1,259 research outputs found

    Techno / natural interfacing: walking and mapping in the age of climate change.

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    The techno / natural interface examines a series of World-Wide-Walks projects from the 1970s to the present. The inquiry extends our work on The Techno / Cultural Interface: tracking the boundaries of high-tech and traditional cultures presented at TISEA, Sydney, 1992, and published in Media Information Australia, August, 1993. Originally inspired by Gregory Bateson's 'dialogues' and 'metalogues', concepts of mind and nature as 'sacred and necessary unities,' the techno / cultural ideas evolve from theories of interfacing, identities, and consciousness to techno / natural concepts examined through the sensuous kinesthetic experience of walking and its mapping

    Negative heat capacity in the critical region of nuclear fragmentation: an experimental evidence of the liquid-gas phase transition

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    An experimental indication of negative heat capacity in excited nuclear systems is inferred from the event by event study of energy fluctuations in AuAu quasi-projectile sources formed in Au+AuAu+Au collisions at 35 A.MeV. The excited source configuration is reconstructed through a calorimetric analysis of its de-excitation products. Fragment partitions show signs of a critical behavior at about 5 A.MeV excitation energy. In the same energy range the heat capacity shows a negative branch providing a direct evidence of a first order liquid gas phase transition.Comment: 4 Postscript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. on 14-apr-199

    The Effects of Diffuse Ionized Gas and Spatial Resolution on Metallicity Gradients: TYPHOON Two-Dimensional Spectrophotometry of M83

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    We present a systematic study of the diffuse ionized gas (DIG) in M83 and its effects on the measurement of metallicity gradients at varying resolution scales. Using spectrophotometric data cubes of M83 obtained at the 2.5m duPont telescope at Las Campanas Observatory as part of the TYPHOON program, we separate the HII regions from the DIG using the [SII]/Hα\alpha ratio, HIIphot (HII finding algorithm) and the Hα\alpha surface brightness. We find that the contribution to the overall Hα\alpha luminosity is approximately equal for the HII and DIG regions. The data is then rebinned to simulate low-resolution observations at varying resolution scales from 41 pc up to 1005 pc. Metallicity gradients are measured using five different metallicity diagnostics at each resolution. We find that all metallicity diagnostics used are affected by the inclusion of DIG to varying degrees. We discuss the reasons of why the metallicity gradients are significantly affected by DIG using the HII dominance and emission line ratio radial profiles. We find that applying the [SII]/Hα\alpha cut will provide a closer estimate of the true metallicity gradient up to a resolution of 1005 pc for all metallicity diagnostics used in this study.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures + Appendix/Supplementary Material, accepted for publication by MNRA

    Perturbations of the local gravity field due to mass distribution on precise measuring instruments: a numerical method applied to a cold atom gravimeter

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    We present a numerical method, based on a FEM simulation, for the determination of the gravitational field generated by massive objects, whatever geometry and space mass density they have. The method was applied for the determination of the self gravity effect of an absolute cold atom gravimeter which aims at a relative uncertainty of 10-9. The deduced bias, calculated with a perturbative treatment, is finally presented. The perturbation reaches (1.3 \pm 0.1) \times 10-9 of the Earth's gravitational field.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Starburst-AGN mixing: TYPHOON observations of NGC 1365, NGC 1068, and the effect of spatial resolution on the AGN fraction

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    We demonstrate a robust method of resolving the star-formation and AGN contributions to emission lines using two very well known AGN systems: NGC 1365, and NGC 1068, using the high spatial resolution data from the TYPHOON/PrISM survey. We expand the previous method of calculating the AGN fraction by using theoretical-based model grids rather than empirical points. The high spatial resolution of the TYPHOON/PrISM observations show evidence of both star formation and AGN activity occurring in the nuclei of the two galaxies. We rebin the data to the lower resolutions, typically found in other integral field spectroscopy surveys such as SAMI, MaNGA, and CALIFA. The results show that when rebinned from the native resolution of TYPHOON (< 200 pc/pixel) to 1 kpc/pixel, the effects include a roughly 3 kpc increase in the radius of measured AGN activity, and a factor of 2 to 7 increase in the detection of low surface brightness features such as shocks. All of this information is critical, because information on certain physical processes may be lost at varying resolutions. We make recommendations for analysing data at current IFU survey resolutions.Comment: 30 pages, 28 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    Verbi locativi in italiano come varianti di verbi supporto

