150 research outputs found

    Prevalence et facteurs associes a l’halitose buccale : Etude dans une population generale senegalaise

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    Introduction: Halitosis is a common complain among dental patients, chronic among 50% of the adult population, and of oral origin in 90% of the cases. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and related factors of oral halitosis among a senegalese population. Material and method: This was a transversal descriptive study of 396 Senegalese adults using a 24-point self-assessment questionnaire on halitosis. All subjects were examined to estimate the organoleptic means and to measure the Sulfur Volatile Compounds (SVC), using a halimeter. Halitosis was diagnosed when the level of sulfur volatile Compound was ≥125 ppb and the organoleptic score ≥ 2. Data were statistically analyzed using the chi2 test. Results: The global prevalence of halitosis was 32.3 %. The difference was not statistically significant between male and female. Among the 396 patients suffering from bad breath, 128 had a permanent halitosis and 52 had a physiological halitosis. The means of the organoleptic scores were 3.12 and that of the (SVC) were 273.9 ppb. Conclusion: The results of the study showed a relation between the organoleptic tests and the level of sulfur volatile compounds (SVC). Keywords: Halitosis, organoleptic tests, sulfur volatile compound, epidemiology, and self-assessment

    How to Estimate the Cost of Point-of-Care CD4 Testing in Program Settings: An Example Using the Alere Pimaâ„¢ Analyzer in South Africa

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    Integrating POC CD4 testing technologies into HIV counseling and testing (HCT) programs may improve post-HIV testing linkage to care and treatment. As evaluations of these technologies in program settings continue, estimates of the costs of POC CD4 tests to the service provider will be needed and estimates have begun to be reported. Without a consistent and transparent methodology, estimates of the cost per CD4 test using POC technologies are likely to be difficult to compare and may lead to erroneous conclusions about costs and cost-effectiveness. This paper provides a step-by-step approach for estimating the cost per CD4 test from a provider's perspective. As an example, the approach is applied to one specific POC technology, the Pima™ Analyzer. The costing approach is illustrated with data from a mobile HCT program in Gauteng Province of South Africa. For this program, the cost per test in 2010 was estimated at 23.76(materialcosts = 23.76 (material costs = 8.70; labor cost per test = 7.33;andequipment,insurance,anddailyqualitycontrol = 7.33; and equipment, insurance, and daily quality control = 7.72). Labor and equipment costs can vary widely depending on how the program operates and the number of CD4 tests completed over time. Additional costs not included in the above analysis, for on-going training, supervision, and quality control, are likely to increase further the cost per test. The main contribution of this paper is to outline a methodology for estimating the costs of incorporating POC CD4 testing technologies into an HCT program. The details of the program setting matter significantly for the cost estimate, so that such details should be clearly documented to improve the consistency, transparency, and comparability of cost estimates

    Vietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement: Impact and Policy Implications for Vietnam

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    On 4 August 2015, after three years and several rounds of negotiation, the European Union –Vietnam Free Trade Agreement officially established principles for the basic content of the Agreement. This study aims to analyse impact of Vietnam-EU FTA on bilateral trade of Vietnam. By using a gravity model and a panel data analysis, we show that the reduction of tariffs in the framework of the FTA will have a positive impact on bilateral trade between Vietnam and the EU. In addition, Vietnam-EU FTA will offer many new opportunities but it also challenges for Vietnam. Based on these analyses, this paper proposes some recommendations for Vietnam to benefit more the Vietnam-EU FTA

    Pollutant advective spreading in beach sand exposed to high-energy tides

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    yesThis paper presents field measurements in which dye solute was injected into coastal sand to investigate contaminant advection in intertidal beach sand. The measurements show the pathways of a contaminated plume in the unsaturated zone during both the flood and ebb tides. A prescribed amount of dye tracer solution was directly injected through the topsoil, with average porosity 0.3521±0.01, at predetermined locations of the River Mersey’s outer estuarial beach during ebb-tide. The injected dye was monitored, sampled and photographed over several tidal cycles. The distinctive features of the plume (full two dimensional cross-sections), sediments and water-table depth were sampled in-situ, close to the injection point (differing from previous contaminant monitoring tests in aquifers). The advective movement is attributed to tidal impact which is different from contaminant transport in aquifers. The experimental results show that plumes have significantly large spatial variability, diverging upwards and converging downwards, with a conical geometric shape which is different from the usual spherical/elliptical shape reported in literature. The mean vertical motion of the plume reaches three times the top-width within ten tidal cycles, exceeding the narrow bottom-width by a factor of order 2. The observed transport features of the plume within the beach sand have significant relevance to saltwater intrusion, surface water and groundwater quality. The field observations are unique and can serve as a valuable benchmark database for relevant numerical studies.China Ministry of Science and Technology 973 program (2014CB745001), Special Program of future development in Shenzhen (201411201645511650) and Shenzhen Key Laboratory for Coastal Ocean Dynamic and Environment(ZDSY20130402163735964)

    Interactions between Schistosoma haematobium group species and their Bulinus spp. intermediate hosts along the Niger River Valley

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    Background Urogenital schistosomiasis, caused by infection with Schistosoma haematobium, is endemic in Niger but complicated by the presence of Schistosoma bovis, Schistosoma curassoni and S. haematobium group hybrids along with various Bulinus snail intermediate host species. Establishing the schistosomes and snails involved in transmission aids disease surveillance whilst providing insights into snail-schistosome interactions/compatibilities and biology. Methods Infected Bulinus spp. were collected from 16 villages north and south of the Niamey region, Niger, between 2011 and 2015. From each Bulinus spp., 20–52 cercariae shed were analysed using microsatellite markers and a subset identified using the mitochondrial (mt) cox1 and nuclear ITS1 + 2 and 18S DNA regions. Infected Bulinus spp. were identified using both morphological and molecular analysis (partial mt cox1 region). Results A total of 87 infected Bulinus from 24 sites were found, 29 were molecularly confirmed as B. truncatus, three as B. forskalii and four as B. globosus. The remaining samples were morphologically identified as B. truncatus (n = 49) and B. forskalii (n = 2). The microsatellite analysis of 1124 cercariae revealed 186 cercarial multilocus genotypes (MLGs). Identical cercarial genotypes were frequently (60%) identified from the same snail (clonal populations from a single miracidia); however, several (40%) of the snails had cercariae of different genotypes (2–10 MLG’s) indicating multiple miracidial infections. Fifty-seven of the B. truncatus and all of the B. forskalii and B. globosus were shedding the Bovid schistosome S. bovis. The other B. truncatus were shedding the human schistosomes, S. haematobium (n = 6) and the S. haematobium group hybrids (n = 13). Two B. truncatus had co-infections with S. haematobium and S. haematobium group hybrids whilst no co-infections with S. bovis were observed. Conclusions This study has advanced our understanding of human and bovid schistosomiasis transmission in the Niger River Valley region. Human Schistosoma species/forms (S. haematobium and S. haematobium hybrids) were found transmitted only in five villages whereas those causing veterinary schistosomiasis (S. bovis), were found in most villages. Bulinus truncatus was most abundant, transmitting all Schistosoma species, while the less abundant B. forskalii and B. globosus, only transmitted S. bovis. Our data suggest that species-specific biological traits may exist in relation to co-infections, snail-schistosome compatibility and intramolluscan schistosome development
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