32 research outputs found

    A Discrete event model for multiple inhabitants location tracking

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    6 pagesInternational audienceSmart Home technologies are aiming to improve the comfort and safety of the inhabitants into their houses. To achieve this goal, online indoor location tracking of the inhabitants is often used to monitor the air conditioning, to detect dangerous situations and for many other applications. In this paper, it is proposed an approach to build a model allowing dynamic tracking of several persons in their house. A method to construct such a model by using finite automata and Discrete Event System (DES) paradigms is presented. An approach to reduce the size of the model is also introduced. Finally, an efficient algorithm for location tracking is proposed. For the sake of better understanding, an illustrative example is used throughout the paper

    A comparative study of three model-based FDI approaches for Discrete Event Systems

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    6 pagesInternational audienceIn this paper three model-based Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) approaches for Discrete Event Systems (DES) are evaluated. The considered approaches are the diagnoser approach, the templates approach and the residual approach. The investigated methods have different characteristics like timed / non-timed behavior and fault-free / faulty system models with important impacts on the model-building process and the respective effectiveness. By applying the three methods to the same benchmark system, their respective performances are analyzed in terms of fault detection and fault isolation ability, complexity of implementation and avoidance of false alarms

    Timed residuals for fault detection and isolation in discrete event systems

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    6 pagesInternational audienceIn this paper a new attempt for fault detection and isolation in discrete event systems is proposed. An identified model constitutes a timed observer of the fault-free system behavior. Non-acceptable plant operation is detected by comparing the behavior of the model with the observed system output. For fault isolation, timed residuals and generic fault symptoms - early and late events - are introduced. Time bounds are composed using Boolean conditions and statistical analysis. In case of a fault, timed and untimed residuals are concluded in order to refine a set of potential faulty candidates. The method is applied to the given benchmark system of a virtual production plant with an external controller

    Development of 55 novel polymorphic microsatellite loci for the critically endangered L. (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Percidae) and cross-species amplification in five other percids

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    International audienceBy combining biotin-enrichment protocol and next generation pyrosequencing, through 454 GS-FLX Titanium technology, 55 polymorphic microsatellites loci with perfect motif were isolated from the Rhone streber (), a critically endangered European fish species. Eight multiplex PCR kits were optimised in order to genotype a total of 58 polymorphic loci, including three previously published loci. The level of genetic diversity was assessed for 68 , 30 , 33 and four individuals. Amplification success was also assessed on and using single individuals. These markers will be useful to investigate the population structure of the highly fragmented Rhone streber. They represent a powerful tool for conservation issues and evolutionary approaches of this endemic species. Moreover, part of our markers demonstrated applicability to other percid species, allowing for potential applications to fisheries and aquaculture management

    Interspecific Hybridization Increased in Congeneric Flatfishes after the Prestige Oil Spill

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    Marine species with relatively low migratory capacity are threatened by habitat alterations derived from human activities. In November 2002 the tanker Prestige sank off the Spanish northwest coast releasing 70,000 tons of fuel and damaging biota in the area. Despite efforts to clean the damaged areas, fuel remnants have affected marine species over the last nine years. This study is focused on two flatfish, Lepidorhombus boscii (four-spotted megrim) and L. whiffiagonis (megrim), whose spawning areas are located at the edge of the continental platform. We have analyzed megrim samples from North Spanish and French waters obtained before and after the oil spill. Genotypes at the nuclear marker 5S rDNA indicate a significant increase in interspecific hybridization after the Prestige accident, likely due to forced spawning overlap. The mitochondrial D-Loop region was employed for determining the direction of hybrid crosses, which were most frequently L. boscii female x L. whiffiagonis male. Reduced ability of L. boscii females to select conspecific mates would explain such asymmetric hybridization. To our knowledge this is the first time that increased hybridization between fish species can be associated to an oil spill. These results illustrate the potential long-term effect of petrol wastes on wild fish species

    Transmission of Schistosoma japonicum in Marshland and Hilly Regions of China: Parasite Population Genetic and Sibship Structure

