140 research outputs found

    Assessment of Quality of Life Following Diagnosis in Patients with Cervicofacial Non-melanoma Skin Cancer

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    Non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is the most common neoplasm. The characteristics of this disease (location in aesthetically sensitive areas, the appearance of successive tumors during follow-up, and high rates of survival) are such that the concept of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is of particular importance. The aim of the present study was to describe and analyses patient quality of life following diagnosis with cervicofacial NMSC. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on patients with cervicofacial NMSC, confirmed by skin biopsy. In each case, when the definitive diagnosis of NMSC was established, the patient completed the Skin Cancer Index questionnaire and demographic data, health status, and sun exposure habits were recorded. The study population was composed of 220 patients with histologically confirmed cervicofacial NMSC. The mean score obtained for the Skin Cancer Index questionnaire was 54.1 (SD 21.9), in which the social-aesthetic component had a mean score of 76.7 (SD 26.2), while the emotional component had a mean score of 23 (SD 25.1). Male patients, those with secondary or higher education, and those who had no history of anxiety or depression had significantly higher mean scores for HRQoL. This study demonstrated that the diagnosis of cervicofacial NMSC significantly impacts HRQoL and that certain population groups (women, persons with only primary or no education qualifications, and those a history of anxiety or depression) are more susceptible. The questionnaire scores obtained were lower than those reported in previous studies on this topic and reflect a particularly strong impact on emotional aspects of patient quality of life

    Changes with age (from 0 to 37 D) in tibiae bone mineralization, chemical composition and structural organization in broiler chickens

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    Broiler chickens have an extreme physiology (rapid growth rates) that challenges the correct bone mineralization, being an interesting animal model for studying the development of bone pathologies. This work studies in detail how the mineralization, chemistry, and structural organization of tibiae bone in broiler chickens change with age during the first 5 wk (37 D) from hatching until acquiring the final weight for slaughter. During the early growth phase (first 2 wk), the rapid addition of bone tissue does not allow for bone organic matrix to fully mineralize and mature, and seems to be a critical period for bone development at which bone mineralization cannot keep pace with the rapid growth of bones. The low degree of bone mineralization and large porosity of cortical bone at this period might be responsible of leg deformation and/or other skeletal abnormalities commonly observed in these birds. Later, cortical bone porosity gradually decreases and the cortical bone became fully mineralized (65%) at 37 D of age. At the same time, bone mineral acquires the composition of mature bone tissue (decreased amount of carbonate, higher crystallinity, Ca/P = 1.68)

    Malestar emocional asociado a la orientación sexual en personas mayores

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    Introduction. At present, despite some advances in the legal rights of people with sexual-affective diversity, there are still related social prejudices. This fact is multiplied in the elderly, who have suffered a more homophobic education and a greater invisibility of their sexuality, so it is necessary to investigate in this population too. Method. 139 people participated, between 50 and 73 years old, with an average of 56.1 years old (SD=5.44), being 40.3% women and 59.7% men. 89.9% self-defined as heterosexual and 10.1% as non-heterosexual. All of them completed a questionnaire about the experience of their sexual orientation. Results. 50% of non-heterosexual people have felt rejectiondue to their sexual orientation, 42.9% have experienced discomfort, 28.6% suffered verbal violence and 14.3% physical violence. Thus, significant differences are observed between non-heterosexual and heterosexual people in various aspects related to their sexual orientation, being non-heterosexual those who show greater emotional distress (χ²=20.61, p smaller than .000), more doubts about their orientation (χ²=15.01; p smaller than .000), suffering more verbal violence (²=18.03; p smaller than .000) and more physical violence (χ²=18.11; p smaller than .000). Conclusions. These findings confirm that the social rejection of some sexual orientations can be a source of emotional discomfort, as well as a risk factor to be a victim of violence. In general, people with a non-heterosexual orientation would show greater emotional affectation and greater probability of suffering aggressions. In order to improve this situation, we should analyze what variables can mediate in these results to establish adequate prevention and intervention strategies throughout the life cycle.Introducción. En la actualidad, pese a haber avanzado en los derechos legales de las personas con diversidad afectivo-sexual, siguen habiendo prejuicios sociales al respecto. Este hecho se ve multiplicado en las personas mayores, que han sufrido una educación más homófoba y una mayor invisibilización de su sexualidad, por lo que se hace necesario investigar también en esta población. Método. Participaron 139 personas, de entre 50 y 73 años, con una media de 56,1 años (DT=5,44), siendo el 40,3% mujeres y el 59,7% hombres. El 89,9% se definían como heterosexuales y el 10,1% como no heterosexuales. Todos cumplimentaron un cuestionario sobre la vivencia de su orientación sexual. Resultados. El 50% de personas no heterosexuales, como consecuencia de su orientación sexual, se ha sentido rechazado, el 42,9% ha experimentado malestar, el 28,6% sufrió violencia verbal y el 14,3% violencia física. Así, se observan diferencias significativas entre las personas no heterosexuales y las heterosexuales en diversos aspectos relacionados con su orientación sexual, siendo las no heterosexuales las que muestran mayor malestar emocional (χ²=20,61; p menor que ,000), más dudas con su orientación (²=15,01; p menor que ,000), han sufrido más violencia verbal (χ²=18,03; p menor que ,000) y más violencia física (χ²=18,11; p menor que ,000. Conclusiones. Estos hallazgos confirman que el rechazo social de algunas orientaciones sexuales puede suponer una fuente de malestar emocional, así como un factor de riesgo para ser víctima de la violencia. En general, las personas con una orientación no heterosexual mostrarían mayor afectación emocional y mayor probabilidad de sufrir agresiones. Con el fin de mejorar esta situación, cabría analizar qué variables pueden mediar en estos resultados para establecer estrategias adecuadas de prevención e intervención a lo largo de todo el ciclo vital

