62 research outputs found

    Harnessing positive species interactions as a tool against climate-driven loss of coastal biodiversity

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    Habitat-forming species sustain biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in harsh environments through the amelioration of physical stress. Nonetheless, their role in shaping patterns of species distribution under future climate scenarios is generally overlooked. Focusing on coastal systems, we assess how habitat-forming species can influence the ability of stress-sensitive species to exhibit plastic responses, adapt to novel environmental conditions, or track suitable climates. Here, we argue that habitat-former populations could be managed as a nature-based solution against climate-driven loss of biodiversity. Drawing from different ecological and biological disciplines, we identify a series of actions to sustain the resilience of marine habitat-forming species to climate change, as well as their effectiveness and reliability in rescuing stress-sensitive species from increasingly adverse environmental conditions.EuroMarine - European Marine Research Networ

    Kelp carbon sink potential decreases with warming due to accelerating decomposition

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    Cycling of organic carbon in the ocean has the potential to mitigate or exacerbate global climate change, but major questions remain about the environmental controls on organic carbon flux in the coastal zone. Here, we used a field experiment distributed across 28° of latitude, and the entire range of 2 dominant kelp species in the northern hemisphere, to measure decomposition rates of kelp detritus on the seafloor in relation to local environmental factors. Detritus decomposition in both species were strongly related to ocean temperature and initial carbon content, with higher rates of biomass loss at lower latitudes with warmer temperatures. Our experiment showed slow overall decomposition and turnover of kelp detritus and modeling of coastal residence times at our study sites revealed that a significant portion of this production can remain intact long enough to reach deep marine sinks. The results suggest that decomposition of these kelp species could accelerate with ocean warming and that low-latitude kelp forests could experience the greatest increase in remineralization with a 9% to 42% reduced potential for transport to long-term ocean sinks under short-term (RCP4.5) and long-term (RCP8.5) warming scenarios. However, slow decomposition at high latitudes, where kelp abundance is predicted to expand, indicates potential for increasing kelp-carbon sinks in cooler (northern) regions. Our findings reveal an important latitudinal gradient in coastal ecosystem function that provides an improved capacity to predict the implications of ocean warming on carbon cycling. Broad-scale patterns in organic carbon decomposition revealed here can be used to identify hotspots of carbon sequestration potential and resolve relationships between carbon cycling processes and ocean climate at a global scale

    Ocean temperature controls kelp decomposition and carbon sink potential

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    Compelling new evidence shows that kelp production contributes an important and underappreciated flux of carbon in the ocean. Major questions remain, however, about the controls on the cycling of this organic carbon in the coastal zone, and their implications for future carbon sequestration. Here we used field experiments distributed across 28° latitude, and the entire range of two dominant kelps in the northern hemisphere, to measure decomposition rates of kelp detritus on the seafloor in relation to environmental factors. Ocean temperature was the strongest control on detritus decomposition in both species, and it was positively related to decomposition. This suggests that decomposition could accelerate with ocean warming under climate change, increasing remineralization and reducing overall kelp carbon sequestration. However, we also demonstrate the potential for high kelp-carbon storage in cooler (northern) regions, which could be targeted by climate mitigation strategies to expand blue carbon sinks

    Kelp carbon sink potential decreases with warming due to accelerating decomposition

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    Cycling of organic carbon in the ocean has the potential to mitigate or exacerbate global climate change, but major questions remain about the environmental controls on organic carbon flux in the coastal zone. Here, we used a field experiment distributed across 28° of latitude, and the entire range of 2 dominant kelp species in the northern hemisphere, to measure decomposition rates of kelp detritus on the seafloor in relation to local environmental factors. Detritus decomposition in both species were strongly related to ocean temperature and initial carbon content, with higher rates of biomass loss at lower latitudes with warmer temperatures. Our experiment showed slow overall decomposition and turnover of kelp detritus and modeling of coastal residence times at our study sites revealed that a significant portion of this production can remain intact long enough to reach deep marine sinks. The results suggest that decomposition of these kelp species could accelerate with ocean warming and that low-latitude kelp forests could experience the greatest increase in remineralization with a 9% to 42% reduced potential for transport to long-term ocean sinks under short-term (RCP4.5) and long-term (RCP8.5) warming scenarios. However, slow decomposition at high latitudes, where kelp abundance is predicted to expand, indicates potential for increasing kelp-carbon sinks in cooler (northern) regions. Our findings reveal an important latitudinal gradient in coastal ecosystem function that provides an improved capacity to predict the implications of ocean warming on carbon cycling. Broad-scale patterns in organic carbon decomposition revealed here can be used to identify hotspots of carbon sequestration potential and resolve relationships between carbon cycling processes and ocean climate at a global scale.publishedVersio

    Confronting compositional confusion through the characterisation of the sub-Neptune orbiting HD 77946

