142 research outputs found

    Matter effects and CP violating neutrino oscillations with non-decoupling heavy neutrinos

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    The evolution equation for active and sterile neutrinos propagating in general anisotropic or polarized background environment is found and solved for a special case when heavy neutrinos do not decouple, resulting in non-unitary mixing among light neutrino states. Then new CP violating neutrino oscillation effects appear. In contrast to the standard unitary neutrino oscillations these effects can be visible even for two flavour neutrino transitions and even if one of the elements of the neutrino mixing matrix is equal to zero. They do not necessarily vanish with ÎŽm2→0\delta m^{2} \to 0 and they are different for various pairs of flavour neutrino transitions (Îœe→ΜΌ\nu_e \to \nu_\mu), (ΜΌ→Μτ\nu_\mu \to \nu_\tau), (Μτ→Μe\nu_\tau \to \nu_e). Neutrino oscillations in vacuum and Earth's matter are calculated for some fixed baseline experiments and a comparison between unitary and non-unitary oscillations are presented. It is shown, taking into account the present experimental constraints, that heavy neutrino states can affect CP and T asymmetries. This is especially true in the case of ΜΌ→Μτ\nu_\mu \to \nu_\tau oscillations.Comment: 18 pages, 6 fig

    A new, very massive modular Liquid Argon Imaging Chamber to detect low energy off-axis neutrinos from the CNGS beam. (Project MODULAr)

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    The paper is considering an opportunity for the CERN/GranSasso (CNGS) neutrino complex, concurrent time-wise with T2K and NOvA, to search for theta_13 oscillations and CP violation. Compared with large water Cherenkov (T2K) and fine grained scintillators (NOvA), the LAr-TPC offers a higher detection efficiency and a lower backgrounds, since virtually all channels may be unambiguously recognized. The present proposal, called MODULAr, describes a 20 kt fiducial volume LAr-TPC, following very closely the technology developed for the ICARUS-T60o, and is focused on the following activities, for which we seek an extended international collaboration: (1) the neutrino beam from the CERN 400 GeV proton beam and an optimised horn focussing, eventually with an increased intensity in the framework of the LHC accelerator improvement program; (2) A new experimental area LNGS-B, of at least 50000 m3 at 10 km off-axis from the main Laboratory, eventually upgradable to larger sizes. A location is under consideration at about 1.2 km equivalent water depth; (3) A new LAr Imaging detector of at least 20 kt fiducial mass. Such an increase in the volume over the current ICARUS T600 needs to be carefully considered. It is concluded that a very large mass is best realised with a set of many identical, independent units, each of 5 kt, "cloning" the technology of the T600. Further phases may foresee extensions of MODULAr to meet future physics goals. The experiment might reasonably be operational in about 4/5 years, provided a new hall is excavated in the vicinity of the Gran Sasso Laboratory and adequate funding and participation are made available.Comment: Correspondig Author: C. Rubbia (E-mail: [email protected]), 33 pages, 11 figure

    A search for the analogue to Cherenkov radiation by high energy neutrinos at superluminal speeds in ICARUS

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    The OPERA collaboration has claimed evidence of superluminal {\nu}{_\mu} propagation between CERN and the LNGS. Cohen and Glashow argued that such neutrinos should lose energy by producing photons and e+e- pairs, through Z0 mediated processes analogous to Cherenkov radiation. In terms of the parameter delta=(v^2_nu-v^2_c)/v^2_c, the OPERA result implies delta = 5 x 10^-5. For this value of \delta a very significant deformation of the neutrino energy spectrum and an abundant production of photons and e+e- pairs should be observed at LNGS. We present an analysis based on the 2010 and part of the 2011 data sets from the ICARUS experiment, located at Gran Sasso National Laboratory and using the same neutrino beam from CERN. We find that the rates and deposited energy distributions of neutrino events in ICARUS agree with the expectations for an unperturbed spectrum of the CERN neutrino beam. Our results therefore refute a superluminal interpretation of the OPERA result according to the Cohen and Glashow prediction for a weak current analog to Cherenkov radiation. In particular no superluminal Cherenkov like e+e- pair or gamma emission event has been directly observed inside the fiducial volume of the "bubble chamber like" ICARUS TPC-LAr detector, setting the much stricter limit of delta < 2.5 10^-8 at the 90% confidence level, comparable with the one due to the observations from the SN1987A.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Measurement of the specific activity of Ar-39 in natural argon

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    We report on the measurement of the specific activity of Ar-39 in natural argon. The measurement was performed with a 2.3-liter two-phase (liquid and gas) argon drift chamber. The detector was developed by the WARP Collaboration as a prototype detector for WIMP Dark Matter searches with argon as a target. The detector was operated for more than two years at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy, at a depth of 3,400 m w.e. The specific activity measured for Ar-39 is 1.01 +/- 0.02(stat) +/- 0.08(syst) Bq per kg of natural Ar.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, to be submitted to Nucl. Instrum. Methods

    Measurement of Through-Going Particle Momentum By Means Of Multiple Scattering With The ICARUS T600 TPC

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    The ICARUS collaboration has demonstrated, following the operation of a 600 ton (T600) detector at shallow depth, that the technique based on liquid Argon TPCs is now mature. The study of rare events, not contemplated in the Standard Model, can greatly benefit from the use of this kind of detectors. In particular, a deeper understanding of atmospheric neutrino properties will be obtained thanks to the unprecedented quality of the data ICARUS provides. However if we concentrate on the T600 performance, most of the ΜΌ\nu_\mu charged current sample will be partially contained, due to the reduced dimensions of the detector. In this article, we address the problem of how well we can determine the kinematics of events having partially contained tracks. The analysis of a large sample of atmospheric muons collected during the T600 test run demonstrate that, in case the recorded track is at least one meter long, the muon momentum can be reconstructed by an algorithm that measures the Multiple Coulomb Scattering along the particle's path. Moreover, we show that momentum resolution can be improved by a factor two using an algorithm based on the Kalman Filtering technique

    Leading order analysis of neutrino induced dimuon events in the CHORUS experiment

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    We present a leading order QCD analysis of a sample of neutrino induced charged-current events with two muons in the final state originating in the lead-scintillating fibre calorimeter of the CHORUS detector. The results are based on a sample of 8910 neutrino and 430 antineutrino induced opposite-sign dimuon events collected during the exposure of the detector to the CERN Wide Band Neutrino Beam between 1995 and 1998. % with EÎŒ1,EÎŒ2>5E_{\mu 1},E_{\mu 2} > 5 GeV and Q2>3Q^2 > 3 GeV2^2 collected %between 1995 and 1998. The analysis yields a value of the charm quark mass of \mc = (1.26\pm 0.16 \pm 0.09) \GeVcc and a value of the ratio of the strange to non-strange sea in the nucleon of Îș=0.33±0.05±0.05\kappa = 0.33 \pm 0.05 \pm 0.05, improving the results obtained in similar analyses by previous experiments.Comment: Submitted to Nuclear Physics

    Calculation of the local density of relic neutrinos

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    Nonzero neutrino masses are required by the existence of flavour oscillations, with values of the order of at least 50 meV. We consider the gravitational clustering of relic neutrinos within the Milky Way, and used the N - one-body simulation technique to compute their density enhancement factor in the neighbourhood of the Earth with respect to the average cosmic density. Compared to previous similar studies, we pushed the simulation down to smaller neutrino masses, and included an improved treatment of the baryonic and dark matter distributions in the Milky Way. Our results are important for future experiments aiming at detecting the cosmic neutrino background, such as the Princeton Tritium Observatory for Light, Early-universe, Massive-neutrino Yield (PTOLEMY) proposal. We calculate the impact of neutrino clustering in the Milky Way on the expected event rate for a PTOLEMY-like experiment. We find that the effect of clustering remains negligible for the minimal normal hierarchy scenario, while it enhances the event rate by 10 to 20% (resp. a factor 1.7 to 2.5) for the minimal inverted hierarchy scenario (resp. a degenerate scenario with 150 meV masses). Finally we compute the impact on the event rate of a possible fourth sterile neutrino with a mass of 1.3 eV

    Charged-Particle Multiplicities in Charged-Current Neutrino-- and Anti-Neutrino--Nucleus Interactions

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    The CHORUS experiment, designed to search for ΜΌ→Μτ\nu_{\mu}\to\nu_{\tau} oscillations, consists of a nuclear emulsion target and electronic detectors. In this paper, results on the production of charged particles in a small sample of charged-current neutrino-- and anti-neutrino--nucleus interactions at high energy are presented. For each event, the emission angle and the ionization features of the charged particles produced in the interaction are recorded, while the standard kinematic variables are reconstructed using the electronic detectors. The average multiplicities for charged tracks, the pseudo-rapidity distributions, the dispersion in the multiplicity of charged particles and the KNO scaling are studied in different kinematical regions. A study of quasi-elastic topologies performed for the first time in nuclear emulsions is also reported. The results are presented in a form suitable for use in the validation of Monte Carlo generators of neutrino--nucleus interactions.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Associated Charm Production in Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions

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    In this paper a search for associated charm production both in neutral and charged current Îœ\nu-nucleus interactions is presented. The improvement of automatic scanning systems in the {CHORUS} experiment allows an efficient search to be performed in emulsion for short-lived particles. Hence a search for rare processes, like the associated charm production, becomes possible through the observation of the double charm-decay topology with a very low background. About 130,000 Îœ\nu interactions located in the emulsion target have been analysed. Three events with two charm decays have been observed in the neutral-current sample with an estimated background of 0.18±\pm0.05. The relative rate of the associated charm cross-section in deep inelastic Îœ\nu interactions, σ(ccˉΜ)/σNCDIS=(3.62−2.42+2.95(stat)±0.54(syst))×10−3\sigma(c\bar{c}\nu)/\sigma_\mathrm{NC}^\mathrm{DIS}= (3.62^{+2.95}_{-2.42}({stat})\pm 0.54({syst}))\times 10^{-3} has been measured. One event with two charm decays has been observed in charged-current ΜΌ\nu_\mu interactions with an estimated background of 0.18±\pm0.06 and the upper limit on associated charm production in charged-current interactions at 90% C.L. has been found to be σ(ccˉΌ−)/σCC<9.69×10−4\sigma (c\bar{c} \mu^-)/\sigma_\mathrm{CC} < 9.69 \times 10^{-4}.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Muon momentum measurement in ICARUS-T600 LAr-TPC via multiple scattering in few-GeV range

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    The measurement of muon momentum by Multiple Coulomb Scattering is a crucial ingredient to the reconstruction of ΜΌ CC events in the ICARUS-T600 liquid argon TPC in absence of magnetic field, as in the search for sterile neutrinos at Fermilab where ICARUS will be exposed to ∌ 1 GeV Booster neutrino beam. A sample of ∌ 1000 stopping muons produced by charged current interactions of CNGS ΜΌ in the surrounding rock at the INFN Gran Sasso underground Laboratory provides an ideal benchmark in the few-GeV range since their momentum can be directly and independently obtained by the calorimetric measurement. Stopping muon momentum in the 0.5-4.5 GeV/c range has been reconstructed via Multiple Coulomb Scattering with resolution ranging from 10 to 25% depending on muon energy, track length and uniformity of the electric field in the drift volume