    Spanish validation of the self-evaluation of negative symptoms scale SNS in an adolescent population

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    Background: Negative symptoms (NS) may be observed in the general population in an attenuated form and in high-risk mental states. However, they have been less studied in the general population than positive symptoms, in spite of their importance at the insidious onset of schizophrenia and their appearance before positive symptoms. This study aimed to analyze the empirical structure of the Spanish version of the Self-Evaluation of Negative Symptoms (SNS) Scale and find its psychometric properties and invariance of measurement across sex and age in a sample of adolescents. Methods: The sample consisted of 4521 adolescents (53.6% female) from 11 to 18 years of age. Results: Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the SNS confirmed an internal structure of five first-order factors by the characteristic dimensions of NS: avolition, social withdrawal, diminished emotional range, anhedonia, alogia, and one second-order factor which includes the total NS score. Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis showed that the scale was invariant across sex and age. Total scale reliability was adequate. A strong relationship was found between the SNS with depressive symptomatology, moderate with ideas of reference and low with aberrant salience. Conclusion: The results back use of the Spanish version of the SNS scale for detection of NS in the general population of adolescents

    Orientación sexual y salud mental en jóvenes universitarios españoles

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    Sexual minorities have a worse perception of their mental health status and look for more psychological treatment. Studies show that they have a higher prevalence of psychological problems, mainly anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation or substance abuse. The aim of the study is to analyze the relationship between different parameters of mental health and sexual orientation. A Lifestyle and Health Questionnaire (Giménez-García and Ballester-Arnal, 2017) was administered to 600 students from the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón. The 67.5% of the participants identified themselves as exclusively heterosexual (75.3% of males and 59.7% of females) and 32.5% of them as not exclusively heterosexual (24.7% of males and 40.3% females). The results show that there is a statistically significant relationship between sexual orientation and self-perceived mental health status (Chi2 = 19.018; p =.001; V: 0.178), selfreported psychological problems (Chi2 = 11.392; p = .001; OR: 3.194) and anxiety (Chi2 = 12.917; p =.005; V:0.147). Non-exclusively heterosexual people consider worse their mental health status, have reported more psychological problems and feel more anxious. According to gender, statistically significant relationships appear in self-perceived mental health status (Chi2 = 17.860; p = .001; V: 0.244) and self-reported psychological problems (Chi2 = 9.520; p = .002; OR: 5.886) in males, and in perceived anxiety in females (Chi2 = 13.091; p = .004; V: .210). In both cases, the non-exclusively heterosexual group obtain worst results. People with a non-heterosexual orientation are a group at psychosocial risk, perhaps due to the psychological distress associated with experiencing stressful life experiences and discrimination associated with homophobia and biphobia. Implications for the universities are discussed.Las minorías sexuales tienen una peor percepción de su estado de salud mental y solicitan más ayuda psicológica. Los estudios demuestran que presentan una mayor prevalencia de problemas psicológicos, principalmente ansiedad, depresión, ideación suicida o abuso de sustancias. El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar la relación entre diferentes parámetros de salud mental y la orientación sexual. Se administró un Cuestionario