32 research outputs found

    Design and Review of Locally Supported Ceiling Plates

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    V bakalářské práci se zabývám řešením lokálně podepřené železobetonové stropní desky nad 1.NP. Pro řešení vnitřních sil je použita metoda konečných prvku. Výsledky z metody konečných prvku budou srovnány s výsledky ze zjednodušené metody výpočtu. Dimenzování konstrukce bude provedeno dle ČSN-EN 1992-1-1 na mezní stav únosnosti. Bude zhotoven model konstrukce, statický výpočet, výkresová dokumentace a průvodní zpráva.The paper is focused solutions locally supported reinforced concrete floor slab above 1.NP. To solve internal forces used finite element. Results of the finite element method will be compared with results from the simplified calculation methods. Dimensioning construction will be carried out according to ČSN-EN 1992-1-1 for ultimate limit state. It will be constructed model design, structural analysis, design documentation and accompanying Report.

    Legal, Accounting and Tax Aspects of Units Owners Associations

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    Import 02/11/2016Tématem bakalářské práce je problematika společenství vlastníků jednotek. Práce je rozdělena do dvou částí, teoretické a praktické. Cílem práce je teoreticky vymezit právní, účetní a daňové aspekty, jejich dopad na společenství, popis vybraného společenství vlastníků jednotek včetně analýzy nákladů a výnosů společenství a jejich zaúčtování, pohled na daňové zatížení společenství ve věcné souvislosti s odměňováním statutárních orgánů a vyplácení mezd na dohodu o provedení práce a další související problematiky.The topic of the thesis is the issue of units owners associations. The work is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The goal of this work is to theoretically define the legal, accouting and tax aspects and their impact on the association, the description of the selected units owners associations including analysis of cost and revenues of associations and its accounting, the look at the tax burden of association in the factual context of remuneration of the statutory authority and the payment of the employment agreement and other related issues.117 - Katedra účetnictví a danídobř

    Reinforced concrete structure

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    Cílem diplomové práce je statické a konstrukční řešení polyfunkčního domu. Zatížení bude stanoveno podle normy ČSN EN 1990. Pro výpočet vnitřních sil bude použita metoda konečných prvků. Konstrukce bude dimenzována podle normy ČSN EN 1992. Výstupem práce bude textová část, statický výpočet a výkresy tvaru a výztuže.The aim of the master‘s thesis is static and structural design of polyfunctional house. The load will be determined according to ČSN EN 1990. The finite element method will be used for the calculation of internal forces. The design will be dimensioned according to ČSN EN 1992. Text part, static calculation and shape and reinforcement drawings will form the output of this work.

    Scaling of intelligence in mammals focused on cognitive abilities of primates

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    Currently, there are two prevailing theories explaining the distribution and evolution of intelligence (higher cognitive) skills in animals. The first hypothesis considers that the terms of general principles of intelligence common to at least all vertebrates and individual taxa, according to this hypothesis, differ only quantitatively. The second hypothesis is based on the assumption that every animal is its cognitive abilities perfectly adapted to their environment and that it is therefore a mental adaptation to changing environmental conditions. The prerequisite of this hypothesis is the existence of qualitatively different types of cognitive abilities (types of intelligence). The aim of this work would be to provide a broader view regarding the measurement of intelligence and hypotheses concerning its development. Furthermore, the evaluation of the success of the model types of cognitive tests in primates, their interspecies comparison and for comparison with human and also compared the relative success with brain size and other factors.V současné době existují dvě převládající hypotézy vysvětlující distribuci a evoluci inteligenčních (vyšších kognitivních) schopností u zvířat. První hypotéza zastává názor, že jde o obecné principy inteligence společné přinejmenším všem obratlovcům a jednotlivé taxony se podle této hypotézy liší pouze kvantitativně. Druhá hypotéza vychází z předpokladu, že každý živočich je svými kognitivními schopnostmi dokonale přizpůsoben svému prostředí a že jde tedy o mentální adaptaci na měnící se ekologické podmínky. Předpokladem této hypotézy je existence kvalitativně různých typů kognitivních schopností (typů inteligence). Cílem této práce by mělo být poskytnutí širšího přehledu ohledně měření inteligence a hypotéz týkajících se jejího vývoje. Dále pak zhodnocení úspěšnosti v modelových typech kognitivních testů u primátů, jejich mezidruhové porovnání a případné srovnání s člověkem a také srovnání této úspěšnosti s relativní velikostí mozku a dalšími faktory.Department of ZoologyKatedra zoologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult


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    The thermomechanical processing by equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) is used for certain metals and alloys in order to make their structure fine and to increase material strength. In the previous study done at our institute, grade 2 titanium was successfully processed using four consecutive route A passes via a 90 ° ECAP die with high backpressure at room temperature. Orientation dependence of compressive and tensile loading of ECAPed titanium samples was demonstrated at macro-scale. However, scarce attention has been paid so far to the mechanical behavior of ECAPed titanium samples at micro-scale. In the present study, compression experiments on titanium micropillars, fabricated using focused ion beam, are carried out for two main directions in respect to preceding ECAP pressing (insert and extrusion directions). The purpose of this study is to discuss the orientation dependence of mechanical response during compression of the as-ECAPed titanium micro-pillars

    Multi-parameter approximation of stress field in a cracked specimen using purpose-built Java applications

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    A quality of multi-parameter approximation of the stress and displacement fields around a crack tip in a non-brittle material test specimen is studied in the paper. The stress field approximation using Williams power series is intended to be utilized for estimation of the nonlinear zone extent which potentially plays a role within methods for determination of true values of fracture parameters of materials exhibiting nonlinear failure. Considering the fact that in the case of elastic-plastic and especially quasi-brittle materials the size of this zone is substantial in comparison to the specimen dimensions, it is necessary to take a large region around the crack tip into account for this task. An automatic utility created to determine the values of coefficients of the higher order terms of Williams power series by usage of over-deterministic method applied on results of finite element analysis of arbitrary mode I test geometry is one of the tested procedures. The second one provides a backward reconstruction of the crack-tip stress field analytically by means of truncated Williams expansion. The developed procedures are based on the support of Java programming language and considerably simplify analyses of the mechanical fields’ description in a farther distance from the crack-tip. The presented research is focused on optimization of selection of FE nodal results for improvement of accuracy of the approximation

    Predictors of coronary intervention-related myocardial infarction in stable angina patients pre-treated with statins

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    A b s t r a c t I In nt tr ro od du uc ct ti io on n: : Peri-procedural myocardial infarction (PMI) is a frequent and prognostically important complication of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). This study was designed to determine the predictors of PMI in patients pre-treated with statins. M Ma at te er ri ia al l a an nd d m me et th ho od ds s: : A total of 418 stable angina pectoris patients taking statins and aspirin were included. All the patients underwent PCI. Serum concentrations of creatine kinase (CK-MB mass) and troponin I (TnI) were measured prior to and then within 16 to 24 hours after PCI. The incidence of PMI was assessed using the established criteria (≥ 3 times upper limit of normal). R Re es su ul lt ts s: : Four hundred and eighteen stable patients (63 ±10 years, 68% males) were treated by PCI. The technical success rate of PCI was 99%. The incidence of PMI based on CK-MB mass or TnI release was 12% (PMI group). There were no significant differences in baseline clinical and procedural characteristics between PMI and non-PMI groups except for the balloon inflation time (40 ±44 s vs. 26 ±27 s; p = 0.02) and the proportion of treated type C lesions (42% vs. 28%; p = 0.03). In multivariate analysis, the independent predictors of PMI were balloon inflation time (OR = 1.01; 95% CI 1.001-1.020; p = 0.02) and preprocedural level of C-reactive protein (OR = 1.38; 95% CI 1.059-1.808; p = 0.02). C Co on nc cl lu us si io on ns s: : These results suggest that C-reactive protein and balloon ischaemic time are independent predictors of PMI in stable angina patients pre-treated with statins

    Computer Reconstruction of Plant Growth and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Emission in Three Spatial Dimensions

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    Plant leaves grow and change their orientation as well their emission of chlorophyll fluorescence in time. All these dynamic plant properties can be semi-automatically monitored by a 3D imaging system that generates plant models by the method of coded light illumination, fluorescence imaging and computer 3D reconstruction. Here, we describe the essentials of the method, as well as the system hardware. We show that the technique can reconstruct, with a high fidelity, the leaf size, the leaf angle and the plant height. The method fails with wilted plants when leaves overlap obscuring their true area. This effect, naturally, also interferes when the method is applied to measure plant growth under water stress. The method is, however, very potent in capturing the plant dynamics under mild stress and without stress. The 3D reconstruction is also highly effective in correcting geometrical factors that distort measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence emission of naturally positioned plant leaves