62 research outputs found

    Quantifying the geographical distribution effect on decreasing aggregated nitrogen oxides intensity in the Chinese electrical generation system

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    Over the past 20 years, the spatial distribution of electrical generation and its relationship to cross-regional power transmission has impacted China's power generation system and significantly affected the total amount of NO x and the aggregated nitrogen oxides intensity (ANI) of the system. An investigation of the driving mechanisms of ANI that considers the unevenness of regional electricity generation will be crucial to future improvements in the NO x efficiency of the electrical generation system in China. In this study, we built a decomposition model for ANI by incorporating the spatial distribution of electrical generation and found that the spatial distribution of electricity generation together with energy-related factors gradually caused decreases in ANI. The efficiency of electricity generation presented the dominant inhibitory effect on ANI, but its effect size has weakened since 2010. In contrast, the fossil fuel structure of thermal power shows an increasingly positive effect on changes in ANI. The primary energy composition only slightly affected changes in ANI. Moreover, the changed geographical distribution of electricity generation is non-negligible and has a positive effect on reduction of the ANI of the Chinese electrical generation system. The transferred amount of local NO x emissions by cross-provincial electricity transmission, however, could cause lead to additional environmental costs for generators. This issue should receive more attention in the future

    Toward an accurate prediction of inter-residue distances in proteins using 2D recursive neural networks

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    BACKGROUND: Protein inter-residue contact maps provide a translation and rotation invariant topological representation of a protein. They can be used as an intermediary step in protein structure predictions. However, the prediction of contact maps represents an unbalanced problem as far fewer examples of contacts than non-contacts exist in a protein structure. In this study we explore the possibility of completely eliminating the unbalanced nature of the contact map prediction problem by predicting real-value distances between residues. Predicting full inter-residue distance maps and applying them in protein structure predictions has been relatively unexplored in the past. RESULTS: We initially demonstrate that the use of native-like distance maps is able to reproduce 3D structures almost identical to the targets, giving an average RMSD of 0.5Å. In addition, the corrupted physical maps with an introduced random error of ±6Å are able to reconstruct the targets within an average RMSD of 2Å. After demonstrating the reconstruction potential of distance maps, we develop two classes of predictors using two-dimensional recursive neural networks: an ab initio predictor that relies only on the protein sequence and evolutionary information, and a template-based predictor in which additional structural homology information is provided. We find that the ab initio predictor is able to reproduce distances with an RMSD of 6Å, regardless of the evolutionary content provided. Furthermore, we show that the template-based predictor exploits both sequence and structure information even in cases of dubious homology and outperforms the best template hit with a clear margin of up to 3.7Å. Lastly, we demonstrate the ability of the two predictors to reconstruct the CASP9 targets shorter than 200 residues producing the results similar to the state of the machine learning art approach implemented in the Distill server. CONCLUSIONS: The methodology presented here, if complemented by more complex reconstruction protocols, can represent a possible path to improve machine learning algorithms for 3D protein structure prediction. Moreover, it can be used as an intermediary step in protein structure predictions either on its own or complemented by NMR restraints

    Critical assessment of protein intrinsic disorder prediction

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    Abstract: Intrinsically disordered proteins, defying the traditional protein structure–function paradigm, are a challenge to study experimentally. Because a large part of our knowledge rests on computational predictions, it is crucial that their accuracy is high. The Critical Assessment of protein Intrinsic Disorder prediction (CAID) experiment was established as a community-based blind test to determine the state of the art in prediction of intrinsically disordered regions and the subset of residues involved in binding. A total of 43 methods were evaluated on a dataset of 646 proteins from DisProt. The best methods use deep learning techniques and notably outperform physicochemical methods. The top disorder predictor has Fmax = 0.483 on the full dataset and Fmax = 0.792 following filtering out of bona fide structured regions. Disordered binding regions remain hard to predict, with Fmax = 0.231. Interestingly, computing times among methods can vary by up to four orders of magnitude

    Retrospective evaluation of whole exome and genome mutation calls in 746 cancer samples

