360 research outputs found

    The impact of the Netherlandish landscape tradition on poetry and painting in early modern England

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    Copyright © 2013 The University of Chicago Press.The relationship between poetry and painting has been one of the most debated issues in the history of criticism. The present article explores this problematic relationship in the context of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England, taking into account theories of rhetoric, visual perception, and art. It analyzes a rare case in which a specific school of painting directly inspired poetry: in particular, the ways in which the Netherlandish landscape tradition influenced natural descriptions in the poem Poly-Olbion (1612, 1622) by Michael Drayton (1563–1631). Drayton — under the influence of the artistic principles of landscape depiction as explained in Henry Peacham’s art manuals, as well as of direct observation of Dutch and Flemish landscape prints and paintings — successfully managed to render pictorial landscapes into poetry. Through practical examples, this essay will thoroughly demonstrate that rhetoric is capable of emulating pictorial styles in a way that presupposes specialized art-historical knowledge, and that pictorialism can be the complex product as much of poetry and rhetoric as of painting and art-theoretical vocabulary

    The Blanco Cosmology Survey: Data Acquisition, Processing, Calibration, Quality Diagnostics and Data Release

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    The Blanco Cosmology Survey (BCS) is a 60 night imaging survey of \sim80 deg2^2 of the southern sky located in two fields: (α\alpha,δ\delta)= (5 hr, 55-55^{\circ}) and (23 hr, 55-55^{\circ}). The survey was carried out between 2005 and 2008 in grizgriz bands with the Mosaic2 imager on the Blanco 4m telescope. The primary aim of the BCS survey is to provide the data required to optically confirm and measure photometric redshifts for Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect selected galaxy clusters from the South Pole Telescope and the Atacama Cosmology Telescope. We process and calibrate the BCS data, carrying out PSF corrected model fitting photometry for all detected objects. The median 10σ\sigma galaxy (point source) depths over the survey in grizgriz are approximately 23.3 (23.9), 23.4 (24.0), 23.0 (23.6) and 21.3 (22.1), respectively. The astrometric accuracy relative to the USNO-B survey is 45\sim45 milli-arcsec. We calibrate our absolute photometry using the stellar locus in grizJgrizJ bands, and thus our absolute photometric scale derives from 2MASS which has 2\sim2% accuracy. The scatter of stars about the stellar locus indicates a systematics floor in the relative stellar photometric scatter in grizgriz that is \sim1.9%, \sim2.2%, \sim2.7% and\sim2.7%, respectively. A simple cut in the AstrOmatic star-galaxy classifier {\tt spread\_model} produces a star sample with good spatial uniformity. We use the resulting photometric catalogs to calibrate photometric redshifts for the survey and demonstrate scatter δz/(1+z)=0.054\delta z/(1+z)=0.054 with an outlier fraction η<5\eta<5% to z1z\sim1. We highlight some selected science results to date and provide a full description of the released data products.Comment: 23 pages, 23 figures . Response to referee comments. Paper accepted for publication. BCS catalogs and images available for download from http://www.usm.uni-muenchen.de/BC

    A novel role for Gemin5 in mRNA translation

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    In eukaryotic cells translation initiation occurs through two alternative mechanisms, a cap-dependent operating in the majority of mRNAs, and a 5′-end-independent driven by internal ribosome entry site (IRES) elements, specific for a subset of mRNAs. IRES elements recruit the translation machinery to an internal position in the mRNA through a mechanism involving the IRES structure and several trans-acting factors. Here, we identified Gemin5 protein bound to the foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) IRES using two independent approaches, riboproteomic analysis and immunoprecipitation of photocroslinked factors. Functional analysis performed in Gemin5 shRNA-depleted cells, or in in vitro translation reactions, revealed an unanticipated role of Gemin5 in translation control as a down-regulator of cap-dependent and IRES-driven translation initiation. Consistent with this, pull-down assays showed that Gemin5 forms part of two distinct complexes, a specific IRES-ribonucleoprotein complex and an IRES-independent protein complex containing eIF4E. Thus, beyond its role in snRNPs biogenesis, Gemin5 also functions as a modulator of translation activity

    Sensoriamento Remoto e Componentes Limnológicos na Caracterização de Lagoas do Pantanal da Nhecolândia, Mato Grosso do Sul

