3,063 research outputs found


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    Em tempos atuais as empresas têm demonstrado grande interesse em encontrar maneiras de melhorar a produtividade e aumentar sua participação de mercado. Diante desses desafios foi proposto um estudo de caso numa empresa de planos de saúde privado, para avaliar, por meio da aplicação de três questionários, se o resultado da pesquisa de clima organizacional, culmina em um bom resultado da avaliação do desempenho dos empregados. E assim identificar se ocorre sinergismo entre esses fatores, com o intuito de mapear pontos de atuação que devem ser redirecionados. Participaram desse estudo 155 empregados, voluntários, respondendo três questionários, sendo: Avaliação de Desempenho do Empregado, Avaliação de Desempenho do Líder e Pesquisa de Clima Organizacional. Os resultados obtidos foram: 94,87% dos empregados tiveram excelente desempenho, 92,31% afirmaram existir um ambiente de trabalho agradável e 92,95% consideram o relacionamento satisfatório entre os colegas de trabalho. Conclui-se que, o clima organizacional favorável remete a um bom desempenho, onde a gestão de pessoas na empresa está atenta para proporcionar aos empregados qualidade de vida no trabalho

    Levantamento de condições de saúde de alunos dos estabelecimentos de ensino primário da Secretaria dos Negócios da Educação do Governo do Estado, no município de São Paulo Brasil

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    A survey about the health conditions of the elementary schools children of São Paulo City, was realized. The sample students were submitted to general and specialized physical examinations and to parasitological examination of feces. Tables of height and weight of boys and girls, aged 7-14 years, were built based on the general physical examination data. The results of the physical specialized examinations were compared with bibliographical data, whenever existed. About feces examinations, 89,4% of the school children selected presented parasites. At 1% of significance level, it was possible to accept that there was correlation between lackness of sanitation in the school children houses and the presence of intestinal parasites in the feces examination.Fez-se um levantamento das condições de saúde de escolares primários do município de São Paulo. Nos alunos componentes da amostra foram realizados os seguintes exames: exame físico geral; exame físico especial; exame de fezes. Os resultados obtidos no exame físico geral permitiram construir tabelas de peso e altura para crianças de ambos os sexos, de 7 a 14 anos. Foi verificada a presença de parasitoses intestinais em 89,4% dos escolares examinados. Concluiu-se que, ao nível de significância de 1%, existe associação entre ausência de saneamento básico nas residências dos escolares e a presença de parasitos intestinais nos exames de fezes

    Personalidades negras: promovendo o respeito à diversidade na escola / Black personalities: promoting respect for diversity at school

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    O presente trabalho trata-se de um relato de experiência enquanto educadores da rede municipal de educação de João Pessoa-PB, o trabalho foi desenvolvido de maneira interdisciplinar com os educandos das turmas do 5º anos do ensino fundamental. Para a realização das atividades, fizemos planejamento pedagógico, trabalhamos com biografias, vídeos, roda de diálogo, estudo dirigido, desenho e produção textual. Como resultados, apontamos: o estudo da biografia de Martin Luther King e Rosa Parks e a discussão acerca do respeito à diversidade que nos cerca. 

    Spatiotemporal variability of hydrologic soil properties and the implications for overland flow and land management in a peri-urban Mediterranean catchment

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    Planning of semi-urban developments is often hindered by a lack of knowledge on how changes in landuse affect catchment hydrological response. The temporal and spatial patterns of overland flow source areas and their connectivity in the landscape, particularly in a seasonal climate, remain comparatively poorly understood. This study investigates seasonal variations in factors influencing runoff response to rainfall in a peri-urban catchment in Portugal characterized by a mosaic of landscape units and a humid Mediterranean climate. Variations in surface soil moisture, hydrophobicity and infiltration capacity were measured in six different landscape units (defined by land-use on either sandstone or limestone) in nine monitoring campaigns at key times over a one-year period. Spatiotemporal patterns in overland flow mechanisms were found. Infiltration-excess overland flow was generated in rainfalls during the dry summer season in woodland on both sandstone and limestone and on agricultural soils on limestone due probably in large part to soil hydrophobicity. In wet periods, saturation overland flow occurred on urban and agricultural soils located in valley bottoms and on shallow soils upslope. Topography, water table rise and soil depth determined the location and extent of saturated areas. Overland flow generated in upslope source areas potentially can infiltrate in other landscape units downslope where infiltration capacity exceeds rainfall intensity. Hydrophilic urban and agricultural-sandstone soils were characterized by increased infiltration capacity during dry periods, while forest soils provided potential sinks for overland flow when hydrophilic in the winter wet season. Identifying the spatial and temporal variability of overland flow sources and sinks is an important step in understanding and modeling flow connectivity and catchment hydrologic response. Such information is important for land managers in order to improve urban planning to minimize flood risk

    Investigating the Host-Range of the Rust Fungus Puccinia psidii sensu lato across Tribes of the Family Myrtaceae Present in Australia

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    The exotic rust fungus Puccinia psidii sensu lato was first detected in Australia in April 2010. This study aimed to determine the host-range potential of this accession of the rust by testing its pathogenicity on plants of 122 taxa, representative of the 15 tribes of the subfamily Myrtoideae in the family Myrtaceae. Each taxon was tested in two separate trials (unless indicated otherwise) that comprised up to five replicates per taxon and six replicates of a positive control (Syzygium jambos). No visible symptoms were observed on the following four taxa in either trial: Eucalyptus grandis×camaldulensis, E. moluccana, Lophostemon confertus and Sannantha angusta. Only small chlorotic or necrotic flecks without any uredinia (rust fruiting bodies) were observed on inoculated leaves of seven other taxa (Acca sellowiana, Corymbia calophylla ‘Rosea’, Lophostemon suaveolens, Psidium cattleyanum, P. guajava ‘Hawaiian’ and ‘Indian’, Syzygium unipunctatum). Fully-developed uredinia were observed on all replicates across both trials of 28 taxa from 8 tribes belonging to the following 17 genera: Agonis, Austromyrtus, Beaufortia, Callistemon, Calothamnus, Chamelaucium, Darwinia, Eucalyptus, Gossia, Kunzea, Leptospermum, Melaleuca, Metrosideros, Syzygium, Thryptomene, Tristania, Verticordia. In contrast, the remaining 83 taxa inoculated, including the majority of Corymbia and Eucalyptus species, developed a broad range of symptoms, often across the full spectrum, from fully-developed uredinia to no visible symptoms. These results were encouraging as they indicate that some levels of genetic resistance to the rust possibly exist in these taxa. Overall, our results indicated no apparent association between the presence or absence of disease symptoms and the phylogenetic relatedness of taxa. It is most likely that the majority of the thousands of Myrtaceae species found in Australia have the potential to become infected to some degree by the rust, although this wide host range may not be fully realized in the field

    End-user centred infrastructure operation: Towards integrated end-use service delivery

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    Reliable provision of water, energy and transportation, all supplied through infrastructure, is necessary for the most basic human and economic development to occur. Such development however, is not enabled by specific end-use products (e.g. litres of water, kWh of electricity, litres of diesel and petrol), or by infrastructure itself (i.e. the systems of energy, transport, digital information, water, waste and flood protection assets), but rather through the infrastructure end-use services (e.g. hygiene, thermal comfort, communication, or accessibility). The present form of infrastructure operation consists of supply systems provisioning unconstrained demand of end-use products, with larger consumption volumes corresponding to higher economic revenue. Providing infrastructure capacity to meet unmanaged growing demand is ultimately unsustainable, both in environmental and economic terms. Past research has focused on physical infrastructure assets on the one hand, and sustainable consumption and production on the other, often neglecting infrastructure end-use services. An important priority for sustainable infrastructure operation is therefore to analyse the infrastructure end-use service demands, and the variety of end-users’ wants and behaviours. This paper outlines the key aspects of an end-user and service-centred approach to infrastructure operation. It starts with an overview of relevant research areas and literature. It then describes the infrastructure end-use services provided by different infrastructure streams quantitatively, with the UK domestic sector as an illustration. Subsequently, insights into infrastructure integration at the end-user level are presented. Finally, the infrastructure end-use service perspective is described as a holistic framework for intervention: understanding technological changes in context, acting directly on end-use demand, and including social implications of service-based solutions

    Lesões granulomatosas encontradas em bovinos abatidos para consumo

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    Com o objetivo auxiliar profissionais médico-veterinários no reconhecimento das lesões de bovinos encontradas na linha de inspeção de carnes em matadouros frigoríficos, três condições granulomatosas de bovinos foram pesquisadas e suas semelhanças e diferenças avaliadas. Essas três condições granulomatosas foram actinobacilose (causada por Actinobacillus lignieresii), actinomicose (causada por Actinomyces bovis) e mastite estafilocócica (causada por Staphylococcus aureus). Em 505 lesões encontradas em bovinos abatidos para consumo humano, 40 eram uma dessas três lesões granulomatosas: 24 eram actinobacilose, 10 eram actinomicose e seis eram mastite estafilocócica. De um modo geral, os aspectos macro e microscópicos dessas três lesões eram bastante semelhantes, mas suas localizações ajudavam a presumir sua etiologia. A. lignieresii afetou tecidos moles, principalmente língua e linfonodos da cabeça; A. bovis afetou o tecido ósseo, principalmente o da mandíbula; e S. aureus teve a glândula mamária como o tecido alvo. Histologicamente, os granulomas resultantes da infecção por qualquer um desses três agentes continham uma estrutura amorfa, eosinofílica, com clavas irradiadas, localizada centralmente; essa estrutura era rodeada por neutrófilos íntegros e degenerados, que, por sua vez, eram cercados por um manto de macrófagos epitelioides e ocasionais células gigantes multinucleadas. Esses mantos de macrófagos eram irregularmente infiltrados por linfócitos e plasmócitos que tendiam a se acumular na periferia da lesão, que era cercada por uma cápsula de tecido conjuntivo. Dependendo da aplicação do método de coloração adequado, o agente etiológico podia ser visto em cada um dos três tipos de lesão granulomatosa. No caso da mastite estafilocócica, cocos intralesionais foram observados tanto nas colorações por HE como nas de Gram, nessa última como cocos gram-positivos. O agente da actinobacilose (bacilos gram-negativos) e da actinomicose (bacilos gram-positivos) pôde ser observado somente nas colorações de Gram. Os diagnósticos diferenciais para essas três condições são discutidos

    Observation of an Excited Bc+ State

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    Using pp collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 8.5 fb-1 recorded by the LHCb experiment at center-of-mass energies of s=7, 8, and 13 TeV, the observation of an excited Bc+ state in the Bc+π+π- invariant-mass spectrum is reported. The observed peak has a mass of 6841.2±0.6(stat)±0.1(syst)±0.8(Bc+) MeV/c2, where the last uncertainty is due to the limited knowledge of the Bc+ mass. It is consistent with expectations of the Bc∗(2S31)+ state reconstructed without the low-energy photon from the Bc∗(1S31)+→Bc+γ decay following Bc∗(2S31)+→Bc∗(1S31)+π+π-. A second state is seen with a global (local) statistical significance of 2.2σ (3.2σ) and a mass of 6872.1±1.3(stat)±0.1(syst)±0.8(Bc+) MeV/c2, and is consistent with the Bc(2S10)+ state. These mass measurements are the most precise to date