1,202 research outputs found

    Modelling the molecular Zeeman effect in M-dwarfs: methods and first results

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    We present first quantitative results of the surface magnetic field measurements in selected M-dwarfs based on detailed spectra synthesis conducted simultaneously in atomic and molecular lines of the FeH Wing-Ford F4 Δ−X4 ΔF^4\,\Delta-X^4\,\Delta transitions. A modified version of the Molecular Zeeman Library (MZL) was used to compute Land\'e g-factors for FeH lines in different Hund's cases. Magnetic spectra synthesis was performed with the Synmast code. We show that the implementation of different Hund's case for FeH states depending on their quantum numbers allows us to achieve a good fit to the majority of lines in a sunspot spectrum in an automatic regime. Strong magnetic fields are confirmed via the modelling of atomic and FeH lines for three M-dwarfs YZ~CMi, EV~Lac, and AD~Leo, but their mean intensities are found to be systematically lower than previously reported. A much weaker field (1.7−21.7-2~kG against 2.72.7~kG) is required to fit FeH lines in the spectra of GJ~1224. Our method allows us to measure average magnetic fields in very low-mass stars from polarized radiative transfer. The obtained results indicate that the fields reported in earlier works were probably overestimated by about 15−3015-30\%. Higher quality observations are needed for more definite results.Comment: Accepted by A&A, 13 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Investigation of transit-selected exoplanet candidates from the MACHO survey

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    Context: Planets outside our solar system transiting their host star, i. e. those with an orbital inclination near 90 degree, are of special interest to derive physical properties of extrasolar planets. With the knowledge of the host star's physical parameters, the planetary radius can be determined. Combined with spectroscopic observations the mass and therefore the density can be derived from Doppler-measurements. Depending on the brightness of the host star, additional information, e. g. about the spin-orbit alignment between the host star and planetary orbit, can be obtained. Aims: The last few years have witnessed a growing success of transit surveys. Among other surveys, the MACHO project provided nine potential transiting planets, several of them with relatively bright parent stars. The photometric signature of a transit event is, however, insufficient to confirm the planetary nature of the faint companion. The aim of this paper therefore is a determination of the spectroscopic parameters of the host stars as well as a dynamical mass determination through Doppler-measurements. Methods: We have obtained follow-up high-resolution spectra for five stars selected from the MACHO sample, which are consistent with transits of low-luminosity objects. Radial velocities have been determined by means of cross-correlation with model spectra. The MACHO light curves have been compared to simulations based on the physical parameters of the system derived from the radial velocities and spectral analyses. Aims: We show that all transit light curves of the exoplanet candidates analysed in this work can be explained by eclipses of stellar objects, hence none of the five transiting objects is a planet.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in A&

    Exploring the magnetic field complexity in M dwarfs at the boundary to full convection

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    Based on detailed spectral synthesis we carry out quantitative measurements of the strength and complexity of surface magnetic fields in the four well-known M-dwarfs GJ 388, GJ 729, GJ 285, and GJ 406 populating the mass regime around the boundary between partially and fully convective stars. Very high resolution R=100000, high signal-to-noise (up to 400) near-infrared Stokes I spectra were obtained with CRIRES at ESO's Very Large Telescope covering regions of the FeH Wing-Ford transitions at 1mum. The field distributions in all four stars are characterized by three distinct groups of field components, the data are neither consistent with a smooth distribution of different field strengths, nor with one average field strength covering the full star. We find evidence of a subtle difference in the field distribution of GJ 285 compared to the other three targets. GJ 285 also has the highest average field of 3.5kG and the strongest maximum field component of 7-7.5kG. The maximum local field strengths in our sample seem to be correlated with rotation rate. While the average field strength is saturated, the maximum local field strengths in our sample show no evidence for saturation. We find no difference between the field distributions of partially and fully convective stars. The one star with evidence for a field distribution different to the other three is the most active star (i.e. with largest x-ray luminosity and mean surface magnetic field) rotating relatively fast. A possible explanation is that rotation determines the distribution of surface magnetic fields, and that local field strengths grow with rotation even in stars in which the average field is already saturated.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Rotation, magnetism, and metallicity of M dwarf systems

