14 research outputs found

    Morphological and molecular evidence for considering Xylocopa nigrocincta as the senior synonym of Xylocopa suspecta (Apidae: Xylocopini)

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    Xylocopa nigrocincta Smith, 1854, and Xylocopa suspecta Moure & Camargo, 1988, are two nominal species within the subgenus Neoxylocopa and have a sympatric geographic distribution in South America. While X. nigrocincta is recognized by the presence of reddish metasomatic bands, X. suspecta is entirely black. Although morphologically distinct in terms of metasomal band colour, other morphological characters suggest that both species could be the same evolutionary entity and therefore synonymous. The aim of this research was to review both nigrocincta and suspecta morphotypes using an integrative approach (morphological and molecular) to evaluate if they are truly two different evolutionary lineages. Females of both species were obtained from field collections and museums, representing a large part of their morphotype distribution. Additional diagnostic characters of the external morphology were investigated, such as metasomal band colour, metasomal punctuation, wing colours, and apical regions of the basitibial plate. Mitochondrial gene sequences (COI and CytB) were used for phylogenetic reconstructions. Our results showed that both nigrocincta and suspecta morphotypes are undistinguished based on morphology, although the metasomal band colour, together with the geographic distribution, revealed the presence of three distinct morphogroups, including an intermediate one with a variable number of reddish bands. Nonetheless, the three morphogroups are not supported by molecular data and therefore represent intra-specific variations. In conclusion, our results do not support the hypothesis that the two nominal species are distinct evolutionary lineages, and we propose a synonym between X. nigrocincta and X. suspecta

    Evaluation of zinc oxide-isoeugenol cement properties

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da substituição do eugenol pelo isoeugenol na formulação do cimento de óxido de zinco e eugenol, em relação às propriedades de tempo de presa e espessura de película, devido à comprovada genotoxicidade apresentada pelo eugenol. Utilizou-se o pó do cimento de óxido de zinco e eugenol (Endofill- Dentsply Herpo) e o isoeugenol (98%). Com base na especificação número 57 da Associação Dentária Americana (A.D.A.) foram avaliados o tempo de presa e a espessura de película. Para determinação do tempo de presa, foram confeccionados corpos de prova de diâmetro interno de lO mm e espessura de 2 mm, que foram levados à estufa a 37°C. Com o auxílio de uma agulha de Gillmore com 100 g e diâmetro de 2 mm, foi determinado o tempo de presa do material. Foram determinados os seguintes tempos de presa: A- lhe 08min; B- lhe lOmin; C-lhe l3min. Para determinação da espessura de película, utilizou-se a proporção de 330 mg de óxido de zinco e llO mg de isoeugenol colocada entre duas placas de vidro que tiveram a sua espessura medida por um micrômetro. O material espatulado foi colocado sobre uma das placas e coberto com a outra. Sobre as placas foi aplicada uma carga de 147 N por lO minutos. Após este período, as placas com o cimento interposto foram retiradas e novamente foi medida a sua espessura. A diferença entre a primeira e a segunda medida resultou na espessura de película: A - 30 m; B - 26 m; C - 28 m. Com base nos resultados concluiu-se que, quanto à espessura de película, o material foi aprovado pela especificação que exige a espessura máxima de 50 p,m. Já quanto ao tempo de presa, este foi além dos lOo/o em relação ao proposto pelo fabricante, no entanto, como nas obturações de canal este tempo não é crítico, seria viável sugerir a substituição proposta considerando as propriedades analisadas.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the substitution of eugenol by isoeugenol in the formula of the zinc oxideeugenol endodontic sealer, in relation to the properties of setting time and film thickness, due to the known genotoxicity of the eugenol. lt was used the powder of zinc oxide-eugenol sealer (Endofill - Dentsply Herpo) and the isoeugenol (98%). Based on the specification No. 57 of the American Dental Association (ADA) the setting time and film thickness were evaluated. To determine the setting time a mold with an internai diameter o f 1 O mm and thickness of 2 mm were prepared and taken to the stove at 37°C. Using a Gillmore needle weightening 1 00 g and diameter o f 2 mm, the setting time of the material was determined. Three assessments were made at different periods: A- 1h e 08 min; B- 1h e 10 min; C- 1h e 13 min. To determine the film thickness, it was used a proportion of 330 mg o f zinc oxide and 11 O mg o f isoeugenol, that was placed between two glass plates that have hat its thickness measured by a micrometer. The spatuled material was placed over one of the plates and covered by the other. A load 147 N was imputed for 10 minutes. Mter this time, the plates with the interposed sealer were taken off and the thickness was measured again. The diference between the first and second measure resulted on the following film thickness: A - 30 m; B - 26 m; C - 28 m. Based on the results, it was conclused that, in relation to the f:tlm thickness, the material was approved by the specification, that demands that the highest thickness should be of 50 m. The setting time was longer than 10% advocate by the manufactures, however, once this time is not criticai for root canal fillings, it would be viable to suggest the substitution for isoeugenol to the sealer if it is considered the analysed propertie


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    Populations from different countries may present different cellular modifications among themselves, and the Buccal Micronucleus Cytome (BMCyt) assay in human buccal mucosal tissue may be a marker to evaluate these modifications. This study evaluated and compared DNA damage and other nuclear anomalies between Brazilian and Spanish gym users. This is a cross-sectional study carried out with gym users of Santa Cruz do Sul/Brazil and Madrid/Spain. The BMCyt assay was performed for biomarkers of DNA damage (micronuclei and/or nuclear buds), cytokinetic defects (binucleated cells), proliferative potential (basal cell frequency) and/or cell death (condensed chromatin, karyorrhexis, pyknotic and karyolytic cells) in human buccal mucosal. Of the 228 individuals evaluated, 163 were Brazilian, and 65 were Spanish. Gym users of both countries differed between weight, body mass index, body fat, and muscle mass. The Brazilians presented a significantly higher frequency of micronuclei, nuclear buds, cells with condensed chromatin and karyorrhexis. Spaniards, however presented a significantly higher frequency of karyolytic cells. In conclusion, Brazilian gym users presented significantly higher rates of DNA damage and cell death, while the Spanish presented a higher frequency of advanced stage cell death.Populações de diferentes países podem apresentar diferentes modificações celulares entre si e o ensaio de micronúcleos de células bucais esfoliadas (BMCyt) pode ser um marcador para avaliar essas modificações. Este estudo avaliou e comparou o dano no DNA e outras anomalias nucleares entre brasileiros e espanhóis praticantes de academia. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado com praticantes de academia de Santa Cruz do Sul/Brasil e Madrid/Espanha. O ensaio BMCyt foi realizado para avaliar os biomarcadores de danos no DNA (micronúcleos e/ou brotos nucleares), defeitos citocinéticos (células binucleadas), potencial proliferativo (frequência de células basais) e/ou morte celular (cromatina condensada, cariorréxica, células picnóticas e cariolíticas), na mucosa bucal humana. Dos 228 indivíduos avaliados, 163 eram brasileiros e 65 espanhóis. Os praticantes de academia brasileiros e espanhóis diferiram entre peso, índice de massa corporal, gordura corporal e massa muscular. Ademais, os brasileiros apresentaram significativamente maior frequência de micronúcleos, brotos nucleares, células com cromatina condensada e cariorréxicas. Além disso, os espanhóis apresentaram significativamente maior frequência de células cariolíticas. Em conclusão, os praticantes de academia brasileiros apresentaram significativamente maiores índices de danos no DNA e morte celular, enquanto os espanhóis apresentaram maior frequência de morte celular em estágio avançado

    Acetyl-4'-phosphopantetheine is stable in serum and prevents phenotypes induced by pantothenate kinase deficiency

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    CITATION: Di Meo, I., et al. 2017. Acetyl-4′-phosphopantetheine is stable in serum and prevents phenotypes induced by pantothenate kinase deficiency. Scientific Reports, 7:11260, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-11564-8.The original publication is available at https://www.nature.comCoenzyme A is an essential metabolite known for its central role in over one hundred cellular metabolic reactions. In cells, Coenzyme A is synthesized de novo in five enzymatic steps with vitamin B5 as the starting metabolite, phosphorylated by pantothenate kinase. Mutations in the pantothenate kinase 2 gene cause a severe form of neurodegeneration for which no treatment is available. One therapeutic strategy is to generate Coenzyme A precursors downstream of the defective step in the pathway. Here we describe the synthesis, characteristics and in vivo rescue potential of the acetyl-Coenzyme A precursor S-acetyl-4′-phosphopantetheine as a possible treatment for neurodegeneration associated with pantothenate kinase deficiency.https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-11564-8Publisher's versio

    Influence of Antisynthetase Antibodies Specificities on Antisynthetase Syndrome Clinical Spectrum TimeCourse

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    Introduction: Increased cardiovascular (CV) morbidity and mortality is observed in inflammatory joint diseases (IJDs) such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and psoriatic arthritis. However, the management of CV disease in these conditions is far from being well established.Areas covered: This review summarizes the main epidemiologic, pathophysiological, and clinical risk factors of CV disease associated with IJDs. Less common aspects on early diagnosis and risk stratification of the CV disease in these conditions are also discussed. In Europe, the most commonly used risk algorithm in patients with IJDs is the modified SCORE index based on the revised recommendations proposed by the EULAR task force in 2017.Expert opinion: Early identification of IJD patients at high risk of CV disease is essential. It should include the use of complementary noninvasive imaging techniques. A multidisciplinary approach aimed to improve heart-healthy habits, including strict control of classic CV risk factors is crucial. Adequate management of the underlying IJD is also of main importance since the reduction of disease activity decreases the risk of CV events. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may have a lesser harmful effect in IJD than in the general population, due to their anti-inflammatory effects along with other potential beneficial effects.This research was partially funded by FOREUM—Foundation for Research in Rheumatolog

    Open innovation in tourism micro-firms: evidence from the Italian Alps

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    This study examines the relationship between openness to external collaborations and innovation outcomes in tourism micro-firms,considering the variety of partners, the geographical outreach of therelationships, and the number of implemented innovation types. A quantitative analysis of tourism micro-firms located in the Italian Alps iscomplemented with rich qualitative evidence gathered through follow-up interviews. Our findings show that higher openness to external collaborations leads to a higher probability of introducing an innovation and to higher innovation performances. However, above a certain threshold, the returns from open innovation decrease as a firm’s openness increases. This assumption does not hold when considering openness to national and international partners, which is positively and significantly related to innovation performance. The results suggest that the purposive management of external collaborations is a central issue for tourism entrepreneurs and highlight the positive role that intermediaries can play in facilitating such dynamics

    Collagen VI regulates peripheral nerve regeneration by modulating macrophage recruitment and polarization

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    Macrophages contribute to peripheral nerve regeneration and produce collagen VI, an extracellular matrix protein involved in nerve function. Here, we show that collagen VI is critical for macrophage migration and polarization during peripheral nerve regeneration. Nerve injury induces a robust upregulation of collagen VI, whereas lack of collagen VI in Col6a1(-/-) mice delays peripheral nerve regeneration. In vitro studies demonstrated that collagen VI promotes macrophage migration and polarization via AKT and PKA pathways. Col6a1(-/-) macrophages exhibit impaired migration abilities and reduced antiinflammatory (M2) phenotype polarization, but are prone to skewing toward the proinflammatory (M1) phenotype. In vivo, macrophage recruitment and M2 polarization are impaired in Col6a1(-/-) mice after nerve injury. The delayed nerve regeneration of Col6a1(-/-) mice is induced by macrophage deficits and rejuvenated by transplantation of wild-type bone marrow cells. These results identify collagen VI as a novel regulator for peripheral nerve regeneration by modulating macrophage function

    Avaliação das propriedades do cimento de óxido de zinco e isoeugenol

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da substituição do eugenol pelo isoeugenol na formulação do cimento de óxido de zinco e eugenol, em relação às propriedades de tempo de presa e espessura de película, devido à comprovada genotoxicidade apresentada pelo eugenol. Utilizou-se o pó do cimento de óxido de zinco e eugenol (Endofill - Dentsply Herpo) e o isoeugenol (98%). Com base na especificação número 57 da Associação Dentária Americana (A.D.A.) foram avaliados o tempo de presa e a espessura de película. Para determinação do tempo de presa, foram confeccionados corpos de prova de diâmetro interno de 100 mm e espessura de 2 mm, que foram levados à estufa a 37°C. Com o auxílio de uma agulha de Gillmore com 100 g e diâmetro de 2 mm, foi determinado o tempo de presa do material. Foram determinados os seguintes tempos de presa: A - 1h e 08min; B - 1h e 10min; C - 1h e 13min. Para determinação da espessura de película, utilizou-se a proporção de 330 mg de óxido de zinco e 110 mg de isoeugenol colocada entre duas placas de vidro que tiveram a sua espessura medida por um micrômetro. O material espatulado foi colocado sobre uma das placas e coberto com a outra. Sobre as placas foi aplicada uma carga de 147 N por 10 minutos. Após este período, as placas com o cimento interposto foram retiradas e novamente foi medida a sua espessura. A diferença entre a primeira e a segunda medida resultou na espessura de película: A - 30 m; B - 26 m; C - 28 m. Com base nos resultados concluiu-se que, quanto à espessura de película, o material foi aprovado pela especificação que exige a espessura máxima de 50 um. Já quanto ao tempo de presa, este foi além dos 10% em relação ao proposto pelo fabricante, no entanto, como nas obturações de canal este tempo não é crítico, seria viável sugerir a substituição proposta considerando as propriedades analisadas