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    4403 research outputs found

    Does elite European match-play affect salivary immunoglobulin- a and cortisol in soccer players? The influence of playing status and match outcome

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    Introduction: The aims of this study were to: a) investigate salivary immunoglobulin A (s-IgA) and cortisol (s-Cort) responses to nine competitive fixtures in starting and non- starting soccer players; and b) compare s-IgA and s Cort responses of starters and non-starters considering match outcome. Methods: Saliva from 19 male outfield players from an elite soccer team (mean ± SD, age 26 ± 4 years; weight 80.5 ± 8.1 kg; height 1.83 ± 0.07 m; body-fat 10.8% ± 0.7%) was collected. Saliva samples were taken on the day before each match (MD-1), 60-min before kick-off (MDpre), 30-min post-match (MDpost), and 72-h post-match (MD+3). There were five wins, one draw and three losses. Results: The mean s-IgA value was found to be significantly lower at MD+3 compared to MDpre and MDpost. s-Cort was significantly higher at MDpost compared to MD-1 and MDpre. When compared to MDpre, a statistically significant decrease in s-Cort was observed at MD+3 compared to MDpost. Starters displayed higher s-Cort values across the nine matches. There was a significant group-by-time interaction for s-Cort. There was a significant increase in s-Cort levels at MDpost compared to MD-1 and from MDpre to MDpost in starting players. At MDpost, starters had significantly higher s-Cort values. s-IgA values of starting and non- starting players following successful and unsuccessful matches did not reveal a significant difference. However, similar analysis of s-Cort in successful matches showed a significant difference between starters and non starters. s-IgA values at MD-1, MDpre, MDpost and MD+3 in starters and non starters following successful and unsuccessful matches revealed significant differences at MDpre and MDpost in starters, respectively. Furthermore, s-Cort values at MD-1, MDpre, MDpost and MD+3 in starters and non-starters in successful and unsuccessful matches revealed significant differences at MD+3 in starting players.Discussion: The present study suggests that in elite level soccer players, both starting status and match outcome influence s-IgA and s-Cort responses, particularly starters. Specifically, s-IgA was lower for starters before and after the match following successful outcomes. Moreover, higher s-Cort values were found before the match while lower values occurred after the match for starters in successful matches.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Innovative learning environments: a learning experience with in-service teachers

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    The challenges of modern society have led educators to reconceptualize formal learning spaces, into flexible spaces, imbued with technologies and active methodologies. To achieve this goal, a course was developed in an in-service teacher education Master program to support teachers in developing learning scenarios for innovative learning environments (ILEs). The aims of the current study are to understand the impact of this course on teachers’ preparation to create learning scenarios appropriate for ILEs, and on teachers’ perspectives about the potential benefits and challenges of ILEs. Twelve in-service teachers enrolled in the Master program participated in the study. Data collection included teachers’ assignments, learning scenarios and a survey. Results showed that developing learning scenarios had a positive influence on teachers’ perspectives toward ILEs. Specifically, the participants revealed that they had developed skills to elaborate, implement and assess learning scenarios in ILE; and to reflect on the contribution of ILEs to teaching innovation, to curricular management and to teachers’ practices. Moreover, the course improved their awareness about the importance of interdisciplinarity and teacher collaboration. These findings suggest that the skills developed by the teachers during the course could be mobilized for their practice due to their willingness to innovate in their schools.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Economia solidária:desenvolvimento social e sustentável do município de Niterói / RJ

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    Dissertação, Mestrado, Gestão de Organizações de Economia Social, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, 2024A presente investigação desenvolve o estudo para detectar como acontece no dia a dia a economia solidária do município de Niterói, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasil. Ela tem como objetivo responder a pergunta de partida: “Até que ponto a economia solidária local impulsiona e contribui para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico de forma justa e sustentável para o município de Niterói/RJ?”. E o objeto do estudo é contextualizado através de um enquadramento teórico que se estruturou com pesquisas bibliográficas, documentais e a coleta de dados através das entrevistas, realizadas nos meses de junho e julho de 2023, com os atores envolvidos ou stakeholders na economia solidária da Prefeitura Municipal de Niterói (representada pela Subsecretaria de Economia Solidária), o Fórum da Economia Solidária de Niterói (FES/NIT), o espaço público de referência “Casa de Economia Solidária Paul Singer” e o Circuito Arariboia de Feiras Artesanais da Economia Solidária, para o aprofundamento da investigação. É possível verificar que, sem a co-gestão de cada órgão ou ator atuante, a economia solidária de Niterói não aconteceria, dando destaque principalmente ao papel do FES/NIT. O trabalho de pesquisa aponta que um bom planejamento da economia solidária local, com ajuda dos gestores públicos e os seus stakeholders, é de extrema necessidade para o desenvolvimento dos empreendimentos solidários e que os incentivos e apoios, através das políticas públicas existentes, servem para atender necessidades da população de Niterói, principalmente os mais vulneráveis.This investigation develops the study to detect how the solidarity economy in the municipality of Niterói, in the State of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil, happens on a day-to day basis. It aims to answer the starting question: “To what extent does the local solidarity economy drive and contribute to socioeconomic development in a fair and sustainable way for the municipality of Niterói/RJ?” And the object of the study is contextualized through a theoretical framework that was structured with bibliographical and documentary research and data collection through interviews, carried out in the months of June and July 2023, with the actors involved or stakeholders in the solidarity economy of the City Hall Municipal Council of Niterói (represented by the Subsecretariat of Solidarity Economy), the Niterói Solidarity Economy Forum (FES/NIT), the reference public space “Casa de Economia Solidária Paul Singer” and the Arariboia Circuit of Solidarity Economy Craft Fairs, to deepening the investigation. It is possible to verify that, without the co-management of each active body or actor, Niterói's solidarity economy would not happen, highlighting mainly the role of FES/NIT. The research work points out that good planning of the local solidarity economy, with the help of public managers and their stakeholders, is extremely necessary for the development of solidarity enterprises and that incentives and support, through existing public policies, serve to meet needs of the population of Niterói, especially the most vulnerable.N/

    Match running performance is influenced by possession and teamformation in an English Premier League team

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    The aim of this study was to examine the possession (very low, low, high, and very high), team formation (3-5-2 and 4-3-3) and position (centre-backs, full-backs, centre midfielders, attacking midfielders, and centre forwards) on match load across two consecutive seasons in elite soccer. Twenty-seven English Premier League outfield players were recruited. Data was monitored through an 18 Hz Global Positioning System and a 25 Hz semi-automated camera tracking system, respectively, and all variables were analysed per minute. Main effects for formation on total distance (TD) (p = 0.006; η2 = 0.010), high-speed running (HSR) (p = 0.009; η2 = 0.009), number of high metabolic load (HML) efforts (p = 0.004; η2 = 0.011) were observed. In addition, there were significant interaction effects with formation×possession on TD (p < 0.001; η2 = 0.043), HSR (p = 0.006; η2 = 0.018), sprinting (p < 0.001; η2 = 0.030), HML efforts (p < 0.001; η2 = 0.035), accelerations (p < 0.001; η2 = 0.025). From the position-specific analysis, only the running performance of centre-backs was affected by formation or positional factors. These results indicate that formation and possession can have a significant impact on TD, HSR, and HML distance. Furthermore, players performed more high-intensity efforts in 3-5-2 than 4-3-3 formation. These findings suggest that coaches can evaluate running performance in the context of formation and possession and tailor tactical strategies to optimise physical performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Improving pre-service teachers’ science self-efficacy through the flipped classroom model

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    Teacher education programmes are widely acknowledged for their pivotal role in equipping future educators with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in their roles. The concept of self-efficacy has emerged as a key area of interest in teacher education, due to its strong associations with teachers' performance and commitment to their profession. Consequently, there is a pressing need to cultivate the self-efficacy of pre-service teachers (PSTs). In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the popularity of the flipped classroom model (FMC) as an active learning model that has the potential to enhance students' self-efficacy when interacting with science content. The present study evaluates the impact of implementing an FCM approach on the PSTs' self-efficacy in science, specifically those enrolled in a general science course within the basic education programme. The study was conducted over a period of 14 weeks using a mixed methods approach. The quantitative dimension employed a semi-experimental design with a pretest-post-test control group and a semi-structured interview for qualitative data collection. The results demonstrated that the FCM had a statistically significant impact on enhancing the personal science teaching efficacy of the PSTs. The PSTs' mastery experiences during the learning process with the FCM facilitated the development of science-related knowledge and skills, the reduction or elimination of emotional barriers that might be perceived as inhibiting their performance, and provided vicarious experiences that inspired their future practice. The incorporation of the FCM into teacher education programmes confers a substantial advantage in the pedagogical training of future teachers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Do Projeto Exprax ao Projeto CBTS - Criando pontes através do Erasmus+

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    Comunicação apresentada no 1º Congresso Internacional de enfermagem Comunitária e de Saúde Pública - IPSantarém - Escola Superior de SaúdeIntrodução - O projeto Erasmus+ Exprax foi criado com o objetivo de identificar, testar e implementar boas práticas na educação em saúde, relacionadas com a simulação, resultando na criação de um Manual de Formação de Formadores em simulação, ferramenta para coadjuvar a formar outros professores/formadores interessados em organizar atividades de simulação e um compêndio de boas práticas. Decorrente deste, surge o projeto CBTS - Competências Baseadas na Formação e Simulação na Educação em Saúde, no qual se pretende sensibilizar para simulação como método de aprendizagem, criar e implementar um modelo de portfólio Eletrônico e desenvolver os 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento sustentável. Objetivo – Dar a conhecer o projeto Erasmus+ CBTS Materiais e Métodos – Está a ser desenvolvido nos diferentes países parceiros, um diagnóstico de situação relativamente ao desenvolvimento da simulação enquanto prática pedagógica, utilização de portfólios eletrónicos e relação prática com os ODS, através de entrevistas a professores e questionários a estudantes e professores. Seguir-se-ão sessões de formação de professores, mobilidades de estudantes e o desenvolvimento de modelos de portfólio eletrónico e atividades de simulação. Resultados – Os resultados esperados centram-se na criação de um e-portfólio integrado para apoiar a monitorização e avaliação dos estudantes em atividades de simulação em contexto de escola e de estágio. A fim de ajudar os professores a integrar a simulação, o projeto criará um conjunto de atividades de simulação a rentabilizar no âmbito da saúde e um guia da melhor forma de mobilizar os ODS na educação em saúde. Conclusão – A importância da simulação neste contexto é cada vez mais valorizada, sendo que os recursos e ferramentas que a sistematizem são fundamentais na prática de professores e estudantes.N/

    Comparison of running and accelerometry variables based onmatch outcome, match location and quality of opponent in eliteprofessional soccer players. A five-season study

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    The aim of this study was to compare external match load, according to match outcome, match location, and opponent quality across five competitive seasons. Forty-six professional outfield soccer players from the same English Premier League club across the complete 2018/19 to 2022/23 seasons were involved in the study. For each match, the outcome (win, draw, loss), match location (home, away) and quality of opponent (top or bottom six teams, remaining mid-table teams) were recorded. Players covered significantly more m/min and performed more decelerations when playing against the top six compared to mid-table or bottom six teams (p < 0.001; d = 0.213–0.322). There were no differences in external match load depending on match outcome. There were significant opponent×outcome×match location interactions for each position across most of the external match load measures, but these differed in magnitude forspecific metrics and positions(p = 0.001–0.048; d = 0.300–1.741). The present study provided novel information on external match load and the influence of match outcome, match location and opponent quality. This may support and contribute to understanding how to improve training methods to physically prepare players to cope with varying contexts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modelo de negócio social:o caso da Congregação das Servas de Nossa Senhora de Fátima

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    Dissertação, Mestrado, Gestão de Organizações de Economia Social, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, 2024A presente dissertação de mestrado enquadra-se no âmbito da gestão de organizações de economia social e trata-se de um estudo de caso realizado numa congregação religiosa. O objetivo deste estudo prende-se com a elaboração de um modelo de negócio social para a congregação, sob forma de manutenção de duas das suas casas, uma em Santarém e outra em Lisboa. Este modelo de negócio social foi baseado no quadro de modelo de negócio Canvas, de Osterwalder e Pigneur (2011). Os métodos utilizados para a recolha de informação foram inquéritos por questionário, semiestruturados, com perguntas abertas e fechadas, focus group e entrevistas. Os inquéritos foram aplicados aos utilizadores de ambas as casas, uma vez que estas estão abertas ao público e existe a possibilidade de as pessoas usufruírem de serviços, nomeadamente, de aluguer de espaços. O focus group e as entrevistas foram realizados também com utilizadores das casas e outros stakeholders da Congregação. Relativamente aos resultados do estudo, tendo em conta as respostas aos inquéritos e os contributos dos participantes no focus group e dos entrevistados, chegou-se ao modelo de negócio social final, onde em relação ao modelo inicialmente criado, se reflete numa maior abrangência ao nível das propostas de valor, canais de comunicação, potenciais clientes e receitas. Deste estudo é possível tirar, essencialmente, três conclusões. A primeira é a necessidade de uma maior divulgação dos serviços da Congregação; depois a pertinência que tem a abertura de atividade económica por parte desta e, por fim, é também conveniente que se apliquem preços aos serviços prestados, dada a inviabilidade de funcionar apenas com base em donativos.This master's thesis falls within the scope of the management of social economy organisations and is a case study carried out in a religious congregation. The aim of this study, carried out between March and December 2023, was to develop a social business model for the congregation, in the form of maintaining two of its houses, one in Santarém and the other in Lisbon. This social business model was based on the Canvas business model framework by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2011).The methods used to gather information were semi-structured questionnaire surveys with open and closed questions, focus group and interviews. The surveys were applied to users of both houses, since they are open to the public and there is the possibility of people taking advantage of services, namely renting space. The focus group and interviews were also carried out with users of the houses and other stakeholders in the congregation. With regard to the results of the study, taking into account the responses to the surveys and the contributions of the focus group participants and interviewees, the final social business model was arrived at, where compared to the model initially created, it is reflected in greater comprehensiveness in terms of value propositions, communication channels, potential clients and revenues. Three main conclusions can be drawn from this study. The first is the need for the Congregation's services to be better publicised; the second is the relevance of opening up economic activity and, finally, it is also advisable to apply prices to the services provided, given the impossibility of operating solely on the basis of donations.N/

    Angler’s preferences, perceptions and practices regarding non-native freshwater fish

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    It is globally recognized that freshwater anglers can have a decisive role in promoting fish introductions. The aim of this study was to analyze fresh water anglers’ actions and perceptions regarding fish introductions, comparing two distinct situations, one with recently arrived non-natives fishes and another with older fish introductions, using the Iberian Peninsula as a case study. To achieve this goal, a bilingual survey was implemented on-line in Portugal and Spain and in person (direct inquiries) in two Iberian regions: Lower Ebro (older fsh introductions) in Spain; and Lower Tagus (recent fish introductions) in Portugal. Results showed spatial diferences in perceptions and actions, namely about the target species, awareness of the impact of non-native fishes, fish introductions reported and proportion of anglers that wanted new fish species. In the Ebro river there is a high percentage of foreign anglers, higher awareness of fish introduction impact and lower introduction rates reported than in the Tagus river. However, popularity of non-native species like European catfish, was higher in the Ebro. In general, although risk behaviors such as use of fish as life bait was of low prevalence for both countries (approx. 5%), it corresponds to large numbers of fish being introduced. Our conservative estimates revealed 273,600 events of bait discharge per year. Regarding the intentional introductions, we estimated a total of 140,000 intentional introduction (illegal) events per year. These findings may help to improve monitoring, awareness and fisheries management programs led by governmental agencies.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; Comissão Europeia; Governo da Catalunhainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    As funções e tarefas de um treinador de guarda-redes numa equipa sénior distrital: estudo sobre as ações ofensivas dos guarda-redes em competição

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de mestre em Desporto - Atividades desportivas para criançasO relatório se refere ao estágio realizado na equipa sénior do Sporting Clube Lourinhanense (SCL), na função de treinador de guarda-redes. O objetivo deste estágio foi de melhorar a intervenção como treinador de guarda-redes, relacionando os conteúdos teóricos com a reflexão da prática. As principais tarefas foram de planear, intervir e refletir sobre a intervenção com os guarda-redes e a sua integração com os restantes jogadores, dentro do modelo de jogo da equipa. O estágio contribuiu para a formação especializada e para aplicação do conhecimento científico no contexto profissional do desporto. O documento encontra-se estruturado em duas partes centrais: na primeira, engloba a caracterização da instituição, da equipa, contextos competitivos e elementos mais operacionais do treino e jogo; posteriormente, vem a parte do estudo, as ações ofensivas do guarda-redes em competição. O estudo realizado teve como objetivo mostrar a importância dos guarda-redes nas ações ofensivas na equipa de futebol através da observação e análise das ações ofensivas que os guarda-redes executaram em jogo na época desportiva de 2021/2022. Um dos principais resultados obtidos foi demonstrado através da percentagem de bolas corridas com a participação do GR, com 332 ações (73%). Constata-se, assim, a crescente importância dessas ações e participações diretas e ativas do GR no futebol contemporâneo, as quais este estudo sublinha.The report refers to the internship carried out within the scope of the UC of the master's degree in Sports Coaching, held in the senior team of Sporting Clube Lourinhanense (SCL), in the role of goalkeeper coach. The objective of this internship was to improve the intervention as a goalkeeper coach, relating the theoretical contents with the reflection of practice. The main tasks were to plan, intervene and reflect on the intervention with the goalkeepers and their integration with the rest of the players, within the team's game model. The internship contributed to the specialized training and to the application of scientific knowledge in the professional context of the sport. The document is structured in two central parts: in the first, it encompasses the characterization of the institution, the team, competitive contexts and elements of the training and game that are more operational; later, comes the part of the study, the offensive actions of the goalkeeper in competition. The study carried out aimed to show the importance of goalkeepers in offensive actions in the soccer team through the observation and analysis of the offensive actions that goalkeepers performed in play in the 2021/2022 sports season. One of the main results obtained was demonstrated through the percentage of balls run with the participation of the GK, with 332 actions (73%). Thus, the growing importance of these actions and direct and active participation of the GK in contemporary soccer is noted, which this study underlines.N/


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