1,599 research outputs found

    Fiscal reform and federal relations: Brazilian deadlocks

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    Brazilian fiscal reform got to deadlocks because proposals tried to avoid considering federal relations. There are two main types of federal relations: the competitive and the cooperative. In both types is possible to observe coordination mechanisms. Brazilian federalism is a mixture of both types what leads to difficulties finding solutions. We argue that is more important to find mechanisms to facilitate cooperation than to discuss the qualities of any alternative fiscal structure. Fiscal reforms brings along a great deal of uncertainty. So it is important to discuss the reform timing and the compensation mechanisms before hand

    Simulating the impact of dust cooling on the statistical properties of the intracluster medium

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    From the first stages of star and galaxy formation, non-gravitational processes such as ram pressure stripping, SNs, galactic winds, AGNs, galaxy-galaxy mergers, etc... lead to the enrichment of the IGM in stars, metals as well as dust, via the ejection of galactic material into the IGM. We know now that these processes shape, side by side with gravitation, the formation and the evolution of structures. We present here hydrodynamic simulations of structure formation implementing the effect of the cooling by dust on large scale structure formation. We focus on the scale of galaxy clusters and study the statistical properties of clusters. Here we present our results on the TXMT_X-M and the LXML_X-M scaling relations which exhibit changes on both the slope and normalization when adding cooling by dust to the standard radiative cooling model. For example, the normalization of the TXMT_X-M relation changes only by a maximum of 2% at M=1014M=10^{14} M_\odot whereas the normalization of the LXTXL_X-T_X changes by as much as 10% at TX=1T_X=1 keV for models that including dust cooling. Our study shows that the dust is an added non-gravitational process that contributes shaping the thermodynamical state of the hot ICM gas.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, ASR in pres

    Percorrendo possíveis : entre a rua e as práticas na assistência

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    Retradução e enunciação : a temporalidade do traduzir

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    Quando as discussões sobre o papel do tradutor e de como suas escolhas interferem no resultado começaram a ganhar destaque nos Estudos de Tradução, teorias com a da Retradução começaram a crescer na área. Neste trabalho, trazemos a visão de Antoine Berman sobre este tema, que com a publicação em 1990 do artigo A retradução como espaço da tradução, defendeu que toda a tradução após a primeira tradução de uma obra seria retradução. Berman criou hipóteses para tentar entender o porquê de traduções envelhecerem e novas precisarem ser feitas. Nosso objetivo é tentar entender o que significa essa necessidade de novas retraduções e, para isso, propomos um olhar enunciativo para a retradução, mobilizando os conceitos de Émile Benveniste em O aparelho formal da enunciação, de 1970. Essa aproximação de dois campos nem sempre ligados, Estudos de Tradução e Estudos da Linguagem pode resultar em uma expansão tanto de como a tradução é estudada e compreendida, quanto em uma expansão da linguística enunciativa. Logo, neste trabalho pretende-se avaliar como uma análise enunciativa do ato de tradução, que leva em conta locutor, recursos linguísticos e situação, pode nos ajudar a entender, dentro dos Estudos de Tradução, se a temporalidade da retradução e o papel do tradutor podem influenciar na produção de novas retraduções. Para isso, fazemos uma releitura da retradução de Berman (2007) sob a ótica da enunciação de Benveniste (1989). Em seguida, propomos um princípio de análise da retradução. Aplicamos nosso modelo na obra de William Faulkner, As I Lay Dying, publicada em 1930, e nas suas retraduções para o português brasileiro, sob o título de Enquanto Agonizo. A primeira de 1973, por Hélio Pólvora para a editora Expansão Cultural e, a segunda, de 2001, por Wladir Dupont para a editora Mandarim. Concluímos que o papel do tradutor é importante como mobilizador da língua e, além disso, a temporalidade pressuposta em cada uma das retraduções apresentam influência no resultado do trabalho, já que, a cada nova enunciação, o retradutor-autor se enuncia propondo, a cada vez, uma nova relação do texto com o leitor.When the discussions about the translator’s role and how their choices affect the results began to gain prominence in the Translation Studies, theories such as retranslation began to grow in the field. In this study, we bring Antoine Berman’s perspective on this subject. With the publication in 1990 of the article La retraduction comme espace de la traduction, Berman defended that all translation after the first translation of a work would be its retranslation. The author came up with a hypothesis to try to understand why translations age, and new ones need to be done. Our aim is to try to understand the meaning of this need for retranslations. To achieve that, we propose an enunciative look at retranslation, mobilizing the concepts presented by Émile Benveniste in his paper The formal apparatus of enunciation, 1970. The approximation between the two fields, not always connected, namely Translation Studies and Language Studies can both contribute to a better understanding of how translation is studied and understood and broaden the scope of enunciative linguistics. Therefore, in this study, we intend to evaluate how an enunciative analysis of the translation act that takes into account speaker, linguistic resources, and the situation may help us to understand, within Translation Studies, whether the retranslation’s temporality and the translator’s role may influence the production of new retranslations. For this, we reread Berman’s (2007) retranslation from the perspective of Benveniste’s enunciation (1989). Then, we propose a principle of analysis of retranslation. We applied our model to William Faulkner’s novel, As I Lay Dying, published in 1930, and in its retranslations into Brazilian Portuguese, under the title of Enquanto Agonizo. The first published in 1973, translated by Hélio Pólvora and the second, in 2001, by Wladir Dupont. We conclude that the translator’s role is essential as a language mobilizer and, besides, the temporality assumed in each of the retranslations influences the result of the work, since, with each new enunciation, the translator-author enunciates themselves proposing, each time a new relationship between the text and the reader

