185 research outputs found

    Upper structures and their locus within extended harmony

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    The inner workings of harmony have always tickled my fancy. Especially the mechanisms that broaden the notions of common practice tonality. Given my somewhat eclectic background, spanning jazz, rock, and classical music, paired with a proclivity for music analysis and composition, my attention was inevitably drawn to the notion of Upper Structures (USs). This term was originally coined within the jazz sphere, however, the phenomenon it describes pertains to a wide variety of music genres. I’ve been ruminating on the topic of USs since I first learned about them in my first year of high school. In my mind, I had stumbled upon a gold mine. The breadth of harmonic possibilities afforded to a tonal framework suddenly multiplied exponentially, and not exclusively in jazz practice. Harmonic artifacts pertaining to modernist pieces that once boggled my mind suddenly clicked into place. This knowledge also prompted me to experiment with the concept of USs in original compositions, one of which will be picked apart in this thesis. Most of all, I speculated that, for the right repertoire, USs could be of great assistance as an analytical instrument, which could then be transferred into one’s performance. This proved to be especially true whenever I encountered Ravel’s body of work. As a performer, I’ve always had a strong penchant for musical analysis because I believe that, ideally, analysis done properly should steer one’s interpretation. That is not to say intuition has no place in a performer’s arsenal. On the contrary, it should be one’s starting point. Miguel Ribeiro Pereira, an old teacher of mine, once proffered: “Análise é a objetivação da arte” [Analysis is but the objectivization of art]. Indeed, analysis refines intuition. Hence, when I intuited harmonic elements in Ravel’s oeuvre had meanings that could not readily be described with my former knowledge on extended tonality, the notion of USs facilitated the vinculum between my musical instinct and my analytical rationale. All in all, my interest lies in understanding where and how upper structures fit within the hierarchy of perceived harmonic relations, attractions, stability, and directionality; and how it navigates the borders of later concepts such as expanded tonality and polytonality. In other words, where, in extended harmony, do upper structures thrive

    Excesso de trabalho, conflito trabalho-família e burnout em trabalhadores bancários : o papel moderador do apoio dos colegas

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia dos Recursos Humanos, do Trabalho e das Organizações), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2017O presente estudo tem como principal objetivo analisar o papel mediador do conflito trabalho-família (CTF) na relação entre excesso de trabalho e burnout, assim como o papel moderador do apoio dos colegas nessa mesma relação. No total foram analisadas 414 respostas de colaboradores de uma instituição bancária em Portugal, tendo as hipóteses de investigação sido parcialmente corroboradas. Os resultados evidenciam o CTF como variável mediadora na relação entre excesso de trabalho e as duas componentes do burnout (exaustão e cinismo), embora o excesso de trabalho tenha apenas um efeito direto na componente de exaustão. Mais, o apoio dos colegas atua como um buffer na relação entre CTF e cinismo. Os resultados obtidos contribuem para a literatura ao permitirem um melhor entendimento do papel do apoio dos colegas no contexto atual das organizações, e da sua relação com variáveis como o excesso de trabalho, CTF e burnout, utilizando como base o modelo de exigências e recursos de trabalho. São apresentadas algumas implicações práticas, assim como limitações e sugestões para estudos futuros.The aim of the present study is to analyse the mediator role of work-to-family conflict (WFC) in the relation between work overload and burnout, as well as the moderator role of co-worker support in the same relation. A total of 414 answers from bank workers in Portugal were analysed, and the study hypothesis were partially corroborated. The results showcase the WFC as a mediator in the relation between work overload and both burnout components (exhaustion and cynicism), even though work overload has only a direct effect on the exhaustion component. Furthermore, co-worker support acts as a buffer in the WFC-cynicism relation. The results contribute to the literature by allowing a better understanding of the role of co-worker support in current organizational contexts, and its relationship with variables such as work overload, WFC and burnout, using the job demands and resources model as a framework. Some practical implications, as well as limitations and suggestions for future studies are presented

    the incomplete process of an action research in the hospital

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    Health professionals are at high risk for developing burnout symptoms. Directed at reducing the organizational variables affecting professionals’ burnout, an action research was developed in a specific sector of a large hospital, with 59 doctors, 66 nurses, and 42 ancilliary professionals. Researchers conducted 11 interviews, one focus group, and 20 h of in loco observation. Professionals report demotivation and the need to address the emotional part of their job. Nonetheless, the hierarchy blocked the proposed intervention possibilities. Organizational factors are unequivocally relevant, particularly in complex settings with emotionally charged interactions, and the direct hierarchy is pivotal for facilitating organizational change.publishersversionpublishe

    The influence of light on germination of seeds of radish (Raphanus sativus, L.)

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    A germinação das sementes depende de diversos fatores. Estes podem ser dependentes da própria semente: intrínsecos (tais como a constituição da semente ou a sua maturidade e vitalidade), ou extrínsecos (tais como a luz, a temperatura, a humidade, o oxigénio e as características do solo). No presente trabalho pretendemos estudar o efeito de um desses fatores - a luz - na germinação das sementes de rabanete (Raphanus sativus, L.). Sabe-se que certas sementes só germinam à luz (fotoblastismo positivo), outras só o fazem às escuras (fotoblastismo negativo) e que outras são indiferentes ao efeito da luz no que se refere à germinação (fotoblastismo neutro) (Sousa, Braga, Braga & Delachiave, 2008; Ribeiro et al., 2012). Com o nosso estudo pudemos perceber que as sementes do rabanete apresentam fotoblastismo neutro.Seed germination depends on several factors. These may be intrinsic (dependent on the seed itself, such as the creation of own seed, its maturity and vitality) or extrinsic (such as light, temperature, humidity, oxygen and soil characteristics). In this work we intend to study the effect of these factors - light - on seed germination of radish (Raphanus sativus, L.). It is known that some seeds only germinate when in contact to light (positive photoblastism), others do so only in the dark (negative photoblastism) and others are indifferent to the effect of light on germination (neutral photoblastism) (Sousa, Braga, Braga & Delachiave, 2008; Ribeiro et al., 2012). With our study we realized that the radish seeds have a neutral photoblastism

