133 research outputs found

    Volatile amines in Vitis vinifera varieties and changes during maturation

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    Changes in the volatile amines of Vitis vinifera var. Cabernet Sauvignon and var. Chenin blanc during maturation were measured at weekly intervals from veraison to maturity. The amine concentration changes during maturation for both varieties followed the same general trends. Methylamine and 2-phenethylamine were high early in the season and dropped to much lower levels during maturation. Ethylamine concentration showed substantial increases. The dimethylamine and isoamylamine showed no significant trends in concentration during the sampling period. The diethylamine concentration increased midseason for Cabernet Sauvignon samples and then decreased, but remained fairly constant for Chenin blanc samples. At maturity, freerun juice of Cabernet Sauvignon, Chenin blanc, White Riesling and Pinot noir had 500, 180, 850, and 145 μg/l of methylamine, 45, 10, 25 and 35 μg/l of dimethylamine, 610, 150, 1900 and 4900 μg/l of ethylamine, 30, 25, < 1 and 30 μg/l of diethylamine, 2, 5, 700 and 160 μg/l of isoamylamine, 4, < 1, 200 and 25 μg/l of 2-phenethylamine, < 1, < 1, < 1, and 3 μg/l of 2-methyl-1-butylamine (a-amyl) and < 1, < 1 μg/l n-propylamine (Cabernet Sauvignon and Chenin blanc only), respectively.Flüchtige Amine in Vitis-vinifera-Sorten und ihre Veränderungen während der BeerenreifeBei den Vitis-vinifera-Sorten Cabernet Sauvignon und Chenin blanc wurden die Konzentrationsänderungen der flüchtigen Amine vom Weichwerden der Beeren bis zur Beerenreife in wöchentlichen Intervallen bestimmt. Diese Veränderungen wiesen bei beiden Sorten grundsätzlich die gleiche Tendenz auf. Zu Beginn der Beerenreife waren die Methylamin- und 2-Phenäthylaminkonzentrationen hoch; während der Reife fielen sie auf erheblich niedrigere Werte ab. Die Äthylaminkonzentration stieg beträchtlich an. Dimethylamin und Isoamylamin zeigten keine klare Tendenz. Die Diäthylkonzentration war bei Cabernet Sauvignon in der Mitte der Reifeperiode am höchsten, bei Chenin blanc dagegen über den ganzen Untersuchungszeitraum recht konstant. Bei der Beerenreife lagen im nichtgepreßten Most von Cabernet Sauvignon, Chenin blanc, Weißem Riesling und Pinot noir folgende Aminkonzentrationen (in μg/l) vor: Methylamin - 500, 180, 850 und 145; Dimethylamin - 45, 10, 25, 35; Äthylamin - 610, 150, 1900, 4900; Diäthylamin - 30, 25, < 1, 30; Isoamylamin - 2, 5, 700, 160; 2-Phenäthylamin - 4, < 1, 200, 25; 2-Methyl-1-butylamin (a-Amylamin) - < 1, < 1, < 1, 3; n-Propylamin- < 1, < 1 (für Riesling und Pinot noir nicht bestimmt)

    Indications for pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: consensus presented at the First Meeting on Brazilian Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Guidelines - Brazilian Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation, Rio de Janeiro, 2009

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    The Brazilian Bone Marrow Transplant Society (SBTMO) held its First Meeting on Bone Marrow Transplant Guidelines in 2009. A working group of hematologists and oncologists with experience in pediatrics was formed to review evidence-based indications for pediatric transplants. Scientific publications were carefully assessed and, for each disease, the evidence for recommendation (from A to C) and the quality of the evidence (from 1 to 3) were defined. The recommendations include malignant and non-malignant hematological diseases, solid tumors, immunodeficiency, and storage diseases treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplants: either autologous or allogeneic from matched sibling donors or unrelated donors (adults or umbilical cord blood). Guidelines for reduced-intensity transplants, manipulated grafts or partially compatible donors were not included as there are no uniformly accepted recommendations. All indications are based on the best current knowledge which may change over time. Thus, this review should not be directly applied to patient care without taking into account the disease, donor and patient characteristics. Additionally, this paper should not be used as a document to limit patient access to transplant if correctly indicated. In this review we also point out differences between transplantation in adults and children and make some specific recommendations for pediatric transplants.A Sociedade Brasileira de Transplante de Medula (SBTMO) promoveu o I Encontro de Diretrizes do Transplante de Medula Óssea em 2009. Para revisão das indicações de transplante em Pediatria baseadas em evidências foi constituído grupo de trabalho com oncologistas e hematologistas com experiência em pediatria. Os artigos científicos foram cuidadosamente avaliados e, para cada doença, foram definidas as evidências para recomendação dos transplantes (de A a C) e a qualidade destas evidências (de 1 a 3). As recomendações incluem doenças hematológicas malignas e não malignas, tumores sólidos, imunodeficiências e doenças de depósito tratadas com transplantes de células-tronco hematopoéticas, quer autólogos, alogênicos de irmão HLA compatível ou não aparentados (doadores adultos ou sangue de cordão umbilical). Como não existem recomendações uniformemente aceitas em pediatria, não foram incluídas recomendações para transplantes de intensidade reduzida, com manipulação do enxerto e nem parcialmente compatíveis. É importante ressaltar que todas as indicações são baseadas no conhecimento atual e podem modificar-se com o tempo. Assim, esta revisão não deve ser utilizada para aplicação direta no cuidado do paciente sem levar em conta características da doença, do doador e fatores de risco do próprio paciente. Este trabalho não deve ainda ser utilizado como documento que limite o acesso do paciente ao transplante adequadamente indicado. Ressaltamos ainda, nesta revisão, diferenças entre transplantes em crianças e em adultos, com algumas recomendações específicas para os transplantes em pediatria.UNIFESPUniversidade Federal do ParanáUFRGSHospital Amaral CarvalhoHospital de Clínicas de Porto AlegreUNIFESPSciEL

