52 research outputs found

    ¿Qué tan sensibles son los mercados financieros al brote por COVID-19? Evidencia de los mercados de Estados Unidos y Colombia

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    In this article, the market risk associated with the financial markets of New York and Colombia is evaluated in three periods belonging to the 2019–2020-time window, characterized by shocking economic and social conditions such as the oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia and the global pandemic by COVID-19. Risk measurement is carried out using the value at risk (VaR) and Median Shortfall (MS), applying a statistical methodology that considers the use of parametric and non-parametric resampling techniques (Bootstrapping). Data from five indices (Standard and Poor's 500, Dow Jones, COLCAP, VIX and Brent) were taken in order to evaluate the effects caused by variables such as the price of oil and the conditions generated by the COVID-19 pandemic on the dates of study, as the main result it is obtained that in general there is a very high volatility in the periods affected by the two aforementioned phenomena when they occurred simultaneously, and that in addition to large falls in the reference indices, there is also evidence of large recoveries that contribute positively to the trend in prices.  En este artículo, se evalúa el riesgo de mercado asociado a los mercados financieros de New York y Colombia en tres períodos pertenecientes a la ventana temporal 2019-2020, caracterizados por condiciones económicas y sociales impactantes como la guerra de precios del petróleo entre Arabia Saudita y Rusia y la pandemia mundial por COVID-19.  Se realiza la medición de riesgo por medio del uso del valor en riesgo (VaR) y déficit medio (MS), aplicando una metodología estadística que considera el uso de técnicas de remuestreo (Bootstrapping) paramétrico y no paramétrico. Se tomaron datos de cinco índices (Standard and Poor’s 500, Dow Jones, COLCAP, VIX y Brent) con el fin de evaluar los efectos ocasionados por variables como el precio del petróleo y las condiciones generadas por la pandemia COVID-19 en las fechas de estudio, como resultado principal se obtiene que en general se presenta una volatilidad muy elevada en los periodos afectados por los dos fenómenos ya mencionados cuando se dieron de manera simultánea, y que además de grandes caídas en los índices de referencia, también se tiene la evidencia de grandes recuperaciones que contribuyen positivamente a la tendencia en los precios

    Prevalence of severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 antibodies among market and city bus depot workers in Lima, Peru

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    We report severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antibody positivity among market and city bus depot workers in Lima, Peru. Among 1285 vendors from 8 markets, prevalence ranged from 27% to 73%. Among 488 workers from 3 city bus depots, prevalence ranged from 11% to 47%. Self-reported symptoms were infrequent.National Institute of Allergy and Infectious DiseasesRevisión por pare

    Tuberculosis y vitamina D: una relación intrigante

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    La tuberculosis permanece como la enfermedad infecciosa que más muertes ha causado a lo largo de la historia de la existencia humana, sin poderse aún lograr su control. En años recientes ha emergido un cúmulo importante de evidencia clínica acerca de la función de la vitamina D (calcitriol o 1,25 hidroxivitamina D) en un papel que va más allá de la homeostasis del calcio. Su papel en el sistema inmunológico es muy interesante vinculando su déficit como un factor de riesgo contribuyente y así mismo fisiopatológico en un gran número de enfermedades autoinmunes e infecciosas. Dentro de éstas se destaca la tuberculosis, enfermedad endémica en nuestro país y en la cual el déficit de dicho compuesto (vitamina D) crea un factor de riesgo para desarrollar esta enfermedad en su forma activa. Presentamos una revisión detallada de los estudios que explican el papel de la vitamina D en la susceptibilidad para el desarrollo de tuberculosis y los resultados de los estudios clínicos de suplencia de la misma publicados a la fecha

    Acceptability and feasibility of a virtual community of practice to primary care professionals regarding patient empowerment: A qualitative pilot study

