317 research outputs found

    Phu Quoc Island - The Hidden Treasure

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    The thesis targeted to offer a full tour package to experience exotic atmosphere in Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam. Geographically, Phu Quoc Island possesses similar features and, furthermore, touristic advantages as other well-known islands in South East Asia. There-fore, the idea to develop this package is to build up a new competitive travel destination in the region. In order to achieve the task, a marketing plan was really important so as to suc-cessfully introduce the package to the world. The marketing plan was conducted based on the use of an introduction video and leaflets offering varied services. The theoretical framework was divided into various elements as operational environment, consumer behaviour and trends and product development process. The study was a quanti-tative research since the data needed certain amount of responses in order to make the study reliable. The chosen method was to conduct a survey mostly conducted via internet. The survey was implemented in 1 month from June 2016 to July 2016 and collected 73 responses. The data collected different types of data such as statements about the opinions of the re-spondents, both open-ended and multiple choices. The diversity of questionnaire helped researcher to avoid bias. According to the results, people in the age of 22 to 30, preferably students and full-time employments were marked as the aimed group for this offered pack-age. Moreover, with survey, it is easy to interpret the results into useful data, for every sur-vey tools all have analysis feature providing final results in charts, tables or graphs. The itinerary and tour package were developed and operated following the results collected from the survey. These results contributed to the completion of the tour program which is available for visitors both travel directly and transit in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi to Phu Quoc. Fixed terms and prices were fully customized based on affordable budget of the tar-get group as well as the current market prices

    Improvement of co-digesting swine manure and waste kitchen oil

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    Anaerobic co-digestion of swine manure (SM) and waste kitchen oil (WKO) was conducted to evaluate the effect of substrate loading rates on biogas production efficiency. Biogas yields of M4O2 (4 g-VSSM L-1 d-1 + 2 g-VSWKO L-1 d-1) and M2O1 were 917 [plus or minus] 43 and 909 [plus or minus] 37 mL g-VS-fed-1, which were 25.7 percent and 24.6 percent higher than the mono-digestion of M2, respectively. However, higher OLRs of SM and WKO did not increase biogas yield. A significant increase of bacterial alpha-diversity was observed in M2O1, at 233.0 [plus or minus] 3.6 compared with 218.7 [plus or minus] 5.1 of M2. Less bacterial alpha-diversity and volatile fatty acids accumulation were observed in M4O1 and M4O2. When the digesters were fed with M2, introduction of more than 1.2 g-VSWKO L-1 d-1 did not increase biogas yield per VS-fed compared to M2O1, and might cause system imbalance. It took up to 84 days to observe system failure. Biogas potential (BP) study showed significantly higher of biogas yield produced from WKO compared to SM. Therefore, addition of WKO into SM digesters resulted in the increase of biogas production, from 9.0 [plus or minus] 3.2 percent to 22.6 [plus or minus] 3.1 percent, compared with digestion of only SM. However, BP of M4O1 and M4O2 were 93.2 [plus or minus] 6.6 percent and 95.6 [plus or minus] 4.8 percent, compared with BP of separate substrates, which indicated that the synergistic effects of co-digestion were due to the increase of organic loading rate and nutrient balance during the process. Co-digesting SM and WKO at ambient or thermophilic working temperature resulted in the low biogas productions compared to mesophilic condition. Application of M2O1 in the on-farm ADs could result in the highest biogas production while maintaining system stability. However, water consumption and digester size were both higher than when M4O1 or M4O2 was applied. A polynomial regression model with variable interaction was developed which showed the effectiveness in terms of biogas production from SM and WKO. The differences of biogas yield estimated by the model and the lab results were in the range of 0.2 percent to 8.6 percent, except only one OLR, in which 15.9 percent difference was observed. However, only the selected dataset with removal of zero biogas values was utilized for the model improvement, and model application was limited in the ranges of each key variable. Two decision support tools were developed based on the model to estimate biogas production and other operating factors of on-farm ADs.Includes bibliographical references

    Expert opinion-based multi objective optimization: an application in plasma coating technology

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    Multi-objective optimization is a very important activity which is applied in many different fields. When solving this problem, it is important to determine weights for criteria. If the weight of criteria is determined according to dry mathematical formulas, the opinion of researchers will be ruined. On the contrary, if the weight of criteria is determined according to the subjective opinion of researchers, it is also easy to make mistakes. This study applies a method of determining the weight of criteria based on experts' opinions and conditions must be also strictly satisfied, thereby both of the above limitations have been remedied. Such method is known as FUCOM (FUll COonsistency Method). An application example was carried out for multi-objective optimization in the plasma coating process. Plasma coating is a modern coating technology. This method is increasingly used in many different fields. However, determining the value of technological parameters to ensure the quality of high-quality products is a very complicated job. In order to ensure many requirements of the product, it is necessary to determine the optimal value of the technological parameters. Four criteria to evaluate a coating process include the adhesion strength of the coating, the shear strength of the coating, the tensile strength of the coating, and the porosity of the coating. The task of multi-objective optimization in this study is to determine the values of three input parameters (including: spray current intensity, powder feed flow, and spray distance) to ensure that the desired values of the four criteria are simultaneously achieved. After the weight of criteria is determined by the FUCOM method, the multi-objective optimization problem has been solved. Experiments to verify the optimal results were also conducted, thereby demonstrating the correctness of the methodology. The optimal values of the technology parameters (spray current intensity, powder feed flow, and spray distance) have been determined to be 568.69 A, 31.87 g/min, and 170.19 mm, respectivel