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    The transmission dynamics of Schistosoma japonicum remain poorly understood, as over forty species of mammals are suspected of serving as reservoir hosts. However, knowledge of the population genetic structure and of the full-sibship structuring of parasites at two larval stages will be useful in defining and tracking the transmission pattern between intermediate and definitive hosts. S. japonicum larvae were therefore collected in three marshland and three hilly villages in Anhui Province of China across three time points: April and September-October 2006, and April 2007, and then genotyped with six microsatellite markers. Results from the population genetic and sibling relationship analyses of the parasites across two larval stages demonstrated that, within the marshland, parasites from cattle showed higher genetic diversity than from other species; whereas within the hilly region, parasites from dogs and humans displayed higher genetic diversity than those from rodents. Both the extent of gene flow and the estimated proportion of full-sib relationships of parasites between two larval stages indicated that the cercariae identified within intermediate hosts in the marshlands mostly came from cattle, whereas in the hilly areas, they were varied between villages, coming primarily from rodents, dogs or humans. Such results suggest a different transmission process within the hilly region from within the marshlands. Moreover, this is the first time that the sibling relationship analysis was applied to the transmission dynamics for S. japonicum

    Parallel evolution and adaptation to environmental factors in a marine flatfish: implications for fisheries and aquaculture management of the turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)

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    Unraveling adaptive genetic variation represents, in addition to the estimate of population demographic parameters, a cornerstone for the management of aquatic natural living resources, which, in turn, represent the raw material for breeding programs. The turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) is a marine flatfish of high commercial value living on the European continental shelf. While wild populations are declining, aquaculture is flourishing in southern Europe. We evaluated the genetic structure of turbot throughout its natural distribution range (672 individuals; 20 populations) by analyzing allele frequency data from 755 single nucleotide polymorphism discovered and genotyped by double‐digest RAD sequencing. The species was structured into four main regions: Baltic Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Adriatic Sea, and Black Sea, with subtle differentiation apparent at the distribution margins of the Atlantic region. Genetic diversity and effective population size estimates were highest in the Atlantic populations, the area of greatest occurrence, while turbot from other regions showed lower levels, reflecting geographical isolation and reduced abundance. Divergent selection was detected within and between the Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea regions, and also when comparing these two regions with the Black Sea. Evidence of parallel evolution was detected between the two low salinity regions, the Baltic and Black seas. Correlation between genetic and environmental variation indicated that temperature and salinity were probably the main environmental drivers of selection. Mining around the four genomic regions consistently inferred to be under selection identified candidate genes related to osmoregulation, growth, and resistance to diseases. The new insights are useful for the management of turbot fisheries and aquaculture by providing the baseline for evaluating the consequences of turbot releases from restocking and farming.Additional co-authors: Einar Eg Nielsen, The Aquatrace Consortium, and Paulino Martíne

    Ein ereignisdiskreter Ansatz zur modellbasierten Lokalisierung der Bewohner in intelligenten Wohnungen