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    Background: Virtual communities of practice (vCoPs) facilitate online learning via the exchange of experiences and knowledge between interested participants. Compared to other communities, vCoPs need to overcome technological structures and specific barriers. Our objective was to pilot the acceptability and feasibility of a vCoP aimed at improving the attitudes of primary care professionals to the empowerment of patients with chronic conditions. Methods: We used a qualitative approach based on 2 focus groups: one composed of 6 general practitioners and the other of 6 practice nurses. Discussion guidelines on the topics to be investigated were provided to the moderator. Sessions were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was performed using the ATLAS-ti software. Results: The available operating systems and browsers and the lack of suitable spaces and time were reported as the main difficulties with the vCoP. The vCoP was perceived to be a flexible learning mode that provided up-to-date resources applicable to routine practice and offered a space for the exchange of experiences and approaches. Conclusions: The results from this pilot study show that the vCoP was considered useful for learning how to empower patients. However, while vCoPs have the potential to facilitate learning and as shown create professional awareness regarding patient empowerment, attention needs to be paid to technological and access issues and the time demands on professionals. We collected relevant inputs to improve the features, content and educational methods to be included in further vCoP implementation. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02757781. Registered on 25 April 2016.This study was financed by Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Cofinanced by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Gobierno de España. (PI15/00164, PI15/00586, PI15/00566

    BrAPI-an application programming interface for plant breeding applications

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    Motivation: Modern genomic breeding methods rely heavily on very large amounts of phenotyping and genotyping data, presenting new challenges in effective data management and integration. Recently, the size and complexity of datasets have increased significantly, with the result that data are often stored on multiple systems. As analyses of interest increasingly require aggregation of datasets from diverse sources, data exchange between disparate systems becomes a challenge. Results: To facilitate interoperability among breeding applications, we present the public plant Breeding Application Programming Interface (BrAPI). BrAPI is a standardized web service API specification. The development of BrAPI is a collaborative, community-based initiative involving a growing global community of over a hundred participants representing several dozen institutions and companies. Development of such a standard is recognized as critical to a number of important large breeding system initiatives as a foundational technology. The focus of the first version of the API is on providing services for connecting systems and retrieving basic breeding data including germplasm, study, observation, and marker data. A number of BrAPI-enabled applications, termed BrAPPs, have been written, that take advantage of the emerging support of BrAPI by many databases

    Espacio y territorios: razón, pasión e imaginarios

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    En este caleidoscopio de acercamientos hacia lo espacial y territorial, las visiones se mueven desde aquellas románticas y existencialistas, pasando por aquellas objetivistas y positivistas, hasta las estructuralistas y postestructuralistas. Por el espacio y el territorio se interesan con enfoques diversos numerosas disciplinas, desde la psicología, la etología o la literatura, y las ciencias naturales como la biología o la ecología, hasta las ciencias sociales y políticas, como la geografía, la antropología, la economía y la sociología. Este interés multidisciplinario demuestra la importancia y la complejidad del tema espacial y territorial, y reclama la necesidad de su estudio y comprensión interdisciplinarios, como se intenta con esta publicación

    Oak canopy arthropod communities: which factors shape its structure?

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    Development of digestive enzymes in larvae of Mayancichlid Cichlasoma urophthalmus

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    The development of digestive enzymes during the early ontogeny of the Mayan cichlid (Cichlasoma urophthalmus) was studied using biochemical and electrophoretic techniques. From yolk absorption (6 days after hatching: dah), larvae were fed Artemia nauplii until 15 dah, afterward they were fed with commercial microparticulated trout food (45% protein and 16% lipids) from 16 to 60 dah. Several samples were collected including yolk-sac larvae (considered as day 1 after hatching) and specimens up to 60 dah. Most digestive enzymes were present from yolk absorption (5–6 dah), except for the specific acid proteases activity (pepsin-like), which increase rapidly from 8 dah up to 20 dah. Three alkaline proteases isoforms (24.0, 24.8, 84.5 kDa) were detected at 8 dah using SDS–PAGE zymogram, corresponding to trypsin, chymotrypsin and probably leucine aminopeptidase enzymes, and only one isoform was detected (relative electromobility, Rf = 0.54) for acid proteases (pepsin-like) from 3 dah onwards using PAGE zymogram. We concluded that C. urophthamus is a precocious fish with a great capacity to digest all kinds of food items, including artificial diets provided from 13 dah