13 research outputs found

    Nepal (2003): Peer Ethnographical Research Study of Female Sex Workers and Male Clients in the Kathmandu Valley

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    The primary objectives of this study were to gain an insight and understanding of how female commercial sex workers talk about and experience sexual knowledge and behavior, barriers and decision making on condom usage, social networks and social support, health, needs and aspirations. The study employed the Peer Ethnographical Research (PER) method to investigate the psychosocial profile of the target groups of female sex workers within Kathmandu valley. The research tool involves training members of a particular social group or social network to become peer ethnographical researchers. The peer researchers conducted in-depth and unstructured interviews with individuals selected by them from their own social network, based on the guidelines or criteria set aside by the supervisors

    Tools for detection of Mycoplasma amphoriforme : a primary respiratory pathogen?

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    This work was supported by a Peter Samuel Royal Free Fund grant, the Primary Immunodeficiency Association, the Special Trustees of the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Hampstead, and the University of St. Andrews Medical School.Mycoplasma amphoriforme is a recently described organism isolated from the respiratory tracts of patients with immunodeficiency and evidence of chronic infection. Novel assays for the molecular detection of the organism by real-time quantitative PCRs (qPCRs) targeting the uracil DNA glycosylase gene (udg) or the 23S rRNA gene are described here. The analytical sensitivities are similar to the existing conventional M. amphoriforme 16S rRNA gene PCR, with the advantage of being species specific, rapid, and quantitative. By using these techniques, we demonstrate the presence of this organism in 17 (19.3%) primary antibody-deficient (PAD) patients, 4 (5%) adults with lower respiratory tract infection, 1 (2.6%) sputum sample from a patient attending a chest clinic, and 23 (0.21%) samples submitted for viral diagnosis of respiratory infection, but not in normal adult control subjects. These data show the presence of this microorganism in respiratory patients and suggest that M. amphoriforme may infect both immunocompetent and immunocompromised people. Further studies to characterize this organism are required, and this report provides the tools that may be used by other research groups to investigate its pathogenic potential.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Direct Whole-Genome Sequencing of Sputum Accurately Identifies Drug-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Faster than MGIT Culture Sequencing

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    The current methods available to diagnose antimicrobial-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections require a positive culture or only test a limited number of resistance-associated mutations. A rapid accurate identification of antimicrobial resistance enables the prompt initiation of effective treatment. Here, we determine the utility of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of M. tuberculosis directly from routinely obtained diagnostic sputum samples to provide a comprehensive resistance profile compared to that from mycobacterial growth indicator tube (MGIT) WGS. We sequenced M. tuberculosis from 43 sputum samples by targeted DNA enrichment using the Agilent SureSelectXT kit, and 43 MGIT positive samples from each participant. Thirty two (74%) sputum samples and 43 (100%) MGIT samples generated whole genomes. The times to antimicrobial resistance profiles and concordance were compared with Xpert MTB/RIF and phenotypic resistance testing from cultures of the same samples. Antibiotic susceptibility could be predicted from WGS of sputum within 5 days of sample receipt and up to 24 days earlier than WGS from MGIT culture and up to 31 days earlier than phenotypic testing. Direct sputum results could be reduced to 3 days with faster hybridization and if only regions encoding drug resistance are sequenced. We show that direct sputum sequencing has the potential to provide comprehensive resistance detection significantly faster than MGIT whole-genome sequencing or phenotypic testing of resistance from cultures in a clinical setting. This improved turnaround time enables prompt appropriate treatment with associated patient and health service benefits. Improvements in sample preparation are necessary to ensure comparable sensitivities and complete resistance profile predictions in all cases