2,418 research outputs found

    Effect fusion using model-based clustering

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    In social and economic studies many of the collected variables are measured on a nominal scale, often with a large number of categories. The definition of categories is usually not unambiguous and different classification schemes using either a finer or a coarser grid are possible. Categorisation has an impact when such a variable is included as covariate in a regression model: a too fine grid will result in imprecise estimates of the corresponding effects, whereas with a too coarse grid important effects will be missed, resulting in biased effect estimates and poor predictive performance. To achieve automatic grouping of levels with essentially the same effect, we adopt a Bayesian approach and specify the prior on the level effects as a location mixture of spiky normal components. Fusion of level effects is induced by a prior on the mixture weights which encourages empty components. Model-based clustering of the effects during MCMC sampling allows to simultaneously detect categories which have essentially the same effect size and identify variables with no effect at all. The properties of this approach are investigated in simulation studies. Finally, the method is applied to analyse effects of high-dimensional categorical predictors on income in Austria

    Sentir-se bem em famĂ­lia: um desafio frente Ă  diversidade = Feeling Well in Family: a challenge towards diversity

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    No presente trabalho, discutimos acerca das crises da família, apresentando informações que demonstram a diversidade de configurações familiares existentes no contexto brasileiro atual, tais como separações, divórcios, uniões consensuais, casais sem filhos, recasamentos, dentre outras. Desse modo, refletimos acerca da crise do modelo tradicional de família e não da instituição família, questionando: Como sentir-se bem em família frente a tal pluralidade? Sugerimos, então, alguns aspectos que devem ser observados para atender as demandas dessas novas famílias e, conseqüentemente, promover a saúde de seus membros. <br> In this study, we discuss about the family crisis, presenting information that demonstrate the diversity of family configurations that exists in current Brazilian context, such as separations, divorce, consensual unions, couple with no children, remarriage, and others. In this way, we reflect about the crisis of the traditional model of family and not the family institution per se, asking: How can we feel good in family facing this plurality? We suggest some aspects that could be observed to attend these new families demands and, consequently, to promote their members‟ health

    Managing Diversity in virtuellen Teams – didaktische Strategien zur Unterstützung eines wertschätzenden Umgangs mit kultureller Vielfalt

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    Der Beitrag geht von der Idee aus, dass Unterschiedlichkeit von Menschen für die Gemeinschaft nicht nur Probleme schafft, sondern ein positives Potential in sich trägt. Dies entspricht der Grundannahme eines Management-Ansatzes, der in den letzten Jahren in der nordamerikanischen Wirtschaft zur Personalführung unter dem Schlagwort "Managing Diversity" entwickelt wurde. In dem Beitrag wird diese grundlegende Idee auf die Zusammenarbeit in interkulturellen virtuellen Teams angewandt. Dabei wird auf Erfahrungen zurückgegriffen, die in standortübergreifenden Lehrveranstaltungen für Studierende unterschiedlicher Fachkulturen und z.T. auch unterschiedlicher Muttersprachen gesammelt wurden. Es werden erste Hypothesen zu didaktischen Strategien der Unterstützung eines wertschätzenden Umgangs mit kultureller Vielfalt in studentischen virtuellen Teams präsentiert. (Der Artikel erscheint vorraussichtlich im Februar 2005 in: Beneke, Jürgen; Jarman, Francis: Interkulturalität in Wissenschaft und Praxis. Schriftenreihe der Universitätsbibliothek Hildesheim

    Detection of Very-High Energy Gamma-Rays from the BL Lac Object PG 1553+113 with the MAGIC Telescope

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    The MAGIC telescope has observed very-high energy gamma-ray emission from the BL Lac object PG 1553+113 in 2005 and 2006 at an overall significance is 8.8 sigma. The light curve shows no significant flux variations on a daily timescale. The flux level during 2005 was, however, significantly higher as compared to 2006. The differential energy spectrum between approx. 90 GeV and 500 GeV is well described by a power law with a spectral index of -4.2+-0.3. The photon energy spectrum and spectral modeling allow to pose upper limits of z=0.74 and z=0.56, respectively, on the yet undetermined redshift of PG 1553+113. Recent VLT observations of this blazar show featureless spectra in the near-IR, thus no direct redshift could be determined from these measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Merida, July 200

    Objetos de aprendizagem virtuais: material didático para a educação básica

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    Objetos de aprendizagem virtuais constituem-se em um novo parâmetro educativo que utiliza a elaboração de um material didático envolvendo conteúdos, interdisciplinaridade, exercícios e complementos. Isso tudo com os recursos das tecnologias. Esse novo tipo de material educativo tem padrões e formas para ser desenvolvido. Além disso, possibilita repensar o processo educativo considerando o espaço da virtualidade e suas possibilidades. A base teórica para a construção desses objetos é o paradigma da virtualidade e a virtual literacy como eixo central. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar referências para análises obre o que são esses objetos e como são constituídos, além de oferecer subsídios para sua aplicabilidade na educação básica

    Quality assessment of expert answers to lay questions about cystic fibrosis from various language zones in Europe: the ECORN-CF project

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    Background: The European Centres of Reference Network for Cystic Fibrosis (ECORN-CF) established an Internet forum which provides the opportunity for CF patients and other interested people to ask experts questions about CF in their mother language. The objectives of this study were to: 1. develop a detailed quality assessment tool to analyze quality of expert answers, 2. evaluate the intra- and inter-rater agreement of this tool, and 3. explore changes in the quality of expert answers over the time frame of the project. Methods: The quality assessment tool was developed by an expert panel. Five experts within the ECORN-CF project used the quality assessment tool to analyze the quality of 108 expert answers published on ECORN-CF from six language zones. 25 expert answers were scored at two time points, one year apart. Quality of answers was also assessed at an early and later period of the project. Individual rater scores and group mean scores were analyzed for each expert answer. Results: A scoring system and training manual were developed analyzing two quality categories of answers: content and formal quality. For content quality, the grades based on group mean scores for all raters showed substantial agreement between two time points, however this was not the case for the grades based on individual rater scores. For formal quality the grades based on group mean scores showed only slight agreement between two time points and there was also poor agreement between time points for the individual grades. The inter-rater agreement for content quality was fair (mean kappa value 0.232+/-0.036, p<0.001) while only slight agreement was observed for the grades of the formal quality (mean kappa value 0.105+/-0.024, p<0.001). The quality of expert answers was rated high (four language zones) or satisfactory (two language zones) and did not change over time. Conclusions: The quality assessment tool described in this study was feasible and reliable when content quality was assessed by a group of raters. Within ECORN-CF, the tool will help ensure that CF patients all over Europe have equal possibility of access to high quality expert advice on their illness

    Altersbedingte Veränderungen in der chemosensorischen Wahrnehmung

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    Im Alter tritt eine physiologische Verminderung der Nahrungsaufnahme ein. Die Gründe dafür sind multifaktoriell. Eine wichtige Rolle spielen dabei Ver\-än\-der\-ungen in der sensorischen Qualität der Nahrungsmittel durch Verschlechterung der Geschmacks- und Geruchs\-wahrnehmung. Das Alter ist bei Beschwerden die chemischen Sinne betreffend ein wichtiger Faktor. Es gibt eine Reihe von anatomischen und physiologischen Veränderungen, die im Alter die olfaktorische Wahrnehmung beeinträchtigt, wie gesteigerte Apoptose von olfaktorischen Rezeptorneuronen, Verringerung der basalen Zellproliferationsrate, Verringerung in der Dicke des olfaktorischen Epithels, geringere Anzahl an Zilien und unterstützender Microvilli. Mit der Zeit wird das olfaktorische Epithel schrittweise durch nicht-olfaktorisches Epithel ersetzt, was folglich zu einem Verlust an Geruchsfläche führt. Als Ursachen für altersbedingte Geschmacksbeeinträchtigungen gelten Verringerung an Geschmacksknospen und Papillen, Verlangsamung der Zellerneuerungsprozesse und langsamere Regenerationszeiten. Auf der neurophysiologischen Ebene kann eine deutliche Verringerung der medullären Projektionsflächen Geschmacksverluste verursachen. Neurologische, endokrine, ernährungsbedingte Erkrankungen, lokale Störungen und Infektionen, können auf das chemosensorische System einwirken. Ebenso sind zahlreiche Pharmaka und deren Nebenwirkungen oft Ursache für olfaktorische und gustatorische Störungen. Nicht nur der Alterungsprozess selbst und die physiologischen Veränderungen, die er mit sich zieht, ist verantwortlich für verminderte Geschmacks- und Geruchsfunktion. Eine Reihe von Erscheinungen, die mit dem Alter korrelieren, wie eine Anhäufung von wiederholten viralen Infekten, mangelnde Mundhygiene, im Alter gehäuft vorkommende Krankheiten und Medikamenteneinnahme sind an der veränderten Geschmackswahrnehmung beteiligt. Chemosensorische Beeinträchtigungen, die die Fähigkeit herabsetzen, Nahrung zuzubereiten und zu genießen, können zu unzureichender Energie- und Nährstoffaufnahme und Gewichtsverlust führen und schließlich das Risiko für Morbidität und Mortalität erhöhen.The reasons for the decline in food intake in the senior generation are multifactorial. Changes in sensory qualtiy of foods due to an impairment of the flavour perception play the main role in this age-related development. Chemical senses prevent us from the intake of noxious matters, spoiled foods or leaking gas. On the other hand they are the basis of flavour perception and thus contribute to food appreciation and quality of life. In case of dysfunctions, chemical senses may be a marker of severe pathologic alterations. During the aging process there are physiologic and anatomic changes that lead to a diminished chemosensory perception: Impairments of the olfactory perception are attributed to increased apoptosis of olfactory receptor cells, decreased cell proliferation, decreased thickness of the olfactory epithelium and decreasing number of cilia and microvili. By and by the olfactory epithelium is replaced by non-olfactory epithelium which consequently leads to a loss of olfactory surface. During the aging process glomeruli of the olfactory bulb atrophy as well as nerve fibres degenerate. Age-related gustatory impairments are caused by a reduction in the density of taste buds, a decreased number of papillae, a deceleration in cell replacement processes and retarded cell regeneration. Additional reasons to that one`s mentioned above are side effects of drugs, culmination of viral infections of the upper respiratory tract, dysphagia, dentures, oral hygiene, smoking as well as a number of diseases, like neurologic, endocrinologic or nutrition-related dysfunctions and neurodegenerative diseases e.g. Parkinson`s or Alzheimer`s are associated with chemosensory alterations. Losses in gustatory and olfactory perception lead to a decline of food appreciation and food choice and hence are fundamental contributing causes for decreased dietary variation, physiological anorexia, weight loss, poor health and nutritional status in the aged population. After noticing diminished olfactory or/and gustatory function it is important to clarify possible medical causes. The next step is to prevent subsequent injuries and illnesses such as installing visual alarms at gas leaks, involving neighbours and friends take care of gas odour and to help identifying spoiled food. Finally additional flavouring of foods may contribute to appreciate meals again