de Estilo de Vida y Salud (Giménez-García y Ballester-Arnal, 2017) a 600 estudiantes de la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón. Un 67,5% de los participantes se identificaban como exclusivamente heterosexuales (75,3% de hombres y 59,7% de las mujeres) y un 32,5% como no exclusivamente heterosexuales (24,7% de hombres y 40,3% de las mujeres). Los resultados muestran que existe una relación estadísticamente significativa entre orientación sexual y nivel de salud mental percibida (Chi 2=19.018; p= .001; V: 0.178), problemas psicológicos informados (Chi2=11.392; p=.001; OR: 3.194) y ansiedad (Chi 2=12.917; p=.005; V: 0.147). Las personas no exclusivamente heterosexuales valoran peor su salud mental, han informado de más problemas psicológicos y se sienten más ansiosas. En función del género, aparecen relaciones estadísticamente significativas en salud mental percibida (Chi 2=17.860; p= .001; V: 0.244) y problemas psicológicos (Chi 2=9.520; p= .002; OR: 5.886) en los hombres, y en ansiedad percibida en las mujeres (Chi 2=13.091; p= .004; V: .210). En ambos casos, es el grupo no exclusivamente heterosexual el que obtiene peores resultados. Las personas con una orientación sexual diferente a la heterosexual son un colectivo en riesgo psicosocial, quizá por el malestar psicológico asociado a la vivencia de experiencias vitales estresantes y de discriminación asociada a la homofobia y bifobia. Se debaten las implicaciones para las universidades

    Expansion of serotype coverage in the universal pediatric vaccination calendar: Short-term effects on age- and serotype-dependent incidence of invasive pneumococcal clinical presentations in Madrid, Spain

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    In Madrid, Spain, the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) replaced PCV7 in the pediatric universal vaccination calendar in June 2010. A prospective clinical surveillance that included all children hospitalized with culture- and/or PCR-confirmed invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) was performed in all Madrid hospitals. The incidence rates (IRs) (defined as the number of cases/100,000 inhabitants aged<15 years) in the PCV7 (May 2007 to April 2010) versus PCV13 (May 2011 to April 2012) periods were compared. There were 499 cases in the PCV7 period and 79 cases in the PCV13 period. Globally, the IR significantly decreased from 17.09 (PCV7 period) to 7.70 (PCV13 period), with significant decreases (PCV7 versus PCV13 periods) in all age groups for bacteremic pneumonia (5.51 versus 1.56), parapneumonic pneumococcal empyema (PPE) (5.72 versus 3.12), and meningitis (2.16 versus 0.97). In the PCV13 period, significant reductions (the IR in the PCV7 period versus the IR in the PCV13 period) were found in IPDs caused by PCV13 serotypes (13.49 versus 4.38), and specifically by serotypes 1 (globally [4.79 versus 2.53], for bacteremic pneumonia [2.23 versus 0.97], and for PPE [2.26 versus 1.17]), serotype 5 (globally [1.88 versus 0.00], for bacteremic pneumonia [0.89 versus 0.00], and for PPE [0.55 versus 0.00]), and serotype 19A (globally [3.77 versus 0.49], for bacteremic pneumonia [0.72 versus 0.00], for PPE [0.89 versus 0.00], and for meningitis [0.62 versus 0.00]). IPDs caused by non- PCV13 serotypes did not increase (IR, 3.60 in the PCV7 period versus 3.31 in the PCV13 period), regardless of age or presentation. No IPDs caused by the PCV13 serotypes were found in children who received 3 doses of PCV13. The number of hospitalization days and sanitary costs were significantly lower in the PCV13 period. The switch from PCV7 to PCV13 in the universal pediatric vaccination calendar provided sanitary and economical benefits without a replacement by non-PCV13 serotypesThis work was supported in part by an unrestricted grant from Pfizer S.L.U., Madrid, Spain. J.P. and J.R.-C. have received travel fees from Pfizer for attending and/or speaking at symposiums and congresses. C.M. is an employee of Pfizer S.L.U., Madrid, Spain

