264 research outputs found

    Fragmentos de inscripciones monumentales romanas de Sagunto

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    Unas excavaciones arqueológicas en la ciudad de Sagunto han aportado, entre otros materiales, diversos fragmentos de tres inscripciones monumentales. Su estudio demuestra que estamos ante piezas que reflejan importantes aspectos de la vida romana saguntina de época imperial. Así, en la primera de ellas podría tratarse de una referencia al culto de Mitra, mientras en las otras dos se aludiría a algún prominente personaje público.Some archaeological excavations in the city of Saguntum have recovered, among other materials, to different fragments of three monumental inscriptions. Their study shows important aspects of urban life on Roman imperial period. Thus, the first of them could be a reference to the cult of Mithras, while the other two could allude to distinguished public person

    The COVID-19: the enzyme of the digital transformation of teaching or the reflection of a methodological and competence crisis in higher education?

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    [ES]La CoVId-19 ha obligado a transitar hacia una docencia y una evaluación online de urgencia y sin planificación. Realmente, no se puede decir que las universidades hayan realizado un proceso de transformación integral de su docencia hacia el modelo online, tampoco se pretendía. Tras haber cerrado uno de los procesos que más han impactado en la educación en general y en la Universidad en particular en tiempos, llega el momento de reflexionar y sacar concusiones que sirvan para afrontar el futuro cercano del siguiente curso y más profundamente la evolución de la educación superior con un horizonte temporal más amplio. En esta reflexión el optimismo llevaría pensar en un efecto positivo de la pandemia en pro de la transformación digital integral, no solo docente, de las universidades, pero una visión más realista destaca una profunda brecha competencial tanto en los aspectos digitales como en las metodologías docentes que, en el caso de España, debería hacer pensar sobre la verdadera adopción real del modelo propuesto como resultado del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

    Follicular adenomatoid odontogenic tumor : immunohistochemical study

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    Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT) is an uncommon benign odontogenic lesion that affects young patients, with female predominance, mainly in second decade, showing a radiolucent unilocular image associated with an unerupted tooth, usually a canine. In spite of previous and confusing denominations, such as adenoameloblastoma or adenomatoid ameloblastic tumor, AOT is a benign tumor with a very low rate of recurrence, that show a peculiar morphological picture (basaloid appearance with glandular-like structures, calcifying areas, and amiloid-like material) that allow its histopathological recognition. We present a clinicopathological analysis of a case of follicular AOT affecting the mandible in a 9 years-old female patient associated with unerupted lower left canine. Immunohistochemical study showed some data previously unrecognised. All cellular types that composed AOT showed nuclear positivity for p63 indicating a basal characterization in the different cellular components. According to its benign character and low potential for recurrence, AOT revealed a scant proliferative activity (2-3% nuclei showed Ki-67 positivity) limited to some epithelial nodules (AE1-3 +) of fusiform appearance. Absence of reactivity for hormonal receptors (RE and RPg) excluded a possible hormonodependence in AOT that could explain the observed female predominance

    Limitations and usefulness of maximum daily shrinkage (MDS) and trunk growth rate (TGR) indicators in the irrigation scheduling of table olive trees

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    8 páginas.-- 7 figuras.-- 2 tablas.-- 32 referenciasMaximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS) is the most popular indicator derived from trunk diameter fluctuations in most fruit trees and has been reported to be one of the earliest signs in the detection of water stress. However, in some species such as olive trees (. Olea europaea L.), MDS does not usually change in water stress conditions and trunk growth rate (TGR) has been suggested as better indicator. Most of this lack of sensitivity to drought conditions has been related to the relationship between the MDS and the water potential. This curvilinear relationship produces an uncertain zone were great variations of water potential do not imply any changes of MDS. The MDS signal, the ratio between measured MDS and estimated MDS with full irrigation, has been thought to be a better indicator than MDS, as it reduces the effect of the environment. On the other hand, though literature results suggest an effect of environment in TGR values, there are not clear relationship between this indicator and meteorological data. The aims of this work are, on one hand, to study the improvements of the baseline approach in the MDS signal and, on the other, study the influence of several meteorological variables in TGR. Three years' data from an irrigation experiment were used in to carry out the MDS analysis and six years' data for full irrigated trees during pit hardening period were used for TGR study. The comparison between MDS vs. water potential and MDS signal vs. water potential presented a great scattering in both relationships. Values of MDS signal between 1.1 and 1.4 were always identified with moderate water stress conditions (-1.4 to -2. MPa of water potential). However, since this MDS signal values are around the maximum in the curvilineal relationship with water potential, greater values of MDS signal (in the range of 1.1-1.4) were not necessary lower values of water potential. In addition, during low fruit load seasons MDS signal was not an accurate indicator. On the other hand, absolute values of several climatological measurements were not significantly related with TGR. Only daily increments explain part of the variations of TGR in full irrigated trees. In all the data analysed, the daily increment of average vapour pressure deficit was the best indicator related with TGR. The increase of this indicator decreased TGR values. In addition, the agreement between this indicator and TGR was affected for fruit load. Great yield seasons decrease the influence of VPD increment in TGR.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN), (AGL2010-19201-CO4-03). Thanks are due to J. Rodriguez and A. Montero for help with field measurements.Peer reviewe

    Evaluación en Educación Superior durante la pandemia de la COVID-19

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    [ES]El presente estudio aborda la situación provocada por la pandemia del Covid-19, mediante análisis documental. Tras una breve introducción se reflexiona sobre algunas de las características de la enseñanza online para a continuación observar cuáles han sido las medidas dentro de la educación superior en varios países, principalmente dentro del entorno europeo. En líneas generales esas intervenciones han estado vinculadas a tres grandes cuestiones: la heterogeneidad del alumnado, búsqueda de alternativas y el proctoring (control biométrico durante la evaluación). El siguiente apartado sintetiza las recomendaciones e instrumentos de evaluación online propuestos desde las Universidades públicas de Castilla y León, para posteriormente finalizar con unas reflexiones generales en el apartado de conclusiones, subrayando la idea de que la tecnología es una herramienta poderosa pero que requiere una planificación. Si bien en este contexto no se ha dispuesto de los tiempos ideales para ello, no por ello deja de ser necesario

    Understanding Climatic Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Adaptation in the United States: Building a Capacity for Assessment

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    Based on the experience of the U.S. National Assessment, we propose a program of research and analysis to advance capability for assessment of climate impacts, vulnerabilities, and adaptation options. We identify specific priorities for scientific research on the responses of ecological and socioeconomic systems to climate and other stresses; for improvement in the climatic inputs to impact assessments; and for further development of assessment methods to improve their practical utility to decision-makers. Finally, we propose a new institutional model for assessment, based principally on regional efforts that integrate observations, research, data, applications, and assessment on climate and linked environmental-change issues. The proposed program will require effective collaboration between scientists, resource managers, and other stakeholders, all of whose expertise is needed to define and prioritize key regional issues, characterize relevant uncertainties, and assess potential responses. While both scientifically and organizationally challenging, such an integrated program holds the best promise of advancing our capacity to manage resources and the economy adaptively under a changing climate