442 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic prospecting for cryptic species of the genus Merluccius (Actinopterygii: Merlucciidae).

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    Hakes of the genus Merluccius include 11 valid species as well a number of rare morphotypes suspected to be “cryptic species”. Concatenated nucDNA ITS1-rDNA and mtDNA cyt b sequences plus nested ITS1Nes sequences allowed to ascribe 14 specimens of nine rare morphotypes from the South Pacific and the South Atlantic to the phylogenetic backbone of this genus. Bayesian analyses pointed to M. bilinearis and M. albidus as the oldest species of the genus and the New World cluster, respectively. The phylogenetic status of M. angustimanus from the upper Gulf of California suggests its hybrid origin between M. gayi and M. productus from about 0.25 MYA, although an ever since confinement of a subset of those species cannot be ruled out. The molecular phylodiagnostic test suggests a common origin of all rare morphotypes and the absence of cryptic hake species in the Southern Cone. The molecular background of the morphotypes distributed between the Western Pacific South of New Zealand and the western Atlantic South of Argentina is compatible with their hybrid origin between M. gayi and both, M. australis or M. hubbsi, respectively.This research was partially supported with the project LETSHAKE (AGL2013-4846-R) co-funded by MINECO (Ministerio Español de Economía y Competitividad) and EU-FEDER to M.P. as well as with grant (IN607B 2018/14) to M. P. from Xunta de Galicia-Axencia Galega de Innovación. This work was also partly funded with grants from “Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria Xunta de Galicia (Galician Regional Government) cofunding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the framework of the Operational Program Galicia 2014–2020 (CIM-UVIGO), “A way to build Europe”.Versión del edito

    Lesiones en el manguito rotador tras luxación anterior de hombro en pacientes mayores de 40 años.

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    Se ha realizado un estudio prospectivo de la evolución de 32 luxaciones anteriores de hombro en pacientes de más de 40 años con el objetivo de establecer la incidencia, localización y tipo de rotura del manguito rotador a causa de la luxación, conocer evolución clínica y establecer los criterios clínicos que nos permitan sospechar una rotura del manguito rotador, sin necesidad de recurrir a resonancia magnética (RM) de entrada. Los pacientes fueron sometidos a estudio mediante RM, clasificando las lesiones observadas en cinco grados en función de la extensión de la rotura, siendo el grupo 1 la integridad del manguito. El 90% de los casos presentó una rotura del manguito rotador asociada a la luxación. Tras un periodo de rehabilitación se demostró una diferencia significativa en la recuperación de la abducción en los pacientes con manguito íntegro, siendo un signo clínico de importancia para valorar el estado del manguito rotador.A prospective study of the evolution of 32 anterior dislocations of the shoulder in patients older than forty years has been done with the objective of establishing the incidence, location and kind of tear caused by the dislocation, to know the evolution and to establish the clinical parameters that allow us to suspect an injury of the rotator cuff without the help of magnetic resonance (MR) in the beginning. All the patients were studied with MR, doing a classification of the tears in five degrees, depending on the extension of the tears, being the group 1 the integrity of the rotator cuff. In 90% of the cases a rotator cuff tear has been found to be associated with the dislocation. After the rehabilitation, a significative difference in the recovery of the abduction has been demonstrated in the patients with integrity of the rotator cuff, being an important clinical sign to know the state of the rotator cuff

    Origin of green clinopyroxene cores of lavas from the garrotxa volcanic field (spain)

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    Volcanism of the Garrotxa area is part of the Neogene volcanism of NE Spain (NE Spain volcanic province, NESVP). This volcanism is a manifestation of the magmatic activity consequence of the rift-type extensional tectonics that affect the eastern margin of Iberia since late Oligocene and that involved the opening of the Valencia trough. Volcanic activity in the NESVP started weakly in the Cadaqués zone 15 Ma ago, (C. Lewis, personal communication), followed by the Empordà (9 to 12 Ma in Alt Empordà, 6 Ma in Baix Empordà), La Selva field (5 to 7 Ma) and the Tordera fault system (2 Ma). Finally, activity took place at the Garrotxa volcanic field (GVF) from 300,000 to 10,000 years ago, with an eruptive episode every 15,000 to 20,000 years approximately (C. Lewis personal communication)

