25 research outputs found

    Trans-Atlantic correlation of Late Cretaceous high-frequency sea-level cycles

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    Previous studies of Cretaceous sedimentary rocks have used multi-proxy correlation methods to suggest eustatic change, modulated by the c. 400 kyr long eccentricity rhythm. Although numerous authors have inferred eustatic changes on shorter timescales, none have demonstrated synchronous sea-level changes in separate basins on different plates, thousands of kilometres apart. Our study integrates basin-scale, three-dimensional sequence architecture, molluscan biostratigraphy, and carbon-isotope chemostratigraphy to demonstrate synchronous sea-level changes in upper Turonian to lower Coniacian shallow-marine clastic successions in the Western Canada Foreland Basin, and the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. Depositional sequences in both basins are plotted in a common time domain using an astronomically calibrated age model, allowing direct comparison. In both basins, at least seven major transgressive events can be shown to be synchronous within the limits of combined biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic resolution. ‘Major’ and ‘minor’ sequences of late Turonian age appear to have been paced, respectively, by the long (c. 400 kyr) and short (c. 100 kyr) eccentricity cycles. In contrast, early Coniacian sequences evidence pacing by the c. 38 kyr obliquity rhythm. Stratal architecture suggests that sequences developed in response to eustatic changes of c. 14–20 m at average rates ranging 0.08 to >1.3 m/kyr. At a time of ‘warm greenhouse’ climate, sea-level change of this magnitude and timescale may not be explicable entirely as a result of thermal- and aquifer-eustasy, and hence glacio-eustasy may also have been a contributing factor

    A revised northern European Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy: Integrating palynology and carbon isotope events

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    Organic walled dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) assemblage data are presented for a new Turonian regional reference core (Bch-1) drilled at Běchary in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, east-central Czech Republic. The detailed stratigraphic framework for the section is summarised based on calcareous nannofossil and macrofossil biostratigraphy, regional e-log correlation, sequence stratigraphy and carbon isotope chemostratigraphy. Dinocyst results obtained for 196 samples from the 405 m long core offer the highest resolution (~ 22 kyr) stratigraphically well-constrained data set available to date for the Turonian Stage, 93.9–89.8 Ma. A dinocyst biostratigraphic framework is presented based on the evolutionary first and last occurrence, first common occurrence, and acmes of key species. Published dinocyst data from English Turonian Chalk successions in East Sussex, Berkshire, Kent and Norfolk are reviewed within a stratigraphic framework provided by macrofossil records and carbon isotope event (CIE) chemostratigraphy. Critical analysis of existing published Turonian dinocyst zonation schemes shows them to be untenable. Correlation of the English Chalk data to Bch-1 provides a basis for defining a regional dinocyst event stratigraphy with 22 datum levels, and a revised dinocyst zonation scheme constrained within a chemostratigraphic framework of 10 major CIEs. The new zones consist of a Cenomanian Litosphaeridium siphoniphorum Zone, followed by the Cauveridinium membraniphorum Zone spanning the uppermost Cenomanian to Lower Coniacian. This is subdivided into: Senoniasphaera turonica (Lower–mid-Middle Turonian); and Raetiaedinium truncigerum (mid-Middle Turonian–mid-Lower Coniacian) subzones. The Oligosphaeridium pulcherrimum Zone (Senonisphaera rotundata Subzone) characterises the Lower Coniacian. The new stratigraphy offers a basis for improved correlation and dating of Upper Cretaceous successions

    Hard X-ray stereographic microscopy for single-shot differential phase imaging

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    The characterisation of fast phenomena at the microscopic scale is required for the understanding of catastrophic responses of materials to loads and shocks, the processing of materials by optical or mechanical means, the processes involved in many key technologies such as additive manufacturing and microfluidics, and the mixing of fuels in combustion. Such processes are usually stochastic in nature and occur within the opaque interior volumes of materials or samples, with complex dynamics that evolve in all three dimensions at speeds exceeding many meters per second. There is therefore a need for the ability to record three-dimensional X-ray movies of irreversible processes with resolutions of micrometers and frame rates of microseconds. Here we demonstrate a method to achieve this by recording a stereo phase-contrast image pair in a single exposure. The two images are combined computationally to reconstruct a 3D model of the object. The method is extendable to more than two simultaneous views. When combined with megahertz pulse trains of X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) it will be possible to create movies able to resolve 3D trajectories with velocities of kilometers per second

    New achievements in sedimentary geology of the western part of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin

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    Since the Late Cenomanian time the shallow seaway of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin facilitated water-mass transfer across the nortehn part of the Bohemian massif. Marine currents flowing along the seawaz axis strongly influenced the deltaic deposition at basin margins. We interpret the narrowing of the seaway between the Czech and Saxonian parts of the basin as the main cause of vigorous tidal circulation. Acceleration of tidal currents in this region is reproduced also by numerical modelling of tidal circulation performed at the Imperial College (London) on the basis of our data


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    Abstract: Applications of Non-linear Methods and Neural Networks in the analysis of chaotic signals are compared in the paper. Results of time series analysis by non-linear methods are illustrated by computations of Lyapunov exponents and correlation dimension. Abilities of Neural networks are demonstrated in reconstruction of chaotic attractors, in generation of chaos and in the classification and modelling of a selected chaotic signal. A practical deployment of developed methods and programs has been included in diagnosis of cardiovascular system using signals of Electrocardiograms (ECG) and of Heart Rate Variability (HRV). For the data support there have been used databases MIT-BIH, Fantasia and Physio Bank Database

    Evolution of basin architecture in an incipient continental rift: the Cenozoic Most Basin, Eger Graben (Central Europe)

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    The Oligo-Miocene Most Basin is the largest preserved sedimentary basin within the Eger Graben, the easternmost part of the European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRIS). The basin is interpreted as a part of an incipient rift system that underwent two distinct phases of extension. The first phase, characterised by NNE–SSW- to N–S-oriented horizontal extension between the end of Eocene and early Miocene, was oblique to the rift axis and caused evolution of a fault system characterised by en-échelon-arranged E–W (ENE–WSW) faults. These faults defined a number of small, shallow initial depocentres of very small subsidence rates that gradually merged during the growth and linkage of the normal fault segments. The youngest part of the basin fill indicates accelerated subsidence caused probably by the concentration of displacement at several major bounding faults. Major post-depositional faulting and forced folding were related to a change in the extension vector to an orthogonal position with respect to the rift axis and overprinting of the E–W faults by an NE–SW normal fault system. The origin of the palaeostress field of the earlier, oblique, extensional phase remains controversial and can be attributed either to the effects of the Alpine lithospheric root or (perhaps more likely because of the dominant volcanism at the onset of Eger Graben formation) to doming due to thermal perturbation of the lithosphere. The later, orthogonal, extensional phase is explained by stretching along the crest of a growing regional-scale anticlinal feature, which supports the recent hypothesis of lithospheric folding in the Alpine–Carpathian foreland

    Downhole resistivity log, borehole J-650704

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    This file includes archive data on the electrical resistivity from borehole J-650704, western part of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. The interval covers the uppermost Cenomanian through Middle Turonian. The original files are stored in the GEOFOND archive of Czech Geological Survey (Kostelní 26, Praha 7)