198 research outputs found

    Deep into the structure of the first galaxies: SERRA views

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    We study the formation and evolution of a sample of Lyman Break Galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization by using high-resolution (10pc\sim 10 \,{\rm pc}), cosmological zoom-in simulations part of the SERRA suite. In SERRA, we follow the interstellar medium (ISM) thermo-chemical non-equilibrium evolution, and perform on-the-fly radiative transfer of the interstellar radiation field (ISRF). The simulation outputs are post-processed to compute the emission of far infrared lines ([CII], [NII], and [OIII]). At z=8z=8, the most massive galaxy, `Freesia', has an age t409Myrt_\star \simeq 409\,{\rm Myr}, stellar mass M4.2×109MM_{\star} \simeq 4.2\times 10^9 {\rm M}_{\odot}, and a star formation rate SFR11.5Myr1{\rm SFR} \simeq 11.5\,{\rm M}_{\odot}{\rm yr}^{-1}, due to a recent burst. Freesia has two stellar components (A and B) separated by 2.5kpc\simeq 2.5\, {\rm kpc}; other 11 galaxies are found within 56.9±21.6kpc56.9 \pm 21.6 \, {\rm kpc}. The mean ISRF in the Habing band is G=7.9G0G = 7.9\, G_0 and is spatially uniform; in contrast, the ionisation parameter is U=22+20×103U = 2^{+20}_{-2} \times 10^{-3}, and has a patchy distribution peaked at the location of star-forming sites. The resulting ionising escape fraction from Freesia is fesc2%f_{\rm esc}\simeq 2\%. While [CII] emission is extended (radius 1.54 kpc), [OIII] is concentrated in Freesia-A (0.85 kpc), where the ratio Σ[OIII]/Σ[CII]10\Sigma_{\rm [OIII]}/\Sigma_{\rm [CII]} \simeq 10. As many high-zz galaxies, Freesia lies below the local [CII]-SFR relation. We show that this is the general consequence of a starburst phase (pushing the galaxy above the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation) which disrupts/photodissociates the emitting molecular clouds around star-forming sites. Metallicity has a sub-dominant impact on the amplitude of [CII]-SFR deviations.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Photoevaporation of Jeans-unstable molecular clumps

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    We study the photoevaporation of Jeans-unstable molecular clumps by isotropic FUV (6 eV < h\u3bd < 13.6 eV) radiation, through 3D radiative transfer hydrodynamical simulations implementing a non-equilibrium chemical network that includes the formation and dissociation of H2. We run a set of simulations considering different clump masses (M=10 - 200 M_{odot }) and impinging fluxes (G0 = 2 7 103 to 8 7 104 in Habing units). In the initial phase, the radiation sweeps the clump as an R-type dissociation front, reducing the H2 mass by a factor 40 - 90{{ per cent}}. Then, a weak (M 3ceq 2) shock develops and travels towards the centre of the clump, which collapses while losing mass from its surface. All considered clumps remain gravitationally unstable even if radiation rips off most of the clump mass, showing that external FUV radiation is not able to stop clump collapse. However, the FUV intensity regulates the final H2 mass available for star formation: for example, for G0 < 104 more than 10 per cent of the initial clump mass survives. Finally, for massive clumps ({ 73 } 100 M_{odot }) the H2 mass increases by 25 - 50{{ per cent}} during the collapse, mostly because of the rapid density growth that implies a more efficient H2 self-shielding

    Growth rates and age at adult size of loggerhead sea turtles (<em>Caretta caretta</em>) in the Mediterranean Sea, estimated through capture-mark-recapture records

