637 research outputs found

    Enhanced pre-frontal functional-structural networks to support postural control deficits after traumatic brain injury in a pediatric population

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects the structural connectivity, triggering the re-organization of structural-functional circuits in a manner that remains poorly understood. We focus here on brain networks re-organization in relation to postural control deficits after TBI. We enrolled young participants who had suffered moderate to severeTBI, comparing them to young typically developing control participants. In comparison to control participants, TBI patients (but not controls) recruited prefrontal regions to interact with two separated networks: 1) a subcortical network including part of the motor network, basal ganglia, cerebellum, hippocampus, amygdala, posterior cingulum and precuneus; and 2) a task-positive network, involving regions of the dorsal attention system together with the dorsolateral and ventrolateral prefrontal regions

    Real-time monitoring of PtaHMGB activity in poplar transactivation assays

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    Precise control of gene expression is essential to synchronize plant development with the environment. In perennial plants, transcriptional regulation remains poorly understood, mainly due to the long time required to perform functional studies. Transcriptional reporters based on luciferase have been useful to study circadian and diurnal regulation of gene expression, both by transcription factors and chromatin remodelers. The high mobility group proteins are considered transcriptional chaperones that also modify the chromatin architecture. They have been found in several species, presenting in some cases a circadian expression of their mRNA or protein. Results: Transactivation experiments have been shown as a powerful and fast method to obtain information about the potential role of transcription factors upon a certain reporter. We designed and validated a luciferase transcriptional reporter using the 5? sequence upstream ATG of Populus tremula × alba LHY2 gene. We showed the robustness of this reporter line under long day and continuous light conditions. Moreover, we confirmed that pPtaLHY2::LUC activity reproduces the accumulation of PtaLHY2 mRNA. We performed transactivation studies by transient expression, using the reporter line as a genetic background, unraveling a new function of a high mobility group protein in poplar, which can activate the PtaLHY2 promoter in a gate-dependent manner. We also showed PtaHMGB2/3 needs darkness to produce that activation and exhibits an active degradation after dawn, mediated by the 26S proteasome. Conclusions: We generated a stable luciferase reporter poplar line based on the circadian clock gene PtaLHY2, which can be used to investigate transcriptional regulation and signal transduction pathway. Using this reporter line as a genetic background, we established a methodology to rapidly assess potential regulators of diurnal and circadian rhythms. This tool allowed us to demonstrate that PtaHMGB2/3 promotes the transcriptional activation of our reporter in a gate-dependent manner. Moreover, we added new information about the PtaHMGB2/3 protein regulation along the day. This methodology can be easily adapted to other transcription factors and reporters

    Beyond The Cloud, How Should Next Generation Utility Computing Infrastructures Be Designed?

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    To accommodate the ever-increasing demand for Utility Computing (UC) resources, while taking into account both energy and economical issues, the current trend consists in building larger and larger data centers in a few strategic locations. Although such an approach enables to cope with the actual demand while continuing to operate UC resources through centralized software system, it is far from delivering sustainable and efficient UC infrastructures. We claim that a disruptive change in UC infrastructures is required: UC resources should be managed differently, considering locality as a primary concern. We propose to leverage any facilities available through the Internet in order to deliver widely distributed UC platforms that can better match the geographical dispersal of users as well as the unending demand. Critical to the emergence of such locality-based UC (LUC) platforms is the availability of appropriate operating mechanisms. In this paper, we advocate the implementation of a unified system driving the use of resources at an unprecedented scale by turning a complex and diverse infrastructure into a collection of abstracted computing facilities that is both easy to operate and reliable. By deploying and using such a LUC Operating System on backbones, our ultimate vision is to make possible to host/operate a large part of the Internet by its internal structure itself: A scalable and nearly infinite set of resources delivered by any computing facilities forming the Internet, starting from the larger hubs operated by ISPs, government and academic institutions to any idle resources that may be provided by end-users. Unlike previous researches on distributed operating systems, we propose to consider virtual machines (VMs) instead of processes as the basic element. System virtualization offers several capabilities that increase the flexibility of resources management, allowing to investigate novel decentralized schemes.Afin de supporter la demande croissante de calcul utilitaire (UC) tout en prenant en compte les aspects énergétique et financier, la tendance actuelle consiste à construire des centres de données (ou centrales numériques) de plus en plus grands dans un nombre limité de lieux stratégiques. Cette approche permet sans aucun doute de satisfaire la demande tout en conservant une approche centralisée de la gestion de ces ressources mais elle reste loin de pouvoir fournir des infrastructures de calcul utilitaire efficaces et durables. Après avoir indiqué pourquoi cette tendance n'est pas appropriée, nous proposons au travers de ce rapport, une proposition radicalement différente. De notre point de vue, les ressources de calcul utilitaire doivent être gérées de manière à pouvoir prendre en compte la localité des demandes dès le départ. Pour ce faire, nous proposons de tirer parti de tous les équipements disponibles sur l'Internet afin de fournir des infrastructures de calcul utilitaire qui permettront de part leur distribution de prendre en compte plus efficacement la dispersion géographique des utilisateurs et leur demande toujours croissante. Un des aspects critique pour l'émergence de telles plates-formes de calcul utilitaire ''local'' (LUC) est la disponibilité de mécanismes de gestion appropriés. Dans la deuxième partie de ce document, nous défendons la mise en oeuvre d'un système unifié gérant l'utilisation des ressources à une échelle sans précédent en transformant une infrastructure complexe et hétérogène en une collection d'équipements virtualisés qui seront à la fois plus simples à gérer et plus sûrs. En déployant un système de type LUC sur les coeurs de réseau, notre vision ultime est de rendre possible l'hébergement et la gestion de l'Internet sur sa propre infrastructure interne: un ensemble de ressources extensible et quasiment infini fourni par n'importe quel équipement constituant l'Internet, partant des gros noeud réseaux gérés par les ISPs, les gouvernements et les institutions acadèmiques jusqu'à n'importe quelle ressource inactive fournie par les utilisateurs finaux. Contrairement aux approches précédentes appliquées aux systèmes distribués, nous proposons de considérer les machines virtuelles comme la granularité élémentaire du système (à la place des processus). La virtualisation système offre plusieurs fonctionnalités qui améliorent la flexibilité de la gestion de ressources, permettant l'étude de nouveaux schémas de décentralisation