    Disponibilidad eólica en Los Varela - Dpto. Ambato - Catamarca

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    En este trabajo se describen las características principales del recurso eólico en la región centro-norte del valle de la Subcuenca del Río Los Puestos, a partir de los registros sistemáticos de velocidad y dirección del viento, por un período de 24 meses consecutivos, en la Estación registradora instalada en Los Varela - Dpto. Ambato - Catamarca. Los datos procesados estadísticamente brindan información respecto a la distribución de frecuencias de velocidad, las velocidades clasificadas y las calmas clasificadas, siempre a partir de sus posibilidades de aprovechamiento a nivel de máquinas lentas y de turbinas rápidas. También se muestran los valores de potencia en Kw.h/m² distribuidos mensualmente. En síntesis podemos decir que se descarta la posibilidad de acceder a grandes aprovechamientos a partir de turbinas rápidas, pues los valores medios de velocidad no alcanzan los mínimos requeridos para ese tipo de máquinas. En cambio tienen muy buenas posibilidades las máquinas lentas como los molinos americanos para bombeo de agua y los pequeños generadores eléctricos para bajo consumo, pues existe una buena distribución mensual y anual, con valores de velocidad bastante aceptables.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Textural properties of synthetic nano-calcite produced by hydrothermal carbonation of calcium hydroxide

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    The hydrothermal carbonation of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) at high pressure of CO2 (initial PCO2 1/4 55 bar) and moderate to high temperature (30 and 90 1C) was used to synthesize fine particles of calcite. This method allows a high carbonation efficiency (about 95% of Ca(OH)2-CaCO3 conversion), a significant production rate (48 kg/m3 h) and high purity of product (about 96%). However, the various initial physicochemical conditions have a strong influence on the crystal size and surface area of the synthesized calcite crystals. The present study is focused on the estimation of the textural properties of synthesized calcite (morphology, specific surface area, average particle size, particle size distribution and particle size evolution with reaction time), using Rietveld refinements of X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) measurements, and scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) observations. This study demonstrate that the pressure, the temperature and the dissolved quantity of CO2 have a significant effect on the average particle size, specific surface area, initial rate of precipitation, and on the morphology of calcium carbonate crystals. In contrast, these PTx conditions used herein have an insignificant effect on the carbonation efficiency of Ca(OH)2. Finally, the results presented here demonstrate that nano-calcite crystals with high specific surface area (SBET 1/4 6-10m2/g) can be produced, with a high potential for industrial applications such as adsorbents and/or filler in papermaking industry

    CarbonFT. Estimación de la huella de carbono en plantaciones de cítricos mediante dispositivos móviles

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    Existe hoy en día una concienciación mundial por reducir los llamados gases de efecto invernadero emitidos a la atmósfera y en especial el CO2, dada su influencia negativa en el calentamiento global. El cultivo de cítricos es uno de los más importantes en el mundo y por ello la estimación de su huella de carbono resulta de gran relevancia, y más en un contexto de cambio climático. Este trabajo presenta el desarrollo de la aplicación CarbonFT para dispositivos móviles que realiza la estimación de la huella de carbono en plantaciones de cítricos. El usuario debe introducir mediante un interfaz amigable algunos datos relativos a la plantación a analizar, tales como la edad y superficie de la plantación, la densidad del cultivo (mediante el número de árboles por hectárea o el marco de plantación) y el tipo de riego. Una vez introducidos los datos y tras pulsar el botón de cálculo se ofrecen los resultados de cantidad de CO2 en toneladas que la plantación es capaz de fijar por año. Además, se presenta una escala de bondad fácilmente comprensible dónde se sitúa la plantación y se acompaña con una explicación del resultado seguida de una serie de recomendaciones con objeto de mejorar la captación de carbono por parte de la parcela en cuestión. La aplicación se puede ejecutar en cualquier dispositivo móvil con el sistema operativo Android y está disponible para su descarga gratuita en la plataforma Google Play Store

    Referred pain from myofascial trigger points in head and neck–shoulder muscles reproduces head pain features in children with chronic tension type headache

