210 research outputs found


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    This paper proposes that online learning theory can be enhanced by looking at research outside of education.Models such as the Community of Inquiry and the Transactional Distance Theoretical Model provide a utility toward structuring, conceptualizing, understanding, and analyzing online education. The ongoing research based on these models continues to explore and recommend as practice that the instructor holds "the keys" as to how the online learning environment will be formulated, shaped, and conducted. The assertion from this perspective continues that instructors through proper or improper structuring, guidance, and/or facilitation and design of their online learning environments may or may not be successful in their teaching. Research outside of education explores implications for online education from a biological and human behavior perspective, which includes analysis of innate brain wiring and emergent research regarding student emotional responses. If we think in terms of the online learning context and the apparent innate desire by all while learning to "connect" to one another, mirroring neurons and the advancement of their understanding could and should be monitored closely as more information and evidence emerges that may have valuable revelations about improving learning and learning outcomes within asynchronous learning environments. "Setting up" the space for learning is not enough for an online educator to understand. Having insight into one's own and others' personal relational dynamics and group dynamics is critical in facilitating online learning environments. Understanding the psyche of individuals and having the ability to intuit human behavior is equally important


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    This paper proposes that online learning theory can be enhanced by looking at research outside of education.Models such as the Community of Inquiry and the Transactional Distance Theoretical Model provide a utility toward structuring, conceptualizing, understanding, and analyzing online education. The ongoing research based on these models continues to explore and recommend as practice that the instructor holds "the keys" as to how the online learning environment will be formulated, shaped, and conducted. The assertion from this perspective continues that instructors through proper or improper structuring, guidance, and/or facilitation and design of their online learning environments may or may not be successful in their teaching. Research outside of education explores implications for online education from a biological and human behavior perspective, which includes analysis of innate brain wiring and emergent research regarding student emotional responses. If we think in terms of the online learning context and the apparent innate desire by all while learning to "connect" to one another, mirroring neurons and the advancement of their understanding could and should be monitored closely as more information and evidence emerges that may have valuable revelations about improving learning and learning outcomes within asynchronous learning environments. "Setting up" the space for learning is not enough for an online educator to understand. Having insight into one's own and others' personal relational dynamics and group dynamics is critical in facilitating online learning environments. Understanding the psyche of individuals and having the ability to intuit human behavior is equally important

    Circular economy policies and their transformative outcomes : The transformative intent of Finland's strategic policy programme

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    This paper analyses how Finland's circular economy policy attends not only to the promotion and acceleration of innovation, but also the reconfiguration of resource intensive systems. Socio-technical transitions research has historically focused on niche innovation processes. Yet recently, increasing attention has been placed on policy processes that seek to destabilise and disrupt incumbent systems and practices. Furthermore, the social justice aspects of system phase out policies have been brought to the fore. Our qualitative analysis of Finland's circular economy policy programme draws upon the transformative innovation policy and sustainability transitions policy-mix literatures, extending the transformative outcome framework to include outcomes related to the repercussions of regime destabilisation, coordination and tilting the socio-technical landscape. Our analysis shows that Finland's circular economy policy programme aims predominantly at niche stimulation and acceleration, with little emphasis on the regime destabilisation or coordination. Overall, the policy proposals aim toward a strategy of progressive system change, an orientation shaped by the country's corporatist approach to policy making and pre-existing plans.Peer reviewe

    Study of inter- and intra-individual variations in the salivary microbiota

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Oral bacterial communities contain species that promote health and others that have been implicated in oral and/or systemic diseases. Culture-independent approaches provide the best means to assess the diversity of oral bacteria because most of them remain uncultivable.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The salivary microbiota from five adults was analyzed at three time-points by means of the 454 pyrosequencing technology. The V1-V3 region of the bacterial 16S rRNA genes was amplified by PCR using saliva lysates and broad-range primers. The bar-coded PCR products were pooled and sequenced unidirectionally to cover the V3 hypervariable region. Of 50,708 obtained sequences, 31,860 passed the quality control. Non-bacterial sequences (2.2%) were removed leaving 31,170 reads. Samples were dominated by seven major phyla: members of Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes and candidate division TM7 were identified in all samples; Fusobacteria and Spirochaetes were identified in all individuals, but not at all time-points. The dataset was represented by 3,011 distinct sequences (100%-ID phylotypes) of ~215 nucleotides and 583 phylotypes defined at ≄97% identity (97%-ID phylotypes). We compared saliva samples from different individuals in terms of the phylogeny of their microbial communities. Based on the presence and absence of phylotypes defined at 100% or 97% identity thresholds, samples from each subject formed separate clusters. Among individual taxa, phylum Bacteroidetes and order Clostridiales (Firmicutes) were the best indicators of intraindividual similarity of the salivary flora over time. Fifteen out of 81 genera constituted 73 to 94% of the total sequences present in different samples. Of these, 8 were shared by all time points of all individuals, while 15-25 genera were present in all three time-points of different individuals. Representatives of the class Sphingobacteria, order Sphingobacteriales and family Clostridiaceae were found only in one subject.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The salivary microbial community appeared to be stable over at least 5 days, allowing for subject-specific grouping using UniFrac. Inclusion of all available samples from more distant time points (up to 29 days) confirmed this observation. Samples taken at closer time intervals were not necessarily more similar than samples obtained across longer sampling times. These results point to the persistence of subject-specific taxa whose frequency fluctuates between the time points. Genus <it>Gemella</it>, identified in all time-points of all individuals, was not defined as a core-microbiome genus in previous studies of salivary bacterial communities. Human oral microbiome studies are still in their infancy and larger-scale projects are required to better define individual and universal oral microbiome core.</p

    Assessing the environmental potential of collaborative consumption : Peer-to-peer product sharing in Hammarby Sjöstad, Sweden

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    Collaborative consumption—through sharing services—has been promoted as an important step in transforming current consumption patterns toward more sustainable practices. Whilst there are high expectations for sharing services, there are few studies on the potential environmental benefits and impacts of sharing services. This study aims to analyze the potential environmental impacts of a peer-to-peer (P2P) product sharing platform and potential integration with a package drop-off/pick-up service in the urban district of Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm, Sweden. A life cycle approach is adopted, taking into account product lifetime and use, the potential replacement of conventional products and services, impacts from digital infrastructure and their impacts on the environment. The results indicate that there is significant potential for these sharing services to reduce environmental impacts associated with production and consumption; primarily through avoiding production and reducing the production impacts of new product purchases. The results also illustrate potential synergies to integrate with the package drop-off/pick up service; where the impacts from shared products are further reduced by reducing transportation impacts through improved logistics. However, the results are dependent upon, and sensitive to, a number of methodological choices and assumptions; highlighting the need for greater knowledge on the use environmental assessments of sharing services

    Business model innovation in demand response firms : Beyond the niche-regime dichotomy

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    Demand response (DR) is an innovation emerging at the intersection of the energy and information and communications technology sectors. This paper aims to investigate the drivers of—and differences in—business model innovation (BMI) behaviours of firms operating in these two interacting industries. Results from 22 semi-structured interviews with representatives of Finnish DR companies show that external drivers of BMI include regulation, competition, and the demise of the telecom industry following the fall of Nokia. Whereas technology start-ups and companies from adjacent industries are motivated by entrepreneurial opportunities, incumbent energy companies are driven by the threat of losing their existing customers and need to increase efficiency. The BMI behaviours observed do not fall neatly into the often-used dichotomous categories of niche/new entrant and regime/incumbent, as firms show behaviours from both extremes. To overcome this binary thinking, we propose a morphological box model that represents the extreme states of firm BMI while allowing for flexibility

    Analysis of the salivary microbiome using culture-independent techniques

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    The salivary microbiota is a potential diagnostic indicator of several diseases. Culture-independent techniques are required to study the salivary microbial community since many of its members have not been cultivated

    JÀtteeksi luokittelun pÀÀttymisen hyödyt ja haitat

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    TÀssÀ raportissa arvioidaan hallituksen vuoden 2016 toimintasuunnitelman mukaisesti jÀtteeksi luokittelun pÀÀttÀvÀn sÀÀntelyn tarvetta ja mahdollisuuksia Suomessa. SelvityksessÀ tunnistettiin lainsÀÀdÀntöanalyysin, jÀtekohtaisten tapaustutkimusten sekÀ Belgian Flanderin ja Englannin sÀÀntelystÀ saatujen kokemusten perusteella jÀtteeksi luokittelun pÀÀttÀvÀn sÀÀntelyn mahdollisia hyötyjÀ ja haittoja. Erityisesti keskityttiin arvioimaan sitÀ, millÀ edellytyksin ja missÀ mÀÀrin kansallisella jÀtteeksi luokittelun pÀÀttÀvÀllÀ sÀÀntelyllÀ voidaan vÀhentÀÀ materiaaliin kohdistuvaa sÀÀntelytaakkaa ja siten helpottaa sen hyödyntÀmistÀ. SÀÀntelyn mahdollisten hyötyjen ja haittojen lisÀksi tunnistettiin oikeudellisia mekanismeja, joiden kautta materiaali voi tulla luokitelluksi sivutuotteeksi tai lakata olemasta jÀtettÀ sekÀ arvioitiin eri mekanismien kÀyttökelpoisuutta erilaisissa tilanteissa. Selvityksen keskeiset tulokset ja johtopÀÀtökset on tiivistetty sÀÀntelyn kehittÀmistarpeiden tarkasteluun kahdessa tasossa: kansallisten asetusten sÀÀtÀmisen reunaehtoihin ja tapauskohtaisen pÀÀtöksenteon kehittÀmisee

    Microbial Communities of Conducting and Respiratory Zones of Lung-Transplanted Patients.

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    Background: Lung transplantation (LT) is a recognized treatment for end-stage pulmonary disease. Bacteria from the recipient nasopharynx seed the new lungs leading to infections and allograft damage. Understanding the characteristics and topological variations of the microbiota may be important to apprehend the pathophysiology of allograft dysfunction. Objectives: To examine the characteristics and relationship of bacterial compositions between conducting and respiratory zones of the allograft. Methods: We performed 16S rRNA gene sequencing on bronchial aspirates (BAs) and bronchoalveolar lavages (BALs) collected in pairs in 19 patients at several time-points post-LT. Results: The respiratory zone was characterized independently of the time post-LT by a higher bacterial richness than the conducting zone (p = 0.041). The phyla Firmicutes and Proteobacteria dominated both sampling zones, with an inverse correlation between these two phyla (Spearman r = -0.830). Samples of the same pair, as well as pairs from the same individual clustered together (Pseudo-F = 3.8652, p &lt; 0.01). Microbiota of BA and BAL were more closely related in samples from the same patient than each sample type across different patients, with variation in community structure being mainly inter-individual (p &lt; 0.01). Both number of antibiotics administered (p &lt; 0.01) and time interval post-LT (p &lt; 0.01) contributed to the variation in global microbiota structure. Longitudinal analysis of BA-BAL pairs of two patients showed dynamic wave like fluctuations of the microbiota. Conclusions: Our results show that post-transplant respiratory zones harbor higher bacterial richness, but overall similar bacterial profiles as compared to conductive zones. They further support an individual microbial signature following LT