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    Funder: NCI U24CA211006Abstract: The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) curated consensus somatic mutation calls using whole exome sequencing (WES) and whole genome sequencing (WGS), respectively. Here, as part of the ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium, which aggregated whole genome sequencing data from 2,658 cancers across 38 tumour types, we compare WES and WGS side-by-side from 746 TCGA samples, finding that ~80% of mutations overlap in covered exonic regions. We estimate that low variant allele fraction (VAF < 15%) and clonal heterogeneity contribute up to 68% of private WGS mutations and 71% of private WES mutations. We observe that ~30% of private WGS mutations trace to mutations identified by a single variant caller in WES consensus efforts. WGS captures both ~50% more variation in exonic regions and un-observed mutations in loci with variable GC-content. Together, our analysis highlights technological divergences between two reproducible somatic variant detection efforts

    29. Dezember 1916

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    Archiv des Landschaftsverbandes Rheinland (ALVR), Bestand Landeshauptmann bzw. Landesdirektor der Rheinischen Provinzialverwaltung, Nr. 27968. Unteroffizier Wilwisch bedankt sich bei Landeshauptmann Ludwig von Renvers für die übersandten Weichnachtsgeschenke und –grüße. Im Felde, den 29. Dezember 1916 An den Herrn Landeshauptmann in Düsseldorf.   Für die mir im Namen der Provinzi- alverwaltung übersandten Weih- nachtsgaben und -grüße danke ich gehorsamst und hoffe recht bald zu friedlicher Tä..

    InterLig: improved ligand-based virtual screening using topologically independent structural alignments

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    Motivation: In the past few years, drug discovery processes have been relying more and more on computational methods to sift out the most promising molecules before time and resources are spent to test them in experimental settings. Whenever the protein target of a given disease is not known, it becomes fundamental to have accurate methods for ligand-based virtual screening, which compares known active molecules against vast libraries of candidate compounds. Recently, 3D-based similarity methods have been developed that are capable of scaffold hopping and to superimpose matching molecules. Results: Here, we present InterLig, a new method for the comparison and superposition of small molecules using topologically independent alignments of atoms. We test InterLig on a standard benchmark and show that it compares favorably to the best currently available 3D methods.Funding Agencies|Swedish Research CouncilSwedish Research Council [2016-05369]; Swedish e-Science Research Center; Foundation Blanceflor Boncompagni Ludovisi, nee Bildt</p

    Reconstructing Protein Structures by Neural Network Pairwise Interaction Fields and Iterative Decoy Set Construction

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    Predicting the fold of a protein from its amino acid sequence is one of the grand problems in computational biology. While there has been progress towards a solution, especially when a protein can be modelled based on one or more known structures (templates), in the absence of templates, even the best predictions are generally much less reliable. In this paper, we present an approach for predicting the three-dimensional structure of a protein from the sequence alone, when templates of known structure are not available. This approach relies on a simple reconstruction procedure guided by a novel knowledge-based evaluation function implemented as a class of artificial neural networks that we have designed: Neural Network Pairwise Interaction Fields (NNPIF). This evaluation function takes into account the contextual information for each residue and is trained to identify native-like conformations from non-native-like ones by using large sets of decoys as a training set. The training set is generated and then iteratively expanded during successive folding simulations. As NNPIF are fast at evaluating conformations, thousands of models can be processed in a short amount of time, and clustering techniques can be adopted for model selection. Although the results we present here are very preliminary, we consider them to be promising, with predictions being generated at state-of-the-art levels in some of the cases

    InterPep2: global peptide-protein docking using interaction surface templates

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    Motivation: Interactions between proteins and peptides or peptide-like intrinsically disordered regions are involved in many important biological processes, such as gene expression and cell life-cycle regulation. Experimentally determining the structure of such interactions is time-consuming and difficult because of the inherent flexibility of the peptide ligand. Although several prediction-methods exist, most are limited in performance or availability. Results: InterPep2 is a freely available method for predicting the structure of peptide-protein interactions. Improved performance is obtained by using templates from both peptide-protein and regular protein-protein interactions, and by a random forest trained to predict the DockQ-score for a given template using sequence and structural features. When tested on 252 bound peptide-protein complexes from structures deposited after the complexes used in the construction of the training and templates sets of InterPep2, InterPep2-Refined correctly positioned 67 peptides within 4.0 angstrom LRMSD among top10, similar to another state-of-the-art template-based method which positioned 54 peptides correctly. However, InterPep2 displays a superior ability to evaluate the quality of its own predictions. On a previously established set of 27 non-redundant unbound-to-bound peptide-protein complexes, InterPep2 performs on-par with leading methods. The extended InterPep2-Refined protocol managed to correctly model 15 of these complexes within 4.0 angstrom LRMSD among top10, without using templates from homologs. In addition, combining the template-based predictions from InterPep2 with ab initio predictions from PIPER-FlexPepDock resulted in 22% more near-native predictions compared to the best single method (22 versus 18).Funding Agencies|Swedish Research CouncilSwedish Research Council [2016-05369]; Swedish e-Science Research Center; Foundation Blanceflor Boncompagni Ludovisi, nee Bildt</p

    Predicting protein-peptide interaction sites using distant protein complexes as structural templates

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    Protein-peptide interactions play an important role in major cellular processes, and are associated with several human diseases. To understand and potentially regulate these cellular function and diseases it is important to know the molecular details of the interactions. However, because of peptide flexibility and the transient nature of protein-peptide interactions, peptides are difficult to study experimentally. Thus, computational methods for predicting structural information about protein-peptide interactions are needed. Here we present InterPep, a pipeline for predicting protein-peptide interaction sites. It is a novel pipeline that, given a protein structure and a peptide sequence, utilizes structural template matches, sequence information, random forest machine learning, and hierarchical clustering to predict what region of the protein structure the peptide is most likely to bind. When tested on its ability to predict binding sites, InterPep successfully pinpointed 255 of 502 (50.7%) binding sites in experimentally determined structures at rank 1 and 348 of 502 (69.3%) among the top five predictions using only structures with no significant sequence similarity as templates. InterPep is a powerful tool for identifying peptide-binding sites; with a precision of 80% at a recall of 20% it should be an excellent starting point for docking protocols or experiments investigating peptide interactions. The source code for InterPred is available at http://wallnerlab.org/InterPep/.Funding Agencies|Swedish Research Council [2016-05369]; Swedish e-Science Research Center; Foundation Blanceflor Boncompagni Ludovisi, nee Bildt</p

    InterPepRank : Assessment of Docked Peptide Conformations by a Deep Graph Network

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    Peptide-protein interactions between a smaller or disordered peptide stretch and a folded receptor make up a large part of all protein-protein interactions. A common approach for modeling such interactions is to exhaustively sample the conformational space by fast-Fourier-transform docking, and then refine a top percentage of decoys. Commonly, methods capable of ranking the decoys for selection fast enough for larger scale studies rely on first-principle energy terms such as electrostatics, Van der Waals forces, or on pre-calculated statistical potentials. We present InterPepRank for peptide-protein complex scoring and ranking. InterPepRank is a machine learning-based method which encodes the structure of the complex as a graph; with physical pairwise interactions as edges and evolutionary and sequence features as nodes. The graph network is trained to predict the LRMSD of decoys by using edge-conditioned graph convolutions on a large set of peptide-protein complex decoys. InterPepRank is tested on a massive independent test set with no targets sharing CATH annotation nor 30% sequence identity with any target in training or validation data. On this set, InterPepRank has a median AUC of 0.86 for finding coarse peptide-protein complexes with LRMSD &lt; 4Å. This is an improvement compared to other state-of-the-art ranking methods that have a median AUC between 0.65 and 0.79. When included as a selection-method for selecting decoys for refinement in a previously established peptide docking pipeline, InterPepRank improves the number of medium and high quality models produced by 80% and 40%, respectively. The InterPepRank program as well as all scripts for reproducing and retraining it are available from: http://wallnerlab.org/InterPepRank