27 research outputs found

    Redes sociais de uma associação de profissionais liberais na construção do capital social e intelectual: Social networks of an association of liberal professionals in building social and intellectual capital

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi realizar o mapeamento e análise de redes sociais (SNA- Social Network Analysis) de uma Associação de Contabilistas de Marechal Cândido Rondon- ACOMAR para identificar se existem contribuições para o capital social e o capital intelectual dos associados. Esta pesquisa classifica-se como descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, e utilizou-se do método de estudo de caso. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de entrevista, observação participante e análise documental, para análise dos dados foi utilizado análise de redes sociais (SNA) com auxílio do programa Ucinet 6.658 para Windows e análise do discurso nas entrevistas e documentos. Como resultado da pesquisa, identificou-se que a rede da Associação dos Contabilistas de Marechal Cândido Rondon - ACOMAR é composta por 46 atores distribuídos em 319 laços de relação. A densidade da rede é de 15,41%, o que a classifica como de média densidade. A contribuição ao desenvolvimento do Capital Social e Capital Intelectual dos associados ocorre por intermédio de eventos instrucionais e sociais e por conexões com entidades influentes no município. Para os atores, a rede contribui satisfatoriamente para o desenvolvimento do Capital Social e Capital Intelectual

    Prospects for observing and localizing gravitational-wave transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA

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    We present possible observing scenarios for the Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA gravitational-wave detectors over the next decade, with the intention of providing information to the astronomy community to facilitate planning for multi-messenger astronomy with gravitational waves. We estimate the sensitivity of the network to transient gravitational-wave signals, and study the capability of the network to determine the sky location of the source. We report our findings for gravitational-wave transients, with particular focus on gravitational-wave signals from the inspiral of binary neutron star systems, which are the most promising targets for multi-messenger astronomy. The ability to localize the sources of the detected signals depends on the geographical distribution of the detectors and their relative sensitivity, and 90% credible regions can be as large as thousands of square degrees when only two sensitive detectors are operational. Determining the sky position of a significant fraction of detected signals to areas of 5– 20 deg2 requires at least three detectors of sensitivity within a factor of ∼2 of each other and with a broad frequency bandwidth. When all detectors, including KAGRA and the third LIGO detector in India, reach design sensitivity, a significant fraction of gravitational-wave signals will be localized to a few square degrees by gravitational-wave observations alone


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    The CO2 emissions associated with electricity generation has been increasing in parallel to the increase in electricty demand in Turkey. Various targets are identified to reduce the emissions and strategies are developed for cost effective investment planning. Even though the cost of electricity generation is evaluated only by taking into account the investment and operation costs, the assessments made without the external costs, which are the costs of damage imposed on environment and people, do not reflect the real cost of electricity generation. The objective of this study is to determine the real cost of electricity generation by including external costs on the basis of scenarios based on "if" or "to do" electricity generation in Turkey and to show the effect of these scenarios on the price of electricity developed within the scope of the strategies set to achieve national CO2 emission reduction targets. In this study, the scenarios are basically divided into two groups as Business As Usual Scenarios and Ideal Scenarios. Within the scope of Business As Usual Scenarios, it is assumed that all electricity generation power plants will operate in the range of minimum and maximum capacity factors and none of the plants will not be closed during the forecast period. Business As Usual Scenarios are consisted of Business As Usual Scenario, External Cost Included Business As Usual Scenario, Low Demand Scenario and Use of Domestic Sources Scenario. Within the scope of the Ideal Scenarios, it is assumed that some of the existing power plants will be shut down and new power plants will be installed based on the requirements of the set targets. Ideal Scenarios are consisted of Ideal Scenario and External Cost Incuded Ideal Scenario. In this study, 2015 is considered as the base year and electricity generation optimization is carried out from 2015 to 2035 using the Answer-TIMES modeling program on the basis of scenarios developed. Data on electricity demand projections, CO2 reduction targets, and the existing power plant are obtained from the sources published by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. Data on Turkey's resource potential and natural gas import agreements are input into the model as the upper limit for realistic investment plans. For external cost values, data from the CASES project is used in terms of /kWhexternalcostforeachelectricitygenerationtechnology.Whenthescenarioresultsareevaluated,itisseenthattheLowDemandScenariodevelopedwiththeassumptionofreducingtheestimateddemandisthemostcosteffectivescenarioandhasthelowestleveloftotalCO2emission.ComparingitsresultswiththoseofBusinessAsUsualScenario,thenetpresentvalueofthetotalcostis8/kWh external cost for each electricity generation technology. When the scenario results are evaluated, it is seen that the Low Demand Scenario developed with the assumption of reducing the estimated demand is the most cost effective scenario and has the lowest level of total CO2 emission. Comparing its results with those of Business As Usual Scenario, the net present value of the total cost is 8% less in the Low Demand Scenario, which is developed by lowering the estimated demand by 15%. The evaluation of the results of Use of Domestic Sources Scenario presents that the total CO2 emission level of this scenario is considerably higher than the other scenarios since the use of lignite plants is not balanced with solar and wind energy. By including the external costs to the scenarios, it is seen that the actual cost of generation is estimated to be about 30% higher than the apparent cost. The cost difference of approximately 30% is due to the damage caused to human health and environment by the electricity generation. Within this context, it is important to plan and limit new investments according to targets and real cost of electricity to maintain sustainability. This can be achieved by accomplishing the CO2 emission targets while at the same time increasing domestic resource utilization which includies lignite.Türkiye’de, elektrik talebi artışına bağlı olarak CO2 salımı da artmakta, bu salımı azaltmak için hedefler belirlenmekte ve yatırım planlamaları için maliyet etkin stratejiler geliştirilmektedir. Elektrik üretiminin maliyeti sadece yatırım ve işletme maliyeti göz önüne alınarak değerlendirilse de, üretimin çevreye ve insanlara verdiği zararın maliyeti olarak değerlendirilen harici maliyetler dahil edilmeden yapılan değerlendirmeler gerçek maliyeti yansıtmamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’de elektrik üretiminde “eğer" veya "yapmak için" şeklindeki senaryolar bazında harici maliyetlerin eklenmesi ile elektrik üretiminin gerçek maliyetinin belirlenmesi ve ulusal CO2 salım azaltım hedeflerine ulaşmak için belirlenen stratejiler kapsamında oluşturulan bu senaryoların elektrik fiyatına etkilerinin gösterilmesidir. Bu çalışmada senaryolar temel olarak Olağan Senaryo ve İdeal Senaryo olarak iki gruba ayrılmıştır. Olağan Senaryo’larda tüm elektrik üretim santrallerinin minimum ve maksimum kapasite faktörü aralığında çalışacağı ve tahmin periyodunda hiçbir santralin kapatılmayacağını kabul edilmektedir; Olağan Senaryo, Harici Maliyet Eklenmiş Olağan Senaryo, Düşük Talep Senaryosu ve Yerli Kaynakların Kullanımı Senaryosu olarak oluşturulmuşlardır. İdeal Senaryo’lar çerçevesinde ise ulaşılması istenilen hedef kapsamında bazı mevcut santrallerin kapatılabileceği, kapanan santrallerin yerine hedefi gerçekleştirmeye yönelik yeni santrallerin kurulabileceği kabul edilmiştir; İdeal Senaryo ve Harici Maliyet Eklenmiş İdeal Senaryo şeklinde oluşturulmuşlardır. Çalışmada 2015 yılı baz yıl olarak kabul edilmiş, Answer-TIMES modelleme programı kullanılarak oluşturulan senaryolar bazında 2015 yılından 2035 yılına kadar elektrik üretim optimizasyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tahmini elektrik talebi değerleri, CO2 azaltım hedefleri ve mevcut santrallerin belirlenmesinde Enerji ve Tabi Kaynaklar Bakanlığı tarafından yayınlanan veriler kullanılmış, Türkiye kaynak potansiyeli ve doğalgaz ithalat anlaşmaları yatırım planlamalarının gerçekçi olması için üst limit olarak girilmiştir. Harici maliyet değerleri için CASES projesinden yararlanılmış, elektrik üretiminde kullanılan her teknoloji için /kWh harici maliyet değeri programa dahil edilmiştir. Senaryo sonuçları değerlendirildiğinde talep tarafı yönetilerek oluşturulan Düşük Talep Senaryosu’nun hem en maliyet etkin senaryo olduğu hem de senaryonun toplam CO2 salımının en düşük olduğu görülmüştür. Olağan Senaryo’ya göre toplam maliyetin net bugünkü değeri, talebin %15 düşürülmesi ile oluşturulan Düşük Talep Senaryosu’nda %8 daha azdır. Yerli kaynakların kullanılmasını destekleyen senaryo sonuçları değerlendirildiğinde linyit kullanımından kaynaklanacak CO2 salımı güneş ve rüzgar enerjisi ile dengelenmediğinde CO2 salımının diğer senaryolara göre oldukça yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Senaryolara harici maliyet eklendiğinde gerçek üretim maliyetinin görünen maliyetten yaklaşık %30 daha fazla olduğu değerlendirilmiştir. Aradaki %30 maliyet farkı elektrik üretiminin insan sağlığına ve doğaya verdiği zararın faturasıdır. Bu çerçevede, yeni yatırımların ihtiyaca, hedeflere ve gerçek maliyete göre sınırlandırılarak planlanması sürdürülebilirliğin sağlanması için önemlidir. CO2 salım hedeflerine ulaşılması, aynı zamanda linyit dahil yerli kaynak kullanımının arttırılması bu sınırlamalar ile sağlanabilecektir

    Modeling The Use Of Renewable Energy Sources For Electricity Generation Based On Technological, Political, And Environmental Constraints

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    Turkey electricity sector has been facing a dramatic increase in demand in the last decade. The CO2 emission reduction targets and limiting the use of imported fossil fuels put a strain on the fuel mixture planning of electricity sector. In this study, least cost electricity generation based on various fuel mixtures with and without external costs are determined while achieving an optimal solution for emission reduction targets or keeping the fuel share as it was in the base year (business as usual, BAU). The optimization is developed between 2016 and 2035 using ANSWER-TIMES energy planning simulation program taking 2015 as the base year. The results show that by internalizing external costs renewable energy power plants are promoted in long term. The fossil fueled power plants are primarily preferred to meet the demand when the external costs of electricity generation are not considered during optimization. The scenario results also presented that the total discounted costs increase by 4% for CO2 mitigation scenario relative to BAU scenario when external costs are not considered in optimization. However, total discounted system costs are increased by about 30% for both CO2 mitigation and BAU scenarios when external costs are considered in optimization. The scenario results also presented that the CO2 emissions can be reduced by about 30% when optimizations are performed considering the external costs and emission targets. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.WoSScopu

    Efficient Syntheses and Antimicrobial Activities of New Thiophene Containing Pyranone and Quinolinone Derivatives by Manganese(III) Acetate. The effect of Thiophene on Ring Closure- Opening Reactions

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    The syntheses of new series of pyranones, namely fused pyranones and quinoline-based dihydrofurans accompanied by 3-alkenyl-substituted structures were described. The products were regioselectively formed Mn(III)-mediated oxidation at elevated temperature in order to obtain excellent yields. The effects on product distributions of the thiophene group together with the temperatures and reactions time were investigated. The structures of the syntheses compounds were determined on the basis of spectroscopic (IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR, COSY, HSQC, HMBC and elemental analysis) and X-ray crystallographic data.In addition, the in vitro antimicrobial activities of the some syntheses dihydrofurans were tested against G (+) and G (-) bacteria using disc diffusion method. The results indicated that the compounds containing thiophene group showed a better antimicrobial effect than some commonly used antibiotics

    Comparison of multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction with serological tests and culture for diagnosing human brucellosis

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    Objective: Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease with various clinical presentations and early diagnosis is crucial to avoid severe complications. Due to limitations of conventional diagnostic methods, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based approaches have gained importance in diagnosis.We aimed to evaluate diagnostic value of multiplex real time-PCR (mRT-PCR) in serum samples collected from brucellosis suspected patients by comparision sensitivity of mRT-PCR with those of conventional diagnostic methods. Material and Methods: A total of 249 serum samples collected from the suspected brucellosis patients admitted to the hospitals in three different provinces were analyzed by serological tests, culture and mRT-PCR. In laboratories of the participating hospital, serum samples were tested for the Brucella specific antibody by commercial serological kits including standart tube agglutination test (STAT), Coombs’ test, and immunocapture test (ICT). Blood culture was performed for 153 of the patients in the participating hospital. All serum samples were analyzed for the presence of Brucella DNA by mRT-PCR. Results: According to laboratory test results, 215 of the 249 suspected cases having comparible clinical data were identified as brucellosis cases. Of the 215 brucellosis cases, 36 were diagnosed as definitive cases, the remaning 179 patients were presumptive cases. Sensitivity of mRT-PCR in the samples that were positive by ICT, STAT, Coombs’ test, and blood culture was 70.2%, 77.3%, 83%, and 97.2%, respectively. By using mRT-PCR, additional 17 suspected patients were diagnosed as presumptive cases. Among the mRT-PCR positive serum samples, Brucella abortus was detected in 3 samples (1.9%), the remaining 156 samples (98.1%) had B. melitensis DNA. Conclusion: Our results indicate that mRT-PCR can be considered a useful diagnostic tool in patients who have negative serologic test results, and in detection of Brucella species. Keywords: Brucellosis, Multiplex real-time PCR, Serological diagnosis, Cultur

    Clinical findings and immunophenotypic profile of plasma cell leukemia: a retrospective study in a comprehensive cancer center in Turkey

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    Plasma cell leukemia (PCL) is a rare (1-2 %) aggressive plasma cell dyscrasia (PCD) with a poor prognosis and characterized by the presence of more than 20% circulating plasma cells (PCs). Multicolor Flowcytometry is used for differentiating PCs in PCL. In this study, we aimed to compare the clinical, laboratory findings and immunophenotypic profiles of patients with PCL. A total of 512 patients were investigated for PCD in our hospital between 2011-2019. The immunophenotypic profile (including, CD27, CD28, CD38, CD138, CD45, CD117, CD19, CD20, CD56, CD33, CD81, and ckappa /clambda,) were evaluated retrospectively. The clinical findings, pathology reports, immunofixation electrophoresis and MFC results of three patients with PCL were reevaluated using 6 color multiparametric flow cytometry (MFC). Only three patients were diagnosed as PCL. PCs population defined by the co-expression of CD38 and CD138 was observed as 50%, 53%, 60%, respectively. Expression of each CD56, CD117, CD20, CD45 was seen in individual cases. CD19 was negative in all cases. Cytoplasmic kappa light chain expression was detected only in one case. Two of the cases were primary and the other was secondary PCL. Bortezomib-based treatment was initiated. Overall survival of primary PCL cases were 24 months and 6 months, whereas secondary PCL was four months. Co-expression of CD38 and CD138 in identifying PCs with MFC may be considered the best combination and leads to early diagnosis within hours and appropriate treatment in patients with PCL. [Med-Science 2021; 10(2.000): 455-61