    Assessment of innovative solutions for non-load bearing masonry enclosures

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    This paper presents some of the results of the research project “Masonry Enclosures” developed in the framework of the transnational access (TA) to LNEC’s triaxial shake table within the FP7 project SERIES.In order to ensure that in-plane and out-of-plane damage of masonry infill walls due to seismic actions complies with the performance levels’ requirements, Eurocode 8 imposes the use of reinforced solutions. Nevertheless, it does not provide any design rules or methodologies for such reinforced masonry enclosures. An experimental programme was thus defined for assessing the response of innovative solutions for non-load bearing masonry enclosures using LNEC’s triaxial shake table. Two reinforcement solutions were tested on single leaf clay brick infill walls: (i) horizontal reinforcement in the bedding planes of the masonry units and (ii) reinforced mortar coating. Furthermore, a testing device for masonry infill panels was specifically conceived for this project. A detailed description of the methods used is given and the experimental results are partially presented and interpreted on the basis of the structural response and its evolution with damage.(undefined

    Certificação sísmica das construções e perigosidade sísmica em Portugal

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    A análise dos efeitos dos sismos nas construções permite evidenciar, novamente, que as estruturas construídas de acordo com as modernas regulamentações para o dimensionamento sísmico de estruturas se comportam bem, sendo naquelas que não obedecem a estas regulamentações que se verificam os maiores danos e que originam um grande número de mortes. A necessidade de garantir que todas as novas estruturas, ou aquelas que vierem a ser reabilitadas ou reconstruídas, cumpram as prescrições previstas na regulamentação para as dotar de bom comportamento sísmico deve, assim, constituir uma preocupação essencial das sociedades que habitam zonas em que exista um significativo risco sísmico, como é caso de Portugal. Neste contexto, a Sociedade Portuguesa de Engenharia Sísmica (SPES) tem ao longo dos últimos anos vindo a desenvolver campanhas para sensibilizar os poderes políticos para a necessidade de certificar as construções existentes. Nesse sentido a SPES está a desenvolver metodologias para brevemente apresentar uma proposta para a certificação do comportamento sísmico das construções onde serão identificados os procedimentos que devem ser adotados para a certificação dos edifícios existentes. Acrescente-se, ainda, uma outra preocupação da SPES, relacionada com os diferentes mapas de perigosidade sísmica para Portugal continental que têm resultado de vários projetos nacionais e internacionais, e que traduzem níveis de perigosidade sísmica muito diferentes para algumas regiões do território português, particularmente para o sul de Portugal. A SPES, espelhando a inquietude existente na comunidade científica, considerou urgente e promoveu a realização de um estudo criterioso acerca das opções tomadas, nos diferentes estudos, de forma a tentar perceber os fatores que mais contribuíram para as diferenças evidenciadas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Premolis semirufa (Walker, 1856) Envenomation, Disease Affecting Rubber Tappers of the Amazon: Searching for Caterpillar-Bristles Toxic Components

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    Pararama, the popular name of the larval form of the moth Premolis semirufa inhabits rubber plantations in the Amazon region and the accidental contact of the skin with the caterpillar's bristles or cocoons results in immediate and intense heat, pain, edema, and itching. In many cases a chronic inflammatory reaction with immobilization of the joints occurs. The current study has evaluated the biological and immunochemical characteristics of the Pararama caterpillar bristles extract. Electrophoretic analysis showed the presence of several components, including a very intense 82 kDa band. This latter component was endowed with intense gelatinolytic activity, as observed in zymography assays. Further analysis revealed that the extract also contained hyaluronidase activity but is devoid of phospholipase A2 activity. In vivo assays, using mice, showed that the extract was not lethal, but caused significant edema and induced intense infiltration of inflammatory cells to the envenomation site. The extract also induced high specific antibody titers, but no autoantibodies were detected. The data obtained, so far, demonstrate the existence of a mixture of different enzymes in the bristles of Premolis semirufa caterpillar, which can act together in the generation and development of the clinical manifestations of the Pararama envenomation

    Management of allergic rhinitis symptoms in the pharmacy Pocket guide 2022

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    Background Allergic rhinitis (AR) management requires a coordinated effort from healthcare providers and patients. Pharmacists are key members of these integrated care pathways resolving medication-related problems, optimizing regimens, improving adherence and recommending therapies while establishing liaisons between patients and physicians. Methods Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) first published a reference document on the pharmacist's role in allergic rhinitis management in 2004. Several guidelines were developed over the past 20 years improving the care of allergic rhinitis patients through an evidence-based, integrated care approach. Results This ARIA/EAACI/FIP Position Paper is based on the latest ARIA in the Pharmacy guidelines and provides: (a) a structured approach to pharmacists identifying people with AR and/or allergic conjunctivitis as well as those at risk of poor disease control; (b) an evidence-based clinical decision support tool for optimising the management of allergic rhinitis in the community pharmacy; and (c) a framework of referral to the physician. Conclusion This document is not intended to be a mandatory standard of care but is provided as a basis for pharmacists and their staff to develop relevant local standards of care for their patients, within their local practice environment. Pharmacy care varies between countries, and the guide should be adapted to the local situation.Peer reviewe