussis surveillance; case definitions for detection and confirmation of pertussis; incidence and number of cases of pertussis by year, overall and by age group; population by year, overall and by age group; pertussis immunization schedule and coverage, and switch from whole-cell pertussis vaccines (wP) to acellular pertussis vaccines (aP). There was heterogeneity in the reported annual incidence rates and trends observed across countries. Reported pertussis incidence rates varied considerably, ranging from 0.01 to 96 per 100,000 population, with the highest rates generally reported in Estonia and the lowest in Hungary and Serbia. The greatest burden appears for the most part in infants (<1 year) in Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, Romania, and Serbia, but not in the other participating countries where the burden may have shifted to older children, though surveillance of adults may be inappropriate. There was no consistent pattern associated with the switch from wP to aP vaccines on reported pertussis incidence rates. The heterogeneity in reported data may be related to a number of factors including surveillance system characteristics or capabilities, different case definitions, type of pertussis confirmation tests used, public awareness of the disease, as well as real differences in the magnitude of the disease, or a combination of these factors. Our study highlights the need to standardize pertussis detection and confirmation in surveillance programs across Europe, complemented with carefully-designed seroprevalence studies using the same protocols and methodologies.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Un atelier, la nuit

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