3,003 research outputs found

    The rapid decline of the prompt emission in Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    Many gamma ray bursts (GRBs) have been observed with the Burst-Alert and X-Ray telescopes of the Swift satellite. The successive `pulses' of these GRBs end with a fast decline and a fast spectral softening, until they are overtaken by another pulse, or the last pulse's decline is overtaken by a less rapidly-varying `afterglow'. The fast decline-phase has been attributed, in the currently-explored standard fireball model of GRBs, to `high-latitude' synchrotron emission from a collision of two conical shells. This high latitude emission does not explain the observed spectral softening. In contrast, the temporal behaviour and the spectral evolution during the fast-decline phase agree with the predictions of the cannonball model of GRBs.Comment: Four added figures comparing the evolution of the inferred effective photon spectral index during the fast decline phase of the prompt emission in 14 selected Swift GRBS and the cannonball (CB) model predictio

    Dark Matter Annihilation Signatures from Electroweak Bremsstrahlung

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    We examine observational signatures of dark matter annihilation in the Milky Way arising from electroweak bremsstrahlung contributions to the annihilation cross section. It has been known for some time that photon bremsstrahlung may significantly boost DM annihilation yields. Recently, we have shown that electroweak bremsstrahlung of W and Z gauge bosons can be the dominant annihilation channel in some popular models with helicity-suppressed 2 --> 2 annihilation. W/Z-bremsstrahlung is particularly interesting because the gauge bosons produced via annihilation subsequently decay to produce large correlated fluxes of electrons, positrons, neutrinos, hadrons (including antiprotons) and gamma rays, which are all of importance in indirect dark matter searches. Here we calculate the spectra of stable annihilation products produced via gamma/W/Z-bremsstrahlung. After modifying the fluxes to account for the propagation through the Galaxy, we set upper bounds on the annihilation cross section via a comparison with observational data. We show that stringent cosmic ray antiproton limits preclude a sizable dark matter contribution to observed cosmic ray positron fluxes in the class of models for which the bremsstrahlung processes dominate.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. Updated to match PRD versio

    Challenging GRB models through the broadband dataset of GRB060908

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    Context: Multiwavelength observations of gamma-ray burst prompt and afterglow emission are a key tool to disentangle the various possible emission processes and scenarios proposed to interpret the complex gamma-ray burst phenomenology. Aims: We collected a large dataset on GRB060908 in order to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the prompt emission as well as the early and late afterglow. Methods: Data from Swift-BAT, -XRT and -UVOT together with data from a number of different ground-based optical/NIR and millimeter telescopes allowed us to follow the afterglow evolution from about a minute from the high-energy event down to the host galaxy limit. We discuss the physical parameters required to model these emissions. Results: The prompt emission of GRB060908 was characterized by two main periods of activity, spaced by a few seconds of low intensity, with a tight correlation between activity and spectral hardness. Observations of the afterglow began less than one minute after the high-energy event, when it was already in a decaying phase, and it was characterized by a rather flat optical/NIR spectrum which can be interpreted as due to a hard energy-distribution of the emitting electrons. On the other hand, the X-ray spectrum of the afterglow could be fit by a rather soft electron distribution. Conclusions: GRB060908 is a good example of a gamma-ray burst with a rich multi-wavelength set of observations. The availability of this dataset, built thanks to the joint efforts of many different teams, allowed us to carry out stringent tests for various interpretative scenarios showing that a satisfactorily modeling of this event is challenging. In the future, similar efforts will enable us to obtain optical/NIR coverage comparable in quality and quantity to the X-ray data for more events, therefore opening new avenues to progress gamma-ray burst research.Comment: A&A, in press. 11 pages, 5 figure

    The short GRB070707 afterglow and its very faint host galaxy

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    We present the results from an ESO/VLT campaign aimed at studying the afterglow properties of the short/hard gamma ray burst GRB 070707. Observations were carried out at ten different epochs from ~0.5 to ~80 days after the event. The optical flux decayed steeply with a power-law decay index greater than 3, later levelling off at R~27.3 mag; this is likely the emission level of the host galaxy, the faintest yet detected for a short GRB. Spectroscopic observations did not reveal any line features/edges that could unambiguously pinpoint the GRB redshift, but set a limit z < 3.6. In the range of allowed redshifts, the host has a low luminosity, comparable to that of long-duration GRBs. The existence of such faint host galaxies suggests caution when associating short GRBs with bright, offset galaxies, where the true host might just be too dim for detection. The steepness of the decay of the optical afterglow of GRB 070707 challenges external shock models for the optical afterglow of short/hard GRBs. We argue that this behaviour might results from prolonged activity of the central engine or require alternative scenarios.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted by A&

    The electromagnetic model of Gamma Ray Bursts

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    I describe electromagnetic model of gamma ray bursts and contrast its main properties and predictions with hydrodynamic fireball model and its magnetohydrodynamical extension. The electromagnetic model assumes that rotational energy of a relativistic, stellar-mass central source (black-hole--accretion disk system or fast rotating neutron star) is converted into magnetic energy through unipolar dynamo mechanism, propagated to large distances in a form of relativistic, subsonic, Poynting flux-dominated wind and is dissipated directly into emitting particles through current-driven instabilities. Thus, there is no conversion back and forth between internal and bulk energies as in the case of fireball model. Collimating effects of magnetic hoop stresses lead to strongly non-spherical expansion and formation of jets. Long and short GRBs may develop in a qualitatively similar way, except that in case of long bursts ejecta expansion has a relatively short, non-relativistic, strongly dissipative stage inside the star. Electromagnetic and fireball models (as well as strongly and weakly magnetized fireballs) lead to different early afterglow dynamics, before deceleration time. Finally, I discuss the models in view of latest observational data in the Swift era.Comment: solicited contribution to Focus Issue of New Journal of Physics, 27 pages, 4 figure