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    Our aim was to describe the referred pain pattern and areas from trigger points (TrPs) in head, neck, and shoulder muscles in children with chronic tension type headache (CTTH). Fifty children (14 boys, 36 girls, mean age: 8 ± 2) with CTTH and 50 age- and sex- matched children participated. Bilateral temporalis, masseter, superior oblique, upper trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, suboccipital, and levator scapula muscles were examined for TrPs by an assessor blinded to the children’s condition. TrPs were identified with palpation and considered active when local and referred pains reproduce headache pain attacks. The referred pain areas were drawn on anatomical maps, digitalized, and also measured. The total number of TrPs was significantly greater in children with CTTH as compared to healthy children (P < 0.001). Active TrPs were only present in children with CTTH (P < 0.001). Within children with CTTH, a significant positive association between the number of active TrPs and headache duration (rs = 0.315; P = 0.026) was observed: the greater the number of active TrPs, the longer the duration of headache attack. Significant differences in referred pain areas between groups (P < 0.001) and muscles (P < 0.001) were found: the referred pain areas were larger in CTTH children (P < 0.001), and the referred pain area elicited by suboccipital TrPs was larger than the referred pain from the remaining TrPs (P < 0.001). Significant positive correlations between some headache clinical parameters and the size of the referred pain area were found. Our results showed that the local and referred pains elicited from active TrPs in head, neck and shoulder shared similar pain pattern as spontaneous CTTH in children, supporting a relevant role of active TrPs in CTTH in children

    Atmospheric turbulence triggers pronounced diel pattern in karst carbonate geochemistry

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    CO2 exchange between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere is key to understanding the feedbacks between climate change and the land surface. In regions with carbonaceous parent material, CO2 exchange patterns occur that cannot be explained by biological processes, such as disproportionate outgassing during the daytime or nighttime CO2 uptake during periods when all vegetation is senescent. Neither of these phenomena can be attributed to carbonate weathering reactions, since their CO2 exchange rates are too small. Soil ventilation induced by high atmospheric turbulence is found to explain atypical CO2 exchange between carbonaceous systems and the atmosphere. However, by strongly altering subsurface CO2 concentrations, ventilation can be expected to influence carbonate weathering rates. By imposing ventilation-driven CO2 outgassing in a carbonate weathering model, we show here that carbonate geochemistry is accelerated and does play a surprisingly large role in the observed CO2 exchange pattern of a semi-arid ecosystem. We found that by rapidly depleting soil CO2 during the daytime, ventilation disturbs soil carbonate equilibria and therefore strongly magnifies daytime carbonate precipitation and associated CO2 production. At night, ventilation ceases and the depleted CO2 concentrations increase steadily. Dissolution of carbonate is now enhanced, which consumes CO2 and largely compensates for the enhanced daytime carbonate precipitation. This is why only a relatively small effect on global carbonate weathering rates is to be expected. On the short term, however, ventilation has a drastic effect on synoptic carbonate weathering rates, resulting in a pronounced diel pattern that exacerbates the non-biological behavior of soil–atmosphere CO2 exchanges in dry regions \mbox{with carbonate soils}.M. Roland was granted by the Institute for Promotion of Innovation through Science and Technology in Flanders (IWT-Vlaanderen). I. A. Janssens and R. Van Grieken acknowledge the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO). P. Serrano-Ortiz is funded by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. S. Cuezva was funded by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, research programme Juan de la Cierva

    Discovery of Very High Energy gamma-rays from 1ES 1011+496 at z=0.212

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    We report on the discovery of Very High Energy (VHE) gamma-ray emission from the BL Lacertae object 1ES1011+496. The observation was triggered by an optical outburst in March 2007 and the source was observed with the MAGIC telescope from March to May 2007. Observing for 18.7 hr we find an excess of 6.2 sigma with an integrated flux above 200 GeV of (1.58±0.32)1011\pm0.32) 10^{-11} photons cm2^{-2} s1^{-1}. The VHE gamma-ray flux is >40% higher than in March-April 2006 (reported elsewhere), indicating that the VHE emission state may be related to the optical emission state. We have also determined the redshift of 1ES1011+496 based on an optical spectrum that reveals the absorption lines of the host galaxy. The redshift of z=0.212 makes 1ES1011+496 the most distant source observed to emit VHE gamma-rays up to date.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, minor changes to fit the ApJ versio