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    A limnologia aplicada a pesquisas em áreas inundáveis vem crescendo no Brasil. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa buscou associar dados de sensoriamento remoto e variáveis limnológicas obtidas em campo para distinguir as lagoas no Pantanal da Nhecolândia, região a qual apresenta um sistema lacustre vasto e variado, com lagoas do tipo baías e salinas. Foram coletadas 32 amostras distribuídas em 31 lagoas e um ponto no Rio Negro, ao longo de duas campanhas de campo realizadas em agosto/2012 e setembro/2013, no período de seca do Pantanal. As variáveis estudadas foram: salinidade total (PPT), pH, alcalinidade e dureza. Para a diferenciação das lagoas em baías e salinas, gerouse um banco de dados em ambiente SIG (sistemas de informações geográficas), onde foram associadas as variáveis limnológicas obtidas à imagem do satélite ALOS, sensor AVNIR-2 (IBGE, 2008), na composição falsa-cor R4G2B3. Como resultados, das lagoas amostradas, 20 foram classificadas em baías e 11 em salinas. A utilização das imagens ALOS AVNIR-2 mostraram-se importantes para estudos relacionados à biodiversidade e conservação do Pantanal, por permitirem diferenciar sistemas lacustres no Pantanal e otimizar os trabalhos de campo, que costumam ser dispendiosos em termos de tempo e recursos financeiro

    Exposing the Contradictory Claims, Myths and Illusions of the “Secrets of Business Success and Company Longevity†Genre

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    Over the last three decades, several management consultants, academics and business practitioners have laid claim to identifying “the secrets†of business success and company longevity. However, a systematic analysis of 24 studies in this genre revealed fundamental disagreements over the elements these authors claim are the primary drivers of business performance and longevity, and demonstrates that they share eight methodological and analytical flaws. Furthermore, many of the claims they made about “the secrets†of business success have not stood the test of time. The paper explains why business practitioners will find little in these studies to help their companies become more successful now and in the future, and also speculates why several of these studies became international best-sellers during the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s. It concludes by suggesting some new avenues for future research in this domain, and highlights the practical implications of these findings for business practitioners

    A Multiwell Platform for Studying Stiffness-Dependent Cell Biology

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    Adherent cells are typically cultured on rigid substrates that are orders of magnitude stiffer than their tissue of origin. Here, we describe a method to rapidly fabricate 96 and 384 well platforms for routine screening of cells in tissue-relevant stiffness contexts. Briefly, polyacrylamide (PA) hydrogels are cast in glass-bottom plates, functionalized with collagen, and sterilized for cell culture. The Young's modulus of each substrate can be specified from 0.3 to 55 kPa, with collagen surface density held constant over the stiffness range. Using automated fluorescence microscopy, we captured the morphological variations of 7 cell types cultured across a physiological range of stiffness within a 384 well plate. We performed assays of cell number, proliferation, and apoptosis in 96 wells and resolved distinct profiles of cell growth as a function of stiffness among primary and immortalized cell lines. We found that the stiffness-dependent growth of normal human lung fibroblasts is largely invariant with collagen density, and that differences in their accumulation are amplified by increasing serum concentration. Further, we performed a screen of 18 bioactive small molecules and identified compounds with enhanced or reduced effects on soft versus rigid substrates, including blebbistatin, which abolished the suppression of lung fibroblast growth at 1 kPa. The ability to deploy PA gels in multiwell plates for high throughput analysis of cells in tissue-relevant environments opens new opportunities for the discovery of cellular responses that operate in specific stiffness regimes

    Regulating amyloid precursor protein synthesis through an internal ribosomal entry site

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    Expression of amyloid precursor protein (APP) is critical to the etiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Consequently, regulating APP expression is one approach to block disease progression. To this end, APP can be targeted at the levels of transcription, translation, and protein stability. Little is currently known about the translation of APP mRNA. Here, we report that endogenous APP mRNA is translated in neural cell lines via an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) located in the 5′-untranslated leader. The functional unit of the APP IRES is located within the 5′ 50 nucleotides of the 5′-leader. In addition, we found that the APP IRES is positively regulated by two conditions correlated with AD, increased intracellular iron concentration and ischemia. Interestingly, the enhancement of APP IRES activity is dependent upon de novo transcription. Taken together, our data suggest that internal initiation of translation of the APP mRNA is an important mode for synthesis of APP, a mechanism which is regulated by conditions that also contribute to AD