    Long gamma-ray bursts without visible supernovae: a case study of redshift estimators and alleged novel objects

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    It has been argued that the observational limits on a supernova (SN) associated with GRB060614 convincingly exclude a SN akin to SN1998bw as its originator, and provide evidence for a new class of long-duration GRBs. We discuss this issue in the contexts of indirect 'redshift estimators' and of the fireball and cannonball models of GRBs. The latter explains the unusual properties of GRB060614: at its debated but favoured low redshift (0.125) they are predicted, as opposed to exceptional, if the associated core-collapse SN is of a recently discovered, very faint type. We take the occasion to discuss the 'association' between GRBs and SNe.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures. To be published in Ap

    Two types of softening detected in X-ray afterglows of Swift bursts: internal and external shock origins?

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    The softening process observed in the steep decay phase of early X-ray afterglows of Swift bursts has remained a puzzle since its discovery. The softening process can also be observed in the later phase of the bursts and its cause has also been unknown. Recently, it was suggested that, influenced by the curvature effect, emission from high latitudes would shift the Band function spectrum from higher energy band to lower band, and this would give rise to the observed softening process accompanied by a steep decay of the flux density. The curvature effect scenario predicts that the terminating time of the softening process would be correlated with the duration of the process. In this paper, based on the data from the UNLV GRB group web-site, we found an obvious correlation between the two quantities. In addition, we found that the softening process can be divided into two classes: the early type softening (ts,max"4000"st_{s,max}\leq "4000"s) and the late type softening (ts,max>"4000"st_{s,max} > "4000"s). The two types of softening show different behaviors in the duration vs. terminating time plot. In the relation between the variation rates of the flux density and spectral index during the softening process, a discrepancy between the two types of softening is also observed. According to their time scales and the discrepancy between them, we propose that the two types are of different origins: the early type is of internal shock origin and the late type is of external shock origin. The early softening is referred to the steep decay just following the prompt emission, whereas the late decay typically conceives the transition from flat decay to late afterglow decay. We suspect that there might be a great difference of the Lorentz factor in two classes which is responsible for the observed discrepancy.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, Accepted for Publication to Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP

    GRB Fireball Physics: Prompt and Early Emission

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    We review the fireball shock model of gamma-ray burst prompt and early afterglow emission in light of rapid follow-up measurements made and enabled by the multi-wavelength Swift satellite. These observations are leading to a reappraisal and expansion of the previous standard view of the GRB and its fireball. New information on the behavior of the burst and afterglow on minutes to hour timescales has led, among other results, to the discovery and follow-up of short GRB afterglows, the opening up of the z>6 redshift range, and the first prompt multi-wavelength observations of a long GRB-supernova. We discuss the salient observational results and some associated theoretical issues.Comment: 23 pages. Published in the New Journal of Physics Focus Issue, "Focus on Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Swift Era" (Eds. D. H. Hartmann, C. D. Dermer & J. Greiner). V2: Minor change

    Absolute electron and positron fluxes from PAMELA/Fermi and Dark Matter

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    We extract the positron and electron fluxes in the energy range 10 - 100 GeV by combining the recent data from PAMELA and Fermi LAT. The {\it absolute positron and electron} fluxes thus obtained are found to obey the power laws: E2.65E^{-2.65} and E3.06E^{-3.06} respectively, which can be confirmed by the upcoming data from PAMELA. The positron flux appears to indicate an excess at energies E\gsim 50 GeV even if the uncertainty in the secondary positron flux is added to the Galactic positron background. This leaves enough motivation for considering new physics, such as annihilation or decay of dark matter, as the origin of positron excess in the cosmic rays.Comment: Accepted by JCA

    The Afterglow and Environment of the Short GRB111117A

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    We present multi-wavelength observations of the afterglow of the short GRB111117A, and follow-up observations of its host galaxy. From rapid optical and radio observations we place limits of r \gtrsim 25.5 mag at \deltat \approx 0.55 d and F_nu(5.8 GHz) < 18 \muJy at \deltat \approx 0.50 d, respectively. However, using a Chandra observation at t~3.0 d we locate the absolute position of the X-ray afterglow to an accuracy of 0.22" (1 sigma), a factor of about 6 times better than the Swift-XRT position. This allows us to robustly identify the host galaxy and to locate the burst at a projected offset of 1.25 +/- 0.20" from the host centroid. Using optical and near-IR observations of the host galaxy we determine a photometric redshift of z=1.3 (+0.3,-0.2), one of the highest for any short GRB, and leading to a projected physical offset for the burst of 10.5 +/- 1.7 kpc, typical of previous short GRBs. At this redshift, the isotropic gamma-ray energy is E_{gamma,iso} \approx 3\times10^51 erg (rest-frame 23-2300 keV) with a peak energy of E_{pk} \approx 850-2300 keV (rest-frame). In conjunction with the isotropic X-ray energy, GRB111117A appears to follow our recently-reported E_x,iso-E_gamma,iso-E_pk universal scaling. Using the X-ray data along with the optical and radio non-detections we find that for a blastwave kinetic energy of E_{K,iso} \approx E_{gamma,iso}, the circumburst density is n_0 \sim 3x10^(-4)-1 cm^-3 (for a range of epsilon_B=0.001-0.1). Similarly, from the non-detection of a break in the X-ray light curve at t<3 d, we infer a minimum opening angle for the outflow of theta_j> 3-10 degrees (depending on the circumburst density). We conclude that Chandra observations of short GRBs are effective at determining precise positions and robust host galaxy associations in the absence of optical and radio detections.Comment: ApJ accepted versio