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    In questo articolo discuteremo la nozione di "carrier verbs" (secondo la definizione del linguista americano Zellig Harris) o di "light verbs" (come denominata all'inizio del XX secolo da Otto Jespersen). La nostra cornice teorica è rappresentata dal lessico-grammatica di Maurice Gross, una teoria iniziata negli anni settanta a partire dalla sintassi del francese sulle basi matematiche già individuate per la lingua inglese da Zellig Harris. In particolare, discuteremo di come alcuni verbi locativi dell'italiano possano essere usati come verbi supporto (secondo la definizione data da Gross dei "light verbs" harrisiani) e assumano il ruolo sintattico una volta attribuito dai grammatici greci e latini alla copula esse.En aquest article discutirem la noció de "carrier verbs" (segons la definició del lingüista americà Zellig Harris) o de "light verbs" (segons la denominació que Otto Jespersen n'havia donat a principi del segle XX). El nostre marc teòric de referència és el lèxic-gramàtica de Maurice Gross, una teoria començada els anys setanta a partir de la sintaxi del francès en les bases matemàtiques ja individuades per a la llengua anglesa per Zelling Harris. Concretament, tractarem de com alguns verbs locatius de l'italià es poden emprar com a verbs de suport (tal com Gross va definir els "light verbs" harrisians) i de com assumeixen el paper sintàctic que els gramàtics grecs i llatins atribuïen a la còpula esse.In this article we aim at discussing the notion of carrier verbs (according to the definition provided by the American linguist Zellig Harris) or of light verbs (as defined at the beginning of the twentieth century by Otto Jespersen). Our theoretical framework is represented by Maurice Gross' lexicon-grammar, a theory developed during the seventies on the French syntax and directly inspired by Zellig Harris' mathematical grammar of English. Particularly, we are going to discuss of how some Italian locative verbs can be used as support verbs (according to the definition which Maurice Gross has given of the harrisian light verbs) and can play the syntactic role traditionally given to the copula esse by the Greek and Latin grammarians

    An Innovative and Easy Method for Iron-Doped Titania Synthesis

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    In this work, photocatalytically active titanium oxide nanoparticles were synthesized for the treatment of contaminated water under visible light. Various Ag, Sr and Fe-based synthesis and doping techniques (mainly hydrothermal and sol-gel methods) were performed. Adsorptive and photocatalytic properties were studied by testing in batch mode for the decontaminating a synthetic methylene blue solution (used as a model contaminant) using a simple 13 W LED bulb as the light source. The best material in terms of both activity (high removal kinetics) and simplicity of synthesis was found to be titanium oxide doped with Fe via "solid-state"method. This method enabled the synthesis of titania nanoparticles about 70 nanometers in size with Fe3+ effectively substituting titanium atoms (Ti4+) in the crystalline bulk of titania. The pseudo-first-order kinetic model was found to represent the behavior of the experimental data

    On the reliability of negative heat capacity measurements

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    A global protocol for the thermostatistical analysis of hot nuclear sources is discussed. Within our method of minimization of variances we show that the abnormal kinetic energy fluctuation signal recently reported in different experimental data (M.D'Agostino et al.-Phys. Lett. B 473 (2000) 219, N. Le Neindre et al.- contr. to the XXXVIII Bormio Winter Meeting on Nucl. Phys. (2001) 404) is a genuine signal of a first order phase transition in a finite system.Comment: 15 Postscript figures, submitted to NUCL. Phys. A on 24-apr-200

    Mapping Sets and Hypersets into Numbers

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    We introduce and prove the basic properties of encodings that generalize to non-well-founded hereditarily finite sets the bijection defined by Ackermann in 1937 between hereditarily finite sets and natural numbers

    Size and asymmetry of the reaction entrance channel: influence on the probability of neck production

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    The results of experiments performed to investigate the Ni+Al, Ni+Ni, Ni+Ag reactions at 30 MeV/nucleon are presented. From the study of dissipative midperipheral collisions, it has been possible to detect events in which Intermediate Mass Fragments (IMF) production takes place. The decay of a quasi-projectile has been identified; its excitation energy leads to a multifragmentation totally described in terms of a statistical disassembly of a thermalized system (T\simeq4 MeV, E^*\simeq4 MeV/nucleon). Moreover, for the systems Ni+Ni, Ni+Ag, in the same nuclear reaction, a source with velocity intermediate between that of the quasi-projectile and that of the quasi-target, emitting IMF, is observed. The fragments produced by this source are more neutron rich than the average matter of the overall system, and have a charge distribution different, with respect to those statistically emitted from the quasi-projectile. The above features can be considered as a signature of the dynamical origin of the midvelocity emission. The results of this analysis show that IMF can be produced via different mechanisms simultaneously present within the same collision. Moreover, once fixed the characteristics of the quasi-projectile in the three considered reactions (in size, excitation energy and temperature), one observes that the probability of a partner IMF production via dynamical mechanism has a threshold (not present in the Ni+Al case) and increases with the size of the target nucleus.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication on Nuclear Physics