45 research outputs found

    National income inequality predicts cultural variation in mouth to mouth kissing

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    Romantic mouth-to-mouth kissing is culturally widespread, although not a human universal, and may play a functional role in assessing partner health and maintaining long-term pair bonds. Use and appreciation of kissing may therefore vary according to whether the environment places a premium on good health and partner investment. Here, we test for cultural variation (13 countries from six continents) in these behaviours/attitudes according to national health (historical pathogen prevalence) and both absolute (GDP) and relative wealth (GINI). Our data reveal that kissing is valued more in established relationships than it is valued during courtship. Also, consistent with the pair bonding hypothesis of the function of romantic kissing, relative poverty (income inequality) predicts frequency of kissing across romantic relationships. When aggregated, the predicted relationship between income inequality and kissing frequency (r=.67, BCa 95%CI[.32,.89]) was over five times the size of the null correlations between income inequality and frequency of hugging/cuddling and sex. As social complexity requires monitoring resource competition among large groups and predicts kissing prevalence in remote societies, this gesture may be important in the maintenance of long-term pair bonds in specific environments

    Men say "I love you" before women do:robust across several countries

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    Feeling and expressing love is at the core of romantic relationships, but individuals differ in their proclivity to worry about their relationships and/or avoid intimacy. Saying “I love you” signals a commitment to a future with our romantic partner. Contrary to gender stereotypes, research in the United States demonstrates that men are more likely to confess love first. We aimed to replicate this sex difference in an online cross-national sample (seven countries, three continents), while testing for variation according to attachment style and environment (the national sex ratio). Men were more likely to confess love first in a relationship, with preliminary evidence that this was more likely when men had more choice (more female-biased sex ratio). Independent of biological sex, highly avoidant respondents were less happy to hear “I love you” than less avoidant respondents, and highly anxious respondents were happier to hear “I love you” than less anxious respondents. Our findings suggest that prior observations generalize beyond an ethnically homogenous sample and incorporate attachment theory into the study of love confessions. Our research suggests a dissociation between initial declarations of love (moderated by biological sex) and emotional responses to love confessions, moderated by attachment style but not by biological sex

    O zoológico como espaço integrador de posturas em educação ambiental

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    The aim of this project was to promote discussions on environmental matters among Biology undergraduated students and zoo employees. Indirectly, we hope to contribute for the improvement of the zoo workforce through the development of zoo employees in dealing with animals and visitors. Furthermore, we aim to stimulate students to promote environmental educational actions from a zoo experience. The zoo in São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, was visited in order to collect data for the preparation of pedagogical material and development courses. Two different courses were ministered for students and zoo employees alone, and the discussions focused on their experiences and doubts. Both groups reported few opportunities to discuss the topics given. Afterwards, the evaluation of zoo employees’ reports about their daily work indicated the practice of the main ideas presented in the course. Also, as a result, students organized a program to monitor visitors on the weekends starting from the following year of their graduation course.El objetivo de este trabajo fue promover discusiones sobre problemas ambientales con estudiantes de biología y funcionarios de un zoológico. Esperamos contribuir indirectamente en la mejoría del trabajo en el zoológico, esto, a través de la capacitación de sus funcionarios en cuanto al tratamiento de los animales y al atendimiento del público. Por otra parte, pretendemos motivar a los estudiantes para que realicen otras acciones en educación ambiental, siguiendo la experiencia del zoológico. El Zoológico Municipal de São José Río Preto, São Paulo, fue visitado con el propósito de colectar datos, estos fueron utilizados para elaborar material didáctico de cursos de capacitación. Los cursos fueron dados separadamente tanto para estudiantes como para funcionarios, siempre basados en sus experiencias y cuestionamientos. Ambos grupos relataron la falta de oportunidad para la discusión del tema. La reinterpretación de los relatos de los funcionarios, después de las discusiones, indica que hubo asimilación de las ideas centrales que fueron tratadas en el curso. Como resultado concreto, a partir del año siguiente, destacamos la organización voluntaria de los estudiantes para organizar visitas guiadas, al zoológico, los fines de semana.O objetivo deste projeto foi promover discussões sobre a problemática ambiental junto a estudantes de biologia e funcionários de um zoológico. Indiretamente, esperamos contribuir para a melhoria do trabalho no zoológico, por meio da capacitação de seus funcionários no tratamento aos animais e no atendimento ao público. Além disso, visamos a estimular os estudantes a realizar outras ações em educação ambiental, a partir de uma experiência no zoológico. O Zoológico Municipal de São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, foi visitado para sondagem e coleta de dados, que foram utilizados para elaboração de material didático e de cursos de capacitação. Os cursos foram ministrados separadamente para estudantes e funcionários, sempre norteados por suas experiências e questionamentos. Ambos relataram poucas oportunidades para discutir o tema até o momento. A reinterpretação de relatos de funcionários, após as discussões, indica que houve a apreensão das idéias centrais tratadas no curso. Como desdobramento concreto, destacamos a organização voluntária dos estudantes para monitorar os visitantes do zoológico aos finais de semana a partir do ano seguinte ao curso

    O zoológico como espaço integrador de posturas em educação ambiental

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    The aim of this project was to promote discussions on environmental matters among Biology undergraduated students and zoo employees. Indirectly, we hope to contribute for the improvement of the zoo workforce through the development of zoo employees in dealing with animals and visitors. Furthermore, we aim to stimulate students to promote environmental educational actions from a zoo experience. The zoo in São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, was visited in order to collect data for the preparation of pedagogical material and development courses. Two different courses were ministered for students and zoo employees alone, and the discussions focused on their experiences and doubts. Both groups reported few opportunities to discuss the topics given. Afterwards, the evaluation of zoo employees’ reports about their daily work indicated the practice of the main ideas presented in the course. Also, as a result, students organized a program to monitor visitors on the weekends starting from the following year of their graduation course.El objetivo de este trabajo fue promover discusiones sobre problemas ambientales con estudiantes de biología y funcionarios de un zoológico. Esperamos contribuir indirectamente en la mejoría del trabajo en el zoológico, esto, a través de la capacitación de sus funcionarios en cuanto al tratamiento de los animales y al atendimiento del público. Por otra parte, pretendemos motivar a los estudiantes para que realicen otras acciones en educación ambiental, siguiendo la experiencia del zoológico. El Zoológico Municipal de São José Río Preto, São Paulo, fue visitado con el propósito de colectar datos, estos fueron utilizados para elaborar material didáctico de cursos de capacitación. Los cursos fueron dados separadamente tanto para estudiantes como para funcionarios, siempre basados en sus experiencias y cuestionamientos. Ambos grupos relataron la falta de oportunidad para la discusión del tema. La reinterpretación de los relatos de los funcionarios, después de las discusiones, indica que hubo asimilación de las ideas centrales que fueron tratadas en el curso. Como resultado concreto, a partir del año siguiente, destacamos la organización voluntaria de los estudiantes para organizar visitas guiadas, al zoológico, los fines de semana.O objetivo deste projeto foi promover discussões sobre a problemática ambiental junto a estudantes de biologia e funcionários de um zoológico. Indiretamente, esperamos contribuir para a melhoria do trabalho no zoológico, por meio da capacitação de seus funcionários no tratamento aos animais e no atendimento ao público. Além disso, visamos a estimular os estudantes a realizar outras ações em educação ambiental, a partir de uma experiência no zoológico. O Zoológico Municipal de São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, foi visitado para sondagem e coleta de dados, que foram utilizados para elaboração de material didático e de cursos de capacitação. Os cursos foram ministrados separadamente para estudantes e funcionários, sempre norteados por suas experiências e questionamentos. Ambos relataram poucas oportunidades para discutir o tema até o momento. A reinterpretação de relatos de funcionários, após as discussões, indica que houve a apreensão das idéias centrais tratadas no curso. Como desdobramento concreto, destacamos a organização voluntária dos estudantes para monitorar os visitantes do zoológico aos finais de semana a partir do ano seguinte ao curso

    Men’s preferences for women’s breast size and shape in four cultures

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    The morphology of human female breasts typical for their permanent fat deposits appears to be unique among primates. It has been previously suggested that female breast morphology arose as a result of sexual selection. This is supported by evidence showing that women with larger breasts tend to have higher estrogen levels; breast size may therefore serve as an indicator of potential fertility. However, breasts become less firm with age and parity, and breast shape could thus also serve as a marker of residual fertility. Therefore, cross-culturally, males are hypothesized to prefer breast morphology that indicates both high potential and residual fertility. To test this, we performed a survey on men´s preferences for breast morphology in four different cultures (Brazil, Cameroon, the Czech Republic, Namibia). As stimuli, we used two sets of images varying in breast size (marker of potential fertility) and level of breast firmness (marker of residual fertility). Individual preferences for breast size were variable, but the majority of raters preferred medium sized, followed by large sized breasts. In contrast, we found systematic directional preferences for firm breasts across all four samples. This pattern supports the idea that breast morphology may serve as a residual fertility indicator, but offers more limited support for the potential fertility indicator hypothesis. Future studies should focus on a potential interaction between the two parameters, breast size and firmness, which, taken together, may help to explain the relatively large variation in women's breast sizes

    Reasons of Singles for Being Single:Evidence from Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, India, Japan and the UK

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    The current research aimed to examine the reasons people are single, that is, not in an intimate relationship, across eight different countries—Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, India, Japan, and the UK. We asked a large cross-cultural sample of single participants (N = 6,822) to rate 92 different possible reasons for being single. These reasons were classified into 12 factors, including one’s perceived inability to find the right partner, the perception that one is not good at flirting, and the desire to focus on one’s career. Significant sex and age effects were found for most factors. The extracted factors were further classified into three separate domains: Perceived poor capacity to attract mates, desiring the freedom of choice, and currently being in between relationships. The domain structure, the relative importance of each factor and domain, as well as sex and age effects were relatively consistent across countries. There were also important differences however, including the differing effect sizes of sex and age effects between countries

    Effects of Voice Pitch on Social Perceptions Vary With Relational Mobility and Homicide Rate

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    Fundamental frequency ( fo) is the most perceptually salient vocal acoustic parameter, yet little is known about how its perceptual influence varies across societies. We examined how fo affects key social perceptions and how socioecological variables modulate these effects in 2,647 adult listeners sampled from 44 locations across 22 nations. Low male fo increased men’s perceptions of formidability and prestige, especially in societies with higher homicide rates and greater relational mobility in which male intrasexual competition may be more intense and rapid identification of high-status competitors may be exigent. High female fo increased women’s perceptions of flirtatiousness where relational mobility was lower and threats to mating relationships may be greater. These results indicate that the influence of fo on social perceptions depends on socioecological variables, including those related to competition for status and mates

    Fundamental social motives measured across forty-two cultures in two waves

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    How does psychology vary across human societies? The fundamental social motives framework adopts an evolutionary approach to capture the broad range of human social goals within a taxonomy of ancestrally recurring threats and opportunities. These motives—self-protection, disease avoidance, affiliation, status, mate acquisition, mate retention, and kin care—are high in fitness relevance and everyday salience, yet understudied cross-culturally. Here, we gathered data on these motives in 42 countries (N = 15,915) in two cross-sectional waves, including 19 countries (N = 10,907) for which datawere gathered in both waves. Wave 1 was collected from mid-2016 through late 2019 (32 countries, N = 8,998; 3,302 male, 5,585 female; Mage = 24.43, SD = 7.91). Wave 2 was collected from April through November 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic (29 countries, N = 6,917; 2,249 male, 4,218 female; Mage = 28.59, SD = 11.31). These data can be used to assess differences and similarities in people’s fundamental social motives both across and within cultures, at different time points, and in relation to other commonly studied cultural indicators and outcomes

    Globally, songs and instrumental melodies are slower, higher, and use more stable pitches than speech: a registered report

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    Both music and language are found in all known human societies, yet no studies have compared similarities and differences between song, speech, and instrumental music on a global scale. In this Registered Report, we analyzed two global datasets: (i) 300 annotated audio recordings representing matched sets of traditional songs, recited lyrics, conversational speech, and instrumental melodies from our 75 coauthors speaking 55 languages; and (ii) 418 previously published adult-directed song and speech recordings from 209 individuals speaking 16 languages. Of our six preregistered predictions, five were strongly supported: Relative to speech, songs use (i) higher pitch, (ii) slower temporal rate, and (iii) more stable pitches, while both songs and speech used similar (iv) pitch interval size and (v) timbral brightness. Exploratory analyses suggest that features vary along a “musi-linguistic” continuum when including instrumental melodies and recited lyrics. Our study provides strong empirical evidence of cross-cultural regularities in music and speech

    Affective interpersonal touch in close relationships: a cross-cultural perspective

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    Interpersonal touch behavior differs across cultures, yet no study to date has systematically tested for cultural variation in affective touch, nor examined the factors that might account for this variability. Here, over 14,000 individuals from 45 countries were asked whether they embraced, stroked, kissed, or hugged their partner, friends, and youngest child during the week preceding the study. We then examined a range of hypothesized individual-level factors (sex, age, parasitic history, conservatism, religiosity, and preferred interpersonal distance) and cultural-level factors (regional temperature, parasite stress, regional conservatism, collectivism, and religiosity) in predicting these affective-touching behaviors. Our results indicate that affective touch was most prevalent in relationships with partners and children, and its diversity was relatively higher in warmer, less conservative, and religious countries, and among younger, female, and liberal people. This research allows for a broad and integrated view of the bases of cross-cultural variability in affective touch