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    L'espĂ©rance de vie a augmentĂ© dans les derniĂšres dĂ©cennies et devrait continuer Ă  croĂźtre dans les prochaines annĂ©es. Cette augmentation entraĂźne de nouveaux dĂ©fis concernant l'autonomie et l'indĂ©pendance des personnes ĂągĂ©es. Le dĂ©veloppement d'habitats intelligents est une piste pour rĂ©pondre Ă  ces dĂ©fis et permettre aux personnes de vivre plus longtemps dans un environnement sĂ»r et confortable. Rendre un habitat intelligent consiste Ă  y installer des capteurs, des actionneurs et un contrĂŽleur afin de pouvoir prendre en compte le comportement de ses habitants et agir sur leur environnement, pour amĂ©liorer leur sĂ©curitĂ©, leur santĂ© et leur confort. La plupart de ces approches s'appuient sur la localisation en temps rĂ©el des habitants dans leur habitat. Dans cette thĂšse, une nouvelle approche complĂšte permettant la localisation d'un nombre a priori inconnu d'habitants basĂ©e sur le modĂšle est proposĂ©e. Cette approche tire parti des paradigmes, de la thĂ©orie et des outils des SystĂšmes Ă  ÉvĂ©nements Discrets. L'utilisation des automates Ă  Ă©tats finis pour modĂ©liser le mouvement dĂ©tectable des habitants ainsi que des mĂ©thodes permettant de construire ces modĂšles ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es. A partir de ces modĂšles automates finis, plusieurs algorithmes permettant de localiser de maniĂšre efficace les habitants ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finis. Enfin, plusieurs approches pour l'Ă©valuation des performances de l'instrumentation d'un habitat intelligent pour un objectif de localisation ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©es. La mĂ©thode a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© totalement implĂ©mentĂ©e et mise Ă  l'Ă©preuve. Tout au long de cette thĂšse, les diffĂ©rentes contributions sont illustrĂ©es Ă  l'aide de cas d'Ă©tude.Life expectancy has continuously increased in most countries over the last decades and will probably continue to increase in the future. This leads to new challenges relative to the autonomy and the independence of elderly. The development of Smart Homes is a direction to face these challenges and to enable people to live longer in a safe and comfortable environment. Making a home smart consists in placing sensors, actuators and a controller in the house in order to take into account the behavior of their inhabitants and to act on their environment to improve their safety, health and comfort. Most of these approaches are based on the real-time indoor Location Tracking of the inhabitants. In this thesis, a whole new approach for model-based Location Tracking of an a priori unknown number of inhabitants is proposed. This approach is based on Discrete Event Systems paradigms, theory and tools. The usage of Finite Automata (FA) to model the detectable motion of the inhabitants as well as different methods to create such FA models have been developed. Based on these models, algorithms to perform efficient Location Tracking are defined. Finally, several approaches aiming at evaluating the relevance of the instrumentation of a Smart Home with the objective of Location Tracking are proposed. The approach has also been fully implemented and tested. Throughout the thesis, the different contributions are illustrated on case studies.In den meisten IndustrielĂ€ndern ist die Lebenserwartung in den letzten Jahrzehnten fortlaufend gestiegen und wird höchstwahrscheinlich noch weiter steigen. Dieser Anstieg fĂŒhrt zu neuen Herausforderungen hinsichtlich der Autonomie und UnabhĂ€ngigkeit von Ă€lteren Menschen. Die Entwicklung von intelligenten Wohnungen ist ein Weg diesen Herausforderungen zu begegnen und es den Menschen zu ermöglichen lĂ€nger in einer sicheren und komfortablen Umgebung zu leben. Dazu stattet man solcheWohnungen mit Sensoren, Aktoren sowie einem Controller aus. Dies erm öglicht es, in AbhĂ€ngigkeit vom Verhalten der Bewohner, dieWohnumgebung so zu beein_ussen, dass sich Sicherheit, Gesundheit und Komfort verbessern. AnsĂ€tze, die dies zum Ziel haben, basieren meistens auf Methoden, die es ermöglichen Menschen innerhalb ihrer Wohnung in Echtzeit zu lokalisieren. In dieser Dissertation wird daher ein neuer Ansatz fĂŒr eine modellbasierte Lokalisierung einer a priori unbekannten Anzahl von Bewohnern vorgestellt. Dieser Ansatz fuĂżt auf der Theorie, den Paradigmen und den Werkzeugen aus dem Gebiet der ereignisdiskreten Systeme. Es werden endliche Automaten eingesetzt, um die von den Sensoren erfassbaren Bewohnerbewegungen zu modellieren. Verschiedene Verfahren zur Erzeugung solcher Automaten werden gezeigt. Basierend auf diesen Modellen warden Algorithmen de_niert, mittels derer die Bewohner wirksam lokalisiert werden können. AbschlieĂżend werden Methoden vorgeschlagen, die dazu dienen die Relevanz der Sensorinstrumentierung fĂŒr die Lokalisierung zu bewerten. Die entwickelten Verfahren werden in der Dissertation durchgehend anhand von Fallbeispielen erlĂ€utert. Der gesamte Ansatz wurde implementiert und erprobt

    Une approche orientée événements discrets pour la localisation des habitants dans des habitats intelligents basée sur le modÚle

