10 research outputs found

    Intake, nitrogen balance and microbial protein synthesis of steers fed with or without lipid addition

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    This study investigated the influence of energy supplementation with or without the addition of lipids on microbial production, microbial synthesis efficiency and nitrogen balance. Eight fistulated steers were used with accessible rumens and kept in individual stalls. Their diets consisted of corn silage; corn silage + concentrate; corn silage + concentrate with addition of lipids in the form of soybean oil; and corn silage + concentrate with addition of lipids in the form of soybean grains. Estimates of microbial protein synthesis were obtained based on the urinary excretion of purine derivatives. The concentrations of ammonia in the rumen were determined immediately at 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours after feeding. The diets with concentrate increased (P0.05). Concentrated diets presented higher concentrations of urea nitrogen in the serum and urinary urea excretion (P0.05). Energy supplementation, with or without lipid addition, can be used as a strategy to increase the synthesis of the microbial protein in the cattle fed corn silage

    Performance, body composition and net requirements of protein and energy for weight gain in steers supplemented with or without addition of lipids

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    This research aimed to evaluate the performance, body composition and net requirements for protein and energy in grazing Nellore steers supplemented with or without addition of lipids. Twenty-eight steers, 301 ± 5.8 kg BW, were used in the experiment. The comparative slaughter method was used, with four steers used as references. The remaining 24 steers were randomly distributed into four groups, during 180 days, according to treatment: only Panicum maximum cv. Mombasa grass; Mombasa grass with concentrated supplementation based on soybean meal; Mombasa grass with concentrate containing lipids from soybean oil; and Mombasa grass with concentrate containing lipids derived from soybean grains. The total DMI of the steers fed only the pasture did not differ (P > 0.05) from the average intake of the treatments with or without addition of lipids. There were no differences (P > 0.05) between treatments for total daily gain, carcass and non carcass for protein, energy and fat. The requirements of protein and energy did not differ (P > 0.05) among the treatments. When the pasture is of good quality, supplementation does not alter the body composition or the net requirements of protein and energy for weight gain. The supplementations with higher concentrations of lipids (oil and grain) were not enough to promote greater gains in fat and energy in carcass

    Growth performance and carcass traits of young nellore bulls supplemented with or without addition of lipids

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    The aim of research was to evaluate the performance and characteristics of the carcasses of Nellore young bulls in grazing supplemented with or without addition of lipids. Twenty–eight young bulls, 301 ± 5.8 kg in body weight, which four constituted the reference group and the twenty-four remnants were used in the experiment and randomly distributed into four groups according to treatment: only Panicum maximum cv. Mombasa grass; Mombasa grass with concentrated supplementation based on soybean meal; Mombasa grass with concentrate containing lipids from soybean oil; and Mombasa grass with concentrate containing lipids derived from soybean grains. The total dry matter intake of the animals fed only Mombasa grass did not differ from the average intake of the three treatments supplemented with concentrate. There were no differences (P>0.05) between Mombasa grass and diets with concentrate, supplementation with or without lipid and lipids sources in the carcass traits, gastrointestinal tract, organs and loin eye area. Nellore bulls receiving concentrate increased subcutaneous fat thickness compared with bulls that received only Mombasa grass. Nellore young bulls fed Mombasa grass only, supplemented with or without addition of lipids were similar regarding growth performance and carcass traits

    Evaluation of methodologies of urine collection to estimate microbial synthesis in bovines diets containing or not containing lipids

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    This study investigated the effectiveness of the urine sample collection method in predicting the volume urinary and synthesis of microbial nitrogen. Eight fistulated steers were used with accessible rumens and kept in individual stalls. Their diets consisted of corn silage; corn silage + concentrate; corn silage + concentrate with addition of lipids in the form of soybean oil; and corn silage + concentrate with addition of lipids in the form of soybean grains. Estimates of microbial protein synthesis were obtained based on the urinary excretion of purine derivatives. There was no effect of diets on daily creatinine excretion (P>0.05). There were differences (P<0.05) between the urinary volume and microbial synthesis values determined by the total urine collection and those estimated from the urine spot samples and equations proposed by different authors. The estimation of microbial synthesis based on the urine excretion of purine derivatives should be performed from the total collection of the urine for a period of 24 hours

    70º Aniversario de la declaración universal de derechos humanos. La protección internacional de los Derechos Humanos en cuestión

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    Segundo volúmen de la Colección Perspectivas Iberoamericanas sobre la justicia. La Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas cumple, el 10 de diciembre de 2018, setenta años. La simbólica fecha obliga a los investigadores en derechos humanos a reflexionar críticamente sobre los avances y límites de un complejo sistema de normas y, sobre todo, de valores culturales sustentados en la matriz liberal occidental. Desde entonces, ha habido indiscutibles avances institucionales y normativos, como la creación del Consejo de Derechos Humanos, varios pactos y declaraciones complementarias, órganos específicos, tribunales internacionales, jurisprudencia, constituciones estatales, una infinidad de instituciones basadas en esta “ética mínima universal” que, contradictoriamente, no logró evitar un conjunto de catástrofes humanitarias y de vulneración de derechos. La primera década del siglo XX trae un reflejo limitante al consenso de la posguerra, pues la agresividad de los Estados hegemónicos, en alianza con intereses privados transnacionales, pone en jaque la capacidad del sistema protector frente a guerras humanitarias e internacionales. tratados económicos de nueva generación aquellos que excluyen por completo a la democracia del proceso de negociación.A Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas completa, em 10 de diciembre de 2018, setenta años. A data simbólica exige dos pesquisadores em direitos humanos uma reflexão crítica a respeito dos avanços y dos limites de um sistema complexo de normas e, principalmente, de valores culturales apoiados na matriz liberal ocidental. De lá para cá, houve indiscutível avanço institucional e normativo, do qual é exemplo a criação do Conselho de Direitos Humanos, diversos pactos e declarações complementarios, órgão específicos, tribunais internacionais, jurisprudência, constituições dos States, uma infinidade de instituições pautadas nesse “mínimo ético universal” que, contraditoriamente, não conseguiu evitar um conjunto de catástrofes humanitárias e de violação de direitos. A primeira década do século XX traz uma reflexão limite para o consenso do pós-guerra, pois a agressividade dos States hegemônicos, em aliança com interesses private transnacionais, põe em check a capacidade do sistema protectivo diante das guerras humanitárias e dos tratados internacionais econômicos de nueva generación aqueles que excluem completamente a democracia do processo negociador

    Characterisation of microbial attack on archaeological bone

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    As part of an EU funded project to investigate the factors influencing bone preservation in the archaeological record, more than 250 bones from 41 archaeological sites in five countries spanning four climatic regions were studied for diagenetic alteration. Sites were selected to cover a range of environmental conditions and archaeological contexts. Microscopic and physical (mercury intrusion porosimetry) analyses of these bones revealed that the majority (68%) had suffered microbial attack. Furthermore, significant differences were found between animal and human bone in both the state of preservation and the type of microbial attack present. These differences in preservation might result from differences in early taphonomy of the bones. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved