17,092 research outputs found

    Interpolation of bilinear operators and compactness

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    The behavior of bilinear operators acting on interpolation of Banach spaces for the ρ\rho method in relation to the compactness is analyzed. Similar results of Lions-Peetre, Hayakawa and Person's compactness theorems are obtained for the bilinear case and the ρ\rho method.Comment: This work was published at "Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, Volume 73, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 526-537". Since there are some gaps in the original proof of Theorem 4.3, Here we give a new proof. For this, we change the Lemma 4.

    The Pursuit of Sustainable ICT4D: Lessons from Timor-Leste

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    Information and communication technology for development (ICT4D) initiatives often result in abandonment following a successful technical implementation. This article contributes to the literature on the sustainability of ICT4D projects by proposing a substantive theory of Cultivating Sustainability. A qualitative study, based on three ICT4D implementation cases in a least developed country, served to explore the question of how the sustainability of ICT4D could be enhanced. This paper suggests that sustainability needs to be cultivated proactively and continuously, from project initiation to benefit realization. The article indicates specific strategies that can help least developed countries achieving the long-lasting benefits donors and recipients anticipated

    Para uma teoria crítica da sociedade hoje : A questão da experiência

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    O presente trabalho se propoe a pensar as condiçoes de possibilidade de uma teoria crítica no contemporâneo, considerando, em especial, o conceito de experiência social. Isso implica, compreender no que consiste a crítica e como é possível rearticular a experiência a partir dela, exigindo-se uma abordagem epistemológica que assuma as contradiçoes e a complexidade social como um dos eixos da produçao de conhecimento sociológico, somente possível quando desfeita a divisao estrita e em seu lugar postulada uma relaçao dialética entre sujeito e objeto. Esta pode permitir uma forma de subtrair-se à (nao) experiência do "sempre-igual", a qual o sujeito (ou o que dele restou) encontra-se submetido no capitalismo, propondo uma perspectiva crítica com pretensoes de contrapor-se à ideologia e aos ardis reificadores do contemporâneo. Neste sentido coloca-se a presença do mito e sua crítica, tal como Adorno a realizou nos marcos de uma dialética do esclarecimento. Com esse intuito percorremos importantes aspectos do pensamento de Adorno, como a relaçao entre sujeito e objeto, teoria e práxis, a própria Sociologia como a formulou, todos temas articuladores interpretativos da experiência social. Com isso procuramos uma crítica capaz de desmistificar o existente e de anunciar uma outra experiência socia

    Chemical trends in the Galactic halo from APOGEE data

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.The galaxy formation process in the A cold dark matter scenario can be constrained from the analysis of stars in the Milky Way's halo system. We examine the variation of chemical abundances in distant halo stars observed by the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment ( APOGEE), as a function of distance from the Galactic Centre ( r) and iron abundance ([M/H]), in the range 5 less than or similar to r less than or similar to 30 kpc and - 2.5 15 kpc and [M/H] > - 1.1 (larger in the case of O, Mg, and S) with respect to the nearest halo stars. This result confirms previous claims for low-alpha stars found at larger distances. Chemical differences in elements with other nucleosynthetic origins (Ni, K, Na, and Al) are also detected. C and N do not provide reliable information about the interstellar medium from which stars formed because our sample comprises red giant branch and asymptotic giant branch stars and can experience mixing of material to their surfaces.https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article-lookup/doi/10.1093/mnras/stw286

    O valor acrescentado pelo capital estrutural à cadeia de valor da madeira e indústrias relacionadas

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    Purpose – Structural capital is a component of intellectual capital. Its measurement is essential to obtain the real value of intellectual capital and its influence on profitability.  This article aims at understanding the impact of structural capital on timber and related industries value chain of Galicia (Spain).Design/methodology/approach – The wood sector chain was divided into three major sectors: extraction, conversion and finished products. Using a panel data model, we measured the value addition created by structural capital for the period of 2002-2018.Findings – Structural capital brings value addition to extraction and finished products sectors of the value chain. The sector and the territory limit value generation and efficiency of structural capital.Research limitations/implications – We took an extensive data set ranging from 2002 to 2018 of a relatively small region (Galicia). The findings could change if the area is expanded and/or other regions covered.Practical implications – For business managers and consultants, this study suggests the need for benchmarking and cooperation practices between companies to increase efficiency. Entrepreneurs must concentrate more on intellectual capital in order to better performance.Social implications – Local governments and social entities should acknowledge the importance of intellectual capital while implementing regulations and specific actions to improve SMEs profitability. Originality/value – This paper measures the impact of structural capital on the timber value chain. SC is taken as an independent variable, unlike previous measurement models, where it was a remainder value after deducting HC from IC. Objetivos – O capital estrutural é um componente do capital intelectual. A sua medição é essencial para obter o valor real do capital intelectual e a sua influência nos lucros. Este artigo mede o impacto do capital estrutural na cadeia de valor madeireira da Galícia (Espanha).Desígnio/metodologia/abordagem – Dividimos a cadeia madeireira em três grandes setores: extração, conversão e produtos finais. Usando um modelo de painel de dados, medimos o valor acrescentado criado pelo capital estrutural para 2002-2018.Resultados – O capital estrutural gera valor acrescentado nos setores de extração e produtos finais. O sector e o território limitam a criação de valor e eficiência do capital estrutural.Limitações/implicações de pesquisa – Usamos uma base de dados extensiva 2002-2018 de uma região relativamente pequena (Galícia). Os resultados poderiam diferir se a área de estudo fosse expandida e/ou outras regiões estudadas.Implicações práticas – Para empresários e consultores, este estudo sugere a importância das práticas de criar objetivos e cooperação entre empresas para aumentar a eficiência. Os empreendedores devem concentrar-se mais no capital intelectual para melhorar o desempenho.Implicações sociais – Governos locais e entidades sociais devem reconhecer a importância do capital intelectual ao implementar regulações e ações específicas visando melhorias nos lucros das PMEs. Originalidade/valor – Este artigo mede o impacto do capital estrutural na cadeia de valor madeireira. O capital estrutural é considerado como uma variável independente, diferente dos modelos de medição anteriores, onde era apenas um valor residual da diferença entre capital humano e capital intelectual

    Phantom Friedmann Cosmologies and Higher-Order Characteristics of Expansion

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    We discuss a more general class of phantom (p<ϱp < -\varrho) cosmologies with various forms of both phantom (w1w -1) matter. We show that many types of evolution which include both Big-Bang and Big-Rip singularities are admitted and give explicit examples. Among some interesting models, there exist non-singular oscillating (or "bounce") cosmologies, which appear due to a competition between positive and negative pressure of variety of matter content. From the point of view of the current observations the most interesting cosmologies are the ones which start with a Big-Bang and terminate at a Big-Rip. A related consequence of having a possibility of two types of singularities is that there exists an unstable static universe approached by the two asymptotic models - one of them reaches Big-Bang, and another reaches Big-Rip. We also give explicit relations between density parameters Ω\Omega and the dynamical characteristics for these generalized phantom models, including higher-order observational characteristics such as jerk and "kerk". Finally, we discuss the observational quantities such as luminosity distance, angular diameter, and source counts, both in series expansion and explicitly, for phantom models. Our series expansion formulas for the luminosity distance and the apparent magnitude go as far as to the fourth-order in redshift zz term, which includes explicitly not only the jerk, but also the "kerk" (or "snap") which may serve as an indicator of the curvature of the universe.Comment: REVTEX 4, 23 pages, references updated, to appear in Annals of Physics (N.Y.