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    Close M-dwarf binaries and higher multiples allow the investigation of rotational evolution and mean magnetic flux unbiased from scatter in inclination angle and age since the orientation of the spin axis of the components is most likely parallel and the individual systems are coeval. Systems composed of an early (M0.0 -- M4.0) and a late (M4.0 -- M8.0) type component offer the possibility to study differences in rotation and magnetism between partially and fully convective stars. We have selected 10 of the closest dM systems to determine the rotation velocities and the mean magnetic field strengths based on spectroscopic analysis of FeH lines of Wing-Ford transitions at 1 Ό\mum observed with VLT/CRIRES. We also studied the quality of our spectroscopic model regarding atmospheric parameters including metallicity. A modified version of the Molecular Zeeman Library (MZL) was used to compute Land\'e g-factors for FeH lines. Magnetic spectral synthesis was performed with the Synmast code. We confirmed previously reported findings that less massive M-dwarfs are braked less effectively than objects of earlier types. Strong surface magnetic fields were detected in primaries of four systems (GJ 852, GJ 234, LP 717-36, GJ 3322), and in the secondary of the triple system GJ 852. We also confirm strong 2 kG magnetic field in the primary of the triple system GJ 2005. No fields could be accurately determined in rapidly rotating stars with \vsini>10 \kms. For slow and moderately rotating stars we find the surface magnetic field strength to increase with the rotational velocity \vsini which is consistent with other results from studying field stars.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS, 10 pages, 4 figures, 4 table

    A Revised Geometry for the Magnetic Wind of theta^1 Orionis C

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    Theta^1 Ori is thought to be a hot analog of Bp variables because its optical and UV line and X-ray continuum fluxes modulate regularly over the magnetic/rotational period. A flattened magnetosphere surrounding co-rotates with these stars, producing a periodic modulation of emission and absorption components of the UV resonance lines, as well as of optical H and He lines. In this paper we examine these modulations in detail and point out that the far-blue and near-red wings of C IV and N V resonance lines exhibit anticorrelated modulations, causing mild flux elevations at moderate redshifts at edge-on phase (phi=0.5). However, the lines do not exhibit rest-frame absorption features, the usual signatures of cool static disks surrounding Bp stars. We suggest that this behavior can be explained by the existence of two geometrically distinct wind regions separated by the local magnetic Alfven radius. Wind streams emerging outside this point are forced outward by radiative forces and eventually expand outward radially to infinity - this matter produces the far-blue wing absorptions at phi=0.5. Interior streams follow closed loops and collide at the magnetic equator with counterstreams. There they coalesce and fall back to the star along their original field lines - these are responsible for mild emissions at this same phase. The rapid circulation of the interior wind component back to the star is responsible for the absence of static disk features.Comment: 7 figure

    Solving mazes with memristors: a massively-parallel approach

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    Solving mazes is not just a fun pastime. Mazes are prototype models in graph theory, topology, robotics, traffic optimization, psychology, and in many other areas of science and technology. However, when maze complexity increases their solution becomes cumbersome and very time consuming. Here, we show that a network of memristors - resistors with memory - can solve such a non-trivial problem quite easily. In particular, maze solving by the network of memristors occurs in a massively parallel fashion since all memristors in the network participate simultaneously in the calculation. The result of the calculation is then recorded into the memristors’ states, and can be used and/or recovered at a later time. Furthermore, the network of memristors finds all possible solutions in multiple-solution mazes, and sorts out the solution paths according to their length. Our results demonstrate not only the first application of memristive networks to the field of massively-parallel computing, but also a novel algorithm to solve mazes which could find applications in different research fields

    A high resolution spectral atlas of brown dwarfs

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    We present a UVES/VLT high resolution atlas of three L dwarfs and one T dwarf system, spectral classes at which most of the objects are brown dwarfs. Our atlas covers the optical region from Hα\alpha up to the near infrared at 1 ÎŒ\mum. We present spectral details of ultra-cool atmospheres at very high resolution (R∌33000R \sim 33 000) and compare the spectra to model calculations. Our comparison shows that molecular features from VO and CaH, and atomic features from Cs and Rb are reasonably well fit by current models. On the other hand, features due to TiO, CrH, and water, and atomic Na and K reveal large discrepancies between model calculations and our observations.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, accepted by A&A, reduced figure quality for arXi