    Fine-grained Population Mapping from Coarse Census Counts and Open Geodata

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    Fine-grained population maps are needed in several domains, like urban planning, environmental monitoring, public health, and humanitarian operations. Unfortunately, in many countries only aggregate census counts over large spatial units are collected, moreover, these are not always up-to-date. We present POMELO, a deep learning model that employs coarse census counts and open geodata to estimate fine-grained population maps with 100m ground sampling distance. Moreover, the model can also estimate population numbers when no census counts at all are available, by generalizing across countries. In a series of experiments for several countries in sub-Saharan Africa, the maps produced with POMELOare in good agreement with the most detailed available reference counts: disaggregation of coarse census counts reaches R2 values of 85-89%; unconstrained prediction in the absence of any counts reaches 48-69%

    Emergence of antitumor cytolytic T cells is associated with maintenance of hematologic remission in children with acute myeloid leukemia.

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    Although the graft-versus-leukemia effect of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is of paramount importance in the maintenance of disease remission, the role played by the autologous T-cell response in antitumor immune surveillance is less defined. We evaluated the emergence of antileukemia cytotoxic T-lymphocyte precursors (CTLp's) and the correlation of this phenomenon with maintenance of hematologic remission in 16 children with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), treated with either chemotherapy alone (5 patients) or with autologous BMT (A-BMT, 11 patients). Antileukemia CTLp's were detectable in 8 patients in remission after induction chemotherapy; none of them subsequently had a relapse. Of the 8 patients who did not show detectable CTLp frequency while in remission after induction chemotherapy, 7 subsequently experienced leukemia relapse. In patients undergoing A-BMT, molecular fingerprinting of the TCR-Vbeta repertoire, performed on antileukemia lines, demonstrated that selected antileukemia T-cell clonotypes, detectable in bone marrow before transplantation, survived ex vivo pharmacologic purging and were found in the recipient after A-BMT. These data provide evidence for an active role of autologous T cells in the maintenance of hematologic remission and also suggest that quantification of antileukemia CTLp frequency may be a useful tool to identify patients at high risk for relapse, thus potentially benefiting from an allogeneic antitumor effect

    Assessment of Regulatory T Cells in Childhood Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura

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    This study had the objective to assess the frequency of Tregs in children newly diagnosed with ITP and ascertain whether an association exists between Tregs and platelet counts, by means of a comparison with healthy controls. This case-control study included 19 patients newly diagnosed with ITP—whose blood samples were collected at four points in time: before any therapy and 1, 3, and 6 months after diagnosis—and 19 healthy controls. Tregs (CD4(+) CD25(+)Foxp3 T cells) were evaluated by flow cytometry. There was a statistically significant difference in platelet count between the case and control groups. There were no significant differences in Treg counts between cases and controls at any point during the course of the study and no difference in Treg counts between the chronic and nonchronic groups and no significant correlation between Tregs and platelet counts in the case and control groups. The findings of this study did not show any statistically significant correlation between Tregs and number of platelets in the case and control groups. Treg cells did not play a role in the regulation of autoimmunity in children with ITP

    Joint effects of intensity and duration of cigarette smoking on the risk of head and neck cancer: A bivariate spline model approach

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    Objectives: This study aimed at re-evaluating the strength and shape of the dose-response relationship between the combined (or joint) effect of intensity and duration of cigarette smoking and the risk of head and neck cancer (HNC). We explored this issue considering bivariate spline models, where smoking intensity and duration were treated as interacting continuous exposures. Materials and Methods: We pooled individual-level data from 33 case-control studies (18,260 HNC cases and 29,844 controls) participating in the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology (INHANCE) consortium. In bivariate regression spline models, exposures to cigarette smoking intensity and duration (compared with never smokers) were modeled as a linear piecewise function within a logistic regression also including potential confounders. We jointly estimated the optimal knot locations and regression parameters within the Bayesian framework. Results: For oral-cavity/pharyngeal (OCP) cancers, an odds ratio (OR) >5 was reached after 30 years in current smokers of ∼20 or more cigarettes/day. Patterns of OCP cancer risk in current smokers differed across strata of alcohol intensity. For laryngeal cancer, ORs >20 were found for current smokers of ≥20 cigarettes/day for ≥30 years. In former smokers who quit ≥10 years ago, the ORs were approximately halved for OCP cancers, and ∼1/3 for laryngeal cancer, as compared to the same levels of intensity and duration in current smokers. Conclusion: Referring to bivariate spline models, this study better quantified the joint effect of intensity and duration of cigarette smoking on HNC risk, further stressing the need of smoking cessation policies