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    A partir de registros de capturamarcaje- recaptura, se estimaron por primera vez en el Mediterráneo las tasas de crecimiento de las fases juveniles de la tortuga boba (Caretta caretta). Se liberaron treinta y ocho tortugas a partir de la costa italiana y se reencontraron después de 1.0-10.9 años en el periodo 1986-2007. El promedio de LCC (longitud curvada del caparazón) varió de 32.5 a 82.0 cm y se observaron tasas de crecimiento variables, de 0 a 5.97 cm/año (promedio: 2.5). La asociación entre la tasa de crecimiento anual y tres covariables (año promedio, talla promedio e intervalo de tiempo) se investigó a través de un modelo no-paramétrico. Solamente la talla media mostró un claro efecto en la tasa de crecimiento, descrito por una curva monotónica descendente. La variabilidad observada indica que factores no incluidos en el modelo, probablemente relacionados con el individuo, tienen un importante efecto en las tasas de crecimiento. En base a la función de crecimiento monotónicamente decreciente que indica que no hay esfuerzo en el crecimiento, se uso una función de crecimiento de von Bertalanffy para estimar el tiempo requerido por las tortugas para crecer dentro del rango de tallas observado. Los resultados indican que las tortugas necesitarán de 16-28 años para alcanzar 66.5-84.7 cm LCC, la talla promedio de anidación observada en las más importantes áreas de anidación del Mediterráneo, lo que puede ser considerado como una aproximación a la talla de madurez

    Effects of Ga+ milling on InGaAsP Quantum Well Laser with mirrors etched by Focused Ion Beam

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    InGaAsP/InP quantum wells (QW) ridge waveguide lasers were fabricated for the evaluation of Ga+ Focused Ion Beam (FIB) milling of mirrors. Electrical and optical proprieties were investigated. A 7% increment in threshold current, a 17% reduction in external quantum efficiency and 15 nm blue shift in the emission spectrum were observed after milling as compared to the as cleaved facet result. Annealing in inert atmosphere partially revert these effects resulting in 4% increment in threshold current, 11% reduction in external efficiency and 13 nm blue shift with the as cleaved result. The current-voltage behavior after milling and annealing shows a very small increase in leakage current indicating that optical damage is the main effect of the milling process.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    ALMA reveals metals yet no dust within multiple components in CR7

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    We present spectroscopic follow-up observations of CR7 with ALMA, targeted at constraining the infrared (IR) continuum and [CII]158μm_{158 \mu \rm m} line-emission at high spatial resolution matched to the HST/WFC3 imaging. CR7 is a luminous Lyα\alpha emitting galaxy at z=6.6z=6.6 that consists of three separated UV-continuum components. Our observations reveal several well-separated components of [CII] emission. The two most luminous components in [CII] coincide with the brightest UV components (A and B), blue-shifted by 150\approx 150 km s1^{-1} with respect to the peak of Lyα\alpha emission. Other [CII] components are observed close to UV clumps B and C and are blue-shifted by 300\approx300 and 80\approx80 km s1^{-1} with respect to the systemic redshift. We do not detect FIR continuum emission due to dust with a 3σ\sigma limiting luminosity LIR(Td=35K)CR7sclumpshavemetallicitiesof_{\rm IR} (T_d = 35 \rm \, K) CR7s clumps have metallicities of 0.1\rm Z/Z_{\odot}0.2$. The observed ISM structure of CR7 indicates that we are likely witnessing the build up of a central galaxy in the early Universe through complex accretion of satellites

    Resolved UV and [C II] Structures of Luminous Galaxies within the Epoch of Reionization

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    We present new deep ALMA and HST/WFC3 observations of MASOSA and VR7, two luminous Lyα\alpha emitters (LAEs) at z=6.5z=6.5, for which the UV continuum level differ by a factor four. No IR dust continuum emission is detected in either, indicating little amounts of obscured star formation and/or high dust temperatures. MASOSA, with a UV luminosity M1500=20.9_{1500}=-20.9, compact size and very high Lyα\alpha EW0145_{0}\approx145 A, is undetected in [CII] to a limit of L$_{\rm [CII]

    The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey: Star-formation-driven outflows and circumgalactic enrichment in the early Universe

