34 research outputs found

    Idealização, desenho e implementação de um processo de diagnóstico de empresas familiares: o caso da AIMMAP

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    Este documento contextualiza e apresenta um trabalho profissional idealizado, concebido, desenvolvido, implementado e liderado pelo autor, de estudo das empresas familiares do setor metalúrgico e metalomecânico português associadas da AIMMAP. Foi realizado em 2018 e reflete uma parte substancial do conhecimento acumulado no trabalho de investigação sobre a temática das empresas e famílias empresárias e sua aplicação numa multiplicidade de casos reais. Os principais objetivos do estudo centravam-se na elaboração de um diagnóstico de caracterização das empresas familiares do setor, em identificar os principais desafios que enfrentavam, em conceber boas práticas e ferramentas de apoio e, por último, em disseminar os resultadosN/

    Evaluation of the Caesium-137 Activity at the Rochedo Dam, Goiás, Brazil

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    In 1987, in Goiânia (Goiás, Brazil) a radiological accident occurred due to the violation of a capsule containing Cs-137, previously used in radiotherapy equipment. The source contained caesium chloride and, due to the high solubility of this compound in water, there was contamination of people and consequent dispersion in the environment. The waste was discharged into the river network and after four years, a high concentration of Cs-137 was still observed in the sediments at the Rochedo dam, in Piracanjuba, Goiás, 80 kilometres downstream of the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia. This research analysed the Cs-137 activity in sediment samples and water samples from the Rochedo dam, with the purpose of updating the radiological monitoring data of the region and also to verify if the perceived values would indicate any threat to the environment and public health. The Cs-137 activity was detected in 93.8% of the analysed samples, whose values varied from traces to 2.25 Bq/L. The results for all water samples and for 53.8% of the sediment samples were below the minimum detectable activity by the equipment. This study showed that Cesium-137 activity seem to be very low in the water resources and sediments of the Rochedo dam and it seems to not offer radiological risks for public health and the environment

    Dinâmicas da família empresária, reflexividade e o “protocolo familiar”

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    O projeto “Roadmap para as empresas familiares portuguesas” (2016-2018), financiado pelo NORTE 2020/ FEDER, liderado pelo Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais (CICS) – Polo da Universidade do Minho, conta com a parceria da Associação Empresarial de Portugal (AEP). Tem como objetivo central mapear as empresas familiares do Norte do país para conhecer e avaliar o seu impacto na economia local, nacional e internacional. Na concretização deste mapeamento das empresas familiares, conhecidas pela sua relativa invisibilidade (político-institucional e económico-social) organizou-se um Ciclo de 8 workshops para as empresas familiares da região Norte, distribuída pelas 8 NUTs, ao longo dos meses de maio 2017 a fevereiro 2018, subordinado à temática “Empresas Familiares Enfrentar os Desafios, Assegurar a Continuidade”. Nestes 8 workshops, estiveram envolvidos, em média, entre 12 a 20 empresários/as familiares, desde assistência à apresentação de testemunhos em primeira pessoa. Tratando-se de uma temática transversal aos vários workshops foi-nos possível sistematizar um conjunto de preocupações e desafios comuns aos testemunhos do/as empresário/as que participaram, em especial, no que diz respeito à questão da sucessão da empresa. Neste contexto, a ferramenta do “protocolo familiar” afigura-se com potencial efetivo para o planeamento da sucessão empresarial, contribuindo para as boas práticas do seu governo, a continuidade da empresa sob o controlo da família e a própria coesão familiar. A partir desta experiência, foi-nos possível: 1) dar conta dos processos de participação das empresas familiares em dinâmicas coletivas de partilha e discussão de tópicos internos; 2) destacar a importância da “voz” das empresas familiares na sinalização de preocupações e desafios comuns, particularmente tendo em conta a emergência de uma nova geração de empresário/as mais qualificado/as e/ou atuando em mercados competitivos e globais; 3) pôr em evidência a importância da ferramenta do “protocolo familiar” como boa prática de governo da empresa familiar e da família empresária. Este último aspeto merecerá particular destaque já que o protocolo familiar é um processo que visa definir e regular os três principais poderes de uma empresa familiar - o poder dos sócios, o poder da gestão e o poder da família - profissionalizar a família empresária e consequentemente auxiliar na continuidade do negócio ao longo das consecutivas geraçõe

    The cyclooxigenase-2 inhibitor parecoxib prevents epidermal dysplasia in HPV16-transgenic mice: efficacy and safety observations