    NB2O5 soportado en SBA-15 para la deshidratación de glicerol a acroleína

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    En este trabajo se evalúa la actividad catalítica del óxido de niobio soportado sobre sílice mesoporosa con estructura SBA-15 en la deshidratación de glicerol para la obtención de acroleínaLa producción industrial de la acroleína se basa en la oxidación selectiva del propeno, de origen fósil, en presencia de catalizadores complejos de BiMoOx . Debido a la disminución de los recursos petroquímicos, los recursos renovables se están haciendo más competitivos. Entre ellos destaca el glicerol, subproducto de la industria de producción de biodiésel. El glicerol tiene más de 1500 aplicaciones directas en las industrias farmacéuticas, alimentarias o cosmética. Entre las posibles reacciones que se están explorando destaca la deshidratación del glicerol a acroleína; debido a que la glicerina cruda se encuentra diluida en agua, es necesaria la búsqueda de catalizadores sólidos ácidos que sean activos y resistentes a la presencia de agua, evitando así el paso de separación y disminuyendo el coste de producción de acroleína. Con este fin, se han ensayado diferentes catalizadores sólidos ácidos, entre los que se encuentra el Nb2O5.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyecto ENE2009-12743-C04-03), Fondos FEDER y a la Junta de Andalucía (P09-FQM-5070) RMT al Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación por la financiación dentro del Programa Ramón y Cajal (RYC-2008-03387

    Dinuclear fluoride single-bridged lanthanoid complexes as molecule magnets: unprecedented coupling constant in a fluoride-bridged gadolinium compound

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    A new synthetic method allows isolating fluoride-bridged complexes Bu4N{[M(3NO2,5Br-H3L1,1,4)]2(μ-F)} (M = Dy, 1; M = Ho, 2; M = Gd, 3) and Bu4N{[Dy(3Br,5Cl-H3L1,2,4)]2(μ-F)}·2H2O, 4·2H2O. The crystal structures of 1·5CH3C6H5,·2·2H2O·0.75THF, 3, and 4·2H2O·2THF show that all of them are dinuclear compounds with linear single fluoride bridges and octacoordinated metal centers. Magnetic susceptibility measurements in the temperature range of 2–300 K reveal that the GdIII ions in 3 are weakly antiferromagnetically coupled, and this constitutes the first crystallographically and magnetically analyzed gadolinium complex with a fluoride bridge. Variable-temperature magnetization demonstrates a poor magnetocaloric effect for 3. Alternating current magnetic measurements for 1, 2, and 4·2H2O bring to light that 4·2H2O is an SMM, 1 shows an SMM-like behavior under a magnetic field of 600 Oe, while 2 does not show relaxation of the magnetization even under an applied magnetic field. In spite of this, 2 is the first fluoride-bridged holmium complex magnetically analyzed. DFT and ab initio calculations support the experimental magnetic results and show that apparently small structural differences between 1 and 4·2H2O introduce important changes in the dipolar interactions, from antiferromagnetic in 1 to ferromagnetic in 4·2H2OThe authors thank the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación projects (PGC2018-102052-B-C21, PGC2018-093863-B-C21, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER “Una manera de hacer Europa”) for financial support. E.C. acknowledges Junta de Andalucía for the FEDER Andalucía project A-FQM-172-UGR18. J.C.-V. also thanks Xunta de Galicia for his Ph.D. fellowship (ED481A-2018/136)S

    Public Administration of Zoos in the Sustainable Development Goal

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    Within the framework of the effects of climate change, the public administration of zoos is a scenario to observe the relationship between sustainability and Human Development. Based on the analysis of risks and vulnerabilities, the management of recreational centers makes its visitors aware of the importance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The objective of this work was to establish the network of perceptions around the public administration of species in captivity and for investigative or cultural purposes. Exploratory, correlational and cross-sectional work was carried out with a sample of 100 professional practitioners and social servants from centers of the captivity of endangered species. The results show that the dimensions of public administration were associated with SDGs 1, 5, 7, 12 and 15 related to the end of poverty, gender equality, affordable and clean energy, responsible production and consumption, and life in terrestrial ecosystems. About the studies of Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management (GIRD), lines of study are recommended for the analysis of risks and vulnerabilities in scenarios of captivity of species