26 research outputs found

    A memória sob a perspectiva da experiência

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    Este artigo trata da memória como um campo complexo e transdisciplinar. Parte das concepções de Maurice Halbwachs, criador da noção de memória coletiva para destacar as novidades trazidas por Walter Benjamin, que valoriza a memória enquanto experiência. A partir da noção benjaminiana de experiência aponta as possibilidades criativas de uma memória fragmentária e discute a informação sob uma perspectiva crítica, evitando tanto o lamento sobre o passado quanto a apologia do progresso e da técnica


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    Comunidade de práticas: revisão sistemática em prol das bibliotecas públicas

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    No contexto atual, marcado por uma crise sanitária, produção e disseminação cada vez mais rápida da informação e do conhecimento, tornam-se mais urgente as bibliotecas públicas se adaptarem aos novos desafios impostos tecido social. Nesse sentido, a escassez de recursos financeiros e materiais, bem como a carência de políticas públicas, dentre outros fatores, vem acelerando o sucateamento dessas instituições que direcionam suas ações para a educação, cultura, lazer, memória. Esse artigo tem como objetivo discorrer sobre a importância da metodologia comunidade de práticas, destacando possibilidades de gestão colaborativa. E, para tal, apresenta um percurso conceitual e aplicações voltadas ao provimento de recursos inerentes à tomada de decisão nos fazeres das bibliotecas públicas, da Rede de Bibliotecas Populares de Niterói, do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Desse modo, o caminho metodológico se definiu a partir da revisão sistemática sobre o conceito comunidade de práticas, subsidiando a compreensão teórica e prática dos fazeres biblioteconômicos nessas instituições e direcionando a construção de boas práticas, o que auxilia em certa medida o reconhecimento e a ressonância social dessas bibliotecas. Conclui-se a urgência de empreendimentos que adotem o processo dialógico, o intercâmbio de experiências, a ressonância junto à sociedade e o engajamento de setores como as universidades e o Estado, convertendo-se em fatores essenciais à manutenção, atuação e desenvolvimento das bibliotecas públicas.In the current contecxt, marked by a health crisis, production and increasingly rapid dissemination of information and knoledge, it becomes more urgent for public libraries to adapt to the new challenges imposed on the social fabric. In the sense, the scarcity of financial and material resources, the lack public policies, among other factors, are accelerating the scrapping of these institutions that direct their actions towards education, culture, leisure, memory. This article aims to discuss the importance of the community of practices (COP’s) methodology. And, for that, it presents a conceptual path and applications animed at providing resources inherent to decision making in the making of public libraries, the network of Popular Libraries of Niterói, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. In this way, the methodological path was defined from the sustematic review of the COP’s subsidizing the theoretical and practical understanding of library activities in these institutions and directing the construction of good practices, which helps in the recognition and social resonance of these libraries. It concludes the urgency of indertakings that adopt the dialogical process, the Exchange of experiences, the resonance with society and the engagement of sectors such as universities and the State, becoming essential factors for the maintenance, performance and development of public libraies

    The public library between a heterotopia and na utopian

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    O presente trabalho tem como objeto a biblioteca pública, compreendida como instituição social, cultural e de memória. A partir da leitura de que, enquanto continua a distância entre a literatura do campo e da realidade sobre a qual ela se sustenta, este aparato institucional se mantém em crise, propomos uma releitura de suas bases conceituais. A investigação se classifica como teórica porque articula aspectos constitutivos da definição biblioteca pública, tais como sua missão, valor e funções, com suas potencias e poderes, colocando em questionamento conceitos correntes, a valorização comum e a utilidade efetiva dessa instituição. Para realizar tal recorrido, se optou por investigar o conceito “heterotopia” apresentado por Foucault (2013) em sua conferência homônima, para atualizar a noção de biblioteca como um espaço heterotópico, “espaço outro”, e defender a noção de biblioteca pública a partir dessa perspectiva. O uso desse aparato conceitual nos fornece ferramentas necessárias tanto para analisar a experiência da biblioteca pública, como para evidenciar a diferença entre a perspectiva utópica (e de “corpos utópicos”) e a perspectiva heterotópica tomada sobre essa instituição, como também para contribuir para a atualização da literatura acadêmica em Biblioteconomia Pública.The present work has as an object the public library, understood as social, cultural and memory institution. Stemming from the reading that, as long as the distance between the field literature and the reality on which it underpins persists, this institutional and cultural equipment remains in crisis, we propose a rereading of its conceptual bases. The research is classified as theoretical because it articulates constitutive elements of the definition of public library, such as its mission, value and functions, with its powers and forces, calling into question current concepts, the common valuation and the effective usefulness of this institution. To conduct such course, it has been chosen to scrutinize the concept of “heterotopia” submitted by Foucault (2013) in his homonymous conference, in order to update the notion of public library as heterotopian space, “other-place”, and to advocate the notion of public library from this perspective. The use of this conceptual apparatus provides us with the necessary tools both for analyzing the public library experience and for highlighting the difference between the utopian bias (and of “utopian bodies”) and the heterotopian bias taken about this institution, likewise to contribute to the scientific literature in Public Librarianship