    Entendendo a reestrutura??o da cidade: o caso de It?

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    The historical period in wich we live is marked for dependency of energy sources, being that the power generation becomes indispensable for functioning of the society, especially in its urban development. Therefore, we verify that in Brazil through of process of modernising the territory, reflex of changes that were occurring in world, the option was install hydroelectric power plants for foment the urban industrial development of the country. With the process of industrialization of countryside, the increased population living in the city, creation of industries, the demand for energy increases. The city of It?, analysed in this study, in the West of the state of the Santa Catarina is inserted in this context, because the Uruguay River runs in its territory, with big potential for energy generation. Therefore, through of bibliographical review, museums and libraries visits and fieldwork in urban area, it was verified that national facts affected the regional scale until it reaches the local scale, that resulted in a process of restructuring of the city of It?. That way, this research was organized to understand in what way occurred the modernization of the Brazilian territory, with focus in the state of Santa Catarina, especially the Western region, where It? is located; analyze the form of installation of hydroelectric power plant; understand the restructuring concept and how it can be used for apprehend the changes in this structure of the city and the new activity that It? started to execute after installation of hydroelectric power plant.O per?odo hist?rico no qual vivemos ? marcado pela depend?ncia das fontes energ?ticas, sendo que a gera??o de energia se torna indispens?vel ao funcionamento da sociedade, especialmente em devir urbano. Assim, observa-se que no Brasil, por meio do processo de moderniza??o do territ?rio, reflexo das mudan?as que estavam ocorrendo em todo o mundo, optou-se pela instala??o de usinas hidrel?tricas para alimentar o desenvolvimento urbano-industrial do pa?s. Com o processo de industrializa??o do campo, aumento da popula??o vivendo nas cidades, cria??o de ind?strias, a demanda por energia torna-se cada vez maior. A cidade de It?, analisada por meio deste estudo, localizada da por??o oeste do estado de Santa Catarina, insere-se neste contexto, em virtude de o Rio Uruguai correr em seu territ?rio, tendo este grande potencial para gerar energia. Desta maneira, por meio de revis?o bibliogr?fica, visitas a museus e bibliotecas e trabalhos de campo na ?rea urbana, observou-se como o encadeamento de fatos de ordem nacional afetaram a escala regional at? atingir a escala local, resultando em um processo de reestrutura??o da cidade de It?. Deste modo, organizou-se esta pesquisa de forma a compreender de que maneira ocorreu a moderniza??o do territ?rio brasileiro, enfocando o estado de Santa Catarina, mais especificamente a regi?o Oeste, onde se encontra It?; conhecer como se deu o processo de instala??o da usina hidrel?trica; entender o conceito de reestrutura??o e como este pode ser usado para apreender as mudan?as na estrutura da cidade e as novas atividades que It? passou a desempenhar ap?s a hidrel?trica ser instalada
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