    Electron Beam Testing of Passivated Devices via Capacitive Coupling Voltage Contrast

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    By fundamental experiments and theoretical treatments a detailed understanding of the capacitive coupling voltage contrast {CCVC) has been gained, demonstrating that this technique is, in principle, applicable to a non-destructive testing of passivated integrated circuits (IC) by means of electron beams. In fact, however, several problems have to be eliminated in order to introduce this testing technique into a production line procedure. In a first step, preconditions have to be met. These are a primary electron (PE) energy where the electron yield is greater than one and a sufficiently low extraction field above the IC. Secondly, as CCVC vanishes within a certain time span caused by charge compensation during electron irradiation, several precautions have to be undertaken. To obtain unfalsified CCVC-micrographs a fast image recording and processing system has to be realized; for IC-internal waveform measurements suitable sampling electronics have to be developed. Besides this, the resulting measurement errors are classified and determined. These are the error due to charge compensation on the passivation layer during electron irradiation, the error due to an incomplete coupling of the line potential to the passivation surface and the error due to capacitive coupling cross talk from neighboring lines

    Chromospheric Variability in SDSS M Dwarfs. II. Short-Timescale H-alpha Variability

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    [Abridged] We present the first comprehensive study of short-timescale chromospheric H-alpha variability in M dwarfs using the individual 15 min spectroscopic exposures for 52,392 objects from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Our sample contains about 10^3-10^4 objects per spectral type bin in the range M0-M9, with a total of about 206,000 spectra and a typical number of 3 exposures per object (ranging up to a maximum of 30 exposures). Using this extensive data set we find that about 16% of the sources exhibit H-alpha emission in at least one exposure, and of those about 45% exhibit H-alpha emission in all of the available exposures. Within the sample of objects with H-alpha emission, only 26% are consistent with non-variable emission, independent of spectral type. The H-alpha variability, quantified in terms of the ratio of maximum to minimum H-alpha equivalent width (R_EW), and the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean (sigma_EW/), exhibits a rapid rise from M0 to M5, followed by a plateau and a possible decline in M9 objects. In particular, R_EW increases from a median value of about 1.8 for M0-M3 to about 2.5 for M7-M9, and variability with R_EW>10 is only observed in objects later than M5. For the combined sample we find that the R_EW values follow an exponential distribution with N(R_EW) exp[-(R_EW-1)/2]; for M5-M9 objects the characteristic scale is R_EW-1\approx 2.7, indicative of stronger variability. In addition, we find that objects with persistent H-alpha emission exhibit smaller values of R_EW than those with intermittent H-alpha emission. Based on these results we conclude that H-alpha variability in M dwarfs on timescales of 15 min to 1 hr increases with later spectral type, and that the variability is larger for intermittent sources.Comment: Submitted to ApJ; 20 pages, 15 figure

    Magnetic cycles of the planet-hosting star Tau Bootis: II. a second magnetic polarity reversal

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    In this paper, we present new spectropolarimetric observations of the planet-hosting star Tau Bootis, using ESPaDOnS and Narval spectropolarimeters at Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) and Telescope Bernard Lyot (TBL), respectively. We detected the magnetic field of the star at three epochs in 2008. It is a weak magnetic field of only a few Gauss, oscillating between a predominant toroidal component in January and a dominant poloidal component in June and July. A magnetic polarity reversal was observed relative to the magnetic topology in June 2007. This is the second such reversal observed in two years on this star, suggesting that Tau Boo has a magnetic cycle of about 2 years. This is the first detection of a magnetic cycle for a star other than the Sun. The role of the close-in massive planet in the short activity cycle of the star is questioned. Tau Boo has strong differential rotation, a common trend for stars with shallow convective envelope. At latitude 40 deg., the surface layer of the star rotates in 3.31 d, equal to the orbital period. Synchronization suggests that the tidal effects induced by the planet may be strong enough to force at least the thin convective envelope into corotation. Tau Boo shows variability in the Ca H & K and Halpha throughout the night and on a night to night time scale. We do not detect enhancement in the activity of the star that may be related to the conjunction of the planet. Further data is needed to conclude about the activity enhancement due to the planet.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables Accepted to MNRA