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    Carcinogenesis induced by high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) involves inflammatory phenomena, partially mediated by cyclooxigenase-2. In pre-clinical models of HPV-induced cancer, cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors have shown significant e cacy, but also considerable toxicity. This study addresses the chemopreventive e ect and hepatic toxicity of a specific cyclooxigensase-2 inhibitor, parecoxib, in HPV16-transgenic mice. Forty-three 20 weeks-old female mice were divided into four groups: I (HPV16+/-, n = 10, parecoxib-treated); II (HPV16+/- n = 11, untreated); III (HPV16+/-, n = 11, parecoxib-treated) and IV (HPV16+/- n = 11, untreated). Parecoxib (5.0 mg/kg once daily) or vehicle was administered intraperitoneally for 22 consecutive days. Skin lesions were classified histologically. Toxicological endpoints included genotoxic parameters, hepatic oxidative stress, transaminases and histology. Parecoxib completely prevented the onset of epidermal dysplasia in HPV16+/- treated animals (0% versus 64% in HPV16+/- untreated, p = 0.027). Parecoxib decreases lipid peroxidation (LPO) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and increases the GSH:GSSG ratio in HPV16+/- treated animals meaning that oxidative stress is lower. Parecoxib increased genotoxic stress parameters in wild-type and HPV16-transgenic mice, but didn’t modify histological or biochemical hepatic parameters. These results indicate that parecoxib has chemopreventive e ects against HPV16-induced lesions while maintaining an acceptable toxicological profile in this model.This work is supported by National Funds by FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the projects UID/AGR/04033/2019, UID/CVT/00772/2019 and UID/EQU/00511/2019 - Laboratory for Process Engineering, Environment, Biotechnology and Energy—LEPABE funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC); Project “LEPABE-2-ECO-INNOVATION”—NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000005, funded by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Toxicological and anti-tumor effects of a linden extract (Tilia platyphyllos Scop.) in a HPV16-transgenic mouse model

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    Tilia platyphyllos Scop. is a popular broad-leaved tree, native to Central and Southern Europe. Hydroethanolic extracts rich in phenolic compounds obtained from T. platyphyllos Scop. have shown in vitro antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties. The aim of this work was to evaluate the therapeutic properties of a hydroethanolic extract obtained from T. platyphyllos in HPV16-transgenic mice. The animals were divided into eight groups according to their sex and phenotype. Four groups of female: HPV+ exposed to linden (HPV linden; n = 6), HPV+ (HPV water; n = 4), HPV- exposed to linden (WT linden; n = 5) and HPV- (WT water; n = 4) and four groups of male: HPV+ exposed to linden (HPV linden; n = 5), HPV+ (HPV water; n = 5), HPV- exposed to linden (WT linden; n = 5) and HPV- (WT water; n = 7). The linden (Tilia platyphyllos Scop.) extract was orally administered at a dose of 4.5 mg/10 mL per animal (dissolved in water) and changed daily for 33 days. The hydroethanolic extract of T. platyphyllos consisted of protocatechuic acid and (-)-epicatechin as the most abundant phenolic acid and flavonoid, respectively, and was found to be stable during the studied period. In two male groups a significant positive weight gain was observed but without association with the linden extract. Histological, biochemical, and oxidative stress analyses for the evaluation of kidney and liver damage support the hypothesis that the linden extract is safe and well-tolerated under the present experimental conditions. Skin histopathology does not demonstrate the chemopreventive effect of the linden extract against HPV16-induced lesions. The linden extract has revealed a favourable toxicological profile; however, additional studies are required to determine the chemopreventive potential of the linden extract. This journal isThis work was supported by the project IBERPHENOL, project number 0377_IBERPHENOL_6_E; Interact R&D project, operation number NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000017, National Funds by FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UIDB/04033/2020 (CITAB), and project UIDB/ CVT/00772/2020 (CECAV) and the post-graduation grant SFRH/ BD/136747/2018 and 2020.04789.BD; the authors are also grateful to FCT, Portugal and FEDER under programme PT2020 for financial support to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020) and L. Barros acknowledges the national funding by FCT, P. I., through the institutional scientific employment program-contract. The authors would like to thank Cantinho das Aromáticas organic farmers from Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal) for providing the samples. This work was financially supported by: Base Funding - UIDB/00511/2020 of the Laboratory for Process Engineering, Environment, Biotechnology and Energy – LEPABE - funded by national funds through the FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gestão sustentável para a conservação de espécies e habitats ameaçados na ZPE das Berlengas

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    UID/SOC/04647/2019 LIFE13 NAT/PT/000458 PROJETO LIFE+ BERLENGASO Life Berlengas juntou 5 parceiros numa missão comum: contribuir para a gestão sustentável da Zona de Proteção Especial (ZPE) das Ilhas Berlengas, ambicionando a conservação dos seus habitats, plantas endémicas e populações de aves marinhas.publishersversionpublishe

    revista de Ciências da Arte

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    Além da segunda parte do dossier sobre Arte e Tempo, este número apresenta mais dois textos livres e exploratórios. De Margarida Calado continuamos a publicar nestes números impares o seu trabalho em torno da Historiografia da Arte em Portugal, com um novo capítulo (A historiografia na passagem do século XIX para o século XX – Joaquim de Vasconcelos e Sousa Viterbo) que se centra em duas figuras decisivas na afirmação da história da arte como ciência, na transição entre os séculos XIX e XX: Joaquim de Vasconcelos e Sousa Viterbo. Diogo Costa, depois de no n.º 5 ter apresentado um ensaio sobre as Missões Estéticas de Férias, propõe agora a variação ou prolongamento, com o entendimento das Missões Internacionais decorridas na chamada «década do silêncio» com o título: Transpor Distâncias e Quebrar silêncios: As Missões Internacionais de Arte, uma Residência Artística em Portugal na década de 1950.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Portuguese Ministers, 1851-1999: Social Background and Paths to Power

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    Disponível em: paper provides an empirical analysis of the impact of regime changes in the composition and patterns of recruitment of the Portuguese ministerial elite throughout the last 150 years. The ‘out-of-type’, violent nature of most regime transformations accounts for the purges in and the extensive replacements of the political personnel, namely of the uppermost officeholders. In the case of Cabinet members, such discontinuities did not imply, however, radical changes in their social profile. Although there were some significant variations, a series of salient characteristics have persisted over time. The typical Portuguese minister is a male in his midforties, of middle-class origin and predominantly urban-born, highly educated and with a state servant background. The two main occupational contingents have been university professors - except for the First Republic (1910-26) - and the military, the latter having only recently been eclipsed with the consolidation of contemporary democracy. As regards career pathways, the most striking feature is the secular trend for the declining role of parliamentary experience, which the democratic regime did not clearly reverse. In this period, a technocratic background rather than political experience has been indeed the privileged credential for a significant proportion of minister

    Plantar povoações no território: (re)construindo a urbanização da capitania do Piauí, 1697-1761

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    The Piauí province´s urbanization has kept up with since late 17th century a complex process dealt among Portuguese Crown, the regal representatives, the network woven by the Casa da Torre and by the resident population in its countryside. What it was content of Rodelas countryside has begun to build with territorial identity since the foundation of first parish in 1697. Structuring itself discontinuously in time and space, the Piauí had reformed in 1758, year of creation of its autonomous government. And had became urban in 1761 when the king D. José I and marquis of Pombal had framed by the royal letter written in June 19 a territory formed by six towns and one city. Thus, this paper purposes to reconstructing the Piauí province according to agents involved in the urbanization processes. It proposes to deconstructing Crown´s polices by means towns strategically placed in territory aiming at control and "remedy" of routine injustices practiced in Piauí´s hinterlands. The method of presenting this reconstruction draws on interconnection between text (manuscript documents) and image (maps and photography) which in their discourses have represented a Piauí as space of experiences apprehended as much in official dimension as inhabitant´s everyday life.A urbanização da capitania do Piauí acompanhou, desde finais do século XVII, um complexo processo negociado entre a Coroa portuguesa, os representantes régios, a rede clientelar urdida pela Casa da Torre e a população residente em seus sertões. O que antes era conteúdo dos sertões de Rodelas passou a construir-se como identidade territorial a partir da fundação da primeira freguesia, em 1697, dedicada a Nossa Senhora da Vitória. Estruturando-se descontinuamente no tempo e no espaço, o Piauí reforma-se em 1758, ano da autonomização do seu governo. E fez-se urbano em 1761, quando D. José I e o marquês de Pombal equacionaram, por meio da carta régia de 19 de junho, um território formado por seis vilas e uma cidade. Nessa direção, o objetivo deste artigo consiste em reconstruir o processo de formação da capitania do Piauí segundo os agentes envolvidos na urbanização do território. Propõe-se descortinar as políticas da Coroa por meio da oficialização de povoações estrategicamente locadas no território visando o controle e o "remédio" das injustiças rotineiras do Piauí. O método de apresentar essa reconstrução vale-se da interconexão entre texto (documentação manuscrita) e imagem (mapas e fotografias), que em suas entrelinhas representam um Piauí como espaço de experiências sentidas tanto na dimensão oficial quanto no cotidiano dos seus moradores