26 research outputs found

    Role of Reuniens Nucleus Projections to the Medial Prefrontal Cortex and to the Hippocampal Pyramidal CA1 Area in Associative Learning

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    We studied the interactions between short- and long-term plastic changes taking place during the acquisition of a classical eyeblink conditioning and following high-frequency stimulation (HFS) of the reuniens nucleus in behaving mice. Synaptic changes in strength were studied at the reuniens-medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and the reuniens-CA1 synapses. Input/output curves and a paired-pulse study enabled determining the functional capabilities of the two synapses and the optimal intensities to be applied at the reuniens nucleus during classical eyeblink conditioning and for HFS applied to the reuniens nucleus. Animals were conditioned using a trace paradigm, with a tone as conditioned stimulus (CS) and an electric shock to the trigeminal nerve as unconditioned stimulus (US). A single pulse was presented to the reuniens nucleus to evoke field EPSPs (fEPSPs) in mPFC and CA1 areas during the CS-US interval. No significant changes in synaptic strength were observed at the reuniens-mPFC and reuniens-CA1 synapses during the acquisition of eyelid conditioned responses (CRs). Two successive HFS sessions carried out during the first two conditioning days decreased the percentage of CRs, without evoking any long-term potentiation (LTP) at the recording sites. HFS of the reuniens nucleus also prevented the proper acquisition of an object discrimination task. A subsequent study revealed that HFS of the reuniens nucleus evoked a significant decrease of paired-pulse facilitation. In conclusion, reuniens nucleus projections to prefrontal and hippocampal circuits seem to participate in the acquisition of associative learning through a mechanism that does not required the development of LTP

    Impact of Dendritic Size and Dendritic Topology on Burst Firing in Pyramidal Cells

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    Neurons display a wide range of intrinsic firing patterns. A particularly relevant pattern for neuronal signaling and synaptic plasticity is burst firing, the generation of clusters of action potentials with short interspike intervals. Besides ion-channel composition, dendritic morphology appears to be an important factor modulating firing pattern. However, the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood, and the impact of morphology on burst firing remains insufficiently known. Dendritic morphology is not fixed but can undergo significant changes in many pathological conditions. Using computational models of neocortical pyramidal cells, we here show that not only the total length of the apical dendrite but also the topological structure of its branching pattern markedly influences inter- and intraburst spike intervals and even determines whether or not a cell exhibits burst firing. We found that there is only a range of dendritic sizes that supports burst firing, and that this range is modulated by dendritic topology. Either reducing or enlarging the dendritic tree, or merely modifying its topological structure without changing total dendritic length, can transform a cell's firing pattern from bursting to tonic firing. Interestingly, the results are largely independent of whether the cells are stimulated by current injection at the soma or by synapses distributed over the dendritic tree. By means of a novel measure called mean electrotonic path length, we show that the influence of dendritic morphology on burst firing is attributable to the effect both dendritic size and dendritic topology have, not on somatic input conductance, but on the average spatial extent of the dendritic tree and the spatiotemporal dynamics of the dendritic membrane potential. Our results suggest that alterations in size or topology of pyramidal cell morphology, such as observed in Alzheimer's disease, mental retardation, epilepsy, and chronic stress, could change neuronal burst firing and thus ultimately affect information processing and cognition

    BHG040.CHP:Corel VENTURA

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    The hippocampus and prefrontal cortex are two structures implicated in learning and memory and are related through a direct excitatory pathway. The characteristics of the synaptic influence of the hippocampus on pyramidal cells of the prefrontal cortex were determined using intracellular recordings in anesthetized rats. Single-pulse stimulation of the hippocampus induced an early EPSP of fixed latency in most of the recorded pyramidal cells (n = 106/116) thereby demonstrating a monosynaptic connection between hippocampal neurons and pyramidal cells of the prefrontal cortex. Furthermore, the EPSP was followed by a prolonged IPSP and suggests a simultaneous engagement of pyramidal and nonpyramidal neurons that may ultimately constrain the spread of excitation in response to hippocampal input. Paired-pulse stimulation induced short-term modifications in the synaptic responses and this short-term plasticity may contribute to the temporal filtering of information. Finally, tetanic stimulation of the hippocampus produced long-term potentiation of the monosynaptic EPSP with a concomitant potentiation of the IPSP, indicating that the hippocampo-prefrontal network can participate in the formation and consolidation of memories. In conclusion, the characteristics of the synaptic transmission in the hippocampo-prefrontal cortex pathway further supports the existence of a cooperative relationship between two structures known to be involved in higher cognitive processes. Introduction Clinical and experimental studies indicate that both the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex (PFC) are critically implicated in several aspects of learning and memory A direct hippocampo-PFC pathway has been described in the monkey, the cat and the rat The present study was undertaken to further characterize the synaptic inf luence of hippocampal afferents in pyramidal cells of the PFC using intracellular recordings in anesthetized rats. Since three main classes of pyramidal cells, i.e. regular spiking (RS), inactivating bursting (IB) and non-inactivating bursting (NIB) have recently been distinguished in the rat PFC in vivo Material and Methods Animal Surgery Experiments were conducted in 77 adult male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 275-300 g. Animals were initially anesthetized with sodiu

    Clozapine and haloperidol differently suppress the MK-801-increased glutamatergic and serotonergic transmission in the medial prefrontal cortex of the rat

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    The administration of noncompetitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists such as phencyclidine and ketamine has been shown to increase the extracellular concentration of glutamate and serotonin (5-HT) in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). In the present work, we used in vivo microdialysis to examine the effects of the more potent noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist, MK-801, on the efflux of glutamate and 5-HT in the mPFC, and whether the MK-801-induced changes in the cortical efflux of both transmitters could be blocked by clozapine and haloperidol given systemically or intra-mPFC. The systemic, but not the local administration of MK-801, induced an increased efflux of 5-HT and glutamate, which suggests that the NMDA receptors responsible for these effects are located outside the mPFC, possibly in GABAergic neurons that tonically inhibit glutamatergic inputs to the mPFC. The MK-801-induced increases of extracellular glutamate and 5-HT were dependent on nerve impulse and the activation of mPFC AMPA/kainate receptors as they were blocked by tetrodotoxin and NBQX, respectively. Clozapine and haloperidol blocked the MK-801-induced increase in glutamate, whereas only clozapine was able to block the increased efflux of 5-HT. The local effects of clozapine and haloperidol paralleled those observed after systemic administration, which emphasizes the relevance of the mPFC as a site of action of these antipsychotic drugs in offsetting the neurochemical effects of MK-801. The ability of clozapine to block excessive cortical 5-HT efflux elicited by MK-801 might be related to the superior efficacy of this drug in treating negative/cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science Grants SAF 2004-05525 and SAF 2003-04930 and by the Generalitat de Catalunya (SGR2005/00758 and SGR2005/00826). XL-G, ZB, and MA-B were recipients of predoctoral fellowships from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, and Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), respectively.Peer reviewe