    Caracterización morfológica de los nectarios extraflorales en especies vegetales de la Amazonia brasileña

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    Background and Aims: Extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) are secretory glands of an aqueous solution composed mainly of sugars, amino acids and lipids, frequently used as food resource by ants, which tend to protect their host plants against herbivorous insects. Although the Amazon forest is recognized worldwide for its high plant diversity, few studies have been carried out in the region that characterize the different morphotypes of EFNs. In this context, our main aim was to perform a brief morphological description of EFNs in the Brazilian Amazonian rainforest. Methods: We established a plot of 6250 m2 in ten forest fragments situated in the state of Acre, Brazilian Amazon. In these plots, we performed intensive field surveys to locate EFN-bearing plant species. Subsequently, we used scanning electron microscopy images to morphologically characterize the EFNs. The morphological descriptions included information about the life form of EFN-bearing plant species, morphotypes of EFNs and their location in different plant structures. Key results: We morphologically characterized 67 EFN-bearing plant species, distributed in 28 genera and 19 families. The botanical families with the highest taxonomic representativeness were Fabaceae, Bignoniaceae and Malpighiaceae. Lianas were the life form with the largest number of EFN-bearing plant species, while elevated EFNs were the most frequent morphotype. Conclusions: The high frequency of elevated EFNs evidences the importance of the ant defense system against herbivory in these Brazilian Amazonian forests, since it has been documented in others works that this morphotype secretes a larger nectar volume, which is an advantage in relation to the attraction potential. Finally, our results indicate the existence of a high diversity of EFN-bearing plant species in this region of the Brazilian Amazon, and an important morphological diversity of associated extrafloral nectaries.Antecedentes y Objetivos: Los nectarios extraflorales (NEFs) son glándulas secretoras de una solución acuosa compuesta principalmente de azúcares, aminoácidos y lípidos, frecuentemente utilizada como recurso alimenticio por hormigas, que tienden a proteger sus plantas hospederas contra insectos herbívoros. Aunque la selva amazónica es reconocida mundialmente por su alta diversidad de plantas, pocos estudios se han realizado en la región que caracterizan las diferentes formas de NEFs. En este contexto, nuestro principal objetivo fue realizar una descripción morfológica de los NEFs en una selva amazónica brasileña. Métodos: Establecimos una parcela de 6250 m2 en diez fragmentos de bosque situados en el estado de Acre, Amazonía Brasileña. En estas parcelas, realizamos recorridos de campo intensivos para localizar especies de plantas portadoras de NEFs. Posteriormente, utilizamos imágenes de microscopía electrónica de barrido para caracterizar morfológicamente los NEFs. Las descripciones morfológicas incluyeron información sobre la forma de vida de las especies de plantas portadoras de NEFs, morfotipos de NEFs y su ubicación en las diferentes estructuras de la planta. Resultados clave: Caracterizamos morfológicamente 67 especies de plantas portadoras de NEFs, distribuidas en 28 géneros y 19 familias. Las familias botánicas con mayor representatividad taxonómica fueron Fabaceae, Bignoniaceae y Malpighiaceae. Las lianas fueron la forma de vida que presentó más especies de plantas portadoras de NEFs, mientras que los NEFs de tipo elevado fueron los más frecuentes. Conclusiones: La mayor frecuencia de NEFs de tipo elevado evidencia la importancia del sistema de defensa de hormigas contra la herbivoria en esta selva amazónica brasileña, ya que se ha documentado en otros trabajos que este morfotipo secreta un mayor volumen de néctar, lo que es una ventaja en relación con el potencial de atracción. Finalmente, nuestros hallazgos indican la existencia de una alta diversidad de especies de plantas portadoras de NEFs en esta región de Amazonía Brasileña, y una importante diversidad morfológica de nectarios extraflorales asociados

    Avaliação de maracujá-roxo em porta-enxerto tolerante à fusariose

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the vegetative growth, yield, fruit quality, and survival of purple passion fruit grafted onto a rootstock tolerant to fusarium wilt in an area with a history of this disease. The treatments were the combination of three elite accessions of purple passion fruit (PutEdu01, TesEdu11, and a commercial accession as the control) and three rootstocks (ungrafted, autografted, and grafted onto Passiflora maliformis). TesEdu11 grafted onto P. maliformis shows the highest estimated yield at 307 days after transplanting in areas with fusarium wilt incidence.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento vegetativo, a produção, a qualidade do fruto e a sobrevivência do maracujá-roxo enxertado em um porta-enxerto tolerante à fusariose, em uma área com histórico de ocorrência da doença. Os tratamentos foram combinações de três acessos elite de maracujá-roxo (PutEdu01, TesEdu11 e um acesso comercial como controle) e três porta-enxertos (pé-franco, autoenxerto e enxerto em Passiflora maliformis). TesEdu11 enxertada em P. maliformis apresenta a maior produção estimada aos 307 dias após transplante em áreas com incidência de fusariose

