2 research outputs found

    Passive Laser Power Stabilization via an Optical Spring

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    Metrology experiments can be limited by the noise produced by the laser involved via small fluctuations in the laser's power or frequency. Typically, active power stabilization schemes consisting of an in-loop sensor and a feedback control loop are employed. Those schemes are fundamentally limited by shot noise coupling at the in-loop sensor. In this letter we propose to use the optical spring effect to passively stabilize the classical power fluctuations of a laser beam. In a proof of principle experiment, we show that the relative power noise of the laser is stabilized from approximately 2×1052 \times 10^{-5} Hz1/2^{-1/2} to a minimum value of 1.6×1071.6 \times 10^{-7} Hz1/2^{-1/2}, corresponding to the power noise reduction by a factor of 125125. The bandwidth at which stabilization occurs ranges from 400400 Hz to 100100 kHz. The work reported in this letter further paves the way for high power laser stability techniques which could be implemented in optomechanical experiments and in gravitational wave detectors

    Open data from the first and second observing runs of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo

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    Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo are monitoring the sky and collecting gravitational-wave strain data with sufficient sensitivity to detect signals routinely. In this paper we describe the data recorded by these instruments during their first and second observing runs. The main data products are gravitational-wave strain time series sampled at 16384 Hz. The datasets that include this strain measurement can be freely accessed through the Gravitational Wave Open Science Center at http://gw-openscience.org, together with data-quality information essential for the analysis of LIGO and Virgo data, documentation, tutorials, and supporting software