8 research outputs found

    Modelling the effects of climate change and its uncertainty on UK Chalk groundwater resources from an ensemble of global climate model projections

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    Projections of climate for the 2080s from an ensemble of global climate models (GCMs) run under a medium–high (A2) emissions scenario are used to simulate changes in groundwater resources of a Chalk aquifer in central-southern England. Few studies that have investigated the impacts of climate change on groundwater resources have addressed uncertainty. In this paper the uncertainty associated with use of a suite of GCM outputs in catchment scale impact studies is quantified. A range of predictions is obtained by applying precipitation and temperature change factors, derived from thirteen GCMs, to a distributed recharge model and a groundwater flow model of the Chalk aquifer of the Marlborough and Berkshire Downs and south-west Chilterns in the UK. The ensemble average suggests there will be a 4.9% reduction in annual potential groundwater recharge across the study area, although this is not statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. The spread of results for simulated changes in annual potential groundwater recharge range from a 26% decrease to a 31% increase by the 2080s, with ten predicting a decrease and three an increase. Whilst annual recharge is not found to change significantly, the multi-model results suggest that the seasonal variation in the groundwater resource will be greater, with higher recharge rates during a reduced period of time in winter. The spread of predictions for changes in river baseflow, at the bottom of the largest river sub-catchment, is from −16 to +33% in March and from −68 to −56% in October. The effects of climate change are shown to depend significantly on the type of land-use. It is concluded that further research is required to quantify the effect of different vegetation types on Chalk covered by different thicknesses of soil and their response to a changing climate

    Blood vessel maturation and response to vascular-disrupting therapy in single vascular endothelial growth factor-A isoform-producing tumors

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    Tubulin-binding vascular-disrupting agents (VDA) are currently in clinical trials for cancer therapy but the factors that influence tumor susceptibility to these agents are poorly understood. We evaluated the consequences of modifying tumor vascular morphology and function on vascular and therapeutic response to combretastatin-A4 3-O-phosphate (CA-4-P), which was chosen as a model VDA. Mouse fibrosarcoma cell lines that are capable of expressing all vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) isoforms (control) or only single isoforms of VEGF (VEGF120, VEGF164, or VEGF188) were developed under endogenous VEGF promoter control. Once tumors were established, VEGF isoform expression did not affect growth or blood flow rate. However, VEGF188 was uniquely associated with tumor vascular maturity, resistance to hemorrhage, and resistance to CA-4-P. Pericyte staining was much greater in VEGF188 and control tumors than in VEGF120 and VEGF164 tumors. Vascular volume was highest in VEGF120 and control tumors (CD31 staining) but total vascular length was highest in VEGF188 tumors, reflecting very narrow vessels forming complex vascular networks. I.v. administered 40 kDa FITC-dextran leaked slowly from the vasculature of VEGF188 tumors compared with VEGF120 tumors. Intravital microscopy measurements of vascular length and RBC velocity showed that CA-4-P produced significantly more vascular damage in VEGF120 and VEGF164 tumors than in VEGF188 and control tumors. Importantly, this translated into a similar differential in therapeutic response, as determined by tumor growth delay. Results imply differences in signaling pathways between VEGF isoforms and suggest that VEGF isoforms might be useful in vascular-disrupting cancer therapy to predict tumor susceptibility to VDAs

    Quantification of self pollution from two diesel school buses using three independent methods

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    We monitored two Seattle school buses to quantify the buses' self pollution using the dual tracers (DT), lead vehicle (LV), and chemical mass balance (CMB) methods. Each bus drove along a residential route simulating stops, with windows closed or open. Particulate matter (PM) and its constituents were monitored in the bus and from a LV. We collected source samples from the tailpipe and crankcase emissions using an on-board dilution tunnel. Concentrations of PM(1), ultrafine particle counts, elemental and organic carbon (EC/OC) were higher on the bus than the LV. The DT method estimated that the tailpipe and the crankcase emissions contributed 1.1 and 6.8 mug/m(3) of PM(2.5) inside the bus, respectively, with significantly higher crankcase self pollution (SP) when windows were closed. Approximately two-thirds of in-cabin PM(2.5) originated from background sources. Using the LV approach, SP estimates from the EC and the active personal DataRAM (pDR) measurements correlated well with the DT estimates for tailpipe and crankcase emissions, respectively, although both measurements need further calibration for accurate quantification. CMB results overestimated SP from the DT method but confirmed crankcase emissions as the major SP source. We confirmed buses' SP using three independent methods and quantified crankcase emissions as the dominant contributo