    Portability of Distributed Computing in Cloud Infrastructures

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou řešení distribuovaných výpočtů pro metagenomickádata v rámci cloudových infrastruktur. Popisuje specifickou platformu META-pipe zalo-ženou na architektuře klient-server v infrastruktuře veřejného akademického cloudu EGIFederated Cloud, sponzorovanou evropským projektem ELIXIR-EXCELERATE. Práce sezaměřuje především na open-source software jako Terraform a Ansible.The master’s thesis focuses on analysis of solution to distributed computing of metage-nomics data in cloud infrastructures. It describes specific META-pipe platform based onclient-server architecture in infrastructure of public academic cloud EGI Federated Cloud,sponsored by european project ELIXIR-EXCELERATE. Thesis is focusing especially onopen-source software like Terraform and Ansible.

    Evaluating the impact of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to the Vietnamese economy in period 2011-2015

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    This thesis will present the theories on ODA management and confirmation the important role of ODA resource for the socio-economic development in Vietnam in the period 2011-2015. Based on the analysis of results and experience lessons in attracting and managing the use of ODA resource in Vietnam during the past time, to propose the direction, solutions applied to improve the attraction and management to use the ODA resource in Vietnam in coming time

    Poverty Targeting and Impact of a Governmental Micro-credit Program in Vietnam

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    It is argued that without collateral the poor often face binding borrowing constraints in the formal credit market. This justifies a micro-credit program, which is operated by the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies to provide the poor with preferential credit. This paper examines poverty targeting and impact of the micro-credit program. It is found that the program is not very pro-poor in terms of targeting. Among the participants, the non-poor account for a larger proportion of loans. The non-poor also tend to receive larger amounts of credit compared to the poor. However, the program has positive impact on poverty reduction of the participants. This positive impact is found for all the three Foster-Greer-Thorbecke poverty measures.Micro-credit, poverty, poverty targeting, impact evaluation, instrumental variables, fixed-effect model

    A New Approach to Keep the Privacy Information of the Signer in a Digital Signature Scheme

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    In modern applications, such as Electronic Voting, e-Health, e-Cash, there is a need that the validity of a signature should be verified by only one responsible person. This is opposite to the traditional digital signature scheme where anybody can verify a signature. There have been several solutions for this problem, the first one is we combine a signature scheme with an encryption scheme; the second one is to use the group signature; and the last one is to use the strong designated verifier signature scheme with the undeniable property. In this paper, we extend the traditional digital signature scheme to propose a new solution for the aforementioned problem. Our extension is in the sense that only a designated verifier (responsible person) can verify a signer’s signature, and if necessary (in case the signer refuses to admit his/her signature) the designated verifier without revealing his/her secret key is able to prove to anybody that the signer has actually generated the signature. The comparison between our proposed solution and the three existing solutions shows that our proposed solution is the best one in terms of both security and efficiency

    Work Extraction and Landauer's Principle in a Quantum Spin Hall Device

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    Landauer's principle states that erasure of each bit of information in a system requires at least a unit of energy kBTln2k_B T \ln 2 to be dissipated. In return, the blank bit may possibly be utilized to extract usable work of the amount kBTln2k_B T \ln 2, in keeping with the second law of thermodynamics. While in principle any collection of spins can be utilized as information storage, work extraction by utilizing this resource in principle requires specialized engines that are capable of using this resource. In this work, we focus on heat and charge transport in a quantum spin Hall device in the presence of a spin bath. We show how a properly initialized nuclear spin subsystem can be used as a memory resource for a Maxwell's Demon to harvest available heat energy from the reservoirs to induce charge current that can power an external electrical load. We also show how to initialize the nuclear spin subsystem using applied bias currents which necessarily dissipate energy, hence demonstrating Landauer's principle. This provides an alternative method of "energy storage" in an all-electrical device. We finally propose a realistic setup to experimentally observe a Landauer erasure/work extraction cycle.Comment: Accepted for publication PRB, 9 pages, 4 figures, RevTe


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    A 3000-meter run with guns, a common physical exercise to train endurance in military force, is one of the training and competition contents for male soldiers of the Vietnam People's Armed Forces in general and militia forces in particular. The purpose of this study was to build up a general endurance exercise for male militia forces aged 25-28 in Ho Chi Minh City. Independent samples t-test was used to compare the difference between the experimental and control groups, while Paired sample t-test was used to identify the difference between the pre- and post-experimental. By using the general methods in sport, 12 general endurance exercises were selected and applied for male militia forces in 3000-meter armed runs. Besides, the result showed that there was a significant difference between the two groups (the experimental group had higher scores when compared with the control one) after eight weeks of training.  Article visualizations

    Validating Problem Solving Competency Instrument in the New General Education Curriculum

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    Problem solving is a crucial skill for students who experience learning and living in the 21st century. To enhance this skill, students need to face a situation setting problem, then students solve the problem. The 2018 general education curriculum has been developed according to the competency approach. As a result, the instructions and assessment system need to be adapted to align with requirements in the new curriculum. The purpose of present study is to develop and validate the problem solving competency (PSC) instrument based on general requirements of this competency in the general education curriculum in Vietnam. The results of Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) show that the instruments can be divided into three different components with good factor loadings to measure problem solving competency of Vietnamese students. The instrument is reliable and valid. Reliability analysis using Cronbach’s alpha revealed satisfactory internal consistency for each factor, with values ranging from .670 to .812