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    We report on the detailed characterization of the HD 77946 planetary system. HD 77946 is an F5 (MM_* = 1.17 M_{\odot}, RR_* = 1.31 R_{\odot}) star, which hosts a transiting planet recently discovered by NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), classified as TOI-1778 b. Using TESS photometry, high-resolution spectroscopic data from HARPS-N, and photometry from CHEOPS, we measure the radius and mass from the transit and RV observations, and find that the planet, HD 77946 b, orbits with period PbP_{\rm b} = 6.5272820.000020+0.0000156.527282_{-0.000020}^{+0.000015} d, has a mass of Mb=8.38±1.32M_{\rm b} = 8.38\pm{1.32}M_\oplus, and a radius of Rb=2.7050.081+0.086R_{\rm b} = 2.705_{-0.081}^{+0.086}R_\oplus. From the combination of mass and radius measurements, and the stellar chemical composition, the planet properties suggest that HD 77946 b is a sub-Neptune with a \sim1\% H/He atmosphere. However, a degeneracy still exists between water-world and silicate/iron-hydrogen models, and even though interior structure modelling of this planet favours a sub-Neptune with a H/He layer that makes up a significant fraction of its radius, a water-world composition cannot be ruled out, as with Teq=124838+40 T_{\rm eq} = 1248^{+40}_{-38}~K, water may be in a supercritical state. The characterisation of HD 77946 b, adding to the small sample of well-characterised sub-Neptunes, is an important step forwards on our journey to understanding planetary formation and evolution pathways. Furthermore, HD 77946 b has one of the highest transmission spectroscopic metrics for small planets orbiting hot stars, thus transmission spectroscopy of this key planet could prove vital for constraining the compositional confusion that currently surrounds small exoplanets

    A large‑scale comparison of reproduction and recruitment of the stalked barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes across Europe

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    Understanding large-scale spatial and temporal patterns of marine populations is a central goal in ecology, which has received renewed attention under climate change. However, few studies explore the large-scale dynamics of populations using standardized protocols and during the same time frames. We studied the phenology and intensity of reproduction and recruitment for the intertidal stalked barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes over an European scale and described their potential linkages with environmental variables. This species supports profitable fisheries in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal). In Brittany (France), we had observed a significant lower reproductive effort (long non-breeding season, short breeding period in summer) and low values of recruitment intensity. This pattern may be related to the fact that Brittany corresponds to the northern limit of the distribution of this species in continental Europe. On the Iberian Peninsula, the most different region was Galicia (Spain), with Asturias (Spain) and SW Portugal being more similar. In Galicia, we have observed a contradictory pattern characterized by the absence of a non-breeding period and by a shorter recruitment season than observed in other Iberian regions. Our results suggest that air temperature, SST and chlorophyll-a might be related to the variability in reproduction and recruitment patterns of P. pollicipes. Moreover, spring and early summer upwelling in SW Portugal and Galicia might be inhibiting recruitment in this period. At the northern limit, the expected increase in performance under climate change might facilitate the recovery of populations after exploitation, increasing the resilience of the resource to fishing pressure

    Coping with poachers in European stalked barnacle fisheries: Insights from a stakeholder workshop.

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    In January 2020, a stakeholder workshop was organized as a knowledge sharing strategy among European stalked barnacle fisheries. Management of this fishery differs greatly among regions and ranges from less organized and governed at large scales (>100 km, coasts of SW Portugal and Brittany in France) to highly participatory systems which are co-managed at small spatial scales (10′s km and less, Galicia and Asturias). Discussions revealed that poaching is ubiquitous, hard to eradicate, and adapts to all types of management. The stakeholders identified some key management initiatives in the fight against poaching: granting professional harvesters with exclusive access to the resource, increasing social capital among harvesters through tenure systems (e.g. Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries) that empower them as stewards of their resource and intensi- fication of surveillance with the active participation of the harvesters. Furthermore, increased cooperation be- tween fishers associations and regional fisheries authorities, improved legal frameworks, adoption of new technologies and the implementation of market-based solutions can also help coping with this systemic problem

    Relationships between biodiversity and the stability of marine ecosystems: comparisons at a European scale using meta-analysis.

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    The relationship between biodiversity and stability of marine benthic assemblages was investigated using existing data sets (n = 28) covering various spatial (m-km) and temporal (1973-2006) scales in different benthic habitats (emergent rock, rock pools and sedimentary habitats) through meta-analyses. Assemblage stability was estimated by measuring temporal variances of species richness, total abundance (density or % cover) and community species composition and abundance structure (using multivariate analyses). Positive relationships between temporal variability in species number and richness were generally observed at both quadrat (<1 m2) and site (100 m2) scales, while no relationships were observed by multivariate analyses. Positive relationships were also observed at the scale of site between temporal variability in species number and variability in community structure with evenness estimates. This implies that the relationship between species richness or evenness and species richness variability is slightly positive and depends on the scale of observation, suggesting that biodiversity per se is important for the stability of ecosystems. Changes within community assemblages in terms of structure are, however, generally independent of biodiversity, suggesting no effect of diversity, but the potential impact of individual species, and/or environmental factors. Except for sedimentary and rock pool habitats, no relationship was observed between temporal variation of the aggregated variable of total abundances and diversity at either scale. Overall our results emphasise that relationships depend on scale of measurements, type of habitats and the marine systems (North Atlantic and Mediterranean) considered

    TOI-908 : A planet at the edge of the Neptune desert transiting a G-type star

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    We present the discovery of an exoplanet transiting TOI-908 (TIC-350153977) using data from TESS sectors 1, 12, 13, 27, 28 and 39. TOI-908 is a T = 10.7 mag G-dwarf (Teff = 5626 ± 61 K) solar-like star with a mass of 0.950 ± 0.010 M⊙ and a radius of 1.028 ± 0.030 R⊙. The planet, TOI-908 b, is a 3.18 ± 0.16 R⊕ planet in a 3.18 day orbit. Radial velocity measurements from HARPS reveal TOI-908 b has a mass of approximately 16.1 ± 4.1 M⊕, resulting in a bulk planetary density of 2.7+0.2−0.4 g cm−3. TOI-908 b lies in a sparsely-populated region of parameter space known as the Neptune desert. The planet likely began its life as a sub-Saturn planet before it experienced significant photoevaporation due to X-rays and extreme ultraviolet radiation from its host star, and is likely to continue evaporating, losing a significant fraction of its residual envelope mass