    Proline and ions accumulation in four Passiflora species under water-saline stress

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    Water-saline stress is one of the factors limiting growth and crop production, with the induction of morphological, structural and metabolic changes in higher plants. This study aimed to evaluate the response of four species with ten accessions of Passiflora to saline stress and drought stress, and the accumulation of proline and content of cationic macronutrients and their relationships with sodium. The plants were grown under controlled conditions for seven months, watered with nutrient solution with additions of NaCl (100 mM) to achieve the desired conductivities (1.5, 2.5, 4.0, and 5.5 dS m-1) and constant substrate humidity of 100%, 66% and 33%. The concentrations of Na+, K+, Ca++, Mg++ and proline in the leaves were determined. Proline accumulation increased in salinized plants, especially in young leaves. Proline increase was evident in accessions tolerant and moderately tolerant to salinity. These results indicate that tolerance to salinity and water stress in Passiflora relates to an improved ability to exclude sodium and greater ability to accumulate proline for osmotic adjustment. The increased salinity of the nutrient solution increased sodium contents, relations Na+/Ca++, Na+/Mg++, Na+/K+, and decreased Ca++, Mg++ and K+ levels, reflecting the nutritional imbalance caused by progressive saline stress.Water-saline stress is one of the factors limiting growth and crop production, with the induction of morphological, structural and metabolic changes in higher plants. This study aimed to evaluate the response of four species with ten accessions of Passiflora to saline stress and drought stress, and the accumulation of proline and content of cationic macronutrients and their relationships with sodium. The plants were grown under controlled conditions for seven months, watered with nutrient solution with additions of NaCl (100 mM) to achieve the desired conductivities (1.5, 2.5, 4.0, and 5.5 dS m-1) and constant substrate humidity of 100%, 66% and 33%. The concentrations of Na+, K+, Ca++, Mg++ and proline in the leaves were determined. Proline accumulation increased in salinized plants, especially in young leaves. Proline increase was evident in accessions tolerant and moderately tolerant to salinity. These results indicate that tolerance to salinity and water stress in Passiflora relates to an improved ability to exclude sodium and greater ability to accumulate proline for osmotic adjustment. The increased salinity of the nutrient solution increased sodium contents, relations Na+/Ca++, Na+/Mg++, Na+/K+, and decreased Ca++, Mg++ and K+ levels, reflecting the nutritional imbalance caused by progressive saline stress

    Tolerancia a la salinidad de Passiflora tarminiana Coppens & Barney

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 11-19).Passiflora tarminiana es una glicofita trepadora, nativa de la región andina que tiene tolerancia a la salinidad y estrés hídrico moderado. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la capacidad para la excreción de sodio como una posible estrategia de esta especie para la tolerancia a la salinidad y a la sequía. La excreción de sal y las concentraciones de iones excretados se examinaron en plantas cultivadas durante siete meses bajo varios niveles de salinidad [(NaCl) 2,5; 4,0 y 5,5 dS m-1 (25, 40 y 55 mM)] y de estrés hídrico moderado (33 y 100% de humedad en el sustrato). El experimento fue llevado a cabo en un diseño completamente al azar con un arreglo de parcelas subdivididas, donde la parcela constituye el porcentaje de saturación de agua (33 y 100%), la subparcela los niveles de saturación de sal (CE: 2,5; 4,0 y 5,5 dS m-1), con cinco repeticiones, y la unidad experimental compuesta por una planta. Se evaluaron los cristales de sal y las estructuras de la epidermis foliar. Las sales fueron excretadas en la superficie adaxial de la hoja, posiblemente debido a las glándulas secretoras de sal especializadas. Se observaron otras estructuras como tricomas y papilas, que se cree que también están implicadas en la tolerancia a la salinidad en P. tarminiana.moderate water stress. The aim of this study was to evaluate its capacity for sodium excretion as a possible strategy for salinity tolerance and the drought. Salt excretion and excreted ion concentrations were evaluated in plants grown for seven months under various levels of salinity [(NaCl) 2.5, 4.0, and 5.5 dS m-1 (25, 40 and 55 mM)] and moderate water stress (33 and 100% moisture in the substrate). The experiment design was completely randomized in a split-plot array, where the plot was determined by the percentage of water saturation (33% and 100%). The ubplot had saturation levels of salinity (EC: 2.5, 4.0, and 5.5 dS m-1), with five replicates. The experiment unit consisted of one plant. Salt crystals and structures of the leaf epidermis were evaluated. Salts were excreted in the adaxial leaf surface, possibly because of specialized salt secreting glands. Other structures, such as trichomes and papillae, were also observed, which are believed to also be involved in the salt tolerance of P. tarminiana.Bibliografía: páginas 18-1