213 research outputs found

    Photonic wideband phased array: an optical time steered antenna based on a new true time delay unit

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    Lā€™attivitĆ  di ricerca svolta durante il corso di dottorato e descritta dettagliatamente allā€™interno della tesi ĆØ stata diretta al progetto di una innovativa rete ottica di formazione del fascio per antenne a schiera a banda larga esenti dal fenomeno del beam squint. La rete di formazione del fascio proposta ĆØ basata sullā€™utilizzo di un chip ottico integrato modulare che consente di realizzare il True Time Delay implementando switched delay lines. Le caratteristiche del sistema ne consentono lā€™utilizzo in architetture ad array e a subarray, e la sua modularitĆ  rende possibile, in principio, il pilotaggio del sistema radiante, integrando in un unico componente le linee di ritardo di ciascun elemento della schiera. Nella sua prima parte la tesi di dottorato introduce alle antenne ad alte prestazioni richieste dalle moderne applicazioni, focalizzando lā€™attenzione sui Phased Array, sistemi radianti destinati a svolgere un ruolo di primo piano grazie alla loro flessibilitĆ  e potenzialitĆ . Unā€™analisi ragionata delle soluzioni proposte in letteratura viene, quindi, proposta al fine di evidenziare i principi di funzionamento e le principali problematiche connesse allā€™implementazione di reti ottiche di formazione del fascio. Inoltre, vengono descritte e discusse le architetture ottiche utilizzate sia per il controllo della fase che per il controllo del ritardo. Successivamente viene presentata la nuova unitĆ  ottica integrata di tipo True Time Delay. Le configurazioni di utilizzo del chip ottico studiate e messe a punto durante gli anni del corso di dottorato vengono presentate nel dettaglio, chiarendo le scelte e le strategie di progetto utilizzate in modo da ottimizzare le prestazioni del sistema. Viene presentato il progetto di un prototipo di antenna a schiera basato sul nuovo modulo True Time Delay e un modello accurato dellā€™intero sistema, implementato allo scopo di verificare il funzionamento dellā€™antenna e determinarne le prestazioni. Il modello sviluppato tiene in conto delle reali caratteristiche dei dispositivi disponibili in commercio da utilizzarsi allā€™interno della rete e del sistema radiante, degli inevitabili errori realizzativi relativi a ciascun componente e delle caratteristiche peculiari del nuovo modulo di ritardo. Per compensare gli effetti degli errori suddetti ĆØ stata prevista allā€™interno della rete unā€™unitĆ  di compensazione. Per rendere semplice ed efficace determinarne i parametri ĆØ stato sviluppato un algoritmo evolutivo capace di sfruttare al meglio le potenzialitĆ  dellā€™unitĆ  cosƬ da evitare inutili complessitĆ . Infine, viene proposta una nuova architettura, interamente ottica, di una rete di formazione del fascio per antenne a schiera capaci di irradiare sia fasci somma che fasci differenza beam squint free

    Optimized Nonuniform FFTs and Their Application to Array Factor Computation

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    We deal with developing an optimized approach for implementing nonuniform fast Fourier transform (NUFFT) algorithms under a general and new perspective for 1-D transformations. The computations of nonequispaced results, nonequispaced data, and Type-3 nonuniform discrete Fourier transforms are tackled in a unified way. They exploit ā€œuniformly sampledā€ exponentials to interpolate the ā€œnonuniformly sampledā€ ones involved in the nonuniform discrete Fourier transforms (NUFDTs), so as to enable the use of standard fast Fourier transforms, and an optimized window. The computational costs and the memory requirements are analyzed, and their convenient performance is assessed also by comparing them with other approaches in the literature. Numerical results demonstrate that the method is more accurate and does not introduce any additional computational or memory burden. The computation of the window functions amounts to that of a Legendre polynomial expansion, i.e., a simple polynomial evaluation. This is convenient in terms of computational burden and of the proper arrangement of the calculations. A case study of electromagnetic interest has been carried out by applying the developed NUFFTs to the radiation of linear regular or irregular arrays onto a set of regular or irregular spectral points. Guidelines for multidimensional extension of the proposed approach are also presented

    The 2D type-3 non-uniform FFT in CUDA

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    We present the parallel implementation on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) of a type-3 Non-Uniform FFT (NUFFT) approach, namely, of a NUFFT for which data and results are located at irregular points. The performance of the algorithm is assessed against that of a parallel implementation of the same algorithm on multi-core CPUs using OpenMP directives

    Optimized Trajectory Tracking of a Class of Uncertain Systems Applied to Optimized Raster Scanning in Near-Field Measurements

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    A tracking problem is considered for a very recurring class of systems, such as Cartesian robots with real actuators, conveyor belts, and certain scanning devices used for medical and engineering applications, as near-field antenna characterization. Theorems are proven for the design of a PID controller with a possible compensation signal to track sufficiently regular trajectories with a prescribed maximum error. The developed design methodology is used to identify the current antenna scanning system without a controller and to design and construct a new controller that provides better performance than the current one. Moreover, this paper proposes an optimized raster scan acquisition scheme that reduces the number of field samples and the scanning path length compared with the more conventional approaches. By using the new controller and the proposed optimized sampling strategy, which provides a sparse distribution of the samples, the performance of an antenna can be evaluated in a considerably shorter time than that necessary using the pre-existing controller and standard scanning, as experimentally assessed in this paper

    Erratum to nodal management and upstaging of disease. Initial results from the Italian VATS Lobectomy Registry

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.21037/jtd.2017.06.12.]

    The neurogenic effects of exogenous neuropeptide Y: early molecular events and long-lasting effects in the hippocampus of trimethyltin-treated rats.

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    Modulation of endogenous neurogenesis is regarded as a promising challenge in neuroprotection. In the rat model of hippocampal neurodegeneration obtained by Trimethyltin (TMT) administration (8 mg/kg), characterised by selective pyramidal cell loss, enhanced neurogenesis, seizures and cognitive impairment, we previously demonstrated a proliferative role of exogenous neuropeptide Y (NPY), on dentate progenitors in the early phases of neurodegeneration. To investigate the functional integration of newly-born neurons, here we studied in adult rats the long-term effects of intracerebroventricular administration of NPY (2 \ub5g/2 \ub5l, 4 days after TMT-treatment), which plays an adjuvant role in neurodegeneration and epilepsy. Our results indicate that 30 days after NPY administration the number of new neurons was still higher in TMT+NPY-treated rats than in control+saline group. As a functional correlate of the integration of new neurons into the hippocampal network, long-term potentiation recorded in Dentate Gyrus (DG) in the absence of GABAA receptor blockade was higher in the TMT+NPY-treated group than in all other groups. Furthermore, qPCR analysis of Kruppel-like factor 9, a transcription factor essential for late-phase maturation of neurons in the DG, and of the cyclin-dependent kinase 5, critically involved in the maturation and dendrite extension of newly-born neurons, revealed a significant up-regulation of both genes in TMT+NPY-treated rats compared with all other groups. To explore the early molecular events activated by NPY administration, the Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signalling pathway, which participates in the maintenance of the neurogenic hippocampal niche, was evaluated by qPCR 1, 3 and 5 days after NPY-treatment. An early significant up-regulation of Shh expression was detected in TMT+NPY-treated rats compared with all other groups, associated with a modulation of downstream genes. Our data indicate that the neurogenic effect of NPY administration during TMT-induced neurodegeneration involves early Shh pathway activation and results in a functional integration of newly-generated neurons into the local circuit

    Antimicrobials: a global alliance for optimizing their rational use in intra-abdominal infections (AGORA)

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    Intra-abdominal infections (IAI) are an important cause of morbidity and are frequently associated with poor prognosis, particularly in high-risk patients. The cornerstones in the management of complicated IAIs are timely effective source control with appropriate antimicrobial therapy. Empiric antimicrobial therapy is important in the management of intra-abdominal infections and must be broad enough to cover all likely organisms because inappropriate initial antimicrobial therapy is associated with poor patient outcomes and the development of bacterial resistance. The overuse of antimicrobials is widely accepted as a major driver of some emerging infections (such as C. difficile), the selection of resistant pathogens in individual patients, and for the continued development of antimicrobial resistance globally. The growing emergence of multi-drug resistant organisms and the limited development of new agents available to counteract them have caused an impending crisis with alarming implications, especially with regards to Gram-negative bacteria. An international task force from 79 different countries has joined this project by sharing a document on the rational use of antimicrobials for patients with IAIs. The project has been termed AGORA (Antimicrobials: A Global Alliance for Optimizing their Rational Use in Intra-Abdominal Infections). The authors hope that AGORA, involving many of the world's leading experts, can actively raise awareness in health workers and can improve prescribing behavior in treating IAIs

    A survey of clinical features of allergic rhinitis in adults

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    Global disparities in surgeonsā€™ workloads, academic engagement and rest periods: the on-calL shIft fOr geNEral SurgeonS (LIONESS) study

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    : The workload of general surgeons is multifaceted, encompassing not only surgical procedures but also a myriad of other responsibilities. From April to May 2023, we conducted a CHERRIES-compliant internet-based survey analyzing clinical practice, academic engagement, and post-on-call rest. The questionnaire featured six sections with 35 questions. Statistical analysis used Chi-square tests, ANOVA, and logistic regression (SPSSĀ® v. 28). The survey received a total of 1.046 responses (65.4%). Over 78.0% of responders came from Europe, 65.1% came from a general surgery unit; 92.8% of European and 87.5% of North American respondents were involved in research, compared to 71.7% in Africa. Europe led in publishing research studies (6.6 Ā± 8.6 yearly). Teaching involvement was high in North America (100%) and Africa (91.7%). Surgeons reported an average of 6.7 Ā± 4.9 on-call shifts per month, with European and North American surgeons experiencing 6.5 Ā± 4.9 and 7.8 Ā± 4.1 on-calls monthly, respectively. African surgeons had the highest on-call frequency (8.7 Ā± 6.1). Post-on-call, only 35.1% of respondents received a day off. Europeans were most likely (40%) to have a day off, while African surgeons were least likely (6.7%). On the adjusted multivariable analysis HDI (Human Development Index) (aOR 1.993) hospital capacity > 400 beds (aOR 2.423), working in a specialty surgery unit (aOR 2.087), and making the on-call in-house (aOR 5.446), significantly predicted the likelihood of having a day off after an on-call shift. Our study revealed critical insights into the disparities in workload, access to research, and professional opportunities for surgeons across different continents, underscored by the HDI

    A survey of clinical features of allergic rhinitis in adults

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    Background: Allergic rhinitis (AR) has high prevalence and substantial socio-economic burden. Material/Methods: The study included 35 Italian Centers recruiting an overall number of 3383 adult patients with rhinitis (48% males, 52% females, mean age 29.1, range 18\u201345 years). For each patient, the attending physician had to fill in a standardized questionnaire, covering, in particular, some issues such as the ARIA classification of allergic rhinitis (AR), the results of skin prick test (SPT), the kind of treatment, the response to treatment, and the satisfaction with treatment. Results: Out of the 3383 patients with rhinitis, 2788 (82.4%) had AR: 311 (11.5%) had a mild intermittent, 229 (8.8%) a mild persistent, 636 (23.5%) a moderate-severe intermittent, and 1518 (56.1%) a moderate-severe persistent form. The most frequently used drugs were oral antihistamines (77.1%) and topical corticosteroids (60.8%). The response to treatment was judged as excellent in 12.2%, good in 41.3%, fair in 31.2%, poor in 14.5%, and very bad in 0.8% of subjects. The rate of treatment dissatisfaction was significantly higher in patients with moderate-to-severe AR than in patients with mild AR (p<0.0001). Indication to allergen immunotherapy (AIT) was significantly more frequent (p<0.01) in patients with severe AR than with mild AR. . Conclusions: These fndings confirm the appropriateness of ARIA guidelines in classifying the AR patients and the association of severe symptoms with unsuccessful drug treatment. The optimal targeting of patients to be treated with AIT needs to be reassessed
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