146 research outputs found

    Genetic Contribution of Emmer Wheat (Triticum dicoccon Schrank) to Heat Tolerance of Bread Wheat

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    Rising global temperatures cause substantial yield losses in many wheat growing environments. Emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccon Schrank), one of the first wheat species domesticated, carries significant variation for tolerance to abiotic stresses. This study identified new genetic variability for high-temperature tolerance in hexaploid progeny derived from crosses with emmer wheat. Eight hexaploid and 11 tetraploid parents were recombined in 43 backcross combinations using the hexaploid as the recurrent parent. A total of 537 emmer-based hexaploid lines were developed by producing approximately 10 doubled haploids on hexaploid like BC1F1 progeny and subsequent selection for hexaploid morphology. These materials and 17 commercial cultivars and hexaploid recurrent parents were evaluated under two times of sowing in the field, in 2014–2016. The materials were genotyped using a 90K SNP platform and these data were used to estimate the contribution of emmer wheat to the progeny. Significant phenotypic and genetic variation for key agronomical traits including grain yield, TKW and screenings was observed. Many of the emmer derived lines showed improved performance under heat stress (delayed sowing) compared with parents and commercial cultivars. Emmer derived lines were the highest yielding material in both sowing dates. The emmer wheat parent contributed between 1 and 44% of the genome of the derived lines. Emmer derived lines with superior kernel weight and yield generally had a greater genetic contribution from the emmer parent compared to those with lower trait values. The study showed that new genetic variation for key traits such as yield, kernel weight and screenings can be introduced to hexaploid wheat from emmer wheat. These genetic resources should be explored more systematically to stabilize grain yield and quality in a changing climate

    Comparing linkage and association analyses in sheep points to a better way of doing GWAS

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    Genome wide association studies (GWAS) have largely succeeded family-based linkage studies in livestock and human populations as the preferred method to map loci for complex or quantitative traits. However, the type of results produced by the two analyses contrast sharply due to differences in linkage disequilibrium (LD) imposed by the design of studies. In this paper, we demonstrate that association and linkage studies are in agreement provided that (i) the effects from both studies are estimated appropriately as random effects, (ii) all markers are fitted simultaneously and (iii) appropriate adjustments are made for the differences in LD between the study designs. We demonstrate with real data that linkage results can be predicted by the sum of association effects. Our association study captured most of the linkage information because we could predict the linkage results with moderate accuracy. We suggest that the ability of common single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) to capture the genetic variance in a population will depend on the effective population size of the study organism. The results provide further evidence for many loci of small effect underlying complex traits. The analysis suggests a more informed method for GWAS is to fit statistical models where all SNPs are analysed simultaneously and as random effects

    Radio Di Kawasan Perbatasan Indonesia Dalam Centering the Margin

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    Kawasan perbatasan Indonesia banyak mengalami blank spot layanan informasi sehingga siaran yang menghubungkan warganegara dan pemerintah tidak tersampaikan dengan baik. Padahal, keberadaan media di perbatasan sangat strategis sebagai penyedia informasi yang merefl eksikan dinamika lokal, mengartikulasikan kepentingan daerah sehingga dapat didengar oleh pusat. Harapannya, artikulasi tersebut dapat memberi warna pada dinamika sosial, politik, ekonomi, dan budaya di tanah air. Tulisan ini mengeksplorasi bagaimana radio di wilayah perbatasan memberikan kontribusi dalam peran centering the margin, yakni membawa aspirasi di perbatasan guna “memusatkan yang pinggir”

    Whole-genome resequencing of two elite sires for the detection of haplotypes under selection in dairy cattle Supporting Information

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    Using a combination of whole-genome resequencing and high-density genotyping arrays, genome-wide haplotypes were reconstructed for two of the most important bulls in the history of the dairy cattle industry, Pawnee Farm Arlinda Chief (“Chief”) and his son Walkway Chief Mark (“Mark”), each accounting for ∼7% of all current genomes. We aligned 20.5 Gbp (∼7.3× coverage) and 37.9 Gbp (∼13.5× coverage) of the Chief and Mark genomic sequences, respectively. More than 1.3 million high-quality SNPs were detected in Chief and Mark sequences. The genome-wide haplotypes inherited by Mark from Chief were reconstructed using ∼1 million informative SNPs. Comparison of a set of 15,826 SNPs that overlapped in the sequence-based and BovineSNP50 SNPs showed the accuracy of the sequence-based haplotype reconstruction to be as high as 97%. By using the BovineSNP50 genotypes, the frequencies of Chief alleles on his two haplotypes then were determined in 1,149 of his descendants, and the distribution was compared with the frequencies that would be expected assuming no selection. We identified 49 chromosomal segments in which Chief alleles showed strong evidence of selection. Candidate polymorphisms for traits that have been under selection in the dairy cattle population then were identified by referencing Chief’s DNA sequence within these selected chromosome blocks. Eleven candidate genes were identified with functions related to milk-production, fertility, and disease-resistance traits. These data demonstrate that haplotype reconstruction of an ancestral proband by whole-genome resequencing in combination with high-density SNP genotyping of descendants can be used for rapid, genome-wide identification of the ancestor’s alleles that have been subjected to artificial selection

    Using imputed whole-genome sequence data to improve the accuracy of genomic prediction for parasite resistance in Australian sheep

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    International audienceAbstractBackgroundThis study aimed at (1) comparing the accuracies of genomic prediction for parasite resistance in sheep based on whole-genome sequence (WGS) data to those based on 50k and high-density (HD) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) panels; (2) investigating whether the use of variants within quantitative trait loci (QTL) regions that were selected from regional heritability mapping (RHM) in an independent dataset improved the accuracy more than variants selected from genome-wide association studies (GWAS); and (3) comparing the prediction accuracies between variants selected from WGS data to variants selected from the HD SNP panel.ResultsThe accuracy of genomic prediction improved marginally from 0.16 ± 0.02 and 0.18 ± 0.01 when using all the variants from 50k and HD genotypes, respectively, to 0.19 ± 0.01 when using all the variants from WGS data. Fitting a GRM from the selected variants alongside a GRM from the 50k SNP genotypes improved the prediction accuracy substantially compared to fitting the 50k SNP genotypes alone. The gain in prediction accuracy was slightly more pronounced when variants were selected from WGS data compared to when variants were selected from the HD panel. When sequence variants that passed the GWAS -log10(pvalue)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\usepackage{amsmath}\usepackage{wasysym}\usepackage{amsfonts}\usepackage{amssymb}\usepackage{amsbsy}\usepackage{mathrsfs}\usepackage{upgreek}\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\begin{document}log10(pvalue)- log_{10} (p\,value)\end{document} threshold of 3 across the entire genome were selected, the prediction accuracy improved by 5% (up to 0.21 ± 0.01), whereas when selection was limited to sequence variants that passed the same GWAS -log10(pvalue)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\usepackage{amsmath}\usepackage{wasysym}\usepackage{amsfonts}\usepackage{amssymb}\usepackage{amsbsy}\usepackage{mathrsfs}\usepackage{upgreek}\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\begin{document}log10(pvalue)- log_{10} (p\,value)\end{document} threshold of 3 in regions identified by RHM, the accuracy improved by 9% (up to 0.25 ± 0.01).ConclusionsOur results show that through careful selection of sequence variants from the QTL regions, the accuracy of genomic prediction for parasite resistance in sheep can be improved. These findings have important implications for genomic prediction in sheep

    Evaluation and Recommendations for Routine Genotyping Using Skim Whole Genome Re-sequencing in Canola

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    Whole genome sequencing offers genome wide, unbiased markers, and inexpensive library preparation. With the cost of sequencing decreasing rapidly, many plant genomes of modest size are amenable to skim whole genome resequencing (skim WGR). The use of skim WGR in diverse sample sets without the use of imputation was evaluated in silico in 149 canola samples representative of global diversity. Fastq files with an average of 10x coverage of the reference genome were used to generate skim samples representing 0.25x, 0.5x, 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, and 5x sequencing coverage. Applying a pre-defined list of SNPs versus de novo SNP discovery was evaluated. As skim WGR is expected to result in some degree of insufficient allele sampling, all skim coverage levels were filtered at a range of minimum read depths from a relaxed minimum read depth of 2 to a stringent read depth of 5, resulting in 28 list-based SNP sets. As a broad recommendation, genotyping pre-defined SNPs between 1x and 2x coverage with relatively stringent depth filtering is appropriate for a diverse sample set of canola due to a balance between marker number, sufficient accuracy, and sequencing cost, but depends on the intended application. This was experimentally examined in two sample sets with different genetic backgrounds: 1x coverage of 1,590 individuals from 84 Australian spring type four-parent crosses aimed at maximizing diversity as well as one commercial F1 hybrid, and 2x coverage of 379 doubled haploids (DHs) derived from a subset of the four-parent crosses. To determine optimal coverage in a simpler genetic background, the DH sample sequence coverage was further down sampled in silico. The flexible and cost-effective nature of the protocol makes it highly applicable across a range of species and purposes

    From FAANG to Fork: Application of Highly Annotated Genomes to Improve Farmed Animal Production

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    Here we review and describe a set of research priorities to meet present and future challenges posed to farmed animal production that build on progress, successes and resources from the Functional Annotation of ANimal Genomes (FAANG) project

    La Tomografia sismica in velocità, attenuazione e scattering e l'immagine della struttura dei vulcani.

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    a) A brief review of the results from travel time tomography at Mt. Vesuvius ed at Campi Flegrei. b) New approaches: (passive) attenuation and scattering tomography. c) Results obtained (passive attenuation and scattering) at Mt. Vesuvio and Campi Flegre