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    We study the efficiency of galactic feedback in the early Universe by stacking the [C II] 158 um emission in a large sample of normal star-forming galaxies at 4 < z < 6 from the ALMA Large Program to INvestigate [C II] at Early times (ALPINE) survey. Searching for typical signatures of outflows in the high-velocity tails of the stacked [C II] profile, we observe (i) deviations from a single-component Gaussian model in the combined residuals and (ii) broad emission in the stacked [C II] spectrum, with velocities of |v|<~ 500 km/s. The significance of these features increases when stacking the subset of galaxies with star formation rates (SFRs) higher than the median (SFRmed = 25 Msun/yr), thus confirming their star-formation-driven nature. The estimated mass outflow rates are comparable to the SFRs, yielding mass-loading factors of the order of unity (similarly to local star-forming galaxies), suggesting that star-formation-driven feedback may play a lesser role in quenching galaxies at z > 4. From the stacking analysis of the datacubes, we find that the combined [C II] core emission (|v|< 200 km/s) of the higher-SFR galaxies is extended on physical sizes of ~ 30 kpc (diameter scale), well beyond the analogous [C II] core emission of lower-SFR galaxies and the stacked far-infrared continuum. The detection of such extended metal-enriched gas, likely tracing circumgalactic gas enriched by past outflows, corroborates previous similar studies, confirming that baryon cycle and gas exchanges with the circumgalactic medium are at work in normal star-forming galaxies already at early epochs

    The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] survey : star-formation-driven outflows and circumgalactic enrichment in the early Universe

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    We study the efficiency of galactic feedback in the early Universe by stacking the [C II] 158 μm emission in a large sample of normal star-forming galaxies at 4  &lt;   z  &lt;   6 from the ALMA Large Program to INvestigate [C II] at Early times (ALPINE) survey. Searching for typical signatures of outflows in the high-velocity tails of the stacked [C II] profile, we observe (i) deviations from a single-component Gaussian model in the combined residuals and (ii) broad emission in the stacked [C II] spectrum, with velocities of |v|≲ 500 km s-1. The significance of these features increases when stacking the subset of galaxies with star formation rates (SFRs) higher than the median (SFRmed  =  25 M⊙ yr-1), thus confirming their star-formation-driven nature. The estimated mass outflow rates are comparable to the SFRs, yielding mass-loading factors of the order of unity (similarly to local star-forming galaxies), suggesting that star-formation-driven feedback may play a lesser role in quenching galaxies at z  &gt;   4. From the stacking analysis of the datacubes, we find that the combined [C II] core emission (|v|&lt; 200 km s-1) of the higher-SFR galaxies is extended on physical sizes of ∼30 kpc (diameter scale), well beyond the analogous [C II] core emission of lower-SFR galaxies and the stacked far-infrared continuum. The detection of such extended metal-enriched gas, likely tracing circumgalactic gas enriched by past outflows, corroborates previous similar studies, confirming that baryon cycle and gas exchanges with the circumgalactic medium are at work in normal star-forming galaxies already at early epochs

    The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] Survey: [C II]158micron Emission Line Luminosity Functions at z46z \sim 4-6

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    We present the [CII]158μ\mum line luminosity functions (LFs) at z46z\sim4-6 using the ALMA observations of 118 sources, which are selected to have UV luminosity M1500A<20.2M_{1500A}<-20.2 and optical spectroscopic redshifts in COSMOS and ECDF-S. Of the 118 targets, 75 have significant [CII] detections and 43 are upper limits. This is by far the largest sample of [CII] detections which allows us to set constraints to the volume density of [CII] emitters at z46z\sim4-6. But because this is a UV-selected sample, we are missing [CII]-bright but UV-faint sources making our constraints strict lower limits. Our derived LFs are statistically consistent with the z0z\sim0 [CII] LF at 108.25109.75L10^{8.25} - 10^{9.75}L_\odot. We compare our results with the upper limits of the [CII] LF derived from serendipitous sources in the ALPINE maps (Loiacono et al. 2020). We also infer the [CII] LFs based on published far-IR and CO LFs at z46z\sim4-6. Combining our robust lower limits with these additional estimates, we set further constraints to the true number density of [CII] emitters at z46z\sim 4 - 6. These additional LF estimates are largely above our LF at L[CII]>109LL_{[CII]}>10^9L_{\odot}, suggesting that UV-faint but [CII]-bright sources likely make a significant contributions to the [CII] emitter volume density. When we include all the LF estimates, we find that available model predictions underestimate the number densities of [CII] emitters at z46z\sim4-6. Finally, we set a constraint on the molecular gas mass density at z46z\sim4-6, with ρmol(27)×107M\rho_{mol} \sim (2-7)\times10^7M_\odot\,Mpc3^{-3}. This is broadly consistent with previous studies.Comment: 17 pages, 9 Figures, Update to match with the published version. Accepted for the publication in Ap