9 research outputs found

    The relationships between golf and health:A scoping review

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationships between golf and health. DESIGN: Scoping review. DATA SOURCES: Published and unpublished reports of any age or language, identified by searching electronic databases, platforms, reference lists, websites and from consulting experts. REVIEW METHODS: A 3-step search strategy identified relevant published primary and secondary studies as well as grey literature. Identified studies were screened for final inclusion. Data were extracted using a standardised tool, to form (1) a descriptive analysis and (2) a thematic summary. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: 4944 records were identified with an initial search. 301 studies met criteria for the scoping review. Golf can provide moderate intensity physical activity and is associated with physical health benefits that include improved cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic profiles, and improved wellness. There is limited evidence related to golf and mental health. The incidence of golfing injury is moderate, with back injuries the most frequent. Accidental head injuries are rare, but can have serious consequences. CONCLUSIONS: Practitioners and policymakers can be encouraged to support more people to play golf, due to associated improved physical health and mental well-being, and a potential contribution to increased life expectancy. Injuries and illnesses associated with golf have been identified, and risk reduction strategies are warranted. Further research priorities include systematic reviews to further explore the cause and effect nature of the relationships described. Research characterising golf's contribution to muscular strengthening, balance and falls prevention as well as further assessing the associations and effects between golf and mental health are also indicated

    Die "Artisierung" von jĂŒdischem Grundeigentum wĂ€hrend des Nationalsozialismus : ein Fallbeispiel aus Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg

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    Nach der Wiedervereinigung der beiden deutschen Staaten im Jahr 1990 wurde in den neuen BundeslĂ€ndern der weitgehend verstaatlichte Grund und Boden in Privateigentum zurĂŒckĂŒberfĂŒhrt. Da in der DDR eine Wiedergutmachung nationalsozialistischen Unrechts weitgehend ausgeblieben war, wurde die Restitutionsregelung auf die Eigentumsentziehungen bis 1933 ausgedehnt. Die wenig erforschte «Arisierung» des Grundeigentums wĂ€hrend des Nationalsozialismus gewann damit an erneuter AktualitĂ€t. Die «Arisierung» als Teil der nationalsozialistischen Judenverfolgung bedeutete eine vollstĂ€ndige VerdrĂ€ngung der Juden aus der Wirtschaft und damit auch aus dem Immobilienbereich. Das Ergebnis der «Arisierung» war «eine der grössten Besitzumschichtungen der Neuzeit». Ziel des Artikels ist es, einen Überblick ĂŒber die rechtlichen Regelungen und den Ablauf der «Arisierung» des Grundeigentums zu geben und mit einer Fallstudie diesen Prozess fĂŒr ein konkretes Quartier im Ostteil Berlins darzustellen

    Conceptualizing ‘diaspora diplomacy’: Territory and populations betwixt the domestic and foreign

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    This article bridges diaspora studies and diplomacy studies by proposing the concept of ‘diaspora diplomacy’, which considers the components of diplomacy and the changing relationships that diasporas have with states and other diplomatic actors. First, we ask who are the key actors engaged in diaspora diplomacy? Second, how is diplomatic work enacted by and through diasporas? Third, what are the geographies of diaspora diplomacy? Diaspora diplomacy directs researchers to reconsider the distinction between domestic and foreign policy, and the territorial dimensions of both diaspora and diplomacy. We engage with assemblage theory, highlighting the polylateral and multi-directional aspects of diaspora diplomacy


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