    Entre a memória e o esquecimento: : efeitos da prática da representação de filmes na Netflix

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    Este artigo trata da responsabilidade do bibliotecário indexador no que tange à sua influência na construção da memória coletiva, a partir da prática da indexação de filmes na plataforma de streaming Netflix. As plataformas de streaming vêm ocupando um espaço cada vez maior na vida dos indivíduos, promovendo uma mudança de comportamento voltado para o acesso à informação fílmica, e, consequentemente, gera alterações no perfil de consumo, de identificação e reconhecimento do sujeito social. Nesse sentido, a problemática apresentada neste texto parte do questionamento sobre a prática da indexação de filmes e, como essa prática, pode moldar a construção da memória individual e coletiva. Com base nesse questionamento, delineou-se como objetivo geral: investigar como se dá a representação e a recuperação de filmes, com tema LGBTQ, na plataforma de streaming Netflix. Dessa maneira, a partir do uso de metodologia de natureza qualitativa; do tipo descritiva exploratória e utilizou a pesquisa bibliográfica e o estudo de caso como procedimento metodológico. A pesquisa concluiu que o catálogo de filmes com tema LGBTQ da plataforma de streaming Netflix não omitiu filmes com esse gênero na recuperação da informação

    Revisiones y Reflexiones. Alfabetización informativa en las Escuelas: el papel del licenciado en Bibliotecología

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    Taking into account the new trends in Information Literacy that a teacher requires in a classroom and a librarian in the library to guarantee the necessary integration of theoretical practical contents, the objective of this article is to present an international debate on the role of a teacher and of a librarian in secondary schools via documentary research. Thus, we highlight the importance of a bachelor of Library Science as a professional who combines necessary knowledge of Library Science and teaching to promote teaching and learning based on the development of information literacy skills and learning in schools. The issues raised shall be useful to reflect on a proposal to incorporate contents in information literacy, both in teacher training, especially in the training Bachelors of Library Science, and secondary school student training. This strategy is considered an alternative to strengthen young men and women's training to acquire the knowledge necessary to develop autonomy and students' critical sense in a scenario of data saturation

    Biblioteca pública e o lugar de si e do outro: lugar antropológico ou não-lugar?

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    Objective: presents the public library as a public and democratic space that provides coexistence and development of the individual,from the perspective of the concepts of anthropological place and non-place theorized by the anthropologist Marc Augé. It recognizes the little social adherence of the public library in the brazilian reality. It exposes historical events about the constructionof this institution in Brazil, marked by the culture of privilege. Research Classification: Social, theoretical, with exploratory andqualitative methodological design. Method: Bibliographical research. Main results: review of an epistemological problem: thedisconnection between what the public library is and what it should be. Points related to the function of the public library with theconcept of anthropological place from the establishment with the community, forming bonds and close relationships. Associationof the public library as a non-place, noting the distancing of the institution from the daily life of the citizen, revealing the lack ofsocial adherence and resonance. Conclusion: the concept of public library can be configured as an anthropological place or non-place; new perspectives on the concept, valuing the institution as a space can be explored; it contributes to the enrichment ofreflections and questionings about the popularization of the public library in Brazil, combining theory and practice aiming at agreater reach, adherence and social impact

    Public library and the place of the self and the other: anthropological place or non-place?

