326 research outputs found


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    Coronakrisen har sendt mange offentlige ledere på et crash course i at lede på distancen igennem digitale teknologier. Men det er uklart, hvad man præcist skal gøre for at lykkes. Det viser både dansk og international forskning. Ud fra en interviewundersøgelse belyser vi, hvilke muligheder og udfordringer offentlige ledere oplever, når de interagerer med deres medarbejdere digitalt på distancen. På den baggrund udvikler vi en ny konceptualisering af digital distanceledelse. Vi argumenterer for, at tre typer ledelsesadfærd tilsammen kan håndtere de muligheder og udfordringer, lederne oplever: styrkelse af digitale kompetencer samt tilrettelæggelse af rutiner og italesættelse af normer for digital interaktion på distancen


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    Artiklen bidrager med et teoretisk-illustrativt bud på, hvordan en lovende gaveøkonomi kan bidrage med en vej til velfærd og ikke mindst en vej ud af det økonomiske efterslæb, som COVID-19 har skabt. Gaveøkonomi er en økonomisk udveksling, der skaber velfærdsværdi gennem relationer, dvs. hvor hver part får adgang til det, som andre giver (gaver), ved selv at give (gengave). Som sådan udgør gaveøkonomien et andet medie for udveksling end penge, som skaber velfærdsværdi gennem adskillelse. Budskabet er, at gaveøkonomien principielt er pengeøkonomien overlegen målt på velfærdsværdi. Denne tese finder evidens i fire illustrative cases fra den danske offentlige sektor og understøttes desuden af det politologiske-socioøkonomiske forskningsfelt

    Fastighetsförvaltarens betydelse

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    Denna uppsats utforskar hur kvalitetsledning bidrar till ekonomisk hållbarhet inom fastighets-branschen, med speciellt fokus på fastighetsförvaltarens roll. Genom att granska fastighetsbolaget Castellum, undersöker studien hur beslut, kvalitet och intressenter kan påverka företagets ekonomiska hållbarhet. Studien bygger på tre teoretiska ramar: Intressentteorin, Kvalitetsledning och Beslutsteorin. Intressentteorin hjälper till att belysa betydelsen av olika aktörer i företagets strategiska beslut och utveckling. Kvalitetsledning visar hur rutiner och standardisering bidrar till ständig förbättring, medan beslutsteorin erbjuder insikt i hur företag tar beslut kring ekonomiska mål. Genom att använda en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en induktiv ansats och en instrumentell fallstudie analyserar studien Castellums investeringsstrategier, deras hantering av osäkerhet och informationsasymmetri, samt hur fastighetsförvaltare arbetar. Empiriskt material samlades in från Castellums årsredovisning samt från en intervju med Frida Karlsson, som arbetar med företagsstyrning på Castellum. Studiens slutsats visar att kvalitetsledning spelar en väsentlig roll för att uppnå ekonomisk hållbarhet inom fastighetsbranschen. Castellum balanserar intressenternas förväntningar, tar rationella beslut trots den mänskliga faktorn och använder interna processer för kvalitetskontroll, för att säkerställa hög kvalitet och ekonomisk hållbarhet. Fastighetsförvaltarens roll framhävs som central för att upprätthålla fastighetens långsiktiga värde. Genom denna studie ges en djupare förståelse för hur fastighetsförvaltare inom Castellum arbetar för att uppnå ekonomisk hållbarhet samt hur de implementerar kvalitetsledning i sin verksamhet.This paper explores how quality management contributes to financial sustainability in the real estate industry, with a special focus on the role of the property manager. By examining the real estate company Castellum, the study investigates how decisions, quality and stakeholders can affect the company's financial sustainability. The study is based on three theoretical frameworks: Stakeholder Theory, Quality Management and Decision Theory. Stakeholder theory helps to highlight the importance of different actors in the strategic decisions and development of the company. Quality management shows how procedures and standardization contribute to continuous improvement, while decision theory offers insight into how companies make decisions around financial goals. By using a qualitative research method with an inductive approach and an instrumental case study, the study analyzes Castellum's investment strategies, their handling of uncertainty and information asymmetry, and how property managers work. Empirical material was collected from Castellum's annual report and from an interview with Frida Karlsson, who works with corporate governance at Castellum. The conclusion of the study shows that quality management plays an essential role in achieving financial sustainability in the real estate sector. Castellum balances stakeholder expectations, makes rational decisions despite the human factor and uses internal quality control processes to ensure high quality and financial sustainability. The role of the property manager is highlighted as central to maintaining the long-term value of the property. This study provides a deeper understanding of how property managers at Castellum work to achieve financial sustainability and how they implement quality management in their operations


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    The nature of V39: an LBV candidate or LBV impostor in the very low metallicity galaxy IC 1613?

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    [abridged] Context: Very few examples of luminous blue variable (LBV) stars or LBV candidates (LBVc) are known, particularly at metallicities below the SMC. The LBV phase is crucial for the evolution of massive stars, and its behavior with metallicity is poorly known. V39 in IC 1613 is a well-known photometric variable, with B-band changes larger than 1mag. over its period. The star, previously proposed to be a projection of a Galactic W Virginis and an IC 1613 red supergiant, shows features that render it a possible LBVc. Method: We investigate mid-resolution blue and red VLT-VIMOS spectra of V39, covering a time span of 40 days, and perform a quantitative analysis of the combined spectrum using the model atmosphere code CMFGEN. Results: We identify strong Balmer and FeII P-Cygni profiles, and a hybrid spectrum resembling a B-A supergiant in the blue and a G-star in the red. No significant Vrad variations are detected, and the spectral changes are small over the photometric period. Our analysis places V39 in the low-luminosity part of the LBV and LBVc region, but it is also consistent with a sgB[e] star. Conclusions: The radial velocity indicates that V39 belongs to IC 1613. The lack of Vrad changes and spectroscopic variations excludes binary scenarios. The features observed are not consistent with a W Virginis star, and this possibility is also discarded. We propose that the star is a B-A LBVc or sgB[e] star surrounded by a thick disk precessing around it. If confirmed, V39 would be the lowest metallicity resolved LBV candidate known to date. Alternatively, it could represent a new transient phase of massive star evolution, an LBV impostor.Comment: In press at A&A. 10 pages, 11 figure

    Linking meters and markets: Roles and incentives to support a flexible demand side

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    Present trends in the development of electricity systems are expected to generate a growing need for flexibility in decentralised resources, including demand response. In order to enable decentralised actors to create value, the organisation of markets and incentives should incorporate these new participants. The roll-out of smart metering to electricity consumers is an important precondition to establishing a flexible demand side and will provide essential information flows. On the basis of current incentive structures and related risks, however, the pass-through of information and value from wholesale market participants to the demand side is mostly infeasible, resulting in flexibility tasks being aggregated and delegated to balancing responsible wholesale traders. This analysis focuses on whether current incentives and roles are appropriate and where the design could be improved to establish a flexible demand side with a particular focus on the Danish case. Design-related barriers are identified that affect expected value, associated risks, and the distribution of responsibilities. This serves as a basis to define policy options in the context of Nordic electricity markets. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved