399 research outputs found

    Benchmark calculations for elastic fermion-dimer scattering

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    We present continuum and lattice calculations for elastic scattering between a fermion and a bound dimer in the shallow binding limit. For the continuum calculation we use the Skorniakov-Ter-Martirosian (STM) integral equation to determine the scattering length and effective range parameter to high precision. For the lattice calculation we use the finite-volume method of L\"uscher. We take into account topological finite-volume corrections to the dimer binding energy which depend on the momentum of the dimer. After subtracting these effects, we find from the lattice calculation kappa a_fd = 1.174(9) and kappa r_fd = -0.029(13). These results agree well with the continuum values kappa a_fd = 1.17907(1) and kappa r_fd = -0.0383(3) obtained from the STM equation. We discuss applications to cold atomic Fermi gases, deuteron-neutron scattering in the spin-quartet channel, and lattice calculations of scattering for nuclei and hadronic molecules at finite volume.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Control of Bone Resorption by Semaphorin 4D Is Dependent on Ovarian Function

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    Osteoporosis is one of the most common bone pathologies, which are characterized by a decrease in bone mass. It is well established that bone mass, which results from a balanced bone formation and bone resorption, is regulated by many hormonal, environmental and genetic factors. Here we report that the immune semaphorin 4D (Sema4D) is a novel factor controlling bone resorption. Sema4D-deficient primary osteoclasts showed impaired spreading, adhesion, migration and resorption due to altered ß3 integrin sub-unit downstream signaling. In apparent accordance with these in vitro results, Sema4D deletion in sexually mature female mice led to a high bone mass phenotype due to defective bone resorption by osteoclasts. Mutant males, however, displayed normal bone mass and the female osteopetrotic phenotype was only detected at the onset of sexual maturity, indicating that, in vivo, this intrinsic osteoclast defect might be overcome in these mice. Using bone marrow cross transplantation, we confirmed that Sema4D controls bone resorption through an indirect mechanism. In addition, we show that Sema4D −/− mice were less fertile than their WT littermates. A decrease in Gnrh1 hypothalamic expression and a reduced number of ovarian follicles can explain this attenuated fertility. Interestingly, ovariectomy abrogated the bone resorption phenotype in Sema4D −/− mice, providing the evidence that the observed high bone mass phenotype is strictly dependent on ovarian function. Altogether, this study reveals that, in vivo, Sema4D is an indirect regulator of bone resorption, which acts via its effect on reproductive function

    Snail1 controls bone mass by regulating Runx2 and VDR expression during osteoblast differentiation

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    Bone undergoes continuous remodelling throughout adult life, and the equilibrium between bone formation by osteoblasts and bone resorption by osteoclasts defines the final bone mass. Here we show that Snail1 regulates this balance by controlling osteoblast differentiation. Snail1 is necessary for the early steps of osteoblast development, and it must be downregulated for their final differentiation. At the molecular level, Snail1 controls bone mass by repressing the transcription of both the osteoblast differentiation factor Runx2 and the vitamin D receptor (VDR) genes in osteoblasts. Sustained activation of Snail1 in transgenic mice provokes deficient osteoblast differentiation, which, together with the loss of vitamin D signalling in the bone, also impairs osteoclastogenesis. Indeed, the mineralisation of the bone matrix is severely affected, leading to hypocalcemia-independent osteomalacia. Our data show that the impact of Snail1 activity on the osteoblast population regulates the course of bone cells differentiation and ensures normal bone remodelling

    Automatic news recommendations via aggregated profiling

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    Today, people have only limited, valuable leisure time at their hands which they want to fill in as good as possible according to their own interests, whereas broadcasters want to produce and distribute news items as fast and targeted as possible. These (developing) news stories can be characterised as dynamic, chained, and distributed events in addition to which it is important to aggregate, link, enrich, recommend, and distribute these news event items as targeted as possible to the individual, interested user. In this paper, we show how personalised recommendation and distribution of news events, described using an RDF/OWL representation of the NewsML-G2 standard, can be enabled by automatically categorising and enriching news events metadata via smart indexing and linked open datasets available on the web of data. The recommendations-based on a global, aggregated profile, which also takes into account the (dis)likings of peer friends-are finally fed to the user via a personalised RSS feed. As such, the ultimate goal is to provide an open, user-friendly recommendation platform that harnesses the end-user with a tool to access useful news event information that goes beyond basic information retrieval. At the same time, we provide the (inter)national community with standardised mechanisms to describe/distribute news event and profile information

    Hydrothermal saline promoted grafting of periodic mesoporous organic sulfonic acid silicas for sustainable FAME production

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    Hydrothermal saline promoted grafting of sulfonic acid groups onto SBA-15 and periodic mesoporous organic silica analogues affords solid acid catalysts with high acid site loadings (>2.5 mmol g-1 H+), ordered mesoporosity and tunable hydrophobicity. The resulting catalysts show excellent activity for fatty acid esterification and tripalmitin transesterification to methyl palmitate, with framework phenyl groups promoting fatty acid methyl esters production. (Chemical Equation Presented

    Impact of macroporosity on catalytic upgrading of fast pyrolysis bio-oil by esterification over silica sulfonic acids

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    Fast pyrolysis bio-oils possess unfavourable physicochemical properties and poor stability, due in large part to the presence of carboxylic acids, which hinders their use as biofuels. Catalytic esterification offers an atom and energy efficient route to upgrade pyrolysis bio-oils. Propyl sulfonic acid silicas are active for carboxylic acid esterification but suffer mass-transport limitations for bulky substrates. Macropore (200 nm) incorporation enhances the activity of mesoporous SBA-15 architectures (post-functionalised by hydrothermal saline promoted grafting) for the esterification of linear carboxylic acids, with the magnitude of turnover frequency (TOF) enhancement increasing with chain length from 5 % (C3) to 110 % (C12). Macroporous-mesoporous PrSO3H/SBA-15 also offers a two-fold TOF enhancement over its mesoporous analogue for the esterification of a real thermal fast pyrolysis bio-oil derived from woodchips. The total acid number was reduced by 57 %, with GCxGC-ToFMS evidencing ester and ether formation accompanying loss of acid, phenolic, aldehyde and ketone components

    Cryptococcosis in the Democratic Republic of Congo from 1953 to 2021: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Contexte La cryptococcose est l’une des infections opportunistes les plus courantes et les plus incriminĂ©es dans la morbiditĂ© et mortalitĂ© associĂ©es Ă  l'infection par le VIH. Dans sa forme neuro-mĂ©ningĂ©e, la cryptococcose est responsable de 15% de dĂ©cĂšs au cours du VIH dans le monde. Elle est principalement causĂ©e par le complexe d’espĂšces Cryptococcus neoformans/ C. gattii. En RĂ©publique dĂ©mocratique du Congo (RDC), l'infection par le VIH reste un problĂšme menaçant, ce, dans un environnement de santĂ© publique fragile et prĂ©caire. Objectifs La prĂ©sente revue systĂ©matique examine les aspects cliniques et biologiques de la cryptococcose en RDC, et en estime le fardeau dans la population sĂ©ropositive immunodĂ©primĂ©e Ă  haut risque d’infections opportunistes. MĂ©thodes En utilisant les directives PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis), nous avons recherchĂ© dans les bases de donnĂ©es en ligne et dans la littĂ©rature grise des publications disponibles sur la cryptococcose et Cryptococcus spp. en RDC. Les Ă©tudes ont Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©es sans aucune restriction linguistique et une mĂ©ta-analyse a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e pour estimer les donnĂ©es regroupĂ©es et les intervalles de confiance correspondants (IC) Ă  95%. Le fardeau de la cryptococcose neuro-mĂ©ningĂ©e (CNM) a ensuite Ă©tĂ© estimĂ© sur la base de (1) la prĂ©valence moyenne de la CNM dans la population Ă  VIH et (2) du nombre d’adultes vivant avec le VIH en RDC tel qu’estimĂ© par ONUSIDA en 2020, tout en ne considĂ©rant que la population Ă  haut risque. Bien que les personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH) considĂ©rĂ©es dans la prĂ©sente Ă©tude soient celles qui connaissent leur statut VIH, les critĂšres de haut risque appliquĂ©s ici sont : le taux de CD4 < 200 cellules/”L, l'absence du traitement antirĂ©troviral (ARV), l'Ă©chec du traitement ARV et la perte de vue dans le suivi. RĂ©sultats Au total, 30 articles de recherche ont Ă©tĂ© inclus dans la prĂ©sente revue. Ils ont globalement inclus 1.018 patients atteints de cryptococcose, dont 80,8% avec une forme neuro-mĂ©ningĂ©e et majoritairement immunodĂ©primĂ©s par le VIH/SIDA (97,6%). La prĂ©valence moyenne de la CNM a Ă©tĂ© estimĂ©e Ă  9,63% (IC 95% : [5,99 - 14,07]), infectant principalement des patients de sexe fĂ©minin (51,7%), mariĂ©s (52%) et d'un Ăąge mĂ©dian de 35 (28 - 41) ans. Le taux mĂ©dian de CD4 des patients Ă©tait de 161 (98-499) cellules/”L et le procĂ©dĂ© diagnostique le plus utilisĂ© Ă©tait la coloration directe Ă  l'encre de Chine (264 sur 357). Plus d'un patient sur deux (52,7%) sont dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©s parmi les patients traitĂ©s. Le traitement de la cryptococcose a consistĂ© principalement en une monothĂ©rapie au fluconazole (80,6 %). Par ailleurs, nous estimons qu'environ 9.265 (IC 95 % : 5.763 – 13.537) PVVIH ont Ă©tĂ© atteintes de CNM en 2020, parmi lesquelles 4.883 (IC 95 % : 3.037 – 7.134) seraient dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©es la mĂȘme annĂ©e. Dans l’ensemble, en RDC, 74 isolats de Cryptococcus spp. ont Ă©tĂ© isolĂ©s et caractĂ©risĂ©s, dont 82,4% de Cryptococcus neoformans, exclusivement de sĂ©rotype A et de types molĂ©culaires VNI et VNII ; et 17,6% de Cryptococcus gattii, exclusivement de sĂ©rotype B et de type molĂ©culaire VGI. Il est par ailleurs est notĂ© que la plupart de ces types molĂ©culaires ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© isolĂ©s dans les pays voisins de la RDC. Conclusions Au fil des annĂ©es, en RDC, la cryptococcose est restĂ©e frĂ©quente avec un taux de mortalitĂ© inacceptablement Ă©levĂ©. En 2020, le nombre de PVVIH infectĂ©es et dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©es de suite de la cryptococcose dĂ©montre son lourd fardeau chez les PVVIH congolaises. Recommandations Il est donc important d'amĂ©liorer la lutte contre le VIH-Sida en implĂ©mentant, effectivement, la stratĂ©gie test and treat et en encourageant le dĂ©pistage volontaire, notamment par les populations-clĂ©s. La mise en place d'un programme national de lutte contre les mycoses peut soutenir ces effortsCryptococcose chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH Ă  Kinshasa : contribution Ă  l'Ă©tude Ă©pidĂ©miologique et molĂ©culaire3. Good health and well-bein

    Octyl co-grafted PrSO3H/SBA-15:tunable hydrophobic solid acid catalysts for acetic acid esterification

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    Propylsulfonic acid (PrSO3H) derivatised solid acid catalysts have been prepared by post modification of mesoporous SBA-15 silica with mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (MPTMS), with the impact of co-derivatisation with octyltrimethoxysilane (OTMS) groups to impart hydrophobicity to the catalyst investigated. Turn over frequencies (TOF) for acetic acid esterification with methanol increase with PrSO3H surface coverage across both families suggesting a cooperative effect of adjacent acid sites at high acid site densities. Esterification activity is further promoted upon co-functionalisation with hydrophobic octyl chains, with inverse gas chromatography (iGC) measurements indicating increased activity correlates with decreased surface polarity or increased hydrophobicity