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    Objetivo: apresenta a biblioteca pública como um espaço público e democrático que proporciona a convivência e o desenvolvimento do indivíduo, sob a perspectiva dos conceitos de lugar antropológico e não-lugar teorizados pelo antropólogo Marc Augé. Reconhece a pouca aderência social da biblioteca pública na realidade brasileira. Expõe eventos históricos sobre a construção desta instituição no Brasil, marcada pela cultura do privilégio. Classificação da Pesquisa: social, de cunho teórico, com delineamento metodológico exploratório e qualitativo. Método: pesquisa bibliográfica. Principais resultados: revisão de um problema epistemológico: a desconexão entre o que a biblioteca pública é em face o que ela deveria ser. Apontamentos relativos à função da biblioteca pública com o conceito de lugar antropológico a partir do estabelecimento com a comunidade, formando vínculos e estreitas relações. Associação da biblioteca pública como não-lugar, constatando o distanciamento da instituição com o cotidiano do cidadão, revelando a falta de aderência e ressonância social. Conclusão: o conceito de biblioteca pública pode ser configurado como lugar antropológico ou não-lugar; novas perspectivas sobre o conceito, valorizando a instituição enquanto espaço podem ser exploradas; contribui para o enriquecimento de reflexões e questionamentos acerca da popularização da biblioteca pública no Brasil, aliando teoria e prática almejando um maior alcance, aderência e impacto social.Objective: presents the public library as a public and democratic space that provides coexistence and development of the individual, from the perspective of the concepts of anthropological place and non-place theorized by the anthropologist Marc Augé. It recognizes the little social adherence of the public library in the brazilian reality. It exposes historical events about the construction of this institution in Brazil, marked by the culture of privilege. Research Classification: Social, theoretical, with exploratory and qualitative methodological design. Method: Bibliographical research. Main results: review of an epistemological problem: the disconnection between what the public library is and what it should be. Points related to the function of the public library with the concept of anthropological place from the establishment with the community, forming bonds and close relationships. Association of the public library as a non-place, noting the distancing of the institution from the daily life of the citizen, revealing the lack of social adherence and resonance. Conclusion: the concept of public library can be configured as an anthropological place or non-place; new perspectives on the concept, valuing the institution as a space can be explored; it contributes to the enrichment of reflections and questionings about the popularization of the public library in Brazil, combining theory and practice aiming at a greater reach, adherence and social impact.Objetivo: presenta la biblioteca pública como un espacio público y democrático que proporciona la convivencia y el desarrollo del individuo, desde la perspectiva de los conceptos de lugar y no-lugar antropológico teorizados por el antropólogo Marc Augé. Reconoce la poca adhesión social de la biblioteca pública en la realidad brasileña. Expone acontecimientos históricos sobre la construcción de esta institución en Brasil, marcada por la cultura del privilegio. Clasificación de la investigación: Social, teórica, con diseño metodológico exploratorio y cualitativo. Método: Investigación bibliográfica. Principales resultados: revisión de un problema epistemológico: la desconexión entre lo que la biblioteca pública es y lo que debería ser. Planteos que relacionan la función de la biblioteca pública con el concepto de lugar antropológico desde el establecimiento con la comunidad, formando vínculos y relaciones estrechas. Asociación de la biblioteca pública como un no-lugar, señalando el alejamiento de la institución de la vida cotidiana del ciudadano, para revelar la falta de adhesión y resonancia social. Conclusión: el concepto de biblioteca pública puede configurarse como lugar o no-lugar antropológico; se pueden explorar nuevas perspectivas sobre el concepto, valorando la institución como espacio; ello contribuye al enriquecimiento de las reflexiones y cuestionamientos sobre la popularización de la biblioteca pública en Brasil, combinando teoría y práctica con el objetivo de obtener mayor alcance, adhesión e impacto social.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Multiple Myeloma Treatment in Real-world Clinical Practice : Results of a Prospective, Multinational, Noninterventional Study