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    In den meisten IndustrielĂ€ndern ist die Lebenserwartung in den letzten Jahrzehnten fortlaufend gestiegen und wird höchstwahrscheinlich noch weiter steigen. Dieser Anstieg fĂŒhrt zu neuen Herausforderungen hinsichtlich der Autonomie und UnabhĂ€ngigkeit von Ă€lteren Menschen. Die Entwicklung von intelligenten Wohnungen ist ein Weg diesen Herausforderungen zu begegnen und es den Menschen zu ermöglichen lĂ€nger in einer sicheren und komfortablen Umgebung zu leben. Dazu stattet man solcheWohnungen mit Sensoren, Aktoren sowie einem Controller aus. Dies erm öglicht es, in AbhĂ€ngigkeit vom Verhalten der Bewohner, dieWohnumgebung so zu beein_ussen, dass sich Sicherheit, Gesundheit und Komfort verbessern. AnsĂ€tze, die dies zum Ziel haben, basieren meistens auf Methoden, die es ermöglichen Menschen innerhalb ihrer Wohnung in Echtzeit zu lokalisieren. In dieser Dissertation wird daher ein neuer Ansatz fĂŒr eine modellbasierte Lokalisierung einer a priori unbekannten Anzahl von Bewohnern vorgestellt. Dieser Ansatz fuĂżt auf der Theorie, den Paradigmen und den Werkzeugen aus dem Gebiet der ereignisdiskreten Systeme. Es werden endliche Automaten eingesetzt, um die von den Sensoren erfassbaren Bewohnerbewegungen zu modellieren. Verschiedene Verfahren zur Erzeugung solcher Automaten werden gezeigt. Basierend auf diesen Modellen warden Algorithmen de_niert, mittels derer die Bewohner wirksam lokalisiert werden können. AbschlieĂżend werden Methoden vorgeschlagen, die dazu dienen die Relevanz der Sensorinstrumentierung fĂŒr die Lokalisierung zu bewerten. Die entwickelten Verfahren werden in der Dissertation durchgehend anhand von Fallbeispielen erlĂ€utert. Der gesamte Ansatz wurde implementiert und erprobt.Life expectancy has continuously increased in most countries over the last decades and will probably continue to increase in the future. This leads to new challenges relative to the autonomy and the independence of elderly. The development of Smart Homes is a direction to face these challenges and to enable people to live longer in a safe and comfortable environment. Making a home smart consists in placing sensors, actuators and a controller in the house in order to take into account the behavior of their inhabitants and to act on their environment to improve their safety, health and comfort. Most of these approaches are based on the real-time indoor Location Tracking of the inhabitants. In this thesis, a whole new approach for model-based Location Tracking of an a priori unknown number of inhabitants is proposed. This approach is based on Discrete Event Systems paradigms, theory and tools. The usage of Finite Automata (FA) to model the detectable motion of the inhabitants as well as different methods to create such FA models have been developed. Based on these models, algorithms to perform efficient Location Tracking are defined. Finally, several approaches aiming at evaluating the relevance of the instrumentation of a Smart Home with the objective of Location Tracking are proposed. The approach has also been fully implemented and tested. Throughout the thesis, the different contributions are illustrated on case studies.L'espĂ©rance de vie a augmentĂ© dans les derniĂšres dĂ©cennies et devrait continuer Ă  croĂźtre dans les prochaines annĂ©es. Cette augmentation entraĂźne de nouveaux dĂ©fis concernant l'autonomie et l'indĂ©pendance des personnes ĂągĂ©es. Le dĂ©veloppement d'habitats intelligents est une piste pour rĂ©pondre Ă  ces dĂ©fis et permettre aux personnes de vivre plus longtemps dans un environnement sĂ»r et confortable. Rendre un habitat intelligent consiste Ă  y installer des capteurs, des actionneurs et un contrĂŽleur afin de pouvoir prendre en compte le comportement de ses habitants et agir sur leur environnement, pour amĂ©liorer leur sĂ©curitĂ©, leur santĂ© et leur confort. La plupart de ces approches s'appuient sur la localisation en temps rĂ©el des habitants dans leur habitat. Dans cette thĂšse, une nouvelle approche complĂšte permettant la localisation d'un nombre a priori inconnu d'habitants basĂ©e sur le modĂšle est proposĂ©e. Cette approche tire parti des paradigmes, de la thĂ©orie et des outils des SystĂšmes Ă  ÉvĂ©nements Discrets. L'utilisation des automates Ă  Ă©tats finis pour modĂ©liser le mouvement dĂ©tectable des habitants ainsi que des mĂ©thodes permettant de construire ces modĂšles ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es. A partir de ces modĂšles automates finis, plusieurs algorithmes permettant de localiser de maniĂšre efficace les habitants ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finis. Enfin, plusieurs approches pour l'Ă©valuation des performances de l'instrumentation d'un habitat intelligent pour un objectif de localisation ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©es. La mĂ©thode a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© totalement implĂ©mentĂ©e et mise Ă  l'Ă©preuve. Tout au long de cette thĂšse, les diffĂ©rentes contributions sont illustrĂ©es Ă  l'aide de cas d'Ă©tude