22 research outputs found

    Creative and credible evaluation for arts, health and wellbeing: opportunities and challenges of co-production.

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    ABSTRACT\ud Background: This paper reports findings from a one-year UK\ud knowledge exchange (KE) project completed in 2015. Stakeholders’ experiences of evaluation were explored in order to develop online resources to strengthen knowledge and capacity within the arts and health sector (www.creativeandcredible.co.uk).\ud Methods: The project used mixed methods, including a survey,\ud interviews and focus groups, guided by a Stakeholder Reference Group comprised of 26 leading UK evaluators, researchers, artists, health professionals, commissioners and funders.\ud Results: The project identified opportunities for arts arising from current health and social care policy agendas. It also identified challenges including the lack of agreed evaluation frameworks and difficulties in evaluation practice.\ud Conclusions: Co-production between stakeholders is needed to\ud strengthen evaluation practice and support the development of the arts and health sector. Effective co-production can be undermined by structural and cultural barriers as well as unequal stakeholder relationships. The paper discusses recent initiatives designed to support best practice

    Pre-notification and personalisation of text messages to increase questionnaire completion in a smoking cessation pregnancy RCT: An embedded randomised factorial trial

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    Background: Low completion rates of questionnaires in randomised controlled trials can compromise the reliability of the results, so ways to boost questionnaire completion are often implemented. Although there is evidence to suggest that sending a text message to participants increases completion, there is little evidence around the timing or personalisation of these text messages. Methods: A two-by-two factorial SWAT (study within a trial) was embedded within the MiQuit-3 trial, looking at smoking cessation within pregnant smokers. Participants who reached their 36-week gestational follow-up were randomised to receive a personalised or non-personalised text message, either one week or one day prior to their follow-up. Primary outcomes were completion rate of questionnaire via telephone. Secondary outcomes included: completion rate via any method, time to completion, and number of attempts to contact required. Results In total 194 participants were randomised into the SWAT to receive a text message that was personalised early(n=50), personalised late (n=47), non-personalised early(n=50), or non-personalised late(n=47). There was no evidence that timing of the text message (early: one week before; or late: one day before) had an effect on any of the outcomes. There was evidence that a personalised text message would result in fewer completions compared with a non-personalised text message when data was collected only via the telephone(adjusted OR 0.44, 95% CI 0.22-0.87, p=0.02). However, these results were not significant when looking at completion via any method (adjusted OR 0.61, 95% CI 0.30-1.24, p=0.17). There was no evidence to show that personalisation or not was better for any of the secondary outcomes. Conclusion Timing of the text message does not appear to influence the completion of questionnaires. Personalisation of a text message may be detrimental to questionnaire completion, if data is only collected via the telephone - however, more SWATs should be undertaken in this field

    Early Neolithic Pits at Principal Place, Shoreditch, London Borough of Hackney

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    A group of four pits excavated in the upper Walbrook valley at Principal Place, Shoreditch by MOLA in 2015 produced the largest assemblage of Early Neolithic Bowl pottery recovered to date from the City of London and its immediate surrounds. The Neolithic pits had been fortuitously preserved within part of the northern extramural Roman cemetery of Londinium and conjoining sherds of Bowl pottery were also recovered from the fill of an isolated late Roman cremation. A range of analyses showed that the vessels – comprising essentially Plain Bowl with some Decorated Bowl, the latter incorporating Peterborough Ware traits – were probably locally made and had been used to process dairy products and to stew beef and mutton (though not pork). Radiocarbon dating of the lipids absorbed within the vessel walls – employing a novel technique developed at the University of Bristol – suggest that the pottery was being used in the mid-fourth millennium cal BC. The pits also contained small assemblages of struck flint, fauna (some burnt) and archaeobotanical remains (some intrusive) and may have been filled using material drawn from a long-vanished ‘pre-pit’ source, possibly a midden; they presumably represent episodic activity on the part of semi-sedentary Neolithic communities

