84 research outputs found

    BDNF-loaded chitosan-based mimetic mussel polymer conduits for repair of peripheral nerve injury

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    Care for patients with peripheral nerve injury is multifaceted, as traditional methods are not devoid of limitations. Although the utilization of neural conduits shows promise as a therapeutic modality for peripheral nerve injury, its efficacy as a standalone intervention is limited. Hence, there is a pressing need to investigate a composite multifunctional neural conduit as an alternative treatment for peripheral nerve injury. In this study, a BDNF-loaded chitosan-based mimetic mussel polymer conduit was prepared. Its unique adhesion characteristics allow it to be suture-free, improve the microenvironment of the injury site, and have good antibacterial properties. Researchers utilized a rat sciatic nerve injury model to evaluate the progression of nerve regeneration at the 12-week postoperative stage. The findings of this study indicate that the chitosan-based mimetic mussel polymer conduit loaded with BDNF had a substantial positive effect on myelination and axon outgrowth. The observed impact demonstrated a favorable outcome in terms of sciatic nerve regeneration and subsequent functional restoration in rats with a 15-mm gap. Hence, this approach is promising for nerve tissue regeneration during peripheral nerve injury

    The genetic architecture of the human cerebral cortex

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    The cerebral cortex underlies our complex cognitive capabilities, yet little is known about the specific genetic loci that influence human cortical structure. To identify genetic variants that affect cortical structure, we conducted a genome-wide association meta-analysis of brain magnetic resonance imaging data from 51,665 individuals. We analyzed the surface area and average thickness of the whole cortex and 34 regions with known functional specializations. We identified 199 significant loci and found significant enrichment for loci influencing total surface area within regulatory elements that are active during prenatal cortical development, supporting the radial unit hypothesis. Loci that affect regional surface area cluster near genes in Wnt signaling pathways, which influence progenitor expansion and areal identity. Variation in cortical structure is genetically correlated with cognitive function, Parkinson's disease, insomnia, depression, neuroticism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

    Real-Time Detection and Spatial Localization of Insulators for UAV Inspection Based on Binocular Stereo Vision

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become important tools for power transmission line inspection. Cameras installed on the platforms can efficiently obtain aerial images containing information about power equipment. However, most of the existing inspection systems cannot perform automatic real-time detection of transmission line components. In this paper, an automatic transmission line inspection system incorporating UAV remote sensing with binocular visual perception technology is developed to accurately detect and locate power equipment in real time. The system consists of a UAV module, embedded industrial computer, binocular visual perception module, and control and observation module. Insulators, which are key components in power transmission lines as well as fault-prone components, are selected as the detection targets. Insulator detection and spatial localization in aerial images with cluttered backgrounds are interesting but challenging tasks for an automatic transmission line inspection system. A two-stage strategy is proposed to achieve precise identification of insulators. First, candidate insulator regions are obtained based on RGB-D saliency detection. Then, the skeleton structure of candidate insulator regions is extracted. We implement a structure search to realize the final accurate detection of insulators. On the basis of insulator detection results, we further propose a real-time object spatial localization method that combines binocular stereo vision and a global positioning system (GPS). The longitude, latitude, and height of insulators are obtained through coordinate conversion based on the UAV’s real-time flight data and equipment parameters. Experiment results in the actual inspection environment (220 kV power transmission line) show that the presented system meets the requirement of robustness and accuracy of insulator detection and spatial localization in practical engineering

    Volatile Element Evidence of Local MORB Mantle Heterogeneity Beneath the Southwest Indian Ridge, 48°–51°E

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    Abstract The mantle source beneath the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) reflects a complex history of contamination. Magmatic volatile contents are vital tracers of these kinds of heterogeneities, which may fractionate otherwise constant volatile/non‐volatile elemental ratios, such as the H2O/Ce ratio. Although several studies have recently used trace element and isotopic data to address mantle source heterogeneity and magmatic processes at SWIR 48°–51°E region, volatile element constraints provide a valuable test of models for the origins of mantle heterogeneities in this region. Here, we present new data for nine rare basaltic glass samples from the 48°–51°E region, which enable careful assessment of the effects of primary versus secondary processes on the glass volatile contents. These samples are strongly affected by variable extents of carbon degassing, and shallow assimilation of Cl‐rich fluid, but also reveal consistently high H2O/Ce ratios (458.8 ± 14.9), among the highest in MORBs, that cannot be explained by late‐stage secondary processes, crustal assimilation, or simple melting of peridotite mantle at variable depths. Instead, the high H2O/Ce ratios are features of the mantle source composition. The 48°–51°E region is notably more depleted in highly incompatible trace elements relative to other regions of the SWIR, although this depletion is not apparent in H2O, which is similarly abundant throughout the SWIR. We link the high H2O/Ce ratios in these glasses with other trace element characteristics diagnostic of subduction and fluid addition, suggesting that the mantle source reflects signatures of a refractory mantle residue that previously melted within a subduction zone

    Development of major element proxies for magmatic H2O content in oceanic basalts

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    Analysis of H2O concentrations in quenched glass has enabled significant improvements in our understanding of its role in mantle melting, magma differentiation, eruption dynamics, and the origin of mantle heterogeneity. Direct measurements of dissolved H2O in glass, however, are not always possible, and we lack robust methods of constraining magmatic H2O contents in aphyric, bulk rock samples that lack glass. Here, we present a major element hygrometer for mid-ocean ridge (MOR) and back-arc basin (BAB) basalt magmas based on the sensitivity of phenocryst phase assemblages to magmatic H2O contents, which translate into resolvable differences in liquid lines of descent (LLDs) as a function of magmatic H2O concentrations. Existing hygrometers lack sufficient resolution to be useful at the low H2O concentrations typical of MOR and BAB basalts (\u3c1.0 wt%). We develop the major element proxy, Al2O3/FeO*(7.0) (fractionation-corrected to 7 wt% MgO), for determining magmatic H2O contents using cogenetic suites of oceanic basalts with well-defined LLDs and well-constrained H2O contents. H2O(7.0) positively correlates with Al2O3/FeO*(7.0) in the mid-ocean ridge basalt dataset, and this relationship is maintained in back-arc basin basalts with a broader range of water contents (up to 2.0 wt%). The main petrological control over this covariation is the role of H2O in suppressing plagioclase crystallization, while crystallization pressure and magmatic oxygen fugacity play lesser roles. Herein, we present an empirical model that uses Al2O3/FeO*(7.0) to estimate the magmatic water content in plagioclase-saturated oceanic basaltic magmas: H2O(7.0) = 1.109Al2O3/FeO∗(7.0) − 1.111. This model enables the estimation of magmatic H2O content using whole-rock major element data, which can be readily determined for aphyric or crystalline lavas that lack quenched glassy rinds, melt inclusions, or appropriate phenocryst assemblages