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    Funding Information: The authors would like to thank all patients and their families and all the EMMOS investigators for their valuable contributions to the study. The authors would like to acknowledge Robert Olie for his significant contribution to the EMMOS study. Writing support during the development of our report was provided by Laura Mulcahy and Catherine Crookes of FireKite, an Ashfield company, a part of UDG Healthcare plc, which was funded by Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc, and Janssen Global Services, LLC. The EMMOS study was supported by research funding from Janssen Pharmaceutical NV and Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Funding Information: The authors would like to thank all patients and their families and all the EMMOS investigators for their valuable contributions to the study. The authors would like to acknowledge Robert Olie for his significant contribution to the EMMOS study. Writing support during the development of our report was provided by Laura Mulcahy and Catherine Crookes of FireKite, an Ashfield company, a part of UDG Healthcare plc, which was funded by Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc, and Janssen Global Services, LLC. The EMMOS study was supported by research funding from Janssen Pharmaceutical NV and Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Funding Information: M.M. has received personal fees from Janssen, Celgene, Amgen, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Sanofi, Novartis, and Takeda and grants from Janssen and Sanofi during the conduct of the study. E.T. has received grants from Janssen and personal fees from Janssen and Takeda during the conduct of the study, and grants from Amgen, Celgene/Genesis, personal fees from Amgen, Celgene/Genesis, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Novartis, and Glaxo-Smith Kline outside the submitted work. M.V.M. has received personal fees from Janssen, Celgene, Amgen, and Takeda outside the submitted work. M.C. reports honoraria from Janssen, outside the submitted work. M. B. reports grants from Janssen Cilag during the conduct of the study. M.D. has received honoraria for participation on advisory boards for Janssen, Celgene, Takeda, Amgen, and Novartis. H.S. has received honoraria from Janssen-Cilag, Celgene, Amgen, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Novartis, and Takeda outside the submitted work. V.P. reports personal fees from Janssen during the conduct of the study and grants, personal fees, and nonfinancial support from Amgen, grants and personal fees from Sanofi, and personal fees from Takeda outside the submitted work. W.W. has received personal fees and grants from Amgen, Celgene, Novartis, Roche, Takeda, Gilead, and Janssen and nonfinancial support from Roche outside the submitted work. J.S. reports grants and nonfinancial support from Janssen Pharmaceutical during the conduct of the study. V.L. reports funding from Janssen Global Services LLC during the conduct of the study and study support from Janssen-Cilag and Pharmion outside the submitted work. A.P. reports employment and shareholding of Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) during the conduct of the study. C.C. reports employment at Janssen-Cilag during the conduct of the study. C.F. reports employment at Janssen Research and Development during the conduct of the study. F.T.B. reports employment at Janssen-Cilag during the conduct of the study. The remaining authors have stated that they have no conflicts of interest. Publisher Copyright: © 2018 The AuthorsMultiple myeloma (MM) remains an incurable disease, with little information available on its management in real-world clinical practice. The results of the present prospective, noninterventional observational study revealed great diversity in the treatment regimens used to treat MM. Our results also provide data to inform health economic, pharmacoepidemiologic, and outcomes research, providing a framework for the design of protocols to improve the outcomes of patients with MM. Background: The present prospective, multinational, noninterventional study aimed to document and describe real-world treatment regimens and disease progression in multiple myeloma (MM) patients. Patients and Methods: Adult patients initiating any new MM therapy from October 2010 to October 2012 were eligible. A multistage patient/site recruitment model was applied to minimize the selection bias; enrollment was stratified by country, region, and practice type. The patient medical and disease features, treatment history, and remission status were recorded at baseline, and prospective data on treatment, efficacy, and safety were collected electronically every 3 months. Results: A total of 2358 patients were enrolled. Of these patients, 775 and 1583 did and did not undergo stem cell transplantation (SCT) at any time during treatment, respectively. Of the patients in the SCT and non-SCT groups, 49%, 21%, 14%, and 15% and 57%, 20%, 12% and 10% were enrolled at treatment line 1, 2, 3, and ≥ 4, respectively. In the SCT and non-SCT groups, 45% and 54% of the patients had received bortezomib-based therapy without thalidomide/lenalidomide, 12% and 18% had received thalidomide/lenalidomide-based therapy without bortezomib, and 30% and 4% had received bortezomib plus thalidomide/lenalidomide-based therapy as frontline treatment, respectively. The corresponding proportions of SCT and non-SCT patients in lines 2, 3, and ≥ 4 were 45% and 37%, 30% and 37%, and 12% and 3%, 33% and 27%, 35% and 32%, and 8% and 2%, and 27% and 27%, 27% and 23%, and 6% and 4%, respectively. In the SCT and non-SCT patients, the overall response rate was 86% to 97% and 64% to 85% in line 1, 74% to 78% and 59% to 68% in line 2, 55% to 83% and 48% to 60% in line 3, and 49% to 65% and 36% and 45% in line 4, respectively, for regimens that included bortezomib and/or thalidomide/lenalidomide. Conclusion: The results of our prospective study have revealed great diversity in the treatment regimens used to manage MM in real-life practice. This diversity was linked to factors such as novel agent accessibility and evolving treatment recommendations. Our results provide insight into associated clinical benefits.publishersversionPeer reviewe