57 research outputs found

    Impact of a varied set of stimuli on a suite of immunological parameters within peripheral blood mononuclear cells:toward a non-animal approach for assessing immune modulation by materials intended for human use

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    Introduction: In toxicology, steps are being taken towards more mechanism-focused and human relevant approaches to risk assessment, requiring new approaches and methods. Additionally, there is increasing emphasis by regulators on risk assessment of immunotoxicity.Methods: Here we present data from a peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) system whereby a varied set of stimuli, including those against the TCR and Toll-like receptors, enable readouts of cytokine and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production with monocyte, T cell and B cell viability, proliferation, and associated activation markers. In addition to results on the impact of the stimuli used, initial profiling data for a case study chemical, curcumin, is presented, illustrating how the system can be used to generate information on the impact of exogenous materials on three major constituent immune cell subsets for use in risk assessment and to direct follow-on studies.Results: The different stimuli drove distinct responses, not only in relation to the “quantity” of the response but also the “quality”. Curcumin had a limited impact on the B cell parameters measured, with the stimuli used, and it was noted that in contrast to T cells where there was either no impact or a reduction in viability and proliferation with increasing concentration, for B cells there was a small but significant increase in both measurements at curcumin concentrations below 20 µM. Similarly, whilst expression of activation markers by T cells was reduced by the highest concentration of curcumin, they were increased in B cells. Curcumin only impacted the viability of stimulated monocytes at the highest concentration and had differential impact on different activation markers. Levels of all cytokines and PGE2 were reduced at higher concentrations.Discussion: Although the platform has certain limitations, it nevertheless enables assessment of healthy baseline monocyte, T-, and B-cell responses, and scrutiny of the impact of different stimuli to detect potential immune suppression or enhancement from exogenous materials. In the case of curcumin, a pattern of responses indicative of immune suppressive / anti-inflammatory effects was detected. It is an accessible, highly modifiable system that can be used to screen materials and guide further studies, providing a holistic, integrated picture of effects

    Towards a surrogate system to express human lipid binding TCRs

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    BackgroundPreviously we reported that natural nut lipids were necessary for sensitization and that natural killer T cells (NKTs) must play a critical role in the development of food allergic responses. A major bottleneck in further understanding the interaction of nut lipids with the cells of the human immune system is the lack of well-characterized lipid responsive human cell lines.ObjectiveIn the present study, we engineered human T cell receptor (TCR) sequences TRAV10 and TRBV25 responsive to α-GalCer into a stable murine iNKT hybridoma and surrogate human T cell lines.ResultsThe murine hybridoma system has shown to be problematic. To overcome this limitation, the expression of human TCR α/β sequences has been achieved driven by a bidirectional promoter on a plasmids or a lentivirus system, employing stable DC cell lines as lipid presenting cells, and a stable T cell line as a surrogate system. Further, a commercial human Jurkat T cell line containing an inducible secreted luciferase reporter construct was shown to be functional and can be used for a transient expression of human TCRs in a lipid screening program. The transfection efficiencies were improved using the lentivirus polycistronic constructs containing the P2A sequence in a TCR αβ/γδ null cell line (Jurkat 76).ConclusionsThe results suggest that the mis-pairing of the endogenous α/β TCR during ER folding in the presence of the new human TCR sequences could be impairing the functionality of the TCR lipid receptors. The surrogate systems presented here are important first steps in the establishment of human cell-specific lipid responsive libraries for the study of natural lipid substances

    The Role of Lipids in Allergic Sensitization: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated allergies are increasing in prevalence, with IgE-mediated food allergies currently affecting up to 10% of children and 6% of adults worldwide. The mechanisms underpinning the first phase of IgE-mediated allergy, allergic sensitization, are still not clear. Recently, the potential involvement of lipids in allergic sensitization has been proposed, with reports that they can bind allergenic proteins and act on immune cells to skew to a T helper type 2 (Th2) response. Objectives: The objective of this systematic review is to determine if there is strong evidence for the role of lipids in allergic sensitization. Methods: Nineteen studies were reviewed, ten of which were relevant to lipids in allergic sensitization to food allergens, nine relevant to lipids in aeroallergen sensitization. Results: The results provide strong evidence for the role of lipids in allergies. Intrinsic lipids from allergen sources can interact with allergenic proteins to predominantly enhance but also inhibit allergic sensitization through various mechanisms. Proposed mechanisms included reducing the gastrointestinal degradation of allergenic proteins by altering protein structure, reducing dendritic cell (DC) uptake of allergenic proteins to reduce immune tolerance, regulating Th2 cytokines, activating invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells through CD1d presentation, and directly acting upon toll-like receptors (TLRs), epithelial cells, keratinocytes, and DCs. Conclusion: The current literature suggests intrinsic lipids are key influencers of allergic sensitization. Further research utilising human relevant in vitro models and clinical studies are needed to give a reliable account of the role of lipids in allergic sensitization

    Can leprosy reaction states mimic symptoms of fibromyalgia? : a cross-sectional analytical study

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    Leprosy causes significant pain in affected patients, especially those experiencing reactional states. Fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread pain and is often accompanied by fatigue. Confusion between the clinical manifestations of fibromyalgia and those of leprosy reactions is possible at the primary care level, the first contact with the health system in most cases. We aimed to determine whether the presence of leprosy reactional states is related to the development of signs and symptoms included in the case definition of fibromyalgia and establish recommendations for obtaining the correct diagnosis. We performed a cross-sectional study in which the main independent variable was the presence of any leprosy reactional state and the primary dependent variable was the diagnosis of fibromyalgia according to the 2016 Revisions of the 2010/2011Fibromyalgia Provisional Criteria of the American College of Rheumatology. Forty-three patients were included in the study. Twenty-eight (65.12%) patients had a type I reactional state, only 1 (2.33%) had an isolated type II reactional state, and 5 (11.63%) had both type I and type II reactional states. Only 2 patients who suffered from cooccurring type I and II reactional states obtained sufficient scores for the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Although diffuse pain was common in leprosy patients, none of the types of reactional states were associated with a higher frequency of criteria for fibromyalgia. We can conclude that a leprosy reactional state is probably not a risk factor for fibromyalgia but can act as a confounder, as tender points may be similar in both diagnoses. In patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia, leprosy must be considered in the differential diagnosis in endemic regions

    HmtDB, a genomic resource for mitochondrion-based human variability studies

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    HmtDB (http://www.hmtdb.uniba.it:8080/hmdb) is a open resource created to support population genetics and mitochondrial disease studies. The database hosts human mitochondrial genome sequences annotated with population and variability data, the latter being estimated through the application of the SiteVar software based on site-specific nucleotide and amino acid variability calculations. The annotations are manually curated thus adding value to the quality of the information provided to the end-user. Classifier tools implemented in HmtDB allow the prediction of the haplogroup for any human mitochondrial genome currently stored in HmtDB or externally submitted de novo by an end-user. Haplogroup definition is based on the Phylotree system. End-users accessing HmtDB are hence allowed to (i) browse the database through the use of a multi-criterion ‘query’ system; (ii) analyze their own human mitochondrial sequences via the ‘classify’ tool (for complete genomes) or by downloading the ‘fragment-classifier’ tool (for partial sequences); (iii) download multi-alignments with reference genomes as well as variability data

    An Adverse Outcome Pathway for Sensitization of the Respiratory Tract by Low-Molecular-Weight Chemicals: Building Evidence to Support the Utility of In Vitro and In Silico Methods in a Regulatory Context

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    Sensitization of the respiratory tract is an important occupational health challenge, and understanding the mechanistic basis of this effect is necessary to support the development of toxicological tools to detect chemicals that may cause it. Here we use the adverse outcome pathway (AOP) framework to organize information that may better inform our understanding of sensitization of the respiratory tract, building on a previously published skin sensitization AOP, relying on literature evidence linked to low-molecular-weight organic chemicals and excluding other known respiratory sensitizers acting via different molecular initiating events. The established key events (KEs) are as follows: (1) covalent binding of chemicals to proteins, (2) activation of cellular danger signals (inflammatory cytokines and chemokines and cytoprotective gene pathways), (3) dendritic cell activation and migration, (4) activation, proliferation, and polarization of T cells, and (5) sensitization of the respiratory tract. These events mirror the skin sensitization AOP but with specific differences. For example, there is some evidence that respiratory sensitizers bind preferentially to lysine moieties, whereas skin sensitizers bind to both cysteine and lysine. Furthermore, exposure to respiratory sensitizers seems to result in cell behavior for KEs 2 and 3, as well as the effector T cell response, in general skewing toward cytokine secretions predominantly associated with T helper 2 (Th2) response. Knowledge gaps include the lack of understanding of which KE(s) drive the Th2 polarization. The construction of this AOP may provide insight into predictive tests that would in combination support the discrimination of respiratory-sensitizing from non- and skin-sensitizing chemicals, a clear regulatory need

    Challenges of molecular nutrition research 6: the nutritional phenotype database to store, share and evaluate nutritional systems biology studies

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    The challenge of modern nutrition and health research is to identify food-based strategies promoting life-long optimal health and well-being. This research is complex because it exploits a multitude of bioactive compounds acting on an extensive network of interacting processes. Whereas nutrition research can profit enormously from the revolution in ‘omics’ technologies, it has discipline-specific requirements for analytical and bioinformatic procedures. In addition to measurements of the parameters of interest (measures of health), extensive description of the subjects of study and foods or diets consumed is central for describing the nutritional phenotype. We propose and pursue an infrastructural activity of constructing the “Nutritional Phenotype database” (dbNP). When fully developed, dbNP will be a research and collaboration tool and a publicly available data and knowledge repository. Creation and implementation of the dbNP will maximize benefits to the research community by enabling integration and interrogation of data from multiple studies, from different research groups, different countries and different—omics levels. The dbNP is designed to facilitate storage of biologically relevant, pre-processed—omics data, as well as study descriptive and study participant phenotype data. It is also important to enable the combination of this information at different levels (e.g. to facilitate linkage of data describing participant phenotype, genotype and food intake with information on study design and—omics measurements, and to combine all of this with existing knowledge). The biological information stored in the database (i.e. genetics, transcriptomics, proteomics, biomarkers, metabolomics, functional assays, food intake and food composition) is tailored to nutrition research and embedded in an environment of standard procedures and protocols, annotations, modular data-basing, networking and integrated bioinformatics. The dbNP is an evolving enterprise, which is only sustainable if it is accepted and adopted by the wider nutrition and health research community as an open source, pre-competitive and publicly available resource where many partners both can contribute and profit from its developments. We introduce the Nutrigenomics Organisation (NuGO, http://www.nugo.org) as a membership association responsible for establishing and curating the dbNP. Within NuGO, all efforts related to dbNP (i.e. usage, coordination, integration, facilitation and maintenance) will be directed towards a sustainable and federated infrastructure

    Learning biophysically-motivated parameters for alpha helix prediction

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Our goal is to develop a state-of-the-art protein secondary structure predictor, with an intuitive and biophysically-motivated energy model. We treat structure prediction as an optimization problem, using parameterizable cost functions representing biological "pseudo-energies". Machine learning methods are applied to estimate the values of the parameters to correctly predict known protein structures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Focusing on the prediction of alpha helices in proteins, we show that a model with 302 parameters can achieve a Q<sub><it>α </it></sub>value of 77.6% and an SOV<sub><it>α </it></sub>value of 73.4%. Such performance numbers are among the best for techniques that do not rely on external databases (such as multiple sequence alignments). Further, it is easier to extract biological significance from a model with so few parameters.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The method presented shows promise for the prediction of protein secondary structure. Biophysically-motivated elementary free-energies can be learned using SVM techniques to construct an energy cost function whose predictive performance rivals state-of-the-art. This method is general and can be extended beyond the all-alpha case described here.</p

    How to introduce medical ethics at the bedside - Factors influencing the implementation of an ethical decision-making model

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    BACKGROUND: As the implementation of new approaches and procedures of medical ethics is as complex and resource-consuming as in other fields, strategies and activities must be carefully planned to use the available means and funds responsibly. Which facilitators and barriers influence the implementation of a medical ethics decision-making model in daily routine? Up to now, there has been little examination of these factors in this field. METHODS: A medical ethics decision-making model called METAP was introduced on three intensive care units and two geriatric wards. An evaluation study was performed from 7 months after deployment of the project until two and a half years. Quantitative and qualitative methods including a questionnaire, semi-structured face-to-face and group-interviews were used. RESULTS: Sixty-three participants from different professional groups took part in 33 face-to-face and 9 group interviews, and 122 questionnaires could be analysed. The facilitating factors most frequently mentioned were: acceptance and presence of the model, support given by the medical and nursing management, an existing or developing (explicit) ethics culture, perception of a need for a medical ethics decision-making model, and engaged staff members. Lack of presence and acceptance, insufficient time resources and staff, poor inter-professional collaboration, absence of ethical competence, and not recognizing ethical problems were identified as inhibiting the implementation of the METAP model. However, the results of the questionnaire as well as of explicit inquiry showed that the respondents stated to have had enough time and staff available to use METAP if necessary. CONCLUSIONS: Facilitators and barriers of the implementation of a medical ethics decision-making model are quite similar to that of medical guidelines. The planning for implementing an ethics model or guideline can, therefore, benefit from the extensive literature and experience concerning the implementation of medical guidelines. Lack of time and staff can be overcome when people are convinced that the benefits justify the effort