    A Conceptual Review of Loneliness in Adults: Qualitative Evidence Synthesis

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    The paper reports an evidence synthesis of how loneliness is conceptualised in qualitative studies in adults. Using PRISMA guidelines, our review evaluated exposure to or experiences of loneliness by adults (aged 16+) in any setting as outcomes, processes, or both. Our initial review included any qualitative or mixed-methods study, published or unpublished, in English, from 1945 to 2018, if it employed an identified theory or concept for understanding loneliness. The review was updated to include publications up to November 2020. We used a PEEST (Participants, Exposure, Evaluation, Study Design, Theory) inclusion criteria. Data extraction and quality assessment (CASP) were completed and cross-checked by a second reviewer. The Evidence of Reviews of Qualitative Research (CERQual) was used to evaluate confidence in the findings. We undertook a thematic synthesis using inductive methods for peer-reviewed papers. The evidence identified three types of distinct but overlapping conceptualisations of loneliness: social, emotional, and existential. We have high confidence in the evidence conceptualising social loneliness and moderate confidence in the evidence on emotional and existential loneliness. Our findings provide a more nuanced understanding of these diverse conceptualisations to inform more effective decision-making and intervention development to address the negative wellbeing impacts of loneliness

    Considerations in Building and Fielding MPDV

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    Author Institution: National Security Technologies, LLCSlides presented at the 6th Annual Photonic Doppler Velocimetry (PDV) Workshop held at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, November 3-4, 2011

    Effectiveness of offering tailored text message, self-help smoking cessation support to pregnant women who want information on stopping smoking: MiQuit3 randomised controlled trial and meta-analysis.

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    AIMS: To test the efficacy of 'MiQuit', a tailored, self-help, text message stop smoking programme for pregnancy, as an adjunct to usual care (UC) for smoking cessation in pregnancy. DESIGN: Multicentre, open, two-arm, parallel-group, superiority randomised controlled trial (RCT) and a trial sequential analysis (TSA) meta-analysis combining trial findings with two previous ones. SETTING: Twenty-four English hospital antenatal clinics. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 1002 pregnant women who were ≥16 years old, were ≤25 weeks gestation and smoked ≥1 daily cigarette and accepted information on cessation with no requirement to set quit dates. INTERVENTIONS: UC or UC plus 'MiQuit': 12 weeks of tailored, smoking cessation text messages focussed on inducing and aiding cessation. MEASUREMENTS: Primary outcome: biochemically validated cessation between 4 weeks after randomisation and late pregnancy. SECONDARY OUTCOMES: shorter and non-validated abstinence periods, pregnancy outcomes and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios. FINDINGS: RCT: cessation was 5.19% (26/501) and 4.59% (23/501) in MiQuit and UC groups (adjusted odds ratio [adj OR] for quitting with MiQuit versus UC, 95% CI = 1.15 [0.65-2.04]); other abstinence findings were similar, with higher point estimates. Primary outcome ascertainment was 61.7% (309) and 67.3% (337) in MiQuit and UC groups with 71.1% (54/76) and 69.5% (41/59) abstinence validation rates, respectively. Pregnancy outcomes were similar and the incremental cost per quality-adjusted life year was -£1118 (95% CI = -£4806-£1911). More MiQuit group women reported making at least one quit attempt (adj OR [95% CI]) for making an attempt, 1.50 (1.07-2.09). TSA meta-analysis: this found no significant difference in prolonged abstinence between MiQuit and UC (pooled OR = 1.49, adjusted 95% CI = 0.62-3.60). CONCLUSIONS: Irrespective of whether they want to try quitting, when offered a tailored, self-help, text message stop smoking programme for pregnancy (MiQuit) as an adjunct to usual care, pregnant women are not more likely to stop smoking until childbirth but they report more attempts at stopping smoking

    Allen’s Interval Algebra and Smart-type Environments

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    Allen’s interval algebra is a calculus for temporal reasoning that was introduced in 1983. Reasoning with qualitative time in Allen’s full interval algebra is nondeterministic polynomial time (NP) complete. Research since 1995 identified maximal tractable subclasses of this algebra via exhaustive computer search and also other ad-hoc methods. In 2003, the full classification of complexity for satisfiability problems over constraints in Allen’s interval algebra was established algebraically. Recent research proposed scheduling based on the Fishburn-Shepp correlation inequality for posets. This article first reviews Allen’s calculus and surrounding computational issues in temporal reasoning. We then go on to describe three potential temporal-related application areas as candidates for scheduling using the Fishburn-Shepp inequality. We also illustrate through concrete examples, and conclude the importance of Fishburn-Shepp inequality for the suggested application areas that are the development of smart homes, intelligent conversational agents and in physiology with emphasis during time-trial physical exercise. The Fishburn-Shepp inequality will enable the development of smart type devices, which will in turn help us to have a better standard of living.N/