518 research outputs found

    Social media: a new way of public and political communication in digital media

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    Today, social media are the new way of public and political communication in digital marketing. Companies or organizations are no longer the exclusive owners of the relation of consumers with their products/services; instead, the survival of the organizations depends of the effective utilization of the social media. New web technologies have made it easy for anyone to create and distribute their own content.  A tweet can be viewed by virtually millions of people for free, and advertisers don’t have to pay publishers huge sums of money to embed their messages. More consumers are on social media than ever before, and every second a company is not engaged is a wasted opportunity [1]. Consumers trust other people to provide recommendations about products and services in a very active way and it is important to know how and why social media influence organizations. This study analyzes through a literature review the importance of public and political communication through social media and proposes a model of business for successful marketing strategies

    Application of an iterative method and an evolutionary algorithm in fuzzy optimization

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    This work develops two approaches based on the fuzzy set theory to solve a class of fuzzy mathematical optimization problems with uncertainties in the objective function and in the set of constraints. The first approach is an adaptation of an iterative method that obtains cut levels and later maximizes the membership function of fuzzy decision making using the bound search method. The second one is a metaheuristic approach that adapts a standard genetic algorithm to use fuzzy numbers. Both approaches use a decision criterion called satisfaction level that reaches the best solution in the uncertain environment. Selected examples from the literature are presented to compare and to validate the efficiency of the methods addressed, emphasizing the fuzzy optimization problem in some import-export companies in the south of Spain.Federal University of São Paulo Institute of Science and TechnologySão Paulo State University Environmental Engineering DepartmentUNICAMP School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of TelematicsUNIFESP, Institute of Science and TechnologySciEL

    The slope current along the western European margin: A numerical investigation

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    A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model is used to investigate the poleward flow along the western European slopes. The area of the model domain goes from northwest Africa to Ireland. During a first stage, the currents are driven by climatological density fields. In a second stage the model is also forced by climatological winds, although special attention is paid to spring, when the winds are favourable to the development of an equatorward jet along the Iberian coast. Results show that the climatological density field is able to produce the poleward current along the European continental slope. Winds can modify the flow pattern, mainly in the southern areas off Iberia, specially during the upwelling season. The poleward current obtained is continuous between the Portuguese and French coasts, following the contour depths, with a core of maximum velocity located from 300-1 500 m, depending both on space and time. This core corresponds to the shelfward divergence of isopycnals. Maximum speeds range from 10-20 cm/s. A poleward intensification of the current is also obtained.Un modelo tridimensional hidrodinámico se ha usado para investigar el flujo en dirección hacia el polo a lo largo del talud occidental europeo. El área de dominio del modelo va desde el noroeste de áfrica hasta Irlanda. En un primer estadio, las corrientes son dirigidas por los campos climatológicos de densidad. En un segundo estadio el modelo se fuerza con vientos climatológicos, donde se presta una especial atención a la primavera, cuando los vientos son favorables al desarrollo de un jet en dirección al ecuador a lo largo de la costa ibérica. Los resultados muestran cómo el campo de densidad climatológica es capaz de producir una corriente en dirección al polo a lo largo del talud del continente europeo. Los vientos pueden modificar este esquema de flujo, principalmente en las áreas al sur de la península Ibérica, sobre todo durante la estación de upwelling. La corriente hacia el polo obtenida es continua entre las costas portuguesa y francesa, siguiendo las líneas de profundidad, con una velocidad máxima en el núcleo situada entre 300 m y 1 500 m, dependiendo tanto del espacio como del tiempo. Este núcleo corresponde a la divergencia de las isopicnas hacia la plataforma continental. Las velocidades máximas varían entre 10 y 20 cm/s. También se obtiene una intensificación hacia el polo de la corriente.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Estudo da influência do diâmetero dos orifícios de armadilhas Olipe na luta contra a mosca-da-azeitona, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi).

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    A mosca-da-azeitona, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) é praga chave da oliveira na maioria dos países mediterrânicos, sendo também um dos inimigos mais importantes da cultura em Trás-os-Montes. Esta praga pode provocar prejuízos elevados chegando, em alguns anos, a atingir mais de 80% das azeitonas. Em modo de produção biológico, a utilização de armadilhas do tipo Olipe, para captura em massa de adultos de B. oleae, tem sido um método frequentemente utilizado em diferentes regiões da Península Ibérica. Esta armadilha consiste numa garrafa de plástico com capacidade de 1,5 litros, onde são feitos 6 orifícios, a cerca de 1 O cm do topo, e em cujo interior é colocado um atractivo alimentar, em geral uma solução de fosfato biamónico a 3%. Apesar da facilidade de obtenção e do custo reduzido, a sua eficácia necessita de ser melhorada, considerando-se que o diâmetro dos orifícios, um dos aspectos a estudar. Assim, o objectivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes diâmetros dos orifícios (4, 6, 8 e 1 O mm) das armadilhas Olipe na captura de mosca-da-azeitona e nos níveis de ataque nos frutos. O trabalho de campo decorreu em 2009 e 201 O, num olival em modo de produção biológico localizado próximo de Mirandela. O olival foi dividido em cinco blocos com cerca de um hectare. Em quatro dos cinco blocos foram colocadas as armadilhas, a razão de uma armadilha por árvore e por diâmetro de orifício, enquanto no quinto, funcionou como testemunha. O acompanhamento dos níveis populacionais da mosca-da-azeitona foi feito semanalmente através da contagem dos adultos em armadilhas cromotrópicas amarelas com feromona, enquanto para a avaliação dos níveis de ataque, quinzenalmente foram observados 25 frutos por árvore num total de 20 árvores, tendo-se registado o número de frutos e o estado de desenvolvimento do insecto quando este se encontrava presente. Os resultados obtidos mostram que de maneira geral as armadilhas Olipe diminuem os níveis populacionais de B. oleae e consequentemente o nível de ataque nos frutos. Verificou-se também que as armadilhas com diâmetros superiores (8 e 1 O mm) registaram maior número de capturas. Convém contudo registar que diâmetros superiores apresentam um maior impacto na fauna auxiliar dos olivais


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    O crescimento da área urbana em locais suscetíveis a desastres naturais é uma realidade constante na atualidade. O presente artigo objetiva-se na delimitação de área susceptível à inundação na margem esquerda do baixo curso do Rio Doce-ES, através do uso integrado de Sistema de Informações Geográficas e produtos de Sensoriamento Remoto, com o auxílio de conhecimentos geomorfológicos. A metodologia utilizada poderá servir como subsídio para a tomada de decisão e melhor ordenamento de tais áreas

    Application of an iterative method and an evolutionary algorithm in fuzzy optimization

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    This work develops two approaches based on the fuzzy set theory to solve a class of fuzzy mathematical optimization problems with uncertainties in the objective function and in the set of constraints. The first approach is an adaptation of an iterative method that obtains cut levels and later maximizes the membership function of fuzzy decision making using the bound search method. The second one is a metaheuristic approach that adapts a standard genetic algorithm to use fuzzy numbers. Both approaches use a decision criterion called satisfaction level that reaches the best solution in the uncertain environment. Selected examples from the literature are presented to compare and to validate the efficiency of the methods addressed, emphasizing the fuzzy optimization problem in some import-export companies in the south of Spain.31532

    Tuberculose disseminada com manifestações cerebrais, pulmonares, ganglionares e intestinais em raposas

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    Tuberculose disseminada com manifestações cerebrais, pulmonares, ganglionares e intestinais em raposas

    Seropositivity of Coxiella burnetii in wild boar (Sus scrofa) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Portugal

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    Coxiella burnetii is a zoonotic microorganism that infects a wide range of wild and domestic species, causing the disease Q fever, frequently involving ticks as vectors. To better understand the occurrence of C. burnetii infection in wild boar (Sus scrofa) and red deer (Cervus elaphus), an epidemiological study was conducted in the Centre region of Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diversidade de artrópodes bioindicadores em dois sistemas culturais do Ribatejo: monocultura/sucessão cultural

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    Os artrópodes representam uma grande percentagem do total de espécies da fauna do solo e, independentemente das funções que desempenham fornecem importantes serviços ao ecossistema que dependem de práticas culturais/ fitossanitárias que condicionam espécies presentes e suas interações. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se abundância dos taxa de artrópodes considerados como bioindicadores de qualidade do solo, entre 2018 e 2021, no Ribatejo, em dois campos piloto com diferentes sistemas culturais: (i) rotação de batata e milho (Golegã) e (ii) sistema de monocultura de tomate para indústria (Vila Franca de Xira). Nos dois campos instalaram-se 16 armadilhas “pitfall” com etilenoglicol, em cada momento de amostragem/local, tendo sido recolhidas após 7 dias. Os artrópodes capturados foram separados em morfotipos e identificados. O número total de morfotipos separados foi 62, 157, 132 e 117, em 2018, 2019, 2020 e 2021, respetivamente. O campo com monocultura manifestou, durante os 4 anos de amostragem, biodiversidade de artrópodes inferior ao campo com rotação. No que diz respeito aos carabídeos, no campo com rotação observaram-se 9 (2019) e 13 morfotipos (2020), respetivamente, e no campo com monocultura 3 morfotipos (2019) e nenhum carabídeo (2020). Os resultados indicam tendência para maior biodiversidade e populações mais equilibradas com a continuação da prática de rotação.Arthropods represent a large percentage of the soil fauna and, regardless of the functions they perform, they all provide important ecosystem services, which depend on cultural/phytosanitary practices that influence the species present and their interactions. In the present study, the abundance of different taxa of arthropod bioindicators of soil quality were evaluated along 2018-2021 in the Ribatejo region in two sperimental fields with different crop systems: (i) potato and maize rotation (Golegã) and (ii) processing tomato monoculture system (Vila Franca de Xira). Sixteen pitfall traps with ethylene glycol were installed for 7 days at each sampling time/site. The captured arthropods were separated into morphotypes and identified. The results revealed that the total number of separate morphotypes was 62, 157, 132 and 117, in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, respectively. The field with monoculture revealed, during the 4 years of sampling, an arthropod biodiversity lower than the field with crop rotation. With regard to carabids, in the field with rotation, 9 (2019) and 13 morphotypes (2020) were observed, respectively; and in the field with monoculture only 3 morphotypes (2019) and no carabid (2020) were collected. A trend towards greater biodiversity and more balanced populations was observed with the rotation practice maintenance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Rapid turnover of life-cycle-related genes in the brown algae.

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    Sexual life cycles in eukaryotes involve a cyclic alternation between haploid and diploid phases. While most animals possess a diploid life cycle, many plants and algae alternate between multicellular haploid (gametophyte) and diploid (sporophyte) generations. In many algae, gametophytes and sporophytes are independent and free-living and may present dramatic phenotypic differences. The same shared genome can therefore be subject to different, even conflicting, selection pressures during each of the life cycle generations. Here, we analyze the nature and extent of genome-wide, generation-biased gene expression in four species of brown algae with contrasting levels of dimorphism between life cycle generations. We show that the proportion of the transcriptome that is generation-specific is broadly associated with the level of phenotypic dimorphism between the life cycle stages. Importantly, our data reveals a remarkably high turnover rate for life-cycle-related gene sets across the brown algae and highlights the importance not only of co-option of regulatory programs from one generation to the other but also of a role for newly emerged, lineage-specific gene expression patterns in the evolution of the gametophyte and sporophyte developmental programs in this major eukaryotic group. Moreover, we show that generation-biased genes display distinct evolutionary modes, with gametophyte-biased genes evolving rapidly at the coding sequence level whereas sporophyte-biased genes tend to exhibit changes in their patterns of expression. Our analysis uncovers the characteristics, expression patterns, and evolution of generation-biased genes and underlines the selective forces that shape this previously underappreciated source of phenotypic diversity