    Hemorrhagic Shock Caused by Rupture of an Intra-Abdominal Leydig Cell Tumour: Case Report

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    The rupture of an intra-abdominal testicular neoplasm is a rare cause of acute abdomen and massive intra-abdominal haemorrhage. We report the case of a 70-year-old male presenting a massive intra-abdominal bleeding caused by a Leydig cell tumour in an undescended testis. The clinical details and pathology of this rare testicular tumour are discussed

    Molecular Signaling and Dysfunction of the Human Reactive Enteric Glial Cell Phenotype: Implications for GI Infection, IBD, POI, Neurological, Motility, and GI Disorders

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    BACKGROUND: Clinical observations or animal studies implicate enteric glial cells in motility disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, gastrointestinal (GI) infections, postoperative ileus, and slow transit constipation. Mechanisms underlying glial responses to inflammation in human GI tract are not understood. Our goal was to identify the "reactive human enteric glial cell (rhEGC) phenotype" induced by inflammation, and probe its functional relevance. METHODS: Human enteric glial cells in culture from 15 GI-surgical specimens were used to study gene expression, Ca, and purinergic signaling by Ca/fluo-4 imaging and mechanosensitivity. A nanostring panel of 107 genes was designed as a read out of inflammation, transcription, purinergic signaling, vesicular transport protein, channel, antioxidant, and other pathways. A 24-hour treatment with lipopolysaccharide (200 μg/mL) and interferon-γ (10 μg/mL) was used to induce inflammation and study molecular signaling, flow-dependent Ca responses from 3 mL/min to 10 mL/min, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) release, and ATP responses. RESULTS: Treatment induced a "rhEGC phenotype" and caused up-regulation in messenger RNA transcripts of 58% of 107 genes analyzed. Regulated genes included inflammatory genes (54%/IP10; IFN-γ; CxCl2; CCL3; CCL2; C3; s100B; IL-1β; IL-2R; TNF-α; IL-4; IL-6; IL-8; IL-10; IL-12A; IL-17A; IL-22; and IL-33), purine-genes (52%/AdoR2A; AdoR2B; P2RY1; P2RY2; P2RY6; P2RX3; P2RX7; AMPD3; ENTPD2; ENTPD3; and NADSYN1), channels (40%/Panx1; CHRNA7; TRPV1; and TRPA1), vesicular transporters (SYT1, SYT2, SNAP25, and SYP), transcription factors (relA/relB, SOCS3, STAT3, GATA_3, and FOXP3), growth factors (IGFBP5 and GMCSF), antioxidant genes (SOD2 and HMOX1), and enzymes (NOS2; TPH2; and CASP3) (P < 0.0001). Treatment disrupted Ca signaling, ATP, and mechanical/flow-dependent Ca responses in human enteric glial cells. ATP release increased 5-fold and s100B decreased 33%. CONCLUSIONS: The "rhEGC phenotype" is identified by a complex cascade of pro-inflammatory pathways leading to alterations of important molecular and functional signaling pathways (Ca, purinergic, and mechanosensory) that could disrupt GI motility. Inflammation induced a "purinergic switch" from ATP to adenosine diphosphate/adenosine/uridine triphosphate signaling. Findings have implications for GI infection, inflammatory bowel disease, postoperative ileus, motility, and GI disorders

    Exploring high-level features for detecting cyberpedophilia

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    [EN] In this paper, we suggest a list of high-level features and study their applicability in detection of cyberpedophiles. We used a corpus of chats downloaded from http://www.perverted-justice.com and two negative datasets of different nature: cybersex logs available online, and the NPS chat corpus. The classification results show that the NPS data and the pedophiles’ conversations can be accurately discriminated from each other with character n-grams, while in the more complicated case of cybersex logs there is need for high-level features to reach good accuracy levels. In this latter setting our results show that features that model behaviour and emotion significantly outperform the low-level ones, and achieve a 97% accuracy.The work of Dasha Bogdanova was partially carried out during the internship at the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (scholarship of the University of St. Petersburg). Her research was partially supported by Google Research Award. The collaboration with Thamar Solorio was possible thanks to her one-month research visit at the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (program PAID-PAID-02-11 award n. 1932). The research work of Paolo Rosso was done in the framework of the European Commission WIQ-EI Web Information Quality Evaluation Initiative (IRSES Grant No. 269180) project within the FP 7 Marie Curie People, the DIANA-APPLICATIONS - Finding Hidden Knowledge in Texts: Applications (TIN2012-38603-0O2-01) project, and the VLC/CAMPUS Microcluster on Multimodal Interaction in Intelligent Systems.Bogdanova, D.; Rosso, P.; Solorio, T. (2014). Exploring high-level features for detecting cyberpedophilia. Computer Speech and Language. 28(1):108-120. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csl.2013.04.007S10812028

    Data management techniques

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    Today, it is projected that data storage and management is becoming one of the key challenges in order to achieve ultrascale computing for several reasons. First, data is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years and this progression will imply that disruptive technologies will be needed to store large amounts of data and more importantly to access it in a timely manner. Second, the improvement of computing elements and their scalability are shifting application execution from CPU bound to I/O bound. This creates additional challenges for significantly improving the access to data to keep with computation time and thus avoid high-performance computing (HPC) from being underutilized due to large periods of I/O activity. Third, the two initially separate worlds of HPC that mainly consisted on one hand of simulations that are CPU bound and on the other hand of analytics that mainly perform huge data scans to discover information and are I/O bound are blurring. Now, simulations and analytics need to work cooperatively and share the same I/O infrastructure

    Group-level progressive alterations in brain connectivity patterns revealed by diffusion-tensor brain networks across severity stages in Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a chronically progressive neurodegenerative disease highly correlated to aging. Whether AD originates by targeting a localized brain area and propagates to the rest of the brain across disease-severity progression is a question with an unknown answer. Here, we aim to provide an answer to this question at the group-level by looking at differences in diffusion-tensor brain networks. In particular, making use of data from Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), four different groups were defined (all of them matched by age, sex and education level): G1 (N1 = 36, healthy control subjects, Control), G2 (N2 = 36, early mild cognitive impairment, EMCI), G3 (N3 = 36, late mild cognitive impairment, LMCI) and G4 (N4 = 36, AD). Diffusion-tensor brain networks were compared across three disease stages: stage I (Control vs. EMCI), stage II (Control vs. LMCI) and stage III (Control vs. AD). The group comparison was performed using the multivariate distance matrix regression analysis, a technique that was born in genomics and was recently proposed to handle brain functional networks, but here applied to diffusion-tensor data. The results were threefold: First, no significant differences were found in stage I. Second, significant differences were found in stage II in the connectivity pattern of a subnetwork strongly associated to memory function (including part of the hippocampus, amygdala, entorhinal cortex, fusiform gyrus, inferior and middle temporal gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus and temporal pole). Third, a widespread disconnection across the entire AD brain was found in stage III, affecting more strongly the same memory subnetwork appearing in stage II, plus the other new subnetworks, including the default mode network, medial visual network, frontoparietal regions and striatum. Our results are consistent with a scenario where progressive alterations of connectivity arise as the disease severity increases and provide the brain areas possibly involved in such a degenerative process. Further studies applying the same strategy to longitudinal data are needed to fully confirm this scenario

    The evolution of the cosmic molecular gas density

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    One of the last missing pieces in the puzzle of galaxy formation and evolution through cosmic history is a detailed picture of the role of the cold gas supply in the star-formation process. Cold gas is the fuel for star formation, and thus regulates the buildup of stellar mass, both through the amount of material present through a galaxy's gas mass fraction, and through the efficiency at which it is converted to stars. Over the last decade, important progress has been made in understanding the relative importance of these two factors along with the role of feedback, and the first measurements of the volume density of cold gas out to redshift 4, (the "cold gas history of the Universe") has been obtained. To match the precision of measurements of the star formation and black-hole accretion histories over the coming decades, a two orders of magnitude improvement in molecular line survey speeds is required compared to what is possible with current facilities. Possible pathways towards such large gains include significant upgrades to current facilities like ALMA by 2030 (and beyond), and eventually the construction of a new generation of radio-to-millimeter wavelength facilities, such as the next generation Very Large Array (ngVLA) concept.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, Science White paper submitted to Astro2020 Decadal Surve
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