93 research outputs found

    From Effects of Linear Transport Infrastructures on Amphibians to Mitigation Measures

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    Linear transport infrastructures (e.g., roads, highways, railways) are affecting biodiversity by habitat loss and fragmentation, degraded or suppressed connectivity, and direct and indirect mortality. In response, planners try to propose mitigation or compensatory measures. Amphibians are particularly impacted by these infrastructures, in terms of habitat loss but also because their obligatory migration to breeding sites exposed them to the barrier effect of infrastructure (direct mortality and loss of connection among sub-populations). Several compensatory (e.g., creation of new ponds) and mitigation measures (construction of wildlife passage) have been proposed specifically for amphibians. This chapter aims to describe measures implemented for amphibian populations and tries to evaluate their efficiency in terms of frequentation (wildlife passage) and population persistence

    Interannual variation in life history traits between neighbouring populations of the widespread amphibian Bufo bufo

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    Life-history variation within and among populations of widespread amphibian species has attracted much attention so far. In relation to a variety of problems (e.g. climate change, large-scale clines, conservation), this information is needed not only on broad geographic scale, but also at local level and from year to year. In this study, we investigated variation in body size and life history traits, including age, fecundity and egg size, in two neighbouring populations of a widespread amphibian, the Common Toad Bufo bufo, during a 3-year period. Body size varied significantly between populations in males only, but not between years. Age was assessed by skeletochronology, and osteometrical analyses revealed a complete endosteal resorption of the first line of arrested growth in 1.1 % of the individuals and a partial resorption in 77 % of the individuals. Age structures did not differ significantly between sexes, populations, nor between years. Age at first reproduction was one year later in females than in males in both populations (4 vs 3 years), but adult survival rates did not differ between sexes. Fecundity did not differ between populations or years, but egg size varied between years. Fecundity increased with size, but not with age of females. This lack of significant interpopulation variation in age structure and reproductive traits is important for monitoring local populations which can be exposed to various potential disturbance factors. On the other hand, these results stress the importance of analysing temporal variation in life history traits because one-year data may not represent properly the reproductive features of a population, and this issue is becoming more so important with the growing interest in climate changes and its possible effects on amphibian populationsLes variations intra- et interpopulationnelles des traits d'histoire de vie chez les amphibiens à grande aire de répartition font l'objet d'une attention soutenue. Pour de nombreux problèmes (e.g. les changements climatiques, variations clinales, conservation), cette information est nécessaire, non seulement à une large échelle géographique, mais aussi au niveau local et d'une année à une autre. Dans cette étude nous avons étudié durant trois années successives les variations de la taille corporelle, de l'âge et des traits d'histoire de vie, y compris la fécondité et la taille des oeufs, dans deux populations voisines du Crapaud commun Bufo bufo, une espèce à grande aire de répartition. La taille corporelle des mâles varie significativement entre les populations mais pas d'une année à une autre. L'âge a été déterminé par squelettochronologie et les analyses ostéologiques révèlent une résorption endostéale complète de la première ligne d'arrêt de croissance chez 1,1 % des individus et une résorption partielle chez 77 % des individus. Les structures d'âge ne différent pas entre les sexes, les populations, ni entre les années. Les femelles se reproduisent pour la première fois un an après les mâles dans les deux populations (4 vs 3 ans), mais le taux de survie des adultes ne diffère pas entre les sexes. La fécondité ne varie pas entre les populations ou les années, mais la taille des oeufs change d'une année à une autre. La fécondité augmente avec la taille, mais pas avec l'âge des femelles. Cette absence de variation de la structure d'âge et des paramètres de la reproduction est importante pour la surveillance des populations locales qui peuvent être exposées à divers facteurs de perturbation potentiels. Ces résultats soulignent également l'importance d'analyser les variations temporelles des traits d'histoire de vie car les données d'une année peuvent ne pas représenter correctement les caractéristiques de la reproduction d'une population, cette question étant exacerbée par l'intérêt croissant sur l'impact possible des changements climatiques sur les populations d'amphibiens

    Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in amphibians from the Po River Delta, Northern Italy

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    Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is a pathogen infecting amphibians at the global scale and causing their decline, but knowledge of the distribution of this pathogen is far from complete. We sampled amphibians from three species (Hyla intermedia, Rana dalmatina and Pelophylax synklepton esculentus) to evaluate whether B. dendrobatidis infects amphibians in the Po River Delta Natural Park, Northern Italy. We detected the pathogen in one population of P. sk. esculentus (prevalence: 0.33). These findings expand the known distribution of B. dendrobatidis in Italy and add further concern to the conservation of amphibians in this area

    Landscape epidemiology of Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans : reconciling data limitations and conservation urgency

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    Starting in 2010, rapid-fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) population declines in northwestern Europe heralded the emergence of Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal), a salamander-pathogenic chytrid fungus. Bsal poses an imminent threat to global salamander diversity owing to its wide host range, high pathogenicity, and long-term persistence in ecosystems. While there is a pressing need to develop further research and conservation actions, data limitations inherent to recent pathogen emergence obscure necessary insights into Bsal disease ecology. Here, we use a hierarchical modeling framework to describe Bsal landscape epidemiology of outbreak sites in light of these methodological challenges. Using model selection and machine learning, we find that Bsal presence is associated with humid and relatively cool, stable climates. Outbreaks are generally located in areas characterized by low landscape heterogeneity and low steepness of slope. We further find an association between Bsal presence and high trail density, suggesting that human-mediated spread may increase risk for spillover between populations. We then use distribution modeling to show that favorable conditions occur in lowlands influenced by the North Sea, where increased survey effort is needed to determine how Bsal impacts local newt populations, but also in hill- and mountain ranges in northeastern France and the lower half of Germany. Finally, connectivity analyses suggest that these hill- and mountain ranges may act as stepping stones for further spread southward. Our results provide initial insight into regional environmental conditions underlying Bsal epizootics, present updated invasibility predictions for northwestern Europe, and lead us to discuss a wide variety of potential survey and research actions needed to advance future conservation and mitigation efforts

    Persistence of Environmental DNA in Freshwater Ecosystems

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    The precise knowledge of species distribution is a key step in conservation biology. However, species detection can be extremely difficult in many environments, specific life stages and in populations at very low density. The aim of this study was to improve the knowledge on DNA persistence in water in order to confirm the presence of the focus species in freshwater ecosystems. Aquatic vertebrates (fish: Siberian sturgeon and amphibian: Bullfrog tadpoles) were used as target species. In control conditions (tanks) and in the field (ponds), the DNA detectability decreases with time after the removal of the species source of DNA. DNA was detectable for less than one month in both conditions. The density of individuals also influences the dynamics of DNA detectability in water samples. The dynamics of detectability reflects the persistence of DNA fragments in freshwater ecosystems. The short time persistence of detectable amounts of DNA opens perspectives in conservation biology, by allowing access to the presence or absence of species e.g. rare, secretive, potentially invasive, or at low density. This knowledge of DNA persistence will greatly influence planning of biodiversity inventories and biosecurity surveys

    Recent Asian origin of chytrid fungi causing global amphibian declines

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    Globalized infectious diseases are causing species declines worldwide, but their source often remains elusive. We used whole-genome sequencing to solve the spatiotemporal origins of the most devastating panzootic to date, caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, a proximate driver of global amphibian declines. We traced the source of B. dendrobatidis to the Korean peninsula, where one lineage, BdASIA-1, exhibits the genetic hallmarks of an ancestral population that seeded the panzootic. We date the emergence of this pathogen to the early 20th century, coinciding with the global expansion of commercial trade in amphibians, and we show that intercontinental transmission is ongoing. Our findings point to East Asia as a geographic hotspot for B. dendrobatidis biodiversity and the original source of these lineages that now parasitize amphibians worldwide

    Development and worldwide use of non-lethal, and minimal population-level impact, protocols for the isolation of amphibian chytrid fungi

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    T.W.J.G., M.C.F., D.S.S., A.L., E.C., F.C.C., J.B., A.A.C., C.M., F.S., B.R.S., S.O., were supported through the Biodiversa project RACE: Risk Assessment of Chytridiomycosis to European Amphibian Biodiversity (NERC standard grant NE/K014455/1 and NE/E006701/1; ANR-08-BDVA-002-03). M.C.F., J.S., C.W., P.G. were supported by the Leverhulme Trust (RPG-2014-273), M.C.F., A.C., C.W. were supported by the Morris Animal Foundation. J.V. was supported by the Bolyai János Research Grant of the Hunagrian Academy of Sciences (BO/00597/14). F.G. and D.G. were supported by the Conservation Leadership Programme Future Conservationist Award. C.S.A. was supported by Fondecyt (No. 1181758). M.C.F. and A.C. were supported by. Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund Project (152510704). GMR held a doctoral scholarship (SFRH/BD/69194/2010) from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. L.F.T., C.L., L.P.R. K.R.Z., T.Y.J., T.S.J. were supported by São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP #2016/25358-3), the National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq #300896/2016–6) and a Catalyzing New International Collaborations grant from the United States NSF (OISE-1159513). C.S.A. was supported by Fondecyt (No. 1181758). T.M.D. was supported by the Royal Geographical Society and the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland. B.W. was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (2015R1D1A1A01057282).Peer reviewedPublisher PD