2,138 research outputs found

    La necesidad de un enfoque etnográfico en Perú

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    Un desplazamiento de personas rara vez se explica únicamente por factores ambientales o climáticos. Por lo tanto, un análisis que no tenga en cuenta las consecuencias culturales del cambio climático para las sociedades afectadas estará incompleto

    Raison, argumentation et légitimation : Habermas, Apel et les apories de la communication

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    Les définitions de la rationalité fondées sur les seules ressources des activités communicationnelles et des formes de vie qui leur sont liées se heurtent à des difficultés dont la tentative de Habermas constitue un eminent exemple. La question de la légitimation en constitue la pierre de touche; elle est au coeur de la controverse qui oppose Apel à Habermas et de ce qui les conduit à chercher différemment une issue dans les prétentions à la validité (Geltungsanspruche) que renferment à leurs yeux les activités communicationnelles. Leur mobilisation d’un modèle pragmatique de la rationalité s’articule ainsi à la recherche d’un élément inconditionné dans lequel on peut voir une source majeure d’apories et de désaccords quant aux solutions respectivement envisagées. Cette situation conduit à se demander 1) si le concept de « rationalité communicationnelle » n’est pas intrinsèquement affecté par l’ambiguïté qui associe à l’argumentation et à l’immanence des pratiques communicationnelles l’idée d’une légitimation, elle-même liée à une transcendance que celles-ci paraissent exclure, 2) si un éclairage, à défaut d’une issue, ne résiderait pas dans une meilleure compréhension des liens qui associent le nécessaire à l’arbitraire.The possibility of defining the rationality upon the only basis of communicative actions (Kommunikative Handeln) and forms of life lies at the root of several difficulties, of which Habermas’ attempts give a very significant example. Legitimation is its touchstone. It is the central point of the Apel-Habermas controversy and it is the basis of its latest developments. Apel and Habermas are both seeking an out- come by looking at " claims to validity " (Geltungsansspriiche) which they consider to be embodied in communicative actions. So they appeal at the same time to a pragmatist account of rationality and to some Unconditional, which is the main source of the dilemmas and disagreements they have to cope with. One may wonder whether the kind of tension which strikes the tie relating argumentation to some " transcendant moment " is not built into the very notion of communicative rationality. But one may also wonder whether some illumination, if not outcome, might not consist in some attempt to investigate the very connections between Necessary and Arbitrary

    A high resolution data conversion and digital processing for high energy physics calorimeter detectors readout

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    L'abstract è presente nell'allegato / the abstract is in the attachmen

    L’art en action : De quelques ontologies précaires

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    Mega sports event policy in Marseille 1991-2003 the football World Cup and the Americas Cup: a case study of urban governance

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    The aim of this thesis is to provide a theoretically informed account of the decision-making process in mega sports events policy in Marseille. This is intended to allow an evaluation of the major theoretical frameworks developed in the Anglo-Saxon literature on urban governance and their applicability to the French local government context, and more specifically to the context of sports policy in Marseille. Following an analysis of the development of the local political culture of Marseille, the thesis undertakes a review of theoretical frameworks developed in the urban policy literature identifying three major approaches / concepts which have dominated Anglo-Saxon literature, namely the growth coalition (Logan and Molotch 1987), policy network (Rhodes 1981; 1988), and urban regime (Stone 1989) approaches. These theoretical frameworks have been little used in French urban policy literature (Le Gales 1995; 2003) and feature rarely, if at all, in French sports policy literature. In reviewing this literature the thesis identifies a set of indicators, which may be used in empirical contexts to differentiate growth coalitions from policy networks and urban regimes. A major question for the research is thus to what extent Anglo-Saxon theoretical frameworks / concepts can be usefully employed to understand French decision-making and that of Marseille in particular. Subscribing to critical realism, the thesis aims to give an account of the mega sport event phenomena in Marseille, and of the actors' understanding and interpretation (in effect their social construction) of the phenomena. The data collected were documents for the period 1991 - 2003 from official sources (minutes and proceedings of local government and event-related bodies, reports, political speeches, and local government publications), local press coverage, and interviewees conducted with the major decision-makers. An ethnographic content analysis was made, partly employing a deductive approach based on the set of common indicators developed from the review of urban policy, and partly inductively from themes, which emerged in the analysis (Altheide 1996). The thesis concludes that while there is some evidence of the development of policy networks the specificity of the French context, and that of Marseille, with its heavily state-led approach to policy, means that the use of urban regime, and still less of growth coalition approaches, is not warranted by the evidence

    Wittgenstein on Aesthetics / Aesthetics on Wittgenstein

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    The diagnosis and comparison of physical abilities of skiers and footballers

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    Arte e experiência estética na tradição pragmatista

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    O autor traz um olhar atualizado do pragmatismo, filosofia nascida em terras norte-americanas, a partir das questões referentes à arte tratadas, sobretudo, por John Dewey em sua obra maior Art as Experience, de 1934. Discutindo a relação intrínseca que a arte mantém com a cultura, Cometti relativiza a noção de arte ao inscrever seu objeto no horizonte das culturas e, assim, no contexto dos usos. Defendendo o ponto de vista de uma arte como experiência, questiona a autonomia artística, associando a experiência com a obra às outras experiências mundanas, conquanto estejam em permanente troca. Por fim, questiona se